The left's careless rush to assign blame and shut down abortion discussion...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
The fix is in...the lunatics of the left rush to discount the religious aspect of jihad, yet clamor to affix blame to Christians and Republicans any time anyone who ISN'T a jihadist strikes.

"...the rush to apportion blame as widely and carelessly as possible is on....when Islamic terrorists strike, we get immediate assurances of the peaceableness of Islam. When an oddball drifter attacks a Planned Parenthood clinic, we hear about the collective guilt of pro-lifers."

"Even before the standoff was over, left-wing social media was ablaze with warnings about “Christian terrorism,” and prominent voices were suggesting that Planned Parenthood workers regularly face similar violence; they have seized on unconfirmed reports that Dear, post-arrest, mentioned to investigators his opposition to taking “baby parts” (although reports also say his post-arrest comments were rambling)."

"Never mind that the shooter, Robert Dear, apparently had no connection to the Republican Party or the pro-life movement, or to much of anyone, if initial reports are to be believed. He was a loner who avoided eye contact and dispensed paranoid advice to neighbors on how to avoid detection by the government."

"Today, most acts of domestic terrorism are committed by radical environmentalists, albeit they typically only involve property damage. Does this mean that we need to tone down the rhetoric about climate change and the allegedly catastrophic threat it represents to the future of humanity? If so, someone needs to get word to John Kerry and Barack Obama in Paris immediately."
"The pro-life movement is overwhelmingly peaceful and prayerful, and seeks a more just society where all are welcomed into life. Robert Dear, who wantonly took three lives and wounded nine others, is the antithesis of all that it stands for. Neither his atrocity nor the smears of the Left should hinder its work. The debate over abortion will — and must — go on."

Read more at: Planned Parenthood Shooting Immediately Put to Work for Pro-Abortion Agenda | National Review Online
He probably meant to shoot up Chikfila and missed.
The victim was an Evangelical Christian, incidentally.
This illustrates the reason I believe all libturds are either complete blithering idiots, or criminally insane totalitarian sociopaths.

They have no sense of grief over the fact that innocent people were killed, in fact they're delighted by having an incident where they can point their finger at people they're programmed to hate and regurgitate grade school level taunts.

These "people" are really beneath contempt.

I think the fact that the officer killed was an evangelical Christian should be ample evidence that the killer was an anti-Christian liberal.

They determined he was a Christian terrorist based on less....
I think the fact that the officer killed was an evangelical Christian should be ample evidence that the killer was an anti-Christian liberal.

They determined he was a Christian terrorist based on less....
He also killed a veteran, does this mean he was anti-military?

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