The Lefts Obsession With KKK.So,Do We All Have A Local KKK Group In Our Hometowns?Got Any Photo's?

Democrats created the KKK, so why wouldn't they be obsessed with them?

That also explains their obsession with Hitler / Nazis and now with Putin as well. They (KKK, Nazis, & Putin) are all cut from basically the same cloth.

85% of republicans disagree with you.
Putin finds a fan base in Trump country
In August, an Economist-YouGov poll found that only 27 per cent of registered Republicans have a negative view of the Russian president, compared with 66 per cent two years ago. Eighty-five per cent of Republicans say they view Mr Putin to be a strong leader
Right, you've polled them all, haven't you? LO!

No, I didn't. The Economist-YouGov poll did.
I am more worried about the New Black Panthers, especially after Barry just appointed a NBP Cop Killer-defender to the Commission on Civil Rights, and the racist Black terrorist group BLM, which called for the death of all whites and cops and who Barry praised and invited to the WH twice.
Funny how this is hardly reported in the MSM.

I am willing to bet the house, that there is not ONE liberal here on this forum that knows anything about what you just posted.

Link to BLM calling for the death of all whites and police?

Forgive me. That response was intended for easy65.
I forgive you...

Search the following: blm calls for death of whites

but do not search using Google. You might be surprised what you find.
I am more worried about the New Black Panthers, especially after Barry just appointed a NBP Cop Killer-defender to the Commission on Civil Rights, and the racist Black terrorist group BLM, which called for the death of all whites and cops and who Barry praised and invited to the WH twice.
Funny how this is hardly reported in the MSM.

I am willing to bet the house, that there is not ONE liberal here on this forum that knows anything about what you just posted.

Link to BLM calling for the death of all whites and police?

Forgive me. That response was intended for easy65.
I forgive you...

Search the following: blm calls for death of whites

but do not search using Google. You might be surprised what you find.

I have no doubt that there are several fake news stories that make that claim. Do you have a credible source?
Funny how this is hardly reported in the MSM.

I am willing to bet the house, that there is not ONE liberal here on this forum that knows anything about what you just posted.

Link to BLM calling for the death of all whites and police?

Forgive me. That response was intended for easy65.
I forgive you...

Search the following: blm calls for death of whites

but do not search using Google. You might be surprised what you find.

I have no doubt that there are several fake news stories that make that claim. Do you have a credible source?
dozens....but you have to be open minded...which I find most leftists aren't.
Link to BLM calling for the death of all whites and police?

Forgive me. That response was intended for easy65.
I forgive you...

Search the following: blm calls for death of whites

but do not search using Google. You might be surprised what you find.

I have no doubt that there are several fake news stories that make that claim. Do you have a credible source?
dozens....but you have to be open minded...which I find most leftists aren't.

Any credible site will do. Fake news Alt right sites won't.

Forgive me. That response was intended for easy65.
I forgive you...

Search the following: blm calls for death of whites

but do not search using Google. You might be surprised what you find.

I have no doubt that there are several fake news stories that make that claim. Do you have a credible source?
dozens....but you have to be open minded...which I find most leftists aren't.

Any credible site will do. Fake news Alt right sites won't.
Okay...apparently you do not know how to search the internet and like a good liberal, want someone else to do the work for you.

Sorry....I won't.
Forgive me. That response was intended for easy65.
I forgive you...

Search the following: blm calls for death of whites

but do not search using Google. You might be surprised what you find.

I have no doubt that there are several fake news stories that make that claim. Do you have a credible source?
dozens....but you have to be open minded...which I find most leftists aren't.

Any credible site will do. Fake news Alt right sites won't.
Okay...apparently you do not know how to search the internet and like a good liberal, want someone else to do the work for you.

Sorry....I won't.

It wasn't my claim. Not my responsibility to prove it. I guess you are having a problem finding a credible source to say BLM advocates killing all whites and cops. Not surprising.
I forgive you...

