The Left's Latest Orwellian Meme... Fake News!

Well, Old George only missed it by 32 years but he nailed it. We move to the era of Good Speek. Where the government controls what you can say, the words you can use, and there are harsh consequences should you not conform. Back when I read this in 1974, I laughed at the idea the world would be like that in my lifetime. And yet, I could see where certain things seemed to be happening that might give you reason for pause. You could understand how things could evolve that way but it seemed as if there was not likely a path to there anyway... after all, there's a fiction book about it... surely people were duly warned and would be sort of cautious in the future.

But here we now are, on the brink of a political party, rocked by a very emotionally charged loss of power... and BOOM.... We have a national conversation about "Fake News!"

Yes, the Liberals have gone there. Yes, it's highly out of sheer befuddlement. After making careers for people like Micheal Moore for his so-called "Documentaries" ....a Daily Show celebrity who made his career acting like a news commentator to satirize the politics of the day.... And his side-kick... who portrayed a fake stereotype of a republican and reported said news as "satire".I think they both held a very highly-publicized political rally in Washington D.C. not so long ago.. Not to mention a 50 year run of a Saturday Night television show done live and is, in fact, largely satirical news commentary which deals almost exclusively on political events of the day.

Oh yes... the Liberals have no shame. Hillary lost because all the Fake News. So let us now ride this out... let's just follow the absurdity of their latest cause for sake of mocking their emotionally-needy and pathetic outcry over their humiliation. Who, exactly, are we to depend on to determine what is NOT Fake News? Last I checked, there is no "official" keeper of all things non-fake in news. Because, like... what IS fake? Who exactly are we to depend on to determine what fake is? What entity is endowed with the ability to distinguish satire and parody from what is not fake news? Lots and lots of questions to ponder here, but I am thinking this might not be a problem we can fix.

We have a First Amendment. We are endowed with a right to free expression of political thought and speech. Simply put, that is who we are. Where the Liberals are taking us to the brink of is very scary indeed... and all it took was one little emotionally-charged election loss.

Here's the deal... You have this fatty glob of protein between your ears and inside your head. It is called, "A Brain!" Most people have ones that actually function, and so what they do is use it to process information input. It is really their responsibility what they do with that input. Once you turn all that responsibility over to the Authority... you have Good Speak... Group Think... Hate Speak... and we start exterminating those who don't conform.
What would YOU call it? What would you call some young kids in Macedonia, making up the story about John Podesta and pedophilia out of the word Pizza being said in his emails? and these young adults making $60,000 in 6 months off of the facebook ads attached to their fake story that they fed?

Are you claiming this pedophilia garbage was real?
Remember the lib mantra......seriousness of the charge. Takes precedence over lack of facts thus we must investigate Bush SR71 ride to Iran.......your own bs bites you in the ass and they provided more smoke than you did
Well I still don't understand what the Left believes we're supposed to do about this? There is no way to parse out nuggets of "news truth" from all the assorted opinions of what is factual and absolute in accuracy. Every interaction involving people has two perspectives at least. Who has the one true perspective and understanding to know what is factual and appropriate? The View? Judge Jeanine? Geraldo?

"President-elect Trump was booed as he spoke of John Glenn today." That's a true statement but he wasn't being booed for what he was saying about John Glenn. Anti-Trump protesters were simply booing Trump in general while he was speaking and he just so happened to be speaking about Glenn. Presentation is often not fair and/or objective. Are we going to have a government Czar who decides what is ethical in how stories are presented?

Maybe we should turn it all over to the president's press secretary? They could come out each day and report to us the "true" news.
Good Morning Boss,
Facebook, as example, said they would be more careful with their advertising and accounts making their moolah off of the fake stories spreading like wildfire...

STOP spreading this stupid mantra and FALSE news of the rightwing, that GOVERNMENT IS COMING TO GET YOU!

I was already concerned about how left-wing-owned social media is removing and banning content and blocking users who have opposing political perspectives. We're not tolerating a society where your side gets to control the information. You have no business going down this road but here you are.If you think this is going to end well, you're in for a rude awakening.
You JUST DON'T GET IT....this has nothing to do with political opponents writing lies about one another...

YOU have no idea what FAKE NEWS is....

