The liberal "kill switch"


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
When Barack Obama first took office - with all of the critical and overwhelming tasks that was in front of him - he spent his entire time foaming like rapid dog over a "kill switch" for the internet. It's pretty much all he talked about day and night.

Thankfully, Congress told him to go **** himself. But since they couldn't kill the internet, now Democrats are going to kill the devices that provide the connection to the internet. It speaks volumes that liberals are so desperate to cut off the American people from information (the Nazi's, the communists, and all other fascists also have a history of desperately wanting to control the information which the masses see). Of course - as liberals always do - they disingenuously try to mask it as "protecting" people (who don't want and didn't ask for "protection").

Calif. Senate to consider "kill-switch" mandate on devices
Lawmakers in the California Senate will today introduce a "kill-switch" bill mandating that device-makers install software, hardware, or both to block users of stolen wireless devices from making calls, accessing the Web or running applications. The wireless industry believes a kill-switch mandate could lead to more risks from hackers and supports the use of a nationwide database to deactivate phones that have been reported stolen.

California bill proposes mandatory kill-switch on phones and tablets | ITworld
That's why I don't mind the "kill switch" at abortion clinics that suck liberal babies down the drain.

As horrific as it is, less liberals are a net gain for society.
When Barack Obama first took office - with all of the critical and overwhelming tasks that was in front of him - he spent his entire time foaming like rapid dog over a "kill switch" for the internet. It's pretty much all he talked about day and night.

Thankfully, Congress told him to go **** himself. But since they couldn't kill the internet, now Democrats are going to kill the devices that provide the connection to the internet. It speaks volumes that liberals are so desperate to cut off the American people from information (the Nazi's, the communists, and all other fascists also have a history of desperately wanting to control the information which the masses see). Of course - as liberals always do - they disingenuously try to mask it as "protecting" people (who don't want and didn't ask for "protection").

Calif. Senate to consider "kill-switch" mandate on devices
Lawmakers in the California Senate will today introduce a "kill-switch" bill mandating that device-makers install software, hardware, or both to block users of stolen wireless devices from making calls, accessing the Web or running applications. The wireless industry believes a kill-switch mandate could lead to more risks from hackers and supports the use of a nationwide database to deactivate phones that have been reported stolen.

California bill proposes mandatory kill-switch on phones and tablets | ITworld

Democrats propose fascist shit like this and then blame Conservatives for it. Typical.
I think it is sickening how they pitch it to their ignorant useful idiots as something to "protect" them. What does it say that they have to lie to the American people about the intent of their policies and bills?
I think it is sickening how they pitch it to their ignorant useful idiots as something to "protect" them. What does it say that they have to lie to the American people about the intent of their policies and bills?

It's hilarious to watch you stew in your own paranoia.

You really think that the government wants to kill the internet to keep you from posting your bile on USMB?

What an inflated opinion you have of yourself, Poodle.

[ame=]Crazy Poodle - YouTube[/ame]
Why does the government have to mandate kill switches?

I can deactivate my phone remotely if it ever gets lost or stolen. No government needed thank you.
Why does the government have to mandate kill switches?

I can deactivate my phone remotely if it ever gets lost or stolen. No government needed thank you.

Not all phones can do that, that's the point. 113 cellular phones are lost or stolen every single minute and the cellular phone industry isn't really doing much about it. Almost half of all thefts in San Francisco last year were of cellular phones.

Do you think they might be stolen less frequently if the thief knew they'd be stealing a brick?
When Barack Obama first took office - with all of the critical and overwhelming tasks that was in front of him - he spent his entire time foaming like rapid dog over a "kill switch" for the internet. It's pretty much all he talked about day and night.

Thankfully, Congress told him to go **** himself. But since they couldn't kill the internet, now Democrats are going to kill the devices that provide the connection to the internet. It speaks volumes that liberals are so desperate to cut off the American people from information (the Nazi's, the communists, and all other fascists also have a history of desperately wanting to control the information which the masses see). Of course - as liberals always do - they disingenuously try to mask it as "protecting" people (who don't want and didn't ask for "protection").

Calif. Senate to consider "kill-switch" mandate on devices
Lawmakers in the California Senate will today introduce a "kill-switch" bill mandating that device-makers install software, hardware, or both to block users of stolen wireless devices from making calls, accessing the Web or running applications. The wireless industry believes a kill-switch mandate could lead to more risks from hackers and supports the use of a nationwide database to deactivate phones that have been reported stolen.

California bill proposes mandatory kill-switch on phones and tablets | ITworld

Democrats propose fascist shit like this and then blame Conservatives for it. Typical.


You do realize folks are getting killed over cell phones right?

Making them worthless if stolen would go a long way to prevent that.

It's amazing that manufacturers didn't put this in already.
Why does the government have to mandate kill switches?

I can deactivate my phone remotely if it ever gets lost or stolen. No government needed thank you.

Not all phones can do that, that's the point. 113 cellular phones are lost or stolen every single minute and the cellular phone industry isn't really doing much about it. Almost half of all thefts in San Francisco last year were of cellular phones.

Do you think they might be stolen less frequently if the thief knew they'd be stealing a brick?

The government does not need to mandate anything.

All it takes is a call to your service provider or a visit to a their web site to deactivate a stolen phone.

If people can't do that it's their problem not the government's.

Tell me do you want government mandated government controlled kill switches on all cars too?
Why does the government have to mandate kill switches?

I can deactivate my phone remotely if it ever gets lost or stolen. No government needed thank you.

You do realize the internet was developed and is run by the government, right?

