The Left's Assault on America Writ Large.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Tucker Carlson, astute observer of the political scene, provided a disquieting disquisition last evening.

On the one hand, there has certainly been a diminution of the drumbeat by the Democrats claiming collusion between Trump and the Russians, but that has been balanced by increase in the chants of 'impeachment.'
Mr. Carlson was able to provide the broader panoply in his opening.

It is worth the six or seven minutes of your time, and I provided the main points, here.

1. Tucker relates the President's clear position: there was no collusion with the Russians, and he did not pressure James Comey to drop the investigation of his former national security adviser, Michael Flynn.

2. "The Left badly wants to remove Donald Trump from office, not with votes in the next election, as you typically see in working democracies, but they want to remove him today, using legal action, impeachment, or doesn't really any means necessary....mostly because they used to be in power but aren't any more.

3. What happens if they get their way.....worth thinking about because the Democratic Party of today bears almost no resemblance to the Democratic Party of ten years ago.

It has changed in ways that ought to worry you.

4. is a political movement organized around 'identity politics'...the idea that every American is a member of a sub-group, usually a racial group

5. The point of achieving power is to win spoils for that group.
Another word for this is 'tribalism.'

6. Dennis Prager, in his book 'Still The Best Hope,' put it this way:

a. Left refers to the values associated with the Western welfare state, secularism and the vast array of attitudes and positions identified as Left from Karl Marx to contemporary socialist democrat parties and today’s Democratic Party in the United States. The Left-wing ‘trinity’= race, gender, class.

b. American is identified by the “American Trinity” of “Liberty,” “In God We Trust,” and “E Pluribus Unum.” Liberty refers to personal freedom, based on small government , a free economy, and a God-based society. ,” “In God We Trust,” proceeds from the moral values axiomatic with the Founders. “E Pluribus Unum.” refers to a society based on neither ethnicity nor race.

The Right aims to bring Americans together.

The Left sees its power magnified by playing one group against another.
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Tucker Carlson, astute observer of the political scene, provided a disquieting disquisition last evening.

On the one hand, there has certainly been a diminution of the drumbeat by the Democrats claiming collusion between Trump and the Russians, but that has been balanced by increase in the chants of 'impeachment.'
Mr. Carlson was able to provide the broader panoply in his opening.

It is worth the six or seven minutes of your time, and I provided the main points, here.

1. Tucker relates the President's clear position: there was no collusion with the Russians, and he did not pressure James Comey to drop the investigation of his former national security adviser, Michael Flynn.

2. "The Left badly wants to remove Donald Trump from office, not with votes in the next election, as you typically see in working democracies, but they want to remove him today, using legal action, impeachment, or doesn't really any means necessary....mostly because they used to be in power but aren't any more.

3. What happens if they get their way.....worth thinking about because the Democratic Party of today bears almost no resemblance to the Democratic Party of ten years ago.

It has changed in ways that ought to worry you.

4. is a political movement organized around 'identity politics'...the idea that every American is a member of a sub-group, usually a racial group

5. The point of achieving power is to win spoils for that group.
Another word for this is 'tribalism.'

6. Dennis Prager, in his book 'Still The Best Hope,' put it this way:

a. Left refers to the values associated with the Western welfare state, secularism and the vast array of attitudes and positions identified as Left from Karl Marx to contemporary socialist democrat parties and today’s Democratic Party in the United States. [The Left-wing ‘trinity’= race, gender, class.

b. American is identified by the “American Trinity” of “Liberty,” “In God We Trust,” and “E Pluribus Unum.” Liberty refers to personal freedom, based on small government , a free economy, and a God-based society. ,” “In God We Trust,” proceeds from the moral values axiomatic with the Founders. “E Pluribus Unum.” refers to a society based on neither ethnicity nor race.

The Right aims to bring Americans together.

The Left sees its power magnified by playing one group against another.

Tuck Tuck is an imbecile....... Who tells you what to think....

Your parents must be delighted.
Tucker Carlson, astute observer of the political scene, provided a disquieting disquisition last evening.

On the one hand, there has certainly been a diminution of the drumbeat by the Democrats claiming collusion between Trump and the Russians, but that has been balanced by increase in the chants of 'impeachment.'
Mr. Carlson was able to provide the broader panoply in his opening.

It is worth the six or seven minutes of your time, and I provided the main points, here.

