The left’s boogeyman vision of Gorsuch


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
This is what's happening to the left @ these ends of their days...


The left’s boogeyman vision of Gorsuch

The Washington Post
Kathleen Parker 2 days ago

To review the left’s reaction to Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch is to infer he’s the spawn of Dracula — a cruel and bloodless beast who shrinks from the light and plays havoc with history.

Among the many distortions: Gorsuch is against clean water, consumers, women’s health, dying people and workers. The liberal Alliance for Justice declares him worse in some ways than Justice Antonin Scalia, whose seat Gorsuch would assume if confirmed. People for the American Way claims he’s an ideologue “far outside of the judicial mainstream who has a record of warping the law to serve the powerful over the interests and constitutional rights of ordinary Americans.”

Or, one could argue that he is courageous in protecting the people and the Constitution by adhering to the text and original intent without concern for his popularity.


The upcoming debate should be scintillating theater as it strikes at the heart of a judge’s role. Gorsuch has made himself clear on this. In a 2016 concurrence, he wrote: “Ours is the job of interpreting the Constitution. And that document isn’t some inkblot on which litigants may project their hopes and dreams for a new and perfected tort law, but a carefully drafted text judges are charged with applying according to its original public meaning.”

I wouldn’t wish on anyone the task of proving that wrong.

The left’s boogeyman vision of Gorsuch
That's been debunked a thousand times little girl. Care to comment on Gorsuch supporting the illegal and unconstitutional in his college yearbook?

Simply quoting someone isn't an endorsement, seemed just the opposite for someone with his judicial philosophy.
He could have quoted lots of other people. His quote seems to be in line with what Trump wants, though. Likely why Trump picked him.
That's been debunked a thousand times little girl. Care to comment on Gorsuch supporting the illegal and unconstitutional in his college yearbook?

Simply quoting someone isn't an endorsement, seemed just the opposite for someone with his judicial philosophy.
He could have quoted lots of other people. His quote seems to be in line with what Trump wants, though. Likely why Trump picked him.

And the spin never stops, BTW who's chasing your in you avi?

One other thing, isn't that form his undergrad school, before he got his law degrees?
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