The Left's Constant Misuse of the Word "Bigot"

Ask the dead at PP in Colorado Springs or the dead in Charleston. You are a bigot. Change your ways.

Not the same.

It is not bigoted to NOT want to import a group of people that is dangerous to you and yours.

That was a good example of a misuse of the word bigot.

And you being an ass by insulting me without cause.
Yes, you are bigoted when you smear the entire group with your fears of a small minority within the group. Yes, that is bigotry.

Here's a bag of M and Ms. ONe of them is a deadly poison.

BUt the others taste great.

It is not bigoted to throw the whole bag away, it is sane.
I hope you did not use that example in a class or in a business meeting. You create a means test to find the bad apple. Your example means we would have to throw the entire far right into the ocean.
A means test to find the Terrorist? LIke we screened out the Boston Bomber? Or how we kicked the Fort Hood Shooter out of the military because he was obvious disloyal?LOL!
The USA has done a great job of screening. The incidents have been few number. We can do a better job with our citizen as well as our immigrants. We missed Roof and Deere and several others this year, haven't we?
From our very first interactions, I told you I would treat you as you have acted. When you act the jerk, you get jerked and that will never change. Simply be polite.

You probably are so kneejerk when it comes to calling people bigot or racist for no reason, that you don't even realize you are being a jerk.
When you act the jerk, I deal with you. When you act the bigot, I deal with you. That will always be the result. Simple. Don't act the jerk or the bigot.

Bull. You call me a bigot when you disagree with me, that is you being a jerk, and I will call YOU on it.

no. you get called a bigot because you are one.

NOpe. YOu call me names because you are an asshole who can't defend your position based on it merits.
Says the asshole who can't defend his positions on merit.
True that many on facebook have posted ultimatums to their friends. Those saying that they will unfriend anyone who criticizes Hillary, Sanders, Obama or holds an opposite opinion on some other issue. We all know a few. One of my ex-friends deleted me for changing my profile pic to support Paris after the terrorist attack. After a brief post on my page saying it was heartless that I ignored the suffering of others and yet openly supported Paris, she unfriended me. There was a lot of "shaming" on FB over that one. And few were interested in the fact that the liberal media hadn't made a big deal out of the Christians being slaughtered or numerous other atrocities. FB didn't offer an app to change one's profile pic to support those past victims. People react to what they know about. If the media opts for a brief mention before moving on to other stuff, people don't get riled. Paris had lots of coverage, unlike so many other horrible events.

So, one friend couldn't handle what she called bigotry and hit the delete button. Not much of a loss and I won't miss all the posts praising Bernie Sanders or the dozens of nasty memes bashing Republicans, but I was willing to put up with them for a friend. I have the ability to move past what I find "offensive" and manage to function amid differing views. On rare occassions, I even agree with a few. I didn't automatically dismiss everything. For the most part, it was a matter of scrolling onto the next thing. No need for hostility. I tend not to get political on facebook and prefer to keep things light for the most part. Lots of cat videos and jokes. When I want to debate politics, I come to USMB. Not crazy about hit and run posts that fail to articulate the argument. Get enough of those memes on facebook. Some are funny, but they should back up the argument you put forth and not stand alone.

Some people just absolutely, positively cannot tolerate any opinion that differs from their own. They can't even bear to see a post on their newsfeed that doesn't match their own. Oh, the humanity of having your safe space violated by seeing something you disagree with. Delete the person lest you be exposed to anything that might challenge your ideology. Doesn't bother me though a tad awkward when you encounter the person in the real world and you can see their discomfort as they wonder whether or not they should speak to you. I suspect that some might actually regret acting hastily and hitting the delete button. I bet some feel pretty stupid later when they calm down from the safe space violation and realize they have set themselves up for a few uncomfortable social situations. I mean, being unfriended is such huge deal. Not. Needless to say, the person was not a close friend and I shall go on. I am the one laughing here though maybe I should take pity on people for their ignorance.

I see the words racist and bigot thrown around a lot these days to describe those who dared to express an opinion different from their own. There is a false assumption that they are right and anyone not in total agreement deserves their instant wrath. The part that almost makes you want to laugh at them is the way they are demonstrating what a true bigot does. They refuse to tolerate others with a different view. It's laughable when they accuse the person they disagree with of being what they are actually being.

Bigot's constant defensiveness regarding the term 'bigot' and 'racist'.

I see a lot of bigots who proclaim that any time that they are called a bigot or a racist it is because they just have a different opinion- it just happens to be that those opinions all happen to be condeming people based upon their race or religion or sexual preference.

They are offended by those who do not meekly accept their racism and bigotry.


Standard lib tact, constantly attack people and then accuse them of being defensive.

Do you libs have any ways of communicating your ideas that are not lies?
Don't be silly.

What you have, as you should well know, is assholes calling people names to suppress arguments that they cannot defeat honestly.

It is not credible that you do not know this.