1. Tucker relates the President's clear position: there was no collusion with the Russians, and he did not pressure James Comey to drop the investigation of his former national security adviser, Michael Flynn.

2. "The Left badly wants to remove Donald Trump from office, not with votes in the next election, as you typically see in working democracies, but they want to remove him today, using legal action, impeachment, or doesn't really any means necessary....mostly because they used to be in power but aren't any more.

3. What happens if they get their way.....worth thinking about because the Democratic Party of today bears almost no resemblance to the Democratic Party of ten years ago.

It has changed in ways that ought to worry you.

4. is a political movement organized around 'identity politics'...the idea that every American is a member of a sub-group, usually a racial group

5. The point of achieving power is to win spoils for that group.
Another word for this is 'tribalism.'

6. Dennis Prager, in his book 'Still The Best Hope,' put it this way:

a. Left refers to the values associated with the Western welfare state, secularism and the vast array of attitudes and positions identified as Left from Karl Marx to contemporary socialist democrat parties and today’s Democratic Party in the United States. [The Left-wing ‘trinity’= race, gender, class.

b. American is identified by the “American Trinity” of “Liberty,” “In God We Trust,” and “E Pluribus Unum.” Liberty refers to personal freedom, based on small government , a free economy, and a God-based society. ,” “In God We Trust,” proceeds from the moral values axiomatic with the Founders. “E Pluribus Unum.” refers to a society based on neither ethnicity nor race.

The Right aims to bring Americans together.

The Left sees its power magnified by playing one group against another.

Tuck Tuck is an imbecile....... Who tells you what to think....

Your parents must be delighted.

Whenever a post gets under a Leftist's this case, his scales.....the offering is some variation of bloviation, hot air, 'is not,' or 'sez you!'....but never exhibits the ability to quote and dispute any disagreement.

The dopes, as in this case with Slime, simply attempt to be this case, half-witty.

The key point....perhaps the one that drew Slime out from under his that his side can only succeed by splintering America and creating disunity.
I'm pretty sure if the left can't impeach Trump they will kill him. The thing is Pence will get the same treatment Trump is getting now.
Tucker Carlson, astute observer of the political scene, provided a disquieting disquisition last evening.

On the one hand, there has certainly been a diminution of the drumbeat by the Democrats claiming collusion between Trump and the Russians, but that has been balanced by increase in the chants of 'impeachment.'
Mr. Carlson was able to provide the broader panoply in his opening.

It is worth the six or seven minutes of your time, and I provided the main points, here.

1. Tucker relates the President's clear position: there was no collusion with the Russians, and he did not pressure James Comey to drop the investigation of his former national security adviser, Michael Flynn.

2. "The Left badly wants to remove Donald Trump from office, not with votes in the next election, as you typically see in working democracies, but they want to remove him today, using legal action, impeachment, or doesn't really any means necessary....mostly because they used to be in power but aren't any more.

3. What happens if they get their way.....worth thinking about because the Democratic Party of today bears almost no resemblance to the Democratic Party of ten years ago.

It has changed in ways that ought to worry you.

4. is a political movement organized around 'identity politics'...the idea that every American is a member of a sub-group, usually a racial group

5. The point of achieving power is to win spoils for that group.
Another word for this is 'tribalism.'

6. Dennis Prager, in his book 'Still The Best Hope,' put it this way:

a. Left refers to the values associated with the Western welfare state, secularism and the vast array of attitudes and positions identified as Left from Karl Marx to contemporary socialist democrat parties and today’s Democratic Party in the United States. [The Left-wing ‘trinity’= race, gender, class.

b. American is identified by the “American Trinity” of “Liberty,” “In God We Trust,” and “E Pluribus Unum.” Liberty refers to personal freedom, based on small government , a free economy, and a God-based society. ,” “In God We Trust,” proceeds from the moral values axiomatic with the Founders. “E Pluribus Unum.” refers to a society based on neither ethnicity nor race.

The Right aims to bring Americans together.

The Left sees its power magnified by playing one group against another.

Tuck Tuck is an imbecile....... Who tells you what to think....

Your parents must be delighted.

Whenever a post gets under a Leftist's this case, his scales.....the offering is some variation of bloviation, hot air, 'is not,' or 'sez you!'....but never exhibits the ability to quote and dispute any disagreement.

