The left's rejection of science

Chromosomes dictate nothing. Hormones dictate everything.
How embarrassing for you...
Females have an XX pair of sex chromosomes, and males, an XY pair. A baby’s gender is determined by the sperm cell that fertilizes a woman’s egg. Sperm carry one sex chromosome, either a Y (male) or X (female).
Chromosomes dictate your gender, stupid. Hormones have absolutely nothing to do with it. In any capacity.

How a Baby's Gender is Determined | XX Gender XY | Gender Baby
You know how to make a Hormone right?
Don't pay her.
If you look at something like penis/vagina, that does not indicate DNA gender, because a hormone imbalance caused by illness, food, etc., can easily cause that.
So to be clear...a penis or vagina doesn’t indicate your biological gender but thinking about what gender you would like to be does? :itsok:

Can you physically tell much about when puberty starts by just looking physically?
I never said anything about thinking, but clearly something 13 years after the physical equipment develops, hormones can be quite different.

*sigh* What is it you think tells those glands when to start producing those hormones, Einstein? The onset of puberty is also genetically programmed into us. This is why you see a high correlation of timing in families (for example, all the women in my family began growing breasts in the 5th grade) and in racial/ethnic groups.

WHY are "scientific" leftists so hung up on "I can't personally identify what's going on, so that means it isn't there"? Your ignorance doesn't actually signify anything but your ignorance. I can promise you, a kid's pediatrician can tell you when they're beginning puberty, even if YOU cant recognize it until it slaps you in the face.
Can you physically tell much about when puberty starts by just looking physically?
Uh...yes (dumb ass). Acne. Pubic hair. Underarm hair. Hips widen.
I never said anything about thinking, but clearly something 13 years after the physical equipment develops, hormones can be quite different.
The ignorance of the left in all of its glory. Hormones do not dictate gender, dumb ass. Chromosomes dictate gender. And chromosomes don’t change. Ever.

Wrong, things like acne, underarm hair, and pubic hair are not gender specific.
We were talking about being able to tell which gender when puberty starts.
And hip widening is not universal or gender specific.

Chromosomes dictate nothing.
Hormones dictate everything, and hormones can change due to environmental things like pesticides, illness, or other sources of hormones.

What a scientific genius. "Chromosomes dictate nothing, HORMONES dictate it." And what, Gregor Mendel, dictates the hormones? Yes, they can be affected by pesticides and illness and such, but are you suggesting that every human who has ever lived to adulthood on this planet went through puberty because pesticides or illness triggered their hormones?

In the immortal words of Bugs Bunny, "What a maroon."
Chromosomes dictate nothing
What a scientific genius. "Chromosomes dictate nothing, HORMONES dictate it." And what, Gregor Mendel, dictates the hormones?
This is what we are dealing with these days. The left has dissolved into a bunch of ignorant minions who not only reject science, they are actually unaware of even basic science. God help us.
Can you physically tell much about when puberty starts by just looking physically?
Uh...yes (dumb ass). Acne. Pubic hair. Underarm hair. Hips widen.
I never said anything about thinking, but clearly something 13 years after the physical equipment develops, hormones can be quite different.
The ignorance of the left in all of its glory. Hormones do not dictate gender, dumb ass. Chromosomes dictate gender. And chromosomes don’t change. Ever.

Sorry, but that is totally and completely wrong.
DNA transcribes RNA, that then produces hormones.
And then it is the hormones that determine everything about how the body grows, including gender.
Gender is outside of any cell, and is a group organization of cells.
Which can ONLY be done by hormones.
DNA can't do anything outside of its single cell.
All body growth, positioning, shape, and anything multicellular, is hormones, ALL hormones.
Can you physically tell much about when puberty starts by just looking physically?
Uh...yes (dumb ass). Acne. Pubic hair. Underarm hair. Hips widen.
Wrong, things like acne, underarm hair, and pubic hair are not gender specific.
Of course they are not "gender specific". But that wasn't your question. You never mentioned the term "gender". You said "can you physically tell much about when puberty starts by just looking physically". Word-for-word. See? No mention of gender. Your question was about puberty.

Gender was the whole point of the previous posts, and the train of discussion.
But you are right I should have repeated it instead of assuming that part.