Why are you lying for the assholes of the world?
You are an asshole who cries when called an asshole for calling other people assholes. You are a bigot, and until you change your bigoted ways, you will always be labeled a bigot.

I strive to be polite to people until they are rude to me.

My hope is that even rude people might decide to stop being assholes, and if that happens I don't want to ruin their attempt to turn over a new leaf by being rude to them first.

It did happen once.

If I call someone an asshole, it is because they have immediately previously been an asshole.

I'm not going to be a doormat for you jerks, Jake.

If you want more civil treatment from me all you have to do is give it.

And lying about me being a bigot is a common failure, you ass.
From our very first interactions, I told you I would treat you as you have acted. When you act the jerk, you get jerked and that will never change. Simply be polite.

You probably are so kneejerk when it comes to calling people bigot or racist for no reason, that you don't even realize you are being a jerk.
Quit your excuses. I gave you the opportunity from the beginning to be decent and be treated the same. You don't, so you are treated as you deserve, as a jerk and a bigot.

I have nothing to make an excuse for.

I am treating YOU as you deserve. You are the asshole here. Face it.
I strive to be polite to people until they are rude to me.

My hope is that even rude people might decide to stop being assholes, and if that happens I don't want to ruin their attempt to turn over a new leaf by being rude to them first.

It did happen once.

If I call someone an asshole, it is because they have immediately previously been an asshole.

I'm not going to be a doormat for you jerks, Jake.

If you want more civil treatment from me all you have to do is give it.

And lying about me being a bigot is a common failure, you ass.
From our very first interactions, I told you I would treat you as you have acted. When you act the jerk, you get jerked and that will never change. Simply be polite.

You probably are so kneejerk when it comes to calling people bigot or racist for no reason, that you don't even realize you are being a jerk.
When you act the jerk, I deal with you. When you act the bigot, I deal with you. That will always be the result. Simple. Don't act the jerk or the bigot.

Bull. You call me a bigot when you disagree with me, that is you being a jerk, and I will call YOU on it.
You can't be me, no matter how much you want to be. There is only me, and there is you as a jerk and a bigot. Just don't do it.

Blah, blah, blah.

Can't even consider facing life without calling people names?
You probably are so kneejerk when it comes to calling people bigot or racist for no reason, that you don't even realize you are being a jerk.
When you act the jerk, I deal with you. When you act the bigot, I deal with you. That will always be the result. Simple. Don't act the jerk or the bigot.

Bull. You call me a bigot when you disagree with me, that is you being a jerk, and I will call YOU on it.

no. you get called a bigot because you are one.

NOpe. YOu call me names because you are an asshole who can't defend your position based on it merits.
Says the asshole who can't defend his positions on merit.

I'm not the guy who responses to substantial posts with name calling because I don't like the idea.

If I don't like your point, I will attack your point, not you.
Not the same.

It is not bigoted to NOT want to import a group of people that is dangerous to you and yours.

That was a good example of a misuse of the word bigot.

And you being an ass by insulting me without cause.
Yes, you are bigoted when you smear the entire group with your fears of a small minority within the group. Yes, that is bigotry.

Here's a bag of M and Ms. ONe of them is a deadly poison.

BUt the others taste great.

It is not bigoted to throw the whole bag away, it is sane.
I hope you did not use that example in a class or in a business meeting. You create a means test to find the bad apple. Your example means we would have to throw the entire far right into the ocean.
A means test to find the Terrorist? LIke we screened out the Boston Bomber? Or how we kicked the Fort Hood Shooter out of the military because he was obvious disloyal?LOL!
The USA has done a great job of screening. The incidents have been few number. We can do a better job with our citizen as well as our immigrants. We missed Roof and Deere and several others this year, haven't we?

I agree we need to lock up more of our insane citizens.

Few in number? Perhaps. I see no reason to take actions that we know will increase those numbers.
From our very first interactions, I told you I would treat you as you have acted. When you act the jerk, you get jerked and that will never change. Simply be polite.

You probably are so kneejerk when it comes to calling people bigot or racist for no reason, that you don't even realize you are being a jerk.
When you act the jerk, I deal with you. When you act the bigot, I deal with you. That will always be the result. Simple. Don't act the jerk or the bigot.

Bull. You call me a bigot when you disagree with me, that is you being a jerk, and I will call YOU on it.
You can't be me, no matter how much you want to be. There is only me, and there is you as a jerk and a bigot. Just don't do it.

Blah, blah, blah.

Can't even consider facing life without calling people names?
You are treated as you deserve, Correll. Start being decent and get it in return.
I'm not the guy who responses to substantial posts with name calling because I don't like the idea. If I don't like your point, I will attack your point, not you.
:lol: You act a bigot, you get called a bigot. That will never stop.

Blaylock gets the same when he acts the bigot, and he cries, too.
You probably are so kneejerk when it comes to calling people bigot or racist for no reason, that you don't even realize you are being a jerk.
When you act the jerk, I deal with you. When you act the bigot, I deal with you. That will always be the result. Simple. Don't act the jerk or the bigot.

