The left's rejection of science

How could life exist before life?

Because sperm and eggs are alive.

This isn't tough at all. Nobody but except you is failing to grasp such a very simple concept, so the problem is clearly only with you. I've tried dumbing it down to your level, but that doesn't seem possible.
He's actually claiming that sperm and eggs aren't alive and human.
Either show where I just said that or admit that you lied yet again.
Still waiting mammaries. This is proof of how you have zero integrity. You lie and even when you're caught lying, you don't have the integrity to come back and admit it.

I never said "sperm and eggs aren't alive and human" (I also didn't say that they were - I simply didn't address that at all other than to say that they have a beginning - which every dimwit on Earth knows except for you).
If it's not sustainable then it hasn't begun.
Again is scientific fact that life has begun at conception. Do you have any idea how many lives are sitting in Intensive Care Units across the country as we speak that are hooked to life-support machines because their current condition is unsustainable for life? Does that mean their life "hasn't begun"? Dumb ass.
Yah know... lefties are not exactly sustainable, since their survival is based upon wealth redistribution.
If it's not sustainable then it hasn't begun.
Again is scientific fact that life has begun at conception. Do you have any idea how many lives are sitting in Intensive Care Units across the country as we speak that are hooked to life-support machines because their current condition is unsustainable for life? Does that mean their life "hasn't begun"? Dumb ass.
Yah know... lefties are not exactly sustainable, since their survival is based upon wealth redistribution.
That's a great point. Detroit is proof of that. After 65 years of complete Dumbocrat control, the city is a third world shit-hole rampant with crime, drugs, and dilapidated buildings. They had to file for bankruptcy.

The left-wing ideology is completely unsustainable. Venezuela is another example.
How could life exist before life?

Because sperm and eggs are alive.

This isn't tough at all. Nobody but except you is failing to grasp such a very simple concept, so the problem is clearly only with you. I've tried dumbing it down to your level, but that doesn't seem possible.

Because sperm and eggs are alive? Something being alive would be the same as life. So how could life exist before life?
How could life exist before life?

Because sperm and eggs are alive.

This isn't tough at all. Nobody but except you is failing to grasp such a very simple concept, so the problem is clearly only with you. I've tried dumbing it down to your level, but that doesn't seem possible.

Because sperm and eggs are alive? Something being alive would be the same as life. So how could life exist before life?
I asked her the same question. She is really struggling.
How could life exist before life?

Because sperm and eggs are alive.

This isn't tough at all. Nobody but except you is failing to grasp such a very simple concept, so the problem is clearly only with you. I've tried dumbing it down to your level, but that doesn't seem possible.

Because sperm and eggs are alive? Something being alive would be the same as life. So how could life exist before life?
I asked her the same question. She is really struggling.

Struggling may be putting it mildly.
No...I've actually obliterated you up and down this board

Suuuuuuure you did, snowflake. You're a real legend in your own mind. Too bad you're too chickenshit to debate what I actually say. You're yellow down to your soul.

First you stated that "Life has no beginning" (which I absolutely cannot stop laughing at). I proved that wrong.

By babbling about eternal trees? All you did was prove that you're loopy.

Out of desperation - you claimed that sperm cells and eggs are living and therefore their fusion does not create life.

That's clearly been my point from the very start. And you're just now getting it. Nobody else but you here has failed to grasp the basics. You're unique in your flailing incompetence.

I proved that wrong by pointing out that regardless of whether or not sperm and eggs are considered "living", they have a beginning.

Which has nothing to do with the point that since life existed in sperm and egg before conception, life clearly continues at conception, as opposed to beginning at conception. Again, I don't know how to dumb it down any further for you. Maybe you could find some other grownup to explain it to you.

I pointed out how babies cannot produce sperm and eggs nor can children, but only at the time of maturity does a body being to manufacture those things (hence the BEGINNING of their creation). I then mentioned how all life has a beginning and an ending.

And none of that has anything to do with the topic. You look hilariously stupid for babbling about such nonsense, and the funniest thing is you don't understand how stupid you look.

You desperation continued and you attempted with the bat-shit crazy, fall-down hilarious "I came from a sperm, and I'm alive, therefore sperm never dies". I then had to explain to your dumb ass that one day, you will absolutely die. :laugh:

So, you ended it off by lying outright about what I said.