The dopes, as in this case with Slime, simply attempt to be this case, half-witty.

The key point....perhaps the one that drew Slime out from under his that his side can only succeed by splintering America and creating disunity.

You rebleated Tuck Tuck's "observations" which he churns out "for entertainment purposes only".....TuckTuck is now responsible for keeping Maybelline Bill's geriatric constituency in the FOX fold........

This means going Full O'Reilly.......which works for TuckTuck cause he's all about the pieces of silver.
I'm pretty sure if the left can't impeach Trump they will kill him. The thing is Pence will get the same treatment Trump is getting now.

I shudder to imagine that event.

But....there is this precedent:

Every presidential assassin in the history of the nation has been a liberal- or has not been associated with a political outlook- none were right-wingers.

And, of course, the history of Leftism is rife with same turning to violence.

"Georges Eugène Sorel (2 November 1847 in Cherbourg – 29 August 1922 in Boulogne-sur-Seine) was a French philosopher and theorist of revolutionary syndicalism. His notion of the power of myth in people's lives inspired Marxists and Fascists, it is, together with his defense of violence, the contribution for which he is most often remembered."
Georges Sorel - Wikipedia
Tucker Carlson, astute observer of the political scene, provided a disquieting disquisition last evening.

On the one hand, there has certainly been a diminution of the drumbeat by the Democrats claiming collusion between Trump and the Russians, but that has been balanced by increase in the chants of 'impeachment.'
Mr. Carlson was able to provide the broader panoply in his opening.

It is worth the six or seven minutes of your time, and I provided the main points, here.

1. Tucker relates the President's clear position: there was no collusion with the Russians, and he did not pressure James Comey to drop the investigation of his former national security adviser, Michael Flynn.

2. "The Left badly wants to remove Donald Trump from office, not with votes in the next election, as you typically see in working democracies, but they want to remove him today, using legal action, impeachment, or doesn't really any means necessary....mostly because they used to be in power but aren't any more.

3. What happens if they get their way.....worth thinking about because the Democratic Party of today bears almost no resemblance to the Democratic Party of ten years ago.

It has changed in ways that ought to worry you.

4. is a political movement organized around 'identity politics'...the idea that every American is a member of a sub-group, usually a racial group

5. The point of achieving power is to win spoils for that group.
Another word for this is 'tribalism.'

6. Dennis Prager, in his book 'Still The Best Hope,' put it this way:

a. Left refers to the values associated with the Western welfare state, secularism and the vast array of attitudes and positions identified as Left from Karl Marx to contemporary socialist democrat parties and today’s Democratic Party in the United States. [The Left-wing ‘trinity’= race, gender, class.

b. American is identified by the “American Trinity” of “Liberty,” “In God We Trust,” and “E Pluribus Unum.” Liberty refers to personal freedom, based on small government , a free economy, and a God-based society. ,” “In God We Trust,” proceeds from the moral values axiomatic with the Founders. “E Pluribus Unum.” refers to a society based on neither ethnicity nor race.

The Right aims to bring Americans together.

The Left sees its power magnified by playing one group against another.

Tuck Tuck is an imbecile....... Who tells you what to think....

Your parents must be delighted.

Whenever a post gets under a Leftist's this case, his scales.....the offering is some variation of bloviation, hot air, 'is not,' or 'sez you!'....but never exhibits the ability to quote and dispute any disagreement.

The dopes, as in this case with Slime, simply attempt to be this case, half-witty.

The key point....perhaps the one that drew Slime out from under his that his side can only succeed by splintering America and creating disunity.

You rebleated Tuck Tuck's "observations" which he churns out "for entertainment purposes only".....TuckTuck is now responsible for keeping Maybelline Bill's geriatric constituency in the FOX fold........

This means going Full O'Reilly.......which works for TuckTuck cause he's all about the pieces of silver.

Whenever a post gets under a Leftist's this case, his scales.....the offering is some variation of bloviation, hot air, 'is not,' or 'sez you!'....but never exhibits the ability to quote and dispute any disagreement.

The dopes, as in this case with Slime, simply attempt to be this case, half-witty.

Poor Slime.....just dying to be relevant.....but, more like a eunuch in a harem....he wants to do it....but can't.
Tucker Carlson, astute observer of the political scene, provided a disquieting disquisition last evening.

