The liberal approach to radical Islam is now simply indefensible.


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
They're reporting now that the 3rd shooter is the brother of Durka Durka Hockmed Mohammed Farook. Figures.

They're reporting the neighbors have been suspicious of these Muslims and their behavior for many weeks prior. But hey....BETTER NOT say anything or you're a racist.

A detective on Fox just reported a POSSIBLE motive was the Muslims were demanding no Christmas event at the workplace....thus the argument...and that these animals did the attack for a violation of their religious feelings. You know.....violated their Islamic Safe Space with a Christmas party.

It's clear now. The left wing "strategy" of dealing with radical Islam....and crime in simply indefensible. It's time people with fucking brains and common sense take charge and take office. And honestly it's time we just stop listening to the left on these issues. Their views on it are becoming to look mentally ill at best....and no flat out suicidal at worst.
Not much regarding libtardism has worked for the last 50 years.

Some time in the 1970s they abandoned the concept of Truth and Reason and adopted post-modernism, which is a system of philosophy that essentially states that there is no objective Truth, all Truth is subjective and personal. IT also says that no civilization or culture is better than any other, and so there is no basis for defending Western civilization from attacks as a concept as it is only a set of opinions, not Truths.

And we have been slowly evaporating as a culture ever since.

We need to revive our civilization with some return to older ways of thinking before we demographically lose all our native nations to immigrants and jihadis.
They're reporting now that the 3rd shooter is the brother of Durka Durka Hockmed Mohammed Farook. Figures.

They're reporting the neighbors have been suspicious of these Muslims and their behavior for many weeks prior. But hey....BETTER NOT say anything or you're a racist.

A detective on Fox just reported a POSSIBLE motive was the Muslims were demanding no Christmas event at the workplace....thus the argument...and that these animals did the attack for a violation of their religious feelings. You know.....violated their Islamic Safe Space with a Christmas party.

It's clear now. The left wing "strategy" of dealing with radical Islam....and crime in simply indefensible. It's time people with fucking brains and common sense take charge and take office. And honestly it's time we just stop listening to the left on these issues. Their views on it are becoming to look mentally ill at best....and no flat out suicidal at worst.

I agree. The left prefers to call those that are wary of Muslims racists and bigots and don't seem to notice when Muslims kill Americans. They prefer to blame the victim. They don't seem to have one ounce of common sense.

This guy gets thrown out of a party and comes back with three heavily armed friends and they proceed to kill fourteen and wound another eighteen. I'm sure that scumbag had friends among the dead but he sure didn't let that stop him. Apparently that gun free zone wasn't gun free after all.

I have friends as I'm sure most people do but I could never get a friend, any friend, to kill fourteen people for me. How bout you?

These scumbags were terrorists and every American needs to be wary of every Muslim in America.

That Muslim next door who you thought was a friend wouldn't let that friendship get in the way if he thinks you have insulted his religion.

BTW. If you don't have a gun I highly suggest you get one. You never know. That neighbor might decide he's not your friend after all.
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They're reporting now that the 3rd shooter is the brother of Durka Durka Hockmed Mohammed Farook. Figures.

They're reporting the neighbors have been suspicious of these Muslims and their behavior for many weeks prior. But hey....BETTER NOT say anything or you're a racist.

A detective on Fox just reported a POSSIBLE motive was the Muslims were demanding no Christmas event at the workplace....thus the argument...and that these animals did the attack for a violation of their religious feelings. You know.....violated their Islamic Safe Space with a Christmas party.

It's clear now. The left wing "strategy" of dealing with radical Islam....and crime in simply indefensible. It's time people with fucking brains and common sense take charge and take office. And honestly it's time we just stop listening to the left on these issues. Their views on it are becoming to look mentally ill at best....and no flat out suicidal at worst.
The PC Police have made their choice, loud and clear.

They'll defend and deflect for the PC-Protected religion, no matter what.
They're reporting now that the 3rd shooter is the brother of Durka Durka Hockmed Mohammed Farook. Figures.

They're reporting the neighbors have been suspicious of these Muslims and their behavior for many weeks prior. But hey....BETTER NOT say anything or you're a racist.

A detective on Fox just reported a POSSIBLE motive was the Muslims were demanding no Christmas event at the workplace....thus the argument...and that these animals did the attack for a violation of their religious feelings. You know.....violated their Islamic Safe Space with a Christmas party.

