The Left’s new love of corporate speech


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
Remember when they wailed over BIG CORP. ? They just twist which ever way the wind blows them. Now you see why people shouldn't take the NYslimes at their word for anything. they are nothing BUT SHIT STIRRERS

posted at 10:01 am on April 4, 2015 by Jazz Shaw

The RFRA debate has brought out more cases of hypocrisy and political doublespeak than you could shake a stick at, but there is perhaps no better example to be found than the one on the pages of the New York Times editorial page. Keep in mind that we’re not talking about one individual op-ed writer or guest author, but the editorial board of the Gray Lady. They came out forcefully this week to give a cheering round of applause to big companies who jumped on the bandwagon to force the evil legislators in Indiana and Arkansas to back down on the protection of religious freedom.

Big Business and Anti-Gay Laws

Big corporations like Walmart, Apple, and General Electric and their executives have done the right thing by calling on officials in Indiana and Arkansas to reject “religious freedom” laws designed to give businesses and religious groups legal cover should they deny service to gay couples. But the business response to these laws raises a larger issue about the role companies play in the political process. If corporate leaders are serious in opposing discrimination, they should refuse to finance the campaigns of lawmakers who want to deny civil rights to gays and other minority groups.

Oh, my. That’s a powerful statement indeed. But the Times editors feel that these loud corporate voices could be doing much more to influence government and make the world a better place than just paying lip service.

Another thing businesses can do is to make clear that they want lawmakers in all states to pass anti-discrimination protections for lesbians, gay men, bisexuals and transgender people. More than three dozen chief executives of technology companies did just that in a statement released on Wednesday.

So are we all up to date on the opinions of the Left leaning New York Times editorial board now? These businesses have an important role to play, not only in the general public discussion, but in making sure that lawmakers do the right thing.

Now, let’s step into the Way Back Machine and check in on this same editorial board only 63 months earlier. I wonder what they have to say about the important voice of business owners in politics?

The Court’s Blow to Democracy
JAN. 21, 2010

With a single, disastrous 5-to-4 ruling, the Supreme Court has thrust politics back to the robber-baron era of the 19th century. Disingenuously waving the flag of the First Amendment, the court’s conservative majority has paved the way for corporations to use their vast treasuries to overwhelm elections and intimidate elected officials into doing their bidding.

Congress must act immediately to limit the damage of this radical decision, which strikes at the heart of democracy.

all of it here:
The Left s new love of corporate speech Hot Air
Not seeing the contradiction here, Staph.

Big businesses do have too much influence in policy. Citizen's United made it a lot worse.

The fact it is working against you in this case is like seeing the douchebag in a zombie movie get eaten by the zombies. While satisfying on some level, the zombies are really still kind of scary.

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