The Lesser of two evils lie

The Rabbi

Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2009
A popular meme, especially among libertarians, is that voting is pickign the "lesser of two evils." IT is bullshit. An employer might have an ideal candidate in mind. He will never get the ideal candidate. He will find the person who comes closest to being the ideal candidate. Does that mean the person hired is simply the "lesser of two evils"? No, of course not.
Most people never marry their perfect spouse. Probably such a person doesnt exist. They do marry the person who fits best into whatever ideal image they have. Does anyone ever say they married the "lesser of two evils"? No, of course not.
So why the fuck do people perpetuate this stupid meme on politicians? Unless you yourself are running, you will never get a candidate who agrees with you 100% on every single issue. You pick the candidate who BEST represents your views. If you can't stand either one, fine, dont vote. But dont go around prattling about lesser of two evils.

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