It's clear now. The left wing "strategy" of dealing with radical Islam....and crime in simply indefensible. It's time people with fucking brains and common sense take charge and take office. And honestly it's time we just stop listening to the left on these issues. Their views on it are becoming to look mentally ill at best....and no flat out suicidal at worst.

I agree. The left prefers to call those that are wary of Muslims racists and bigots and don't seem to notice when Muslims kill Americans. They prefer to blame the victim. They don't seem to have one ounce of common sense.

This guy gets thrown out of a party and comes back with three heavily armed friends and they proceed to kill fourteen and wound another eighteen. I'm sure that scumbag had friends among the dead but he sure didn't let that stop him.

I have friends as I'm sure most people do but I could never get a friend, any friend, to kill fourteen people for me. How bout you?

These scumbags were terrorists and every American needs to be wary of every Muslim in America.

That Muslim next door who you thought was a friend wouldn't let that friendship get in the way if he thinks you have insulted his religion.

BTW. If you don't have a gun I highly suggest you get one. You never know. That neighbor might decide he's not your friend after all.

Yep. Then they distract by pointing out white shooters. Yes...America has its own issues. White and black and Hispanic crime. We certainly don't need to import MORE crime or radical Islam.

It's like having stage 3 cancer and libs are saying "Hey....rub some Ebola on already have cancer." just wanna fight cancer.
Yes, the Islamaphobes will have a field day. "I told you so!" Out of 355 mass shootings so far this year that left four or more dead....Were any of them Syrian refugees? Why would refugees even want to come to the most violent nation on earth? They're safer on the ISIS battlefields than here. The fact is guns are available to anyone, anywhere, anytime. If I chose to shoot my neighbor over a parking space, I could get a gun today. Guns are the bottom line. All the second amendment quoters, all the "good guys with guns people, all the "guns don't kill people, people kill people" people, and all the other selfish ones who don't want to be inconvenienced in the slightest, are responsible for this. We're raising children to believe these mass shootings are normal and a fact of life. A cowardly congress and a thuggish NRA are the roadblocks to healthier and safer life in America.
Yes, the Islamaphobes will have a field day. "I told you so!" Out of 355 mass shootings so far this year that left four or more dead....Were any of them Syrian refugees? Why would refugees even want to come to the most violent nation on earth? They're safer on the ISIS battlefields than here. The fact is guns are available to anyone, anywhere, anytime. If I chose to shoot my neighbor over a parking space, I could get a gun today. Guns are the bottom line. All the second amendment quoters, all the "good guys with guns people, all the "guns don't kill people, people kill people" people, and all the other selfish ones who don't want to be inconvenienced in the slightest, are responsible for this. We're raising children to believe these mass shootings are normal and a fact of life. A cowardly congress and a thuggish NRA are the roadblocks to healthier and safer life in America.

Bullshit. Jesus your a moron.

One of those scumbags was a home grown terrorist who got his heavily armed friends to kill fourteen people. They were in a gun free zone.

The gun is the tool and those using them are the weapons. Guns don't kill people. People kill people.

Perhaps we should kill everyone who kills someone with a gun. Bet that would make your fucking day. Kill the weapon. Not the tool.

A moron you truly are.
They're reporting now that the 3rd shooter is the brother of Durka Durka Hockmed Mohammed Farook. Figures.

They're reporting the neighbors have been suspicious of these Muslims and their behavior for many weeks prior. But hey....BETTER NOT say anything or you're a racist.

A detective on Fox just reported a POSSIBLE motive was the Muslims were demanding no Christmas event at the workplace....thus the argument...and that these animals did the attack for a violation of their religious feelings. You know.....violated their Islamic Safe Space with a Christmas party.

It's clear now. The left wing "strategy" of dealing with radical Islam....and crime in simply indefensible. It's time people with fucking brains and common sense take charge and take office. And honestly it's time we just stop listening to the left on these issues. Their views on it are becoming to look mentally ill at best....and no flat out suicidal at worst.
The conservative right has run congress for years. And what has congress done? Nothing. Not one single thing. Kind of blows that idea out of the water, doesn't it?
They're reporting now that the 3rd shooter is the brother of Durka Durka Hockmed Mohammed Farook. Figures.

They're reporting the neighbors have been suspicious of these Muslims and their behavior for many weeks prior. But hey....BETTER NOT say anything or you're a racist.

