the lefts claim that Trump supporters arent getting vaccinated are spreading covid is a lie

Who cares who is or isn't vaccinated. It's up to the individual to decide. President Trump already got us over the hump so I don't see what all the fabricated fuss is all about. This virus has done more to damage our scientific community than anything in history and it's because of political bullshit like this.
LOL, no rational person believes,

"President Trump already got us over the hump".

An Idiot-gram ^^^ on steroids.

Vaccines typically take 5-10 years to develop. Trump did it in six months. There would be no vaccines if had been left up to an idiot like Biden.

Have you thanked President Trump today for your vaccine shot?
LOL, Trump did what? He sure didn't develop the vaccines. I suspect he never took chemistry and I have no doubt he never studied undergraduate coursework in biology, chemistry, calculus, health science, social science, and behavioral science.

In fact Trump put more people in harms way of the virus by holding rallies without masks and his cockamamie claims that the virus would soon disappear.

Are you a liar or a dimwit, easily led by this charlatan and demagogue ?

You're an idiot. Trump gets three vaccines to market in six months, and the failure Biden can't even get 70% vaccinated in three months. Good thing it wasn't up to the stuttering fuck to mobilize the pharmaceutical industries, we'd still be years from seeing a vaccine.

Now repeat after me: "Thank you President Trump."

Who cares who is or isn't vaccinated. It's up to the individual to decide. President Trump already got us over the hump so I don't see what all the fabricated fuss is all about. This virus has done more to damage our scientific community than anything in history and it's because of political bullshit like this.
LOL, no rational person believes,

"President Trump already got us over the hump".

An Idiot-gram ^^^ on steroids.

Vaccines typically take 5-10 years to develop. Trump did it in six months. There would be no vaccines if had been left up to an idiot like Biden.

Have you thanked President Trump today for your vaccine shot?
LOL, Trump did what? He sure didn't develop the vaccines. I suspect he never took chemistry and I have no doubt he never studied undergraduate coursework in biology, chemistry, calculus, health science, social science, and behavioral science.

In fact Trump put more people in harms way of the virus by holding rallies without masks and his cockamamie claims that the virus would soon disappear.

Are you a liar or a dimwit, easily led by this charlatan and demagogue ?

You're an idiot. Trump gets three vaccines to market in six months, and the failure Biden can't even get 70% vaccinated in three months. Good thing it wasn't up to the stuttering fuck to mobilize the pharmaceutical industries, we'd still be years from seeing a vaccine.

Now repeat after me: "Thank you President Trump."

6 months?

What’s the big deal? It’s just a bad cold and you want hand out a medal? Does the former president get one for participation?
It’s not a lie.

‘People who have not been vaccinated against COVID-19 not only risk their own health but are "variant factories," an infectious disease expert told CNN.

"Unvaccinated people are potential variant factories," Dr. William Schaffner, a professor in the Division of Infectious Diseases at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, told CNN.

"The more unvaccinated people there are, the more opportunities for the virus to multiply," he added.

Variants evolve in the body of a person who is infected with the coronavirus.’

That's BS, there is no evidence that asymptomatic transmission occurs. One of many many Covid lies. Another are these absurd variants. Viruses do not build up, they build down in severity. Otherwise the Flu of 1918 would have continued until it killed the entire planet. Masks protect exactly fuck all as well.
Anyone who believes any of this absurd tripe needs their head examined.
RNA mutates a million times faster than DNA.

you must be from one of the white states:
You must be a snobbish simp who categorizes people by their geographical location.
Who cares who is or isn't vaccinated. It's up to the individual to decide. President Trump already got us over the hump so I don't see what all the fabricated fuss is all about. This virus has done more to damage our scientific community than anything in history and it's because of political bullshit like this.
LOL, no rational person believes,

"President Trump already got us over the hump".

An Idiot-gram ^^^ on steroids.

Vaccines typically take 5-10 years to develop. Trump did it in six months. There would be no vaccines if had been left up to an idiot like Biden.