Given that you're so proudly lying about what I say and have no regrets about doing so, why should I or anyone talk to you? After all, it's a given that you will always lie when you respond. Why should any of us waste our time debating someone so pathologically dishonest?

In any case, my points are proven. Life continues at conception, you're a moron, and you have a personality disorder. I think my work is done.
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Because sperm and eggs are alive?

Good so far.

Something being alive would be the same as life.


So how could life exist before life?


Did you take the same stupid pills as P@triot?

That sentence only makes sense in some 'tard dimension where you and P@triot shack up and make sweet love.

Normal humans, they have no idea why you 'tards utter such a stupid sentence and think it makes sense.
And how did they become "alive"?

Because a live organism created more living cells. Duh.

Are they eternal like you originally claimed? Nope!

I said no such thing. You're lying, and everyone sees it.

Your constant dishonesty aside, why do you apparently think that something alive has to be eternal? After all, that's a totally loopy claim, and you're the only person here making it.
How could life exist before life?

Because sperm and eggs are alive.

This isn't tough at all. Nobody but except you is failing to grasp such a very simple concept, so the problem is clearly only with you. I've tried dumbing it down to your level, but that doesn't seem possible.

You were the one that answered the question. Dementia must be setting in, go back and read your own post.
Still waiting mammaries. This is proof of how you have zero integrity. You lie and even when you're caught lying, you don't have the integrity to come back and admit it.

It's proof that you're tagging me so obsessively that I can't keep track of all your whining. Nobody has ever whined and cried at me more than you do. You're in a class of little bitch all by yourself.

I never said "sperm and eggs aren't alive and human" (I also didn't say that they were - I simply didn't address that at all other than to say that they have a beginning - which every dimwit on Earth knows except for you).

It's impossible to figure out what you are saying, being how often you dodge and weave and flipflop. Contrast your evasive weasel routines with my very clear points. I can back up my points, so I can be direct. You can't, so you have to weasel.

So, let's pin you down.

Are sperm and eggs alive? Give a simple yes or no answer.

Are sperm and eggs human? Give a yes or no answer.

We'll take it from there.
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You were the one that answered the question. Dementia must be setting in, go back and read your own post.

Don't deflect with insults. Explain your kook sentence.

What is "So how could life exist before life?" supposed to mean?

I can't figure out what you're babbling about there. It makes no sense. Of course life can exist before life. Why would you think otherwise? Why did you think you were making some kind of sensible point?
Are they eternal like you originally claimed? Nope!

I said no such thing. You're lying, and everyone sees it.
You said no such thing?!? Snowflake, I've quoted your post probably close to a dozen times now where you said "Life has no beginning". You claim that sperm and eggs are alive. Therefore, they have no beginning according to you.

The left-wing ideology is completely unsustainable. Venezuela is another example.

By lefty logic, lefties must not be life. Come to think of it, lefties don't even have souls...
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Still waiting mammaries. This is proof of how you have zero integrity. You lie and even when you're caught lying, you don't have the integrity to come back and admit it.

I never said "sperm and eggs aren't alive and human" (I also didn't say that they were - I simply didn't address that at all other than to say that they have a beginning - which every dimwit on Earth knows except for you).
It's impossible to figure out what you are saying
That's because I'm intelligent and you're incredibly stupid. Stupid people can't figure out what intelligent people are talking about. This is exactly why I keep telling you to go play with your toys and let the adults talk.
The left make up all sorts of crazy shit to justify ripping limbs off helpless human babies.
Well according to mammaries - they aren't babies because they aren't alive but the sperm and egg that create them are alive, which all equates to life (and I quote here) "having no beginning". Seriously - you can't make this shit up.
Neither are capable of creating a child alone, but you knew that, your semantics game is really lame.

That's nice. And it has nothing to do with the argument.

Life existed before conception, hence life can't start at conception. You can't refute that very simple logic, so you're spinning and evading. All you have is semantic games, period.

If you disagree, just define exactly what a person is, without circular arguments. Pro-lifers are all very reluctant to do that.

You're right, dead people can't naturally procreate. Your point?


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