A detective on Fox just reported a POSSIBLE motive was the Muslims were demanding no Christmas event at the workplace....thus the argument...and that these animals did the attack for a violation of their religious feelings. You know.....violated their Islamic Safe Space with a Christmas party.

It's clear now. The left wing "strategy" of dealing with radical Islam....and crime in simply indefensible. It's time people with fucking brains and common sense take charge and take office. And honestly it's time we just stop listening to the left on these issues. Their views on it are becoming to look mentally ill at best....and no flat out suicidal at worst.
I came here to read your bullshit in hopes of seeing what you think is our strategy is but you didn't say.

And what is yours? And is that how all the Republicans feel? Willing to sign a pledge to Grover norquist promising it?

And are you suggesting bush did a good job fighting terror?
Yes, the Islamaphobes will have a field day. "I told you so!" Out of 355 mass shootings so far this year that left four or more dead....Were any of them Syrian refugees? Why would refugees even want to come to the most violent nation on earth? They're safer on the ISIS battlefields than here. The fact is guns are available to anyone, anywhere, anytime. If I chose to shoot my neighbor over a parking space, I could get a gun today. Guns are the bottom line. All the second amendment quoters, all the "good guys with guns people, all the "guns don't kill people, people kill people" people, and all the other selfish ones who don't want to be inconvenienced in the slightest, are responsible for this. We're raising children to believe these mass shootings are normal and a fact of life. A cowardly congress and a thuggish NRA are the roadblocks to healthier and safer life in America.

Bullshit. Jesus your a moron.

One of those scumbags was a home grown terrorist who got his heavily armed friends to kill fourteen people. They were in a gun free zone.

The gun is the tool and those using them are the weapons. Guns don't kill people. People kill people.

Perhaps we should kill everyone who kills someone with a gun. Bet that would make your fucking day. Kill the weapon. Not the tool.

A moron you truly are.
"Guns don't kill people....." Can't you come up with a rational argument other than the trite, the tired, the never-made-sense-in-the-first-place sayings. This is all you've got, Claudette?
Yes, the Islamaphobes will have a field day. "I told you so!" Out of 355 mass shootings so far this year that left four or more dead....
Link or it doesnt exist.

What definition are you using for 'mass shooting' anyway? Any shooting with more than one person injured?

"Guns don't kill people....." Can't you come up with a rational argument other than the trite, the tired, the never-made-sense-in-the-first-place sayings. This is all you've got, Claudette?
If Truth and Reason bore you, too damned bad, bubba. Go back to Comedy Central.
They're reporting now that the 3rd shooter is the brother of Durka Durka Hockmed Mohammed Farook. Figures.

They're reporting the neighbors have been suspicious of these Muslims and their behavior for many weeks prior. But hey....BETTER NOT say anything or you're a racist.

A detective on Fox just reported a POSSIBLE motive was the Muslims were demanding no Christmas event at the workplace....thus the argument...and that these animals did the attack for a violation of their religious feelings. You know.....violated their Islamic Safe Space with a Christmas party.

It's clear now. The left wing "strategy" of dealing with radical Islam....and crime in simply indefensible. It's time people with fucking brains and common sense take charge and take office. And honestly it's time we just stop listening to the left on these issues. Their views on it are becoming to look mentally ill at best....and no flat out suicidal at worst.

I agree. The left prefers to call those that are wary of Muslims racists and bigots and don't seem to notice when Muslims kill Americans. They prefer to blame the victim. They don't seem to have one ounce of common sense.

This guy gets thrown out of a party and comes back with three heavily armed friends and they proceed to kill fourteen and wound another eighteen. I'm sure that scumbag had friends among the dead but he sure didn't let that stop him. Apparently that gun free zone wasn't gun free after all.

I have friends as I'm sure most people do but I could never get a friend, any friend, to kill fourteen people for me. How bout you?

These scumbags were terrorists and every American needs to be wary of every Muslim in America.

That Muslim next door who you thought was a friend wouldn't let that friendship get in the way if he thinks you have insulted his religion.

BTW. If you don't have a gun I highly suggest you get one. You never know. That neighbor might decide he's not your friend after all.
Quran 5:51
O ye who believe! Take not the Jews and Christians for friends. They are friends one to another. He among you who taketh them for friends is (one) of them. Lo! Allah guideth not wrongdoing folk.
The conservative right has run congress for years. And what has congress done? Nothing. Not one single thing. Kind of blows that idea out of the water, doesn't it?
Until the last election, Republicans only controlled the House, not the Senate. And 'Republican' does not = 'conservative' anyway.
They're reporting now that the 3rd shooter is the brother of Durka Durka Hockmed Mohammed Farook. Figures.