Have you thanked President Trump today for your vaccine shot?
LOL, Trump did what? He sure didn't develop the vaccines. I suspect he never took chemistry and I have no doubt he never studied undergraduate coursework in biology, chemistry, calculus, health science, social science, and behavioral science.

In fact Trump put more people in harms way of the virus by holding rallies without masks and his cockamamie claims that the virus would soon disappear.

Are you a liar or a dimwit, easily led by this charlatan and demagogue ?

You're an idiot. Trump gets three vaccines to market in six months, and the failure Biden can't even get 70% vaccinated in three months. Good thing it wasn't up to the stuttering fuck to mobilize the pharmaceutical industries, we'd still be years from seeing a vaccine.

Now repeat after me: "Thank you President Trump."

Now repeat me: Dumb Donald put more people in harms way with his bullshit used to protect his job. He failed at that. Thank you founders for the Democratic Republic which we have had for two plus centuries. Oh, and fuck those assholes who tried to overthrow democracy in America on Jan. 6th 2021.
The left is running concentration camps stuffed with the sick. When enough people have been contaminated the Biden administration spreads them around the country.
It’s not a lie.

‘People who have not been vaccinated against COVID-19 not only risk their own health but are "variant factories," an infectious disease expert told CNN.

"Unvaccinated people are potential variant factories," Dr. William Schaffner, a professor in the Division of Infectious Diseases at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, told CNN.

"The more unvaccinated people there are, the more opportunities for the virus to multiply," he added.

Variants evolve in the body of a person who is infected with the coronavirus.’

That's BS, there is no evidence that asymptomatic transmission occurs. One of many many Covid lies. Another are these absurd variants. Viruses do not build up, they build down in severity. Otherwise the Flu of 1918 would have continued until it killed the entire planet. Masks protect exactly fuck all as well.
Anyone who believes any of this absurd tripe needs their head examined.
RNA mutates a million times faster than DNA.

you must be from one of the white states:

Another right wing thread totally decapitated.

Thanks for posting that.
It’s not a lie.

‘People who have not been vaccinated against COVID-19 not only risk their own health but are "variant factories," an infectious disease expert told CNN.

"Unvaccinated people are potential variant factories," Dr. William Schaffner, a professor in the Division of Infectious Diseases at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, told CNN.

"The more unvaccinated people there are, the more opportunities for the virus to multiply," he added.

Variants evolve in the body of a person who is infected with the coronavirus.’

That's BS, there is no evidence that asymptomatic transmission occurs. One of many many Covid lies. Another are these absurd variants. Viruses do not build up, they build down in severity. Otherwise the Flu of 1918 would have continued until it killed the entire planet. Masks protect exactly fuck all as well.
Anyone who believes any of this absurd tripe needs their head examined.
RNA mutates a million times faster than DNA.

you must be from one of the white states:

Another right wing thread totally decapitated.

Thanks for posting that.
Vaccines typically take 5-10 years to develop. Trump did it in six months. There would be no vaccines if had been left up to an idiot like Biden.

Have you thanked President Trump today for your vaccine shot?
The vaccine was developed before trump got into the fray. The testing was still in process and trump bypassed it. Lucky he did in this case, although you naysayers are refusing to get a vaccine since it is
still a work in process. Thank you, President Biden, for taking a messed-up distribution system and
organizing the process so the vaccine can be given to all.
the left has been screeching that conservatives are unpatriotic for refusing to get vaccinated for months ..... but data proves their claims are baseless ... in truth its black and brown peoples that are lagging behind when it comes to getting vaccinated from covid .. so unless the majority of said people have left the dems and joined the republican party the dems are just lying again ... why isnt the left criticizing people of color for not getting vaccinated ... Gap Narrowing for Minority COVID-19 Vaccination Rates
I guess you have to have it explained to you...

