The Left’s Rage Against ‘MAGA’


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
The Left’s Rage Against ‘MAGA’

The Left’s Rage Against ‘MAGA’ | The American Spectator | Politics is too important to be taken seriously.
By Robert Stacy McCain ~~ Terry Pierce was shocked this month when he found a man pointing a pistol in his face. “All this over a political statement over a hat,” Pierce told WBKO-TV, after a court hearing about the Feb. 16 incident at a Sam’s Club store in Bowling Green, Kentucky. Police say James Phillips was enraged because Pierce and his wife were wearing red “Make America Great Again” (MAGA) hats and, after a verbal exchange, Phillips pulled a .40-caliber Glock on Pierce. This was no idle threat. Phillips has a criminal record, including a 2013 charge of felony aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, and there was a round in the chamber of his Glock, police say. The man in the MAGA hat was dismayed. “Everybody has a right to believe how they believe,” Pierce said Friday of the frightening encounter, “but you don’t have a right to tell somebody they can’t believe a certain way.”
If anti-Trump rage can make it dangerous to wear a MAGA cap in deep-red Bowling Green, how much more dangerous must it be to show support for the president in deep-blue Democrat-dominated urban coastal enclaves?
That was the subtext of last month’s incident at the Lincoln Memorial, where a group of Catholic schoolboys from Covington, Kentucky, found themselves harassed by a group of so-called “Black Hebrew Israelites.” This is a rather notorious cult, and video showed them “yelling the most obscene slurs at these boys,” as Lin Wood, attorney for Covington Catholic student Nick Sandmann, told Sean Hannity last week. This is a fair summary of what is emerging as the Democrat campaign theme for 2020, and it’s unlikely to be a winning message. Trump has driven liberals crazy, and most Americans don’t want to put these crazy liberals in charge of the country.

The Left attempts to make Terry Pierce the villain in the case and Phillips the victim and are ready to bury the story. However, if Pierce pulled it gun on Phillips because Phillips was wearing a Che Guevara t-shirt, we'd never hear the end of it.
We are at a moment in our history as a country, where we either stand our ground whatever the consequences, or we concede and lose our country. WE should all wear our MAGA hats proudly, and march to the next election. America cannot be destroyed by cowardly socialists.
What exactly is it that triggers the people afflicted with TDS? People have told me that Hillary's loss was too overwhelming for them. President Trump is an excellent American man who has worked tirelessly to revitalize our nation. He is a patriot. I believe that what we are seeing in those who act so out of control is the result of frontal lobe damage caused in the womb by mothers who were not sober. There are just too many crazies out there to think otherwise in consideration of the enormous drug culture. Years ago there were insane asylums that contained the crazies. Now, they are set loose amongst the general population where all of us are put at risk.
Hillary's victory would have been an extension of the Obama regime and the end of the country I grew up in. Trump has to step down in 2024 at the latest, so enjoy the next twenty months. These kind of governments and economies have a short shelf life. Human beings simply don't care about freedom.

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