They're reporting the neighbors have been suspicious of these Muslims and their behavior for many weeks prior. But hey....BETTER NOT say anything or you're a racist.

A detective on Fox just reported a POSSIBLE motive was the Muslims were demanding no Christmas event at the workplace....thus the argument...and that these animals did the attack for a violation of their religious feelings. You know.....violated their Islamic Safe Space with a Christmas party.

It's clear now. The left wing "strategy" of dealing with radical Islam....and crime in simply indefensible. It's time people with fucking brains and common sense take charge and take office. And honestly it's time we just stop listening to the left on these issues. Their views on it are becoming to look mentally ill at best....and no flat out suicidal at worst.

I agree. The left prefers to call those that are wary of Muslims racists and bigots and don't seem to notice when Muslims kill Americans. They prefer to blame the victim. They don't seem to have one ounce of common sense.

This guy gets thrown out of a party and comes back with three heavily armed friends and they proceed to kill fourteen and wound another eighteen. I'm sure that scumbag had friends among the dead but he sure didn't let that stop him. Apparently that gun free zone wasn't gun free after all.

I have friends as I'm sure most people do but I could never get a friend, any friend, to kill fourteen people for me. How bout you?

These scumbags were terrorists and every American needs to be wary of every Muslim in America.

That Muslim next door who you thought was a friend wouldn't let that friendship get in the way if he thinks you have insulted his religion.

BTW. If you don't have a gun I highly suggest you get one. You never know. That neighbor might decide he's not your friend after all.
Quran 5:51
O ye who believe! Take not the Jews and Christians for friends. They are friends one to another. He among you who taketh them for friends is (one) of them. Lo! Allah guideth not wrongdoing folk.
This used to be abrogated as an earlier Mecca period verse, but the Wahhabis have restored it to current status and now use it to preach the slaughter of all us Pagans.
Yes, the Islamaphobes will have a field day. "I told you so!" Out of 355 mass shootings so far this year that left four or more dead....Were any of them Syrian refugees? Why would refugees even want to come to the most violent nation on earth? They're safer on the ISIS battlefields than here. The fact is guns are available to anyone, anywhere, anytime. If I chose to shoot my neighbor over a parking space, I could get a gun today. Guns are the bottom line. All the second amendment quoters, all the "good guys with guns people, all the "guns don't kill people, people kill people" people, and all the other selfish ones who don't want to be inconvenienced in the slightest, are responsible for this. We're raising children to believe these mass shootings are normal and a fact of life. A cowardly congress and a thuggish NRA are the roadblocks to healthier and safer life in America.

Bullshit. Jesus your a moron.

One of those scumbags was a home grown terrorist who got his heavily armed friends to kill fourteen people. They were in a gun free zone.

The gun is the tool and those using them are the weapons. Guns don't kill people. People kill people.

Perhaps we should kill everyone who kills someone with a gun. Bet that would make your fucking day. Kill the weapon. Not the tool.

A moron you truly are.
"Guns don't kill people....." Can't you come up with a rational argument other than the trite, the tired, the never-made-sense-in-the-first-place sayings. This is all you've got, Claudette?

This is all you got. Your tired old objection to the truth??

The gun is the tool. The person willing to use it is the weapon.

Without the weapon, the person using the tool, the gun is just a hunk of metal.

With the weapon willing to use that hunk of metal the tool, they can kill.

Guns don't kill people. People kill people.

There are more than enough laws on the books pertaining to the tool. Just not enough to get rid of the weapon. The people.

Hope you have the tool in case that Muslim next door decides you have insulted his religion.
They're reporting now that the 3rd shooter is the brother of Durka Durka Hockmed Mohammed Farook. Figures.

They're reporting the neighbors have been suspicious of these Muslims and their behavior for many weeks prior. But hey....BETTER NOT say anything or you're a racist.

A detective on Fox just reported a POSSIBLE motive was the Muslims were demanding no Christmas event at the workplace....thus the argument...and that these animals did the attack for a violation of their religious feelings. You know.....violated their Islamic Safe Space with a Christmas party.