On the one hand, there has certainly been a diminution of the drumbeat by the Democrats claiming collusion between Trump and the Russians, but that has been balanced by increase in the chants of 'impeachment.'
Mr. Carlson was able to provide the broader panoply in his opening.

It is worth the six or seven minutes of your time, and I provided the main points, here.

1. Tucker relates the President's clear position: there was no collusion with the Russians, and he did not pressure James Comey to drop the investigation of his former national security adviser, Michael Flynn.

2. "The Left badly wants to remove Donald Trump from office, not with votes in the next election, as you typically see in working democracies, but they want to remove him today, using legal action, impeachment, or doesn't really any means necessary....mostly because they used to be in power but aren't any more.

3. What happens if they get their way.....worth thinking about because the Democratic Party of today bears almost no resemblance to the Democratic Party of ten years ago.

It has changed in ways that ought to worry you.

4. is a political movement organized around 'identity politics'...the idea that every American is a member of a sub-group, usually a racial group

5. The point of achieving power is to win spoils for that group.
Another word for this is 'tribalism.'

6. Dennis Prager, in his book 'Still The Best Hope,' put it this way:

a. Left refers to the values associated with the Western welfare state, secularism and the vast array of attitudes and positions identified as Left from Karl Marx to contemporary socialist democrat parties and today’s Democratic Party in the United States. [The Left-wing ‘trinity’= race, gender, class.

b. American is identified by the “American Trinity” of “Liberty,” “In God We Trust,” and “E Pluribus Unum.” Liberty refers to personal freedom, based on small government , a free economy, and a God-based society. ,” “In God We Trust,” proceeds from the moral values axiomatic with the Founders. “E Pluribus Unum.” refers to a society based on neither ethnicity nor race.

The Right aims to bring Americans together.

The Left sees its power magnified by playing one group against another.

Tuck Tuck is an imbecile....... Who tells you what to think....

Your parents must be delighted.

Whenever a post gets under a Leftist's this case, his scales.....the offering is some variation of bloviation, hot air, 'is not,' or 'sez you!'....but never exhibits the ability to quote and dispute any disagreement.

The dopes, as in this case with Slime, simply attempt to be this case, half-witty.

The key point....perhaps the one that drew Slime out from under his that his side can only succeed by splintering America and creating disunity.

You rebleated Tuck Tuck's "observations" which he churns out "for entertainment purposes only".....TuckTuck is now responsible for keeping Maybelline Bill's geriatric constituency in the FOX fold........

This means going Full O'Reilly.......which works for TuckTuck cause he's all about the pieces of silver.

Whenever a post gets under a Leftist's this case, his scales.....the offering is some variation of bloviation, hot air, 'is not,' or 'sez you!'....but never exhibits the ability to quote and dispute any disagreement.

The dopes, as in this case with Slime, simply attempt to be this case, half-witty.

Poor Slime.....just dying to be relevant.....but, more like a eunuch in a harem....he wants to do it....but can't.

When they need an " introduction ", you can pretty much tell what's coming...

Tucker Carlson, astute observer of the political scene, provided a disquieting disquisition last evening.

That anything leaking from that gormless douche's yap causes you "disquiet" sez it all, is why you live alone with 26 cats and a commercial fridge.
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Tucker Carlson, astute observer of the political scene, provided a disquieting disquisition last evening.

On the one hand, there has certainly been a diminution of the drumbeat by the Democrats claiming collusion between Trump and the Russians, but that has been balanced by increase in the chants of 'impeachment.'
Mr. Carlson was able to provide the broader panoply in his opening.

It is worth the six or seven minutes of your time, and I provided the main points, here.

1. Tucker relates the President's clear position: there was no collusion with the Russians, and he did not pressure James Comey to drop the investigation of his former national security adviser, Michael Flynn.

2. "The Left badly wants to remove Donald Trump from office, not with votes in the next election, as you typically see in working democracies, but they want to remove him today, using legal action, impeachment, or doesn't really any means necessary....mostly because they used to be in power but aren't any more.

3. What happens if they get their way.....worth thinking about because the Democratic Party of today bears almost no resemblance to the Democratic Party of ten years ago.

It has changed in ways that ought to worry you.