Bull. You call me a bigot when you disagree with me, that is you being a jerk, and I will call YOU on it.
You can't be me, no matter how much you want to be. There is only me, and there is you as a jerk and a bigot. Just don't do it.

Blah, blah, blah.

Can't even consider facing life without calling people names?
You are treated as you deserve, Correll. Start being decent and get it in return.

Every thread I start in, I start off treating people civilly.

Assholes generally can't last a page or two before you start being assholes.

Are you lying to me, or to yourself?
I'm not the guy who responses to substantial posts with name calling because I don't like the idea. If I don't like your point, I will attack your point, not you.
:lol: You act a bigot, you get called a bigot. That will never stop.

Blaylock gets the same when he acts the bigot, and he cries, too.

Shove your bullshit up your asshole, you asshole.

Just because you disagree with me is no excuse to call me names you fuckwad.

It is funny I never run into libs in real life who are so fucking rude. To my face.
See, you act the jerk. I disagree with you because you are wrong. I make fun of you when you act like a jerk. Like now.

I am not a lib and you are not a mainstream Republican.
See, you act the jerk. I disagree with you because you are wrong. I make fun of you when you act like a jerk. Like now.

I am not a lib and you are not a mainstream Republican.

No, I don't act the doormat. You call me names and lie about me, and I will call you on your fucking bullshit.

If you're not a lib, then you should stop acting like one.

It is funny how when I disagree with libs in person, they are so much more polite to me. We seem to be able to disagree without name calling.

I say the same stuff in RL as I do here. And yet, the response I get is so very different.
I call you a bigot and a jerk when you act them. I never lie about you. I do not permit your bull shit.

And you act like every far right reactionary: you whine and cry and swear instead of taking responsibility for what you do.

America does not agree with your politics. The majority of the GOP does not agree with your politics.

Santorum was wrong in 2012 when he said the far right was the Party. He is still wrong now with that.

Our mainstream GOP is going to reject Trump and Cruz, and it will select either Rubio, Bush, Cristy, or Kasich for the nominations to lead our party into the national elections.

The GOP can win if you guys stop the crazy stuff.
I call you a bigot and a jerk when you act them. I never lie about you. I do not permit your bull shit.

And you act like every far right reactionary: you whine and cry and swear instead of taking responsibility for what you do.

America does not agree with your politics. The majority of the GOP does not agree with your politics.

Santorum was wrong in 2012 when he said the far right was the Party. He is still wrong now with that.

Our mainstream GOP is going to reject Trump and Cruz, and it will select either Rubio, Bush, Cristy, or Kasich for the nominations to lead our party into the national elections.

The GOP can win if you guys stop the crazy stuff.

I swear when it is called for.

Your biased knee jerk reaction to any non-PC positions I hold does not excuse your constant unsupported name calling.

Stop being an ass.
I call you a bigot and a jerk when you act them. I never lie about you. I do not permit your bull shit.

And you act like every far right reactionary: you whine and cry and swear instead of taking responsibility for what you do.

America does not agree with your politics. The majority of the GOP does not agree with your politics.

Santorum was wrong in 2012 when he said the far right was the Party. He is still wrong now with that.

Our mainstream GOP is going to reject Trump and Cruz, and it will select either Rubio, Bush, Cristy, or Kasich for the nominations to lead our party into the national elections.

The GOP can win if you guys stop the crazy stuff.

I swear when it is called for.

Your biased knee jerk reaction to any non-PC positions I hold does not excuse your constant unsupported name calling.

Stop being an ass.
PC is a term created by the far right because folks won't put up with their foul, mean language. That won't change.

When you act the jerk, you will be called out. Every time.

The far right candidates cannot win the nomination much less the election.
I call you a bigot and a jerk when you act them. I never lie about you. I do not permit your bull shit.

And you act like every far right reactionary: you whine and cry and swear instead of taking responsibility for what you do.

America does not agree with your politics. The majority of the GOP does not agree with your politics.

Santorum was wrong in 2012 when he said the far right was the Party. He is still wrong now with that.

Our mainstream GOP is going to reject Trump and Cruz, and it will select either Rubio, Bush, Cristy, or Kasich for the nominations to lead our party into the national elections.

The GOP can win if you guys stop the crazy stuff.

I swear when it is called for.

Your biased knee jerk reaction to any non-PC positions I hold does not excuse your constant unsupported name calling.

Stop being an ass.
PC is a term created by the far right because folks won't put up with their foul, mean language. That won't change.

When you act the jerk, you will be called out. Every time.

The far right candidates cannot win the nomination much less the election.


PC is a process where libs use false accusations of racism or bigotry to suppress debate on any issues that can be conflated at all with racism or sexism or blah, blah, blah.

That you deny this shows you to be dishonest, at least with yourself.

The jerk here is you and yours.

What you condemn as "Far Right" is just conservatives who disagree with you.

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