It's clear now. The left wing "strategy" of dealing with radical Islam....and crime in simply indefensible. It's time people with fucking brains and common sense take charge and take office. And honestly it's time we just stop listening to the left on these issues. Their views on it are becoming to look mentally ill at best....and no flat out suicidal at worst.

I agree. The left prefers to call those that are wary of Muslims racists and bigots and don't seem to notice when Muslims kill Americans. They prefer to blame the victim. They don't seem to have one ounce of common sense.

This guy gets thrown out of a party and comes back with three heavily armed friends and they proceed to kill fourteen and wound another eighteen. I'm sure that scumbag had friends among the dead but he sure didn't let that stop him. Apparently that gun free zone wasn't gun free after all.

I have friends as I'm sure most people do but I could never get a friend, any friend, to kill fourteen people for me. How bout you?

These scumbags were terrorists and every American needs to be wary of every Muslim in America.

That Muslim next door who you thought was a friend wouldn't let that friendship get in the way if he thinks you have insulted his religion.

BTW. If you don't have a gun I highly suggest you get one. You never know. That neighbor might decide he's not your friend after all.
Quran 5:51
O ye who believe! Take not the Jews and Christians for friends. They are friends one to another. He among you who taketh them for friends is (one) of them. Lo! Allah guideth not wrongdoing folk.
This used to be abrogated as an earlier Mecca period verse, but the Wahhabis have restored it to current status and now use it to preach the slaughter of all us Pagans.
Yeah, all the abrogation, and the Hadith too, are often very useful to radical Muslims and their apologists. However, it's all there in black and white for those who wish to practice Islam devoutly and literally :) so Islam will ALWAYS be a problem for non-Muslims imho. The potential for radicalisation is ever present, and eve if anyone was willing to remove all the hate and exhortation to violence, all that would be left of the Quran is a pamphlet, lol.
They're reporting now that the 3rd shooter is the brother of Durka Durka Hockmed Mohammed Farook. Figures.

They're reporting the neighbors have been suspicious of these Muslims and their behavior for many weeks prior. But hey....BETTER NOT say anything or you're a racist.

A detective on Fox just reported a POSSIBLE motive was the Muslims were demanding no Christmas event at the workplace....thus the argument...and that these animals did the attack for a violation of their religious feelings. You know.....violated their Islamic Safe Space with a Christmas party.

It's clear now. The left wing "strategy" of dealing with radical Islam....and crime in simply indefensible. It's time people with fucking brains and common sense take charge and take office. And honestly it's time we just stop listening to the left on these issues. Their views on it are becoming to look mentally ill at best....and no flat out suicidal at worst.

I agree. The left prefers to call those that are wary of Muslims racists and bigots and don't seem to notice when Muslims kill Americans. They prefer to blame the victim. They don't seem to have one ounce of common sense.

This guy gets thrown out of a party and comes back with three heavily armed friends and they proceed to kill fourteen and wound another eighteen. I'm sure that scumbag had friends among the dead but he sure didn't let that stop him. Apparently that gun free zone wasn't gun free after all.

I have friends as I'm sure most people do but I could never get a friend, any friend, to kill fourteen people for me. How bout you?

These scumbags were terrorists and every American needs to be wary of every Muslim in America.

That Muslim next door who you thought was a friend wouldn't let that friendship get in the way if he thinks you have insulted his religion.

BTW. If you don't have a gun I highly suggest you get one. You never know. That neighbor might decide he's not your friend after all.
Quran 5:51
O ye who believe! Take not the Jews and Christians for friends. They are friends one to another. He among you who taketh them for friends is (one) of them. Lo! Allah guideth not wrongdoing folk.
This used to be abrogated as an earlier Mecca period verse, but the Wahhabis have restored it to current status and now use it to preach the slaughter of all us Pagans.
Yeah, all the abrogation, and the Hadith too, are often very useful to radical Muslims and their apologists. However, it's all there in black and white for those who wish to practice Islam devoutly and literally :) so Islam will ALWAYS be a problem for non-Muslims imho. The potential for radicalisation is ever present, and eve if anyone was willing to remove all the hate and exhortation to violence, all that would be left of the Quran is a pamphlet, lol.
I am trying to start a thread on the distinctions between Salafi Jihadism and the rest of Islam here. The Root Cause of Our War with Islam; Salafi Jihadism or Wahhabism | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

But I think the basics of Islam are not much more violent than the Old Testament's books from Joshua to Second Chronicles..

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