4. is a political movement organized around 'identity politics'...the idea that every American is a member of a sub-group, usually a racial group

5. The point of achieving power is to win spoils for that group.
Another word for this is 'tribalism.'

6. Dennis Prager, in his book 'Still The Best Hope,' put it this way:

a. Left refers to the values associated with the Western welfare state, secularism and the vast array of attitudes and positions identified as Left from Karl Marx to contemporary socialist democrat parties and today’s Democratic Party in the United States. The Left-wing ‘trinity’= race, gender, class.

b. American is identified by the “American Trinity” of “Liberty,” “In God We Trust,” and “E Pluribus Unum.” Liberty refers to personal freedom, based on small government , a free economy, and a God-based society. ,” “In God We Trust,” proceeds from the moral values axiomatic with the Founders. “E Pluribus Unum.” refers to a society based on neither ethnicity nor race.

The Right aims to bring Americans together.

The Left sees its power magnified by playing one group against another.

How many times does Trump have to lie before you begin to question what he says minion?
Tucker Carlson, astute observer of the political scene, provided a disquieting disquisition last evening.

On the one hand, there has certainly been a diminution of the drumbeat by the Democrats claiming collusion between Trump and the Russians, but that has been balanced by increase in the chants of 'impeachment.'
Mr. Carlson was able to provide the broader panoply in his opening.

It is worth the six or seven minutes of your time, and I provided the main points, here.

1. Tucker relates the President's clear position: there was no collusion with the Russians, and he did not pressure James Comey to drop the investigation of his former national security adviser, Michael Flynn.

2. "The Left badly wants to remove Donald Trump from office, not with votes in the next election, as you typically see in working democracies, but they want to remove him today, using legal action, impeachment, or doesn't really any means necessary....mostly because they used to be in power but aren't any more.

3. What happens if they get their way.....worth thinking about because the Democratic Party of today bears almost no resemblance to the Democratic Party of ten years ago.

It has changed in ways that ought to worry you.

4. is a political movement organized around 'identity politics'...the idea that every American is a member of a sub-group, usually a racial group

5. The point of achieving power is to win spoils for that group.
Another word for this is 'tribalism.'

6. Dennis Prager, in his book 'Still The Best Hope,' put it this way:

a. Left refers to the values associated with the Western welfare state, secularism and the vast array of attitudes and positions identified as Left from Karl Marx to contemporary socialist democrat parties and today’s Democratic Party in the United States. [The Left-wing ‘trinity’= race, gender, class.

b. American is identified by the “American Trinity” of “Liberty,” “In God We Trust,” and “E Pluribus Unum.” Liberty refers to personal freedom, based on small government , a free economy, and a God-based society. ,” “In God We Trust,” proceeds from the moral values axiomatic with the Founders. “E Pluribus Unum.” refers to a society based on neither ethnicity nor race.

The Right aims to bring Americans together.

The Left sees its power magnified by playing one group against another.

Tuck Tuck is an imbecile....... Who tells you what to think....

Your parents must be delighted.

Whenever a post gets under a Leftist's this case, his scales.....the offering is some variation of bloviation, hot air, 'is not,' or 'sez you!'....but never exhibits the ability to quote and dispute any disagreement.

The dopes, as in this case with Slime, simply attempt to be this case, half-witty.

The key point....perhaps the one that drew Slime out from under his that his side can only succeed by splintering America and creating disunity.

You rebleated Tuck Tuck's "observations" which he churns out "for entertainment purposes only".....TuckTuck is now responsible for keeping Maybelline Bill's geriatric constituency in the FOX fold........

This means going Full O'Reilly.......which works for TuckTuck cause he's all about the pieces of silver.

Whenever a post gets under a Leftist's this case, his scales.....the offering is some variation of bloviation, hot air, 'is not,' or 'sez you!'....but never exhibits the ability to quote and dispute any disagreement.

The dopes, as in this case with Slime, simply attempt to be this case, half-witty.

Poor Slime.....just dying to be relevant.....but, more like a eunuch in a harem....he wants to do it....but can't.

When they need an " introduction ", you can pretty much tell what's coming...

Tucker Carlson, astute observer of the political scene, provided a disquieting disquisition last evening.

That anything leaking from that gormlessly douche's yap causes you " disquiet" sez it all, is why you live alone with 26 cats and a commercial fridge.

Actually Tucker hit the nail on the head. The democrat play book exposed. They divide and conquer just like every other dictator and Marxist on the planet. The people are waking up to the game and that is why you revert to vitriol and hatred, even suggesting assassination if you don't get your way... Hit the target dead center PC did...
Tucker Carlson, astute observer of the political scene, provided a disquieting disquisition last evening.