Search the following: blm calls for death of whites

but do not search using Google. You might be surprised what you find.

I have no doubt that there are several fake news stories that make that claim. Do you have a credible source?
dozens....but you have to be open minded...which I find most leftists aren't.

Any credible site will do. Fake news Alt right sites won't.
Okay...apparently you do not know how to search the internet and like a good liberal, want someone else to do the work for you.

Sorry....I won't.

It wasn't my claim. Not my responsibility to prove it. I guess you are having a problem finding a credible source to say BLM advocates killing all whites and cops. Not surprising.
Yep that's win.

A mind is a terrible thing to waste, but lefties are cool with it.
In August, an Economist-YouGov poll found that only 27 per cent of registered Republicans have a negative view of the Russian president, compared with 66 per cent two years ago. Eighty-five per cent of Republicans say they view Mr Putin to be a strong leader
BD, as you SHOULD know, there is a big difference in 'holding a view' and 'having an obsession'.
Also, recognizing that someone is a 'strong leader' is not the same as having an obsession with them. Nice try.
I have no doubt that there are several fake news stories that make that claim. Do you have a credible source?
dozens....but you have to be open minded...which I find most leftists aren't.

Any credible site will do. Fake news Alt right sites won't.
Okay...apparently you do not know how to search the internet and like a good liberal, want someone else to do the work for you.

Sorry....I won't.

It wasn't my claim. Not my responsibility to prove it. I guess you are having a problem finding a credible source to say BLM advocates killing all whites and cops. Not surprising.
Yep that's win.

A mind is a terrible thing to waste, but lefties are cool with it.

If you ever find a credible source to that claim, feel free to let me know.
In August, an Economist-YouGov poll found that only 27 per cent of registered Republicans have a negative view of the Russian president, compared with 66 per cent two years ago. Eighty-five per cent of Republicans say they view Mr Putin to be a strong leader
BD, as you SHOULD know, there is a big difference in 'holding a view' and 'having an obsession'.
Also, recognizing that someone is a 'strong leader' is not the same as having an obsession with them. Nice try.

I never said you had an obsession. Some silly alt right idiot used that word. I said a poll showed 85% of republicans view Putin as a strong leader. Trump has a lot of Putin's characteristics, so I guess that's why you voted for him.
:2up: For maybe up to the two months leading into the election, we just kept hearing about how Trump and ,maybe some of his buddies were associated with the KKK. Making it sound as if the KKK was significant in numbers! It seems that according to staunch Dem's and Liberals, we have KKK groups all over the place, for all we know, there may be up to 40 Million members of the KKK who are all going to vote for Trump!
:stupid:, How dumb do all Americans have to believe such a bogus theory? Have anyone of us actually witnessed a KKK ceremony in our towns/neighborhood? Torches burning and nooses hanging on trees? White men walking around in public wearing shirts that read "White Power" ???? :tinfoil:
But we sure have a lot of losers in the Black Lives Matter movement causing all kinds of chaos because all white people are decendents of slaves !!!!!
Democrats are everywhere....
I never said you had an obsession. Some silly alt right idiot used that word. I said a poll showed 85% of republicans view Putin as a strong leader. Trump has a lot of Putin's characteristics, so I guess that's why you voted for him.
You mad, Bro? You must be because you got all defensive and started making shit up.

It's not that 85% of Republicans think Putin is a strong leader that makes me wonder, it's why 15% - and liberals - DON'T. And you are either an uber partisan going 'all-in' to make a point or you are an idiot. Acknowledging someone is a strong leader does not make you a proponent of that person. Stating / Believing a FACT does not make you a fan or supporter.

Putin is a very bad guy: Russian old guard, ex-KGB, arms dealer to the world, supporter of dictators, directed the annexation of Crimea, stepped in to aid Syrian President Assad while thwarting Barry's plans to redeem himself from the embarrassing 'Red Line' fiasco...but he has proven to be a strong leader and a cunning, dangerous enemy. Stating the FACT that he is a strong leader does not make anyone a supporter of Putin - it just points out they recognize reality.