Black and brown people tend to be poorer, with less infrastructure, less access to things. That explains their lower vaccination rate. However, the low rate among white-right RepubliQans is due to their own stupidity in refusing to be vaccinated, in behaving like Medieval people in 2021.

And now, lots of white-rights are in the hospital begging for the vaccine, but it's too late. They're already dying.

Oh well... they were useless people anyway.
If Democrats want Americans to do something, Americans would be wise to do the opposite. Democrats hate America and Americans so if taking the vaccine was good for Americans, they would oppose it. It's really that simple.
You're really that simple. Democrats want justice, freedom, better wages, better jobs, better education, affordable college, protected environment... and what do RepubliQans want? Suppress non-white voting, trash the environment, treat women as property, ignore oppression of any minority, make immigrant children cry, install a perverted psychotic narcissist dictator.

Damn, just move to Russia! You'll be much happier!
That's BS, there is no evidence that asymptomatic transmission occurs. One of many many Covid lies. Another are these absurd variants. Viruses do not build up, they build down in severity. Otherwise the Flu of 1918 would have continued until it killed the entire planet. Masks protect exactly fuck all as well.
Anyone who believes any of this absurd tripe needs their head examined.
You did NOT pass many science courses, did ya...
Hey the Covid OCD's best buckle up their chinstraps.......when vax mandates happen this fall, shit comes off the rails. The "anti-vaxers"..........over 100 million strong btw........aint rolling up their sleeves for sh*t.

Tens of millions have been looking for the right trigger..........well its nearly here. The real fun starts by the fall......and every sanctimonious vax obsessed moron going to have deep regrets for not paying attention. Sorry.........its gonna be too late! :abgg2q.jpg:
LOL, Trump did what? He sure didn't develop the vaccines. I suspect he never took chemistry and I have no doubt he never studied undergraduate coursework in biology, chemistry, calculus, health science, social science, and behavioral science.

In fact Trump put more people in harms way of the virus by holding rallies without masks and his cockamamie claims that the virus would soon disappear.

Are you a liar or a dimwit, easily led by this charlatan and demagogue ?
Trumps still haunting you in your sleep? The facts still indicate otherwise, furthermore, History will write about how one party politicalized a world wide epidemic to seize power and install their puppet as President. Because you say it isn’t so, and CNN says it isn’t so does not change the facts. So who is the dimwit here, who is the lemming? Trump haunts you because your afraid of the truth. I just love watching Dimbo’s and Pubs make fools of themselves.
Trumps still haunting you in your sleep? The facts still indicate otherwise, furthermore, History will write about how one party politicalized a world wide epidemic to seize power and install their puppet as President. Because you say it isn’t so, and CNN says it isn’t so does not change the facts. So who is the dimwit here, who is the lemming? Trump haunts you because your afraid of the truth. I just love watching Dimbo’s and Pubs make fools of themselves.

Original thinking ^^^; hardly. This is a Conspiracy Story ^^^

Story, because a theory is a carefully thought-out explanation for observations of the natural world that has been constructed using the scientific method, and which brings together many facts and hypotheses.

And cannot even be a conspiracy hypothesis which is an idea that proposes an explanation for an observed phenomenon or narrow set of phenomena.

"A scientific hypothesis is the initial building block in the scientific method. Many describe it as an "educated guess," based on prior knowledge and observation. While this is true, the definition can be expanded. A hypothesis also includes an explanation of why the guess may be correct, according to National Science Teachers Association."

Freedom to choose is essential in the preservation of liberty. Expression of one’s personal beliefs and ideas reinforces the foundation of freedom.
the left has been screeching that conservatives are unpatriotic for refusing to get vaccinated for months ..... but data proves their claims are baseless ... in truth its black and brown peoples that are lagging behind when it comes to getting vaccinated from covid .. so unless the majority of said people have left the dems and joined the republican party the dems are just lying again ... why isnt the left criticizing people of color for not getting vaccinated ... Gap Narrowing for Minority COVID-19 Vaccination Rates

It's a long stretch to include dems in that bit.

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