On the one hand, there has certainly been a diminution of the drumbeat by the Democrats claiming collusion between Trump and the Russians, but that has been balanced by increase in the chants of 'impeachment.'
Mr. Carlson was able to provide the broader panoply in his opening.

It is worth the six or seven minutes of your time, and I provided the main points, here.

1. Tucker relates the President's clear position: there was no collusion with the Russians, and he did not pressure James Comey to drop the investigation of his former national security adviser, Michael Flynn.

2. "The Left badly wants to remove Donald Trump from office, not with votes in the next election, as you typically see in working democracies, but they want to remove him today, using legal action, impeachment, or doesn't really any means necessary....mostly because they used to be in power but aren't any more.

3. What happens if they get their way.....worth thinking about because the Democratic Party of today bears almost no resemblance to the Democratic Party of ten years ago.

It has changed in ways that ought to worry you.

4. is a political movement organized around 'identity politics'...the idea that every American is a member of a sub-group, usually a racial group

5. The point of achieving power is to win spoils for that group.
Another word for this is 'tribalism.'

6. Dennis Prager, in his book 'Still The Best Hope,' put it this way:

a. Left refers to the values associated with the Western welfare state, secularism and the vast array of attitudes and positions identified as Left from Karl Marx to contemporary socialist democrat parties and today’s Democratic Party in the United States. [The Left-wing ‘trinity’= race, gender, class.

b. American is identified by the “American Trinity” of “Liberty,” “In God We Trust,” and “E Pluribus Unum.” Liberty refers to personal freedom, based on small government , a free economy, and a God-based society. ,” “In God We Trust,” proceeds from the moral values axiomatic with the Founders. “E Pluribus Unum.” refers to a society based on neither ethnicity nor race.

The Right aims to bring Americans together.

The Left sees its power magnified by playing one group against another.

Tuck Tuck is an imbecile....... Who tells you what to think....

Your parents must be delighted.

Whenever a post gets under a Leftist's this case, his scales.....the offering is some variation of bloviation, hot air, 'is not,' or 'sez you!'....but never exhibits the ability to quote and dispute any disagreement.

The dopes, as in this case with Slime, simply attempt to be this case, half-witty.

The key point....perhaps the one that drew Slime out from under his that his side can only succeed by splintering America and creating disunity.

You rebleated Tuck Tuck's "observations" which he churns out "for entertainment purposes only".....TuckTuck is now responsible for keeping Maybelline Bill's geriatric constituency in the FOX fold........

This means going Full O'Reilly.......which works for TuckTuck cause he's all about the pieces of silver.

Whenever a post gets under a Leftist's this case, his scales.....the offering is some variation of bloviation, hot air, 'is not,' or 'sez you!'....but never exhibits the ability to quote and dispute any disagreement.

The dopes, as in this case with Slime, simply attempt to be this case, half-witty.

Poor Slime.....just dying to be relevant.....but, more like a eunuch in a harem....he wants to do it....but can't.

When they need an " introduction ", you can pretty much tell what's coming...

Tucker Carlson, astute observer of the political scene, provided a disquieting disquisition last evening.

That anything leaking from that gormlessly douche's yap causes you " disquiet" sez it all, is why you live alone with 26 cats and a commercial fridge.

Ooooo......look how quickly I've reduced this dunce to mindless chatter.

It's one of my skills.

But....I certainly want to reward you appropriately for obeying my silent commands:

Doggie Treat?
Tucker Carlson, astute observer of the political scene, provided a disquieting disquisition last evening.

On the one hand, there has certainly been a diminution of the drumbeat by the Democrats claiming collusion between Trump and the Russians, but that has been balanced by increase in the chants of 'impeachment.'
Mr. Carlson was able to provide the broader panoply in his opening.

It is worth the six or seven minutes of your time, and I provided the main points, here.

1. Tucker relates the President's clear position: there was no collusion with the Russians, and he did not pressure James Comey to drop the investigation of his former national security adviser, Michael Flynn.

2. "The Left badly wants to remove Donald Trump from office, not with votes in the next election, as you typically see in working democracies, but they want to remove him today, using legal action, impeachment, or doesn't really any means necessary....mostly because they used to be in power but aren't any more.