It's not that people recognize that Putin is a strong leader that pisses you snowflakes off and that drives you bat-shit crazy. No THAT comes from you being so defensive because when you compare Barry to Putin you realize that Barry is not as strong of a leader as Vladimir Putin...and it makes you sick to your stomach.

Putin would not agree to a treaty with another country while that nation's leader calls for the destruction of Russia and practices bombing Russian carriers. WOULDN'T HAPPEN.

Putin would not make a piss-poor bluff to begin with and then back down when he was called on it.

Putin would not pay a ransom for Russian hostages.

Instead of providing terrorists with weapons - funding them, supplying them, arming them, training them, protecting them - Putin has killed them. (Of course he has done so to squash any opposition to Assad, to include indiscriminately killing women and children).

It's not what Republicans think that drives you so nuts - it's KNOWING that Barry F*ED UP when he laughed off Russia being a threat, it's KNOWING Putin has out-played Barry diplomatically and militarily several times, it's KNOWING Barry is not as much of a leader as Putin.

Putin is a very bad man, and Russia remains an enemy to the United States (thank goodness Barry and Liberals finally woke up to that).

You want to blame Republicans for acknowledging a FACT, which does not make them pro-Putin, and for the ache in your stomach from knowing all of this, go for it. Whatever makes you feel better.

Finally, also, you are pissed that all of Hillary's and the DNC's dirty little secrets - her scandals, her corruption, her crimes, that the DNC is full of racists, sexists, anti-Catholics, homophobes, and anti-Semites - so you want to lash out at someone while trying to blame the Republicans for HER / THE DNC'S problems of which they are to blame - so you lash out at the Russians and falsely try to tie Trump and the Republicans to it all.

The FBI already said there is no connection between Putin and Trump.

The FBI already said the Russians TRIED to hack the GOP but, unlike the Democrats, the GOP did not bite on their phishing tricks and their security was too good so the Russians moved on to 'easier pickings' - the DNC.

So the snowflakes become obsessed, and despite the evidence and FBI declarations, they - YOU - continue to try to connect Trump and the GOP to the Russians... distract from the fact that the DNC rigged the Primaries to run the worst candidate ever in US history, to distract from the scandals/corruption, to distract from the DNC's own dirty little secrets that were exposed, & to distract from the DNC's / Hillary's cyber security procedures / processes were piss-poor.

'Personal Accountability'
There has been NONE during the Obama administration, and now that you have lost the election you are fighting the idea of it being applied again.

The Russians did not cause Hillary to lose.
The GOP did not cause Hillary to lose.
Comey did not cause Hillary to lose.
'Angry white males' did not cause Hillary to lose.
Hillary's staff did not cause her to lose.
Huma Abedin did not cause Hillary to lose.
HILLARY caused Hillary to lose.
Last edited:

Forgive me. That response was intended for easy65.
I forgive you...

Search the following: blm calls for death of whites

but do not search using Google. You might be surprised what you find.

I have no doubt that there are several fake news stories that make that claim. Do you have a credible source?
dozens....but you have to be open minded...which I find most leftists aren't.

Any credible site will do. Fake news Alt right sites won't.
Democrats created the KKK, so why wouldn't they be obsessed with them?

That also explains their obsession with Hitler / Nazis and now with Putin as well. They (KKK, Nazis, & Putin) are all cut from basically the same cloth.
Democrats created today's white nationalists as well.

You can't bash white people 24/7 and not expect some kind of pushback that is also completely racial.
Hillary/Pelosi/Reid. all KKK Members!! dont all three of them insult blacks on a daily basis?
There is no 'obsession' with the KKK, except on the Right which is obsessed with blaming the KKK on liberalism.

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