The Liberal Assault on Merit

Shouldn't you prove that there is no 'merit' to the argument that costly test preparation schemes are giving some students unfair advantage? Beyond one item of anecdotal evidence which as an argument has little or no 'merit'?

I guess you should prove everyone needed a test preparation class to gain entrance to the school first. It improves your chances of getting in, not a requirement for entry.

I'm not taking the position that kids who don't deserve to go to these schools should go to them.

The OP says it's the test that gets you in or not.

It does. Being a citizen of New York, you should know the SHSAT is the standard for 8 of the 9 specialized high schools in the State, it also determines whether a kid gets into one of those 8 schools or not. They call it the Specialized High School Admissions Test. In 2008, 6,106 students were offered admission based on the results of those tests.

Chancellor Announces Specialized High School Admissions Results - 2008-2009 - New York City Department of Education
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Merit....Or more accurately opposing any semblance of it, is precisely why liberals support labor unions....Those collectives eschew the concept of merit in pay and benefits.
Those that work harder, perform better at their jobs are actually qualities frowned upon by unionists.
Liberals are opposed to the concepts of merit achievement and success...Except their own.

To be sure.

Lefty's motive ultimately comes down to this: his obsession with power and the adoration of those he enslaves.
I guess you should prove everyone needed a test preparation class to gain entrance to the school first. It improves your chances of getting in, not a requirement for entry.

I'm not taking the position that kids who don't deserve to go to these schools should go to them.

The OP says it's the test that gets you in or not.

It does. Being a citizen of New York, you should know the SHSAT is the standard for 8 of the 9 specialized high schools in the State, it also determines whether a kid gets into one of those 8 schools or not. They call it the Specialized High School Admissions Test. In 2008, 6,106 students were offered admission based on the results of those tests.

Chancellor Announces Specialized High School Admissions Results - 2008-2009 - New York City Department of Education

So if a costly tutoring program can give a kid a material advantage that might make the difference between admission or not,

is that just part of the bad luck of being poor?
Merit....Or more accurately opposing any semblance of it, is precisely why liberals support labor unions....Those collectives eschew the concept of merit in pay and benefits.
Those that work harder, perform better at their jobs are actually qualities frowned upon by unionists.
Liberals are opposed to the concepts of merit achievement and success...Except their own.

To be sure.

Lefty's motive ultimately comes down to this: his obsession with power and the adoration of those he enslaves.

Why yes, even the GOP God will treat all as equals in Heaven..ha!
I'm not taking the position that kids who don't deserve to go to these schools should go to them.

The OP says it's the test that gets you in or not.

It does. Being a citizen of New York, you should know the SHSAT is the standard for 8 of the 9 specialized high schools in the State, it also determines whether a kid gets into one of those 8 schools or not. They call it the Specialized High School Admissions Test. In 2008, 6,106 students were offered admission based on the results of those tests.

Chancellor Announces Specialized High School Admissions Results - 2008-2009 - New York City Department of Education

So if a costly tutoring program can give a kid a material advantage that might make the difference between admission or not,

is that just part of the bad luck of being poor?
You double sippers played the system. Broke the states that permit the scourge of unionized public employees.
It's OVER. That taxpayers got fleeced and they have had it. You gamed the system with your greed.
Ya wrecked it for everyone else.
It must have been fairly easy before this since the Bush family has gone into and graduated from Harvard or Yale..

I love how you'll jump into any thread...whether you know anything or not!
Good boy. coming up: take notes.

1. For two of his four years at Harvard, Gore ranked in the bottom fifth of his class academically.
After squeaking through Harvard, Gore returned to Tennessee and, after flunking out of its Divinity School, entered but failed to earn a degree from Vanderbilt University Law School.
NewsMax Archives

2. Obama "...attended Occidental/Columbia undergrad and Harvard Law. Bush attended Yale undergrad and Harvard Business School. Bush released his grades and SAT scores (1206 on Verbal and Math--pre-1974--like 1300 today) as did his opponents, Kerry and Gore. Using the "Otis Gamma and Scholastic Aptitude" score, one can infer Bush's IQ to be 130. This places him in about the top 2-3% in the country.

This is higher than John Kerry and lower than Al Gore. The latter was a massive underachiever in college.