3. What happens if they get their way.....worth thinking about because the Democratic Party of today bears almost no resemblance to the Democratic Party of ten years ago.

It has changed in ways that ought to worry you.

4. is a political movement organized around 'identity politics'...the idea that every American is a member of a sub-group, usually a racial group

5. The point of achieving power is to win spoils for that group.
Another word for this is 'tribalism.'

6. Dennis Prager, in his book 'Still The Best Hope,' put it this way:

a. Left refers to the values associated with the Western welfare state, secularism and the vast array of attitudes and positions identified as Left from Karl Marx to contemporary socialist democrat parties and today’s Democratic Party in the United States. The Left-wing ‘trinity’= race, gender, class.

b. American is identified by the “American Trinity” of “Liberty,” “In God We Trust,” and “E Pluribus Unum.” Liberty refers to personal freedom, based on small government , a free economy, and a God-based society. ,” “In God We Trust,” proceeds from the moral values axiomatic with the Founders. “E Pluribus Unum.” refers to a society based on neither ethnicity nor race.

The Right aims to bring Americans together.

The Left sees its power magnified by playing one group against another.

How many times does Trump have to lie before you begin to question what he says minion?

PC will never question a 'Conservative' source. She is incapable of independent thought.

Speaking of idiots who don't deal in facts or the real world... Here are two who will parrot their masters lies without question.
Tucker Carlson, astute observer of the political scene, provided a disquieting disquisition last evening.

On the one hand, there has certainly been a diminution of the drumbeat by the Democrats claiming collusion between Trump and the Russians, but that has been balanced by increase in the chants of 'impeachment.'
Mr. Carlson was able to provide the broader panoply in his opening.

It is worth the six or seven minutes of your time, and I provided the main points, here.

1. Tucker relates the President's clear position: there was no collusion with the Russians, and he did not pressure James Comey to drop the investigation of his former national security adviser, Michael Flynn.

2. "The Left badly wants to remove Donald Trump from office, not with votes in the next election, as you typically see in working democracies, but they want to remove him today, using legal action, impeachment, or doesn't really any means necessary....mostly because they used to be in power but aren't any more.

3. What happens if they get their way.....worth thinking about because the Democratic Party of today bears almost no resemblance to the Democratic Party of ten years ago.

It has changed in ways that ought to worry you.

4. is a political movement organized around 'identity politics'...the idea that every American is a member of a sub-group, usually a racial group

5. The point of achieving power is to win spoils for that group.
Another word for this is 'tribalism.'

6. Dennis Prager, in his book 'Still The Best Hope,' put it this way:

a. Left refers to the values associated with the Western welfare state, secularism and the vast array of attitudes and positions identified as Left from Karl Marx to contemporary socialist democrat parties and today’s Democratic Party in the United States. The Left-wing ‘trinity’= race, gender, class.

b. American is identified by the “American Trinity” of “Liberty,” “In God We Trust,” and “E Pluribus Unum.” Liberty refers to personal freedom, based on small government , a free economy, and a God-based society. ,” “In God We Trust,” proceeds from the moral values axiomatic with the Founders. “E Pluribus Unum.” refers to a society based on neither ethnicity nor race.

The Right aims to bring Americans together.

The Left sees its power magnified by playing one group against another.

How many times does Trump have to lie before you begin to question what he says minion?

"I like cooking my family and my pets."

Use commas, don't be a psycho.
PC will never question a 'Conservative' source. She is incapable of independent thought.

And speaking of 'incapable of independent thought...'

Whenever a post gets under a Leftist's this case, the asphalt that passes for a brain.....the offering is some variation of bloviation, hot air, 'is not,' or 'sez you!'....but never exhibits the ability to quote and dispute any disagreement.

Where is the quote, the example of anything in the post that is not correct, accurate, or true.
7. "Tribalism [identity politics] the most divisive way to run a country.

8. ....Tribalism is not about ideas, it is based instead, on immutable characteristics, it is inherently unreasonable.

There is no winning arguments, or even having arguments....there is only victory or defeat for the group you belong to.

9. Every group finds itself at war with every other group.

It is the perfect perversion of the American ideal."
Carlson Vid

Not “E Pluribus Unum.”....out of many, one....but the very opposite: out of one, many.

It is the splintering of our nation, the balkanization known as multiculturalism, and the end of America.