To recap, gender between penis or vagina, (or both in a hermaphrodite), is determined before birth, by hormones created either by DNA or some external source like pesticides or food.
Then 13 years later, sexual orientation is created by hormones created either by DNA or some external source like pesticides or food.
My point actually was that you can't tell in either circumstance if it was DNA or something else that does either.
There is no way to determine DNA by looking at the physical results, and you can't tell sexual orientation physically at all.
Sorry, but that is totally and completely wrong.
Everything you say is “totally and completely” wrong. Here it again, you ignoramus...
Females have an XX pair of sex chromosomes, and males, an XY pair. A baby’s gender is determined by the sperm cell that fertilizes a woman’s egg. Sperm carry one sex chromosome, either a Y (male) or X (female).
How embarrassing for you. This is basic science taught to middle school students.

How a Baby's Gender is Determined | XX Gender XY | Gender Baby
I never said anything about thinking, but clearly something 13 years after the physical equipment develops, hormones can be quite different.
The ignorance of the left in all of its glory. Hormones do not dictate gender, dumb ass. Chromosomes dictate gender. And chromosomes don’t change. Ever.
Chromosomes dictate nothing. just can't make this stuff up. Here is a progressive egregiously denying science with the mind-numbing statement "chromosomes dictate nothing". Wow.
Females have an XX pair of sex chromosomes, and males, an XY pair. A baby’s gender is determined by the sperm cell that fertilizes a woman’s egg. Sperm carry one sex chromosome, either a Y (male) or X (female).
How embarrassing for you. This is basic science taught to middle school students.

How a Baby's Gender is Determined | XX Gender XY | Gender Baby

That is incredibly ignorant.
How is the DNA inside one cell going to go to other cells and make them differentiate to become part of a penis or part of vagina.
DNA can't and does not do that.
All the DNA does is transcribe RNA, that then produces hormones, and then the hormones can leave the cell and interact with other cells in order to produce organs.
To recap, gender between penis or vagina, (or both in a hermaphrodite), is determined before birth, by hormones created either by DNA or some external source like pesticides or food.
Hormones do not “determine” gender, you ignoramus. Gender is determined by chromosomes.
Females have an XX pair of sex chromosomes, and males, an XY pair. A baby’s gender is determined by the sperm cell that fertilizes a woman’s egg. Sperm carry one sex chromosome, either a Y (male) or X (female).
How embarrassing for you. This is basic science taught to middle school students.

How a Baby's Gender is Determined | XX Gender XY | Gender Baby
Can you physically tell much about when puberty starts by just looking physically?
Uh...yes (dumb ass). Acne. Pubic hair. Underarm hair. Hips widen.
I never said anything about thinking, but clearly something 13 years after the physical equipment develops, hormones can be quite different.
The ignorance of the left in all of its glory. Hormones do not dictate gender, dumb ass. Chromosomes dictate gender. And chromosomes don’t change. Ever.

Wrong, things like acne, underarm hair, and pubic hair are not gender specific.
We were talking about being able to tell which gender when puberty starts.
And hip widening is not universal or gender specific.

Chromosomes dictate nothing.
Hormones dictate everything, and hormones can change due to environmental things like pesticides, illness, or other sources of hormones.

What a scientific genius. "Chromosomes dictate nothing, HORMONES dictate it." And what, Gregor Mendel, dictates the hormones? Yes, they can be affected by pesticides and illness and such, but are you suggesting that every human who has ever lived to adulthood on this planet went through puberty because pesticides or illness triggered their hormones?

In the immortal words of Bugs Bunny, "What a maroon."

And how do you propose for DNA to coordinate multiple cells to make up a colony organ?
Nowhere is the radicalization of the left more prevalent than in their rejection of science (whether it is biology, climate, etc,). There is a new story almost daily about the left completely rejecting scientific fact in favor of embracing their feelings about a subject.

Wendy Davis continued that left-wing trend recently when she called life as beginning at the moment of conception, “absurd”. It's nice to see the Twitter responses reflect that fact that Americans still do understand and accept science.

View attachment 124027

Wendy Davis claims life doesn’t start at conception — then Ben Shapiro gives her quick history lesson
God will kill humans no matter what stage of development they are in.
Sorry, but that is totally and completely wrong.
Everything you say is “totally and completely” wrong. Here it again, you ignoramus...
Females have an XX pair of sex chromosomes, and males, an XY pair. A baby’s gender is determined by the sperm cell that fertilizes a woman’s egg. Sperm carry one sex chromosome, either a Y (male) or X (female).
How embarrassing for you. This is basic science taught to middle school students.