Fake news is news that is created out of the thin blue air, that is not coming from a political party, but from 18 yr olds in Macedonia or a guy in Vegas, who solely write sensational headlines and articles, based on nothing, and promote them as news articles on facebook, with their network of people that help spread the faux news....they earn their money from advertisers using their fake news articles that are spread like wild fire....and then end up being thought of by millions, as REAL News, when it was ALL conjured up in a BASEMENT in a foreign country by an 18 year old....
There is always gonna be some individual that creates fake stories on the internet. The problem we have today is the current administration has used fake news to create issues the public inadvertently demanded action on. Below are some prime examples of fake news issues created to cause a fake issue:

  1. Income inequality
  2. Man-made climate change
  3. New Gun Laws Can Stop Gun Violence
  4. Russian Hackers
  5. Single-Payer Health Care
  6. Fracking Is Causing Earthquakes And Damages The Environment
  7. Racist Killer Cops Are Killing Off Blacks
  8. Planned-Parenthood Must Be Federally Funded
  9. Catholic Priests Molesting Children
  10. Fossil Fuels Are Evil
  11. Tobacco Is Evil
  12. Being Rich Is Evil
  13. America Is Evil
It was not free, he got paid to post it.... :) It was for profit! :p

Way to show you don't know what free speech means.
Why do we have slander laws if speech is free and always free Boss? Are these fake news sites required to post on their sites that they are Satire?

Can this Pizza owner sue the original writer of the FAKE STORY made up out of thin air, who then had their minions push the fake story through Facebook like wild fire for all of the harassment and threats he had received prior to the final gunman showing up, due to the slanderous and completely made up lies passed around by these Kids making up Fake Stories that they know will sell like hotcakes, or rather be passed around Facebook as real news like wild fire....?

there are laws that are against this kind of stuff when in print already in place for a near century, I am not certain about the internet? I believe some may have already been translated in to the web and slander, but not 100% certain?
The left spent the better part of half a century feeding Americans "fake news". When Walter Cronkite flew to Vietnam and donned a helmet and pretended to be under fire while he pronounced the U.S. victory in the Tet Offensive to be a "stalemate" he engaged in "fake news". When Washington Post reporters relied on an unverified and unidentified "informant" alleged to be in the White House during the Nixon administration and refused to identify him until he was dead and couldn't vairify allegations about the Nixon administration, they engaged in "fake news". When mainstream "reporters" giggled about Hillary Clinton's enabling of her husband's abuse of women when she took control of the "Bimbo Eruption Squad" they engaged in "fake news". When left wing news sources polled targeted demographics in "exit polls" and told Americans that John Kerry was leading George Bush in the presidential election they were engaging in "fake news". When CBS used fake documents to try to influence a presidential election they engaged in "fake news".

Actually america was founded on fake. Liberty and justice was never for all. Genocidal possession of the land, seed wealth from slavery. There was never even one land holding aristocrat white male one vote. The practice of dividing americans into subgroups that seethe at each other over who is more fake is fake in and of itself.
It was not free, he got paid to post it.... :) It was for profit! :p

Way to show you don't know what free speech means.
Why do we have slander laws if speech is free and always free Boss? Are these fake news sites required to post on their sites that they are Satire?

Can this Pizza owner sue the original writer of the FAKE STORY made up out of thin air, who then had their minions push the fake story through Facebook like wild fire for all of the harassment and threats he had received prior to the final gunman showing up, due to the slanderous and completely made up lies passed around by these Kids making up Fake Stories that they know will sell like hotcakes, or rather be passed around Facebook as real news like wild fire....?

there are laws that are against this kind of stuff when in print already in place for a near century, I am not certain about the internet? I believe some may have already been translated in to the web and slander, but not 100% certain?

Yes, slander and defamation laws also apply to the internet. I can't believe you are still arguing this as if you have some kind of point. You're not going to get to control what is "news" and what is "satire" and if you keep on going down this road, you're going to feel a wrath like you never felt before from mainstream America. Freedom of speech is our most cherished right.

I have no idea what you're talking about with Facebook and pizza but I read a story today from NPR about the "godfather of fake news" ...They decided to track down this guy who was putting out all these fake news stories on Facebook. Turns out, he's 40-years-old and he is a radical left-wing liberal. He intentionally put out "red meat" stories he knew Trump supporters would latch on to, in order to show the vulnerability of not having some kind of regulation and how easy to fool Trump supporters were. SO they had started out on a public shaming campaign against this guy because they assumed he was a rightie... turns out, he's a lefty.... NPR spins it into him being some kind of "courageous" social justice warrior trying to raise awareness.
We Tracked Down A Fake-News Creator In The Suburbs. Here's What We Learned

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