No iteration of the Left,....Liberals, Socialists, Progressives, Democrats, whatever....can be considered truly American.
To them, their power is far more important than the survival of this noble experiment, America.
How many commie/Nazi sources do the snowflakes question, I wonder.

A bunch of sheep, and every one a shepherd.

"How many commie/Nazi sources do the snowflakes question"

As pointed out in this venue often, it's a family thing....

Here are the family members:
Nazis, Communists, Liberals, Socialists,Fascists, Progressives
Tucker Carlson, astute observer of the political scene, provided a disquieting disquisition last evening.

On the one hand, there has certainly been a diminution of the drumbeat by the Democrats claiming collusion between Trump and the Russians, but that has been balanced by increase in the chants of 'impeachment.'
Mr. Carlson was able to provide the broader panoply in his opening.

It is worth the six or seven minutes of your time, and I provided the main points, here.

1. Tucker relates the President's clear position: there was no collusion with the Russians, and he did not pressure James Comey to drop the investigation of his former national security adviser, Michael Flynn.

2. "The Left badly wants to remove Donald Trump from office, not with votes in the next election, as you typically see in working democracies, but they want to remove him today, using legal action, impeachment, or doesn't really any means necessary....mostly because they used to be in power but aren't any more.

3. What happens if they get their way.....worth thinking about because the Democratic Party of today bears almost no resemblance to the Democratic Party of ten years ago.

It has changed in ways that ought to worry you.

4. is a political movement organized around 'identity politics'...the idea that every American is a member of a sub-group, usually a racial group

5. The point of achieving power is to win spoils for that group.
Another word for this is 'tribalism.'

6. Dennis Prager, in his book 'Still The Best Hope,' put it this way:

a. Left refers to the values associated with the Western welfare state, secularism and the vast array of attitudes and positions identified as Left from Karl Marx to contemporary socialist democrat parties and today’s Democratic Party in the United States. The Left-wing ‘trinity’= race, gender, class.

b. American is identified by the “American Trinity” of “Liberty,” “In God We Trust,” and “E Pluribus Unum.” Liberty refers to personal freedom, based on small government , a free economy, and a God-based society. ,” “In God We Trust,” proceeds from the moral values axiomatic with the Founders. “E Pluribus Unum.” refers to a society based on neither ethnicity nor race.

The Right aims to bring Americans together.

The Left sees its power magnified by playing one group against another.

How many times does Trump have to lie before you begin to question what he says minion?

This is a "woman", or 420 lb Latvian sweating in his mom's basement, uncritically regurgitating the IdiotSmack of a notoriously accommodating media whore.
Tuck Tuck is an imbecile....... Who tells you what to think....

Your parents must be delighted.

Whenever a post gets under a Leftist's this case, his scales.....the offering is some variation of bloviation, hot air, 'is not,' or 'sez you!'....but never exhibits the ability to quote and dispute any disagreement.

The dopes, as in this case with Slime, simply attempt to be this case, half-witty.

The key point....perhaps the one that drew Slime out from under his that his side can only succeed by splintering America and creating disunity.
You rebleated Tuck Tuck's "observations" which he churns out "for entertainment purposes only".....TuckTuck is now responsible for keeping Maybelline Bill's geriatric constituency in the FOX fold........

This means going Full O'Reilly.......which works for TuckTuck cause he's all about the pieces of silver.

Whenever a post gets under a Leftist's this case, his scales.....the offering is some variation of bloviation, hot air, 'is not,' or 'sez you!'....but never exhibits the ability to quote and dispute any disagreement.

The dopes, as in this case with Slime, simply attempt to be this case, half-witty.

Poor Slime.....just dying to be relevant.....but, more like a eunuch in a harem....he wants to do it....but can't.
When they need an " introduction ", you can pretty much tell what's coming...

Tucker Carlson, astute observer of the political scene, provided a disquieting disquisition last evening.

That anything leaking from that gormlessly douche's yap causes you " disquiet" sez it all, is why you live alone with 26 cats and a commercial fridge.
Actually Tucker hit the nail on the head. The democrat play book exposed. They divide and conquer just like every other dictator and Marxist on the planet. The people are waking up to the game and that is why you revert to vitriol and hatred, even suggesting assassination if you don't get your way... Hit the target dead center PC did...

An Alinsky!

Quick, hide!

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