How a Baby's Gender is Determined | XX Gender XY | Gender Baby

You obviously don't know anything about biology and how DNA works. All DNA does is transcribe RNA that then makes hormones.
It is important to know that because there are also many other things that produce competing hormones, and that the DNA can and is ignored in those circumstances.
That is incredibly ignorant.
The only thing ignorant is the fact that you didn’t know that an “X” or “Y” chromosome dictates gender and that hormones have absolutely nothing to do with it.
Females have an XX pair of sex chromosomes, and males, an XY pair. A baby’s gender is determined by the sperm cell that fertilizes a woman’s egg. Sperm carry one sex chromosome, either a Y (male) or X (female).
How embarrassing for you. This is basic science taught to middle school students.

How a Baby's Gender is Determined | XX Gender XY | Gender Baby

I cannot believe you are actually this dumb. Amazing.
You obviously don't know anything about biology and how DNA works.
Says the idiot that didn’t know chromosomes dictate gender. :lmao:

I’ve provided links to prove you are wrong. You’ve provided nonsense that we are all dumber for having read it.
In case you still do not understand, here is a quick example I just found:

A gene is the section of DNA on a chromosome which codes for the formation of a protein controlling a specific characteristic (or trait) of the organism. Suppose a plant progeny has gene for the characteristic called 'tallness'. Now, the gene for tallness will give instructions to the plant cells to make a lot of plant growth hormones.

And due to the formation of excess of plant growth hormones, the plant will grow much and hence become tall. On the other hand, if the plant has the gene set for dwarfness, then less plant growth hormones will be produced due to which the plant will grow less, remain short and hence become a dwarf plant.

Just like plants, the characteristics (or traits) in animals (including human beings) are also transmitted from the parents through genes by the process of sexual reproduction.
You obviously don't know anything about biology and how DNA works.
Says the idiot that didn’t know chromosomes dictate gender. :lmao:

I’ve provided links to prove you are wrong. You’ve provided nonsense that we are all dumber for having read it.

Anyone who knows any biology at all, knows that DNA can't possibly control gender directly.
Gender has to do with how cell differentiation and specialization are controlled, between different cells.
The DNA inside a single cell is identical to the DNA inside every other cell, and can not possibly directly effect anything outside of the cell. The only thing that can interact between cells are hormones. So it is hormones that cause cells to differentiate into either penis or vagina cells.

And once you learn that, is should be obvious that although ideally DNA should control the production of hormones that then control gender, any external addition of different hormones can easily over ride the hormones made by the DNA.

It is obvious that DNA can not control gender directly. Gender is outside of any one cell. So forget the simplistic false impression you memorized in the past. It is wrong.
We have had intellectuals debate this issue. It's certainly stimulating. I wonder myself, where does life begin? Is all life sacred no matter what? Like say, a fly, or a cow about to be slaughtered for it's meat? Do we draw lines arbitrarily because...Excuse me, I just swatted a mosquito, damn pests. I was thinking about that big steak I was about to marinade. Yummy yum yums. And then because we are so concerned with human life, we indulge in war. Killing people we never met for abstract reasons. I go to children's hospital, and see all the memorials to kids that died of cancer or Chipperwombats disease , so abortion isn't on my list of priorities when it comes to my focus on unfairness of life. Suffer the little children, my ass. If god exists, he will answer for this. If not, what difference does it make?
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Anyone who knows any biology at all, knows that DNA can't possibly control gender directly.
You’re literally the only human on the planet (above the age of 12) who doesn’t know that XY and XX chromosomes dictate gender. :eusa_doh:
It is obvious that DNA can not control gender directly. Gender is outside of any one cell. So forget the simplistic false impression you memorized in the past. It is wrong.
So all of society is “wrong” (including all doctors and scientists). The only one who is right is Rigby5. :laugh:
Sex determination. A baby's sex is determined at the time of conception. When the baby is conceived, a chromosome from the sperm cell, either X or Y, fuses with the X chromosome in the egg cell, determining whether the baby will be female (XX) or male (XY). the time of conception...the fetus has no hormones. That doesn’t occur until much later. You’re dead wrong. And really stupid.

Sexual differentiation in humans - Wikipedia
Anyone who knows any biology at all, knows that DNA can't possibly control gender directly.
You’re literally the only human on the planet (above the age of 12) who doesn’t know that XY and XX chromosomes dictate gender. :eusa_doh:

DNA is not only inside of the cell, identical in each and every cell, but also inside the nucleus of the cell.
So obviously it is totally and completely incapable of directly influencing or controlling anything outside of its own cell.
Of course in theory the hormones that control gender are produced by the DNA in the nucleus, the whole point is that since DNA can not directly do it, and it is done instead indirectly through hormones produced by the DNA, that it can and is sometimes disrupted by an over load of other hormones, such as pesticides.
Everyone should know that by now.
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