We do not know Obama's SAT, LSAT, or GPA scores because he won't release them. His Columbia GPA was estimated by the WSJ to be between 1.8 and 3.0 (C- to B) because he did not graduate with honors. He was at the bottom 15% in Occidental. He was in the top 10% at Harvard Law because he graduated "magna cum laude". So we assume he is smart, but how he got into Harvard with that record is peculiar. In any event, he will not release his records.
Law of the Bad Premise: Obama's Rocky Mountain High IQ

Now...aren't you glad you brought it up?

Yeah, rich folks have been bypassing the entrance exams and qualifications for many years, yet they believe they deserve merit in the work world just because they went to a certain college..
Why not equalize it and allow common folks to do the same?

Says who?....Where's your proof?
PC, will you ever put forth an original thought of your own on this forum? This copy and paste crap may fly with the simpletons of this forum, but everyone else is just annoyed.

Why, BillyZeroIQ.....every single thing I post is based on my thoughts.

That is the content.

What you call "copy and paste crap" is method of presentation, and is based on supporting documentation and quotes from experts.

You may understand the difference when and if you ever get out of junior high.

"...everyone else is just annoyed..."

Really? Did you interview everyone?
Or is this "reporting" on the level of elementary-school gossip: "Everyone hates you"?

Trust me on this...I will give it all the consideration it, and you, deserve.

Libs C&P opinion pieces and glee fully say "Lookie here!!!".
I'd agree with this, there's no plot.

They're willing to lower quality in exchange for lowering standards, anywhere, any time.

We're seeing it manifest in our decay as the most dynamic nation on the planet: Confident Idiots: American Students Growing More Confident, Less Capable

It's just the way they think. It's worth it.


Perhaps the greatest blow to American education was by the Liberals...the 'self-esteem' movement.

The question to me is motive:

Do they really think that this is going to raise quality, or do they not care in exchange for perceived "feelings" and "self esteem" and "fairness"?

I think it's the latter.

They don't care about the quality of anything. All they care about is how it looks.
He watched too much Long Dong Silver...

So, you remain a devotee of high tech lynching...... probably don't know how brilliant Thomas is.

1. Writes Jeffrey Toobin:

"In several of the most important areas of constitutional law, Thomas has emerged as an intellectual leader of the Supreme Court. Since the arrival of Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr., in 2005, and Justice Samuel A. Alito, Jr., in 2006, the Court has moved to the right when it comes to the free-speech rights of corporations, the rights of gun owners, and, potentially, the powers of the federal government; in each of these areas, the majority has followed where Thomas has been leading for a decade or more. Rarely has a Supreme Court Justice enjoyed such broad or significant vindication.

This is one of the most startling reappraisals to appear in The New Yorker for many years. means that liberal America has spent a generation mocking a Black man as an ignorant fool, even as constitutional scholars stand in growing amazement at the intellectual audacity, philosophical coherence and historical reflection embedded in his judicial work."

New Blue Nightmare: Clarence Thomas and the Amendment of Doom - The American Interest


Partners - The New Yorker

I don't care what color you are or which porn star is your fav, if you want to accomplish something just be good and have an inside parlay to get into positions of power and wealth.
Oh stop complaining.
What annoys me are people who immediately attack the OP writer before even one intelligent post.

It's because it's...."...take notes".....A MESSAGE BOARD. She treats it like it's her personal lectern. Crashing bore...endlessly long diatribes based on OpEds and blogs. Copy n' paste.

Well then you'll find this very useful information. The OPs have titles so you have a general idea of the topic AND the author of the OP is included. Feel free to use this and avoid topics with authors or topic you don't like or understand.
It does. Being a citizen of New York, you should know the SHSAT is the standard for 8 of the 9 specialized high schools in the State, it also determines whether a kid gets into one of those 8 schools or not. They call it the Specialized High School Admissions Test. In 2008, 6,106 students were offered admission based on the results of those tests.

Chancellor Announces Specialized High School Admissions Results - 2008-2009 - New York City Department of Education

So if a costly tutoring program can give a kid a material advantage that might make the difference between admission or not,

is that just part of the bad luck of being poor?
You double sippers played the system. Broke the states that permit the scourge of unionized public employees.
It's OVER. That taxpayers got fleeced and they have had it. You gamed the system with your greed.
Ya wrecked it for everyone else.

Whoa, talk about a disconnected rant. lol.
I was a high school drop out at 17 1/2 years of age, at 18 i walked into a college and started going until I finished a degree with no family to support me financially.
If I can do it, anyone else can also..

And there ya have it.
Ya just blew the bell curve.
Your lib friends on here are going to form a posse to get you back on the reservation.

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