We are not talking about the internet here idiot we are talking about mandated kill switches on privately owned devices that can access the internet.
A "Kill Switch" for Cell Phones and other Mobile Devices is just another way to control information.

"Our "Kill Switch" idea didn't work because there are other devices and software out there that can disable our "Protections" for you so we think it would be wise for us to control the Internet with a "Kill Switch" all in the name of a safer Internet."

Then, all those people will say in one collective voice, "Duh OK".
I think it is sickening how they pitch it to their ignorant useful idiots as something to "protect" them. What does it say that they have to lie to the American people about the intent of their policies and bills?

This is a big problem if you believe the government is some boogeyman, but if you believe that the government is just a function of the people it serves, then where is the problem. What we are seeing from people who have such fears is that they truly believe the government is the boogeyman and has a life of its own and cannot be controlled by the voting public. In other words, you believe democracy no longer exists. It's either that or you just do not like the results of the democracy that now exists.
Why does the government have to mandate kill switches?

I can deactivate my phone remotely if it ever gets lost or stolen. No government needed thank you.

Not all phones can do that, that's the point. 113 cellular phones are lost or stolen every single minute and the cellular phone industry isn't really doing much about it. Almost half of all thefts in San Francisco last year were of cellular phones.

Do you think they might be stolen less frequently if the thief knew they'd be stealing a brick?

The government does not need to mandate anything.

All it takes is a call to your service provider or a visit to a their web site to deactivate a stolen phone.

If people can't do that it's their problem not the government's.

Tell me do you want government mandated government controlled kill switches on all cars too?

The thing is, the technology to do this will come from the private sector. The manufacturers should be given a chance to provide this service. If government tries to take over responsibility, we'll see a huge mess that costs far more than what it would if private companies did this.

And, yes, if you lose your phone, you contact the provider and shut service down, the same way you do with credit cards. More people have been killed during muggings for money and cards than phones. Many thieves have actually been caught because they use the phone or even the camera feature. GPS has already helped locate stolen phones and the criminals.

While phone theft is just as rampant as any other, at least the phone provides the means to track the thief.

We've had credit card and identity theft a lot longer and yet government is more concerned over theft that allows communication.

I doubt they'd stop at phones that were reported stolen. They would have the ability to control all of the internet and phones and I would submit that having the ability to cut off communications is the real goal.

It's always telling which issues they choose to address. There is a far greater chance that your identity will be stolen by illegals than being harmed by a stolen phone, yet liberals focus on the problem that has to do with the free flow of information. They've done nothing about the illegals using stolen social security numbers and people's identities because that helps their effort to bring in more potential voters. They just don't like people talking to each other when the conversation goes against what the liberal media wants us to think.
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I think it is sickening how they pitch it to their ignorant useful idiots as something to "protect" them. What does it say that they have to lie to the American people about the intent of their policies and bills?

It's hilarious to watch you stew in your own paranoia.

You really think that the government wants to kill the internet to keep you from posting your bile on USMB?

What an inflated opinion you have of yourself, Poodle.

It's comical watching the useful idiots like Joseph in action.

Barack Obama: I demand a kill switch

JoeB: Fools, nobody wants a "kill switch"

Barack Obama: Actually, I do. I just demanded a kill switch

JoeB: You wing-nuts are so paranoid

Barack Obama: Hey dude - I can't say this any clearer. I demand a kill switch for the internet.

JoeB: Can you believe these Republicans Barack? They actually think you want a kill switch.

Barack Obama: Yeah moron - I do. I've made that very clear. What is wrong with you?

JoeB: Oh Barack - you crack me up. Like you would actually want a kill switch

Barack Obama: Secret Service - please remove this whack-job from my presence.

Yes folks - he really is this stupid. Even when his side of the aisle loudly and proudly declares something, he inexplicably tries to deny it.
I think it is sickening how they pitch it to their ignorant useful idiots as something to "protect" them. What does it say that they have to lie to the American people about the intent of their policies and bills?

This is a big problem if you believe the government is some boogeyman, but if you believe that the government is just a function of the people it serves, then where is the problem. What we are seeing from people who have such fears is that they truly believe the government is the boogeyman and has a life of its own and cannot be controlled by the voting public. In other words, you believe democracy no longer exists. It's either that or you just do not like the results of the democracy that now exists.

So let me ask you Auditor - do you believe Snowden lied and the NSA is not illegally spying on the American people? Do you believe the media lied and Obama did not say that he has "the right to kill American citizens without due process" (via drone strikes)? Do you believe the media lied and Obama does not have a hit list of American citizens?

Do you think MK-Ultra was a lie by the media (despite the source being government documents via the F.O.I.A.)? Do you think Operations Northwoods is a media lie as well? What about Watergate? Iran/Contra? Fast & Furious? Benghazi? Monica Lewinsky scandal? Oh wait - Bill Clinton personally verified that the only lies on that scandal were his lies.

If you don't think the American government is a "boogeyman" then I am genuinely concerned about your mental health. Please tell me you don't actually believe your government is telling you the truth? Please?
Not all phones can do that, that's the point. 113 cellular phones are lost or stolen every single minute and the cellular phone industry isn't really doing much about it. Almost half of all thefts in San Francisco last year were of cellular phones.

Do you think they might be stolen less frequently if the thief knew they'd be stealing a brick?

The government does not need to mandate anything.

All it takes is a call to your service provider or a visit to a their web site to deactivate a stolen phone.

If people can't do that it's their problem not the government's.

Tell me do you want government mandated government controlled kill switches on all cars too?

The thing is, the technology to do this will come from the private sector. The manufacturers should be given a chance to provide this service. If government tries to take over responsibility, we'll see a huge mess that costs far more than what it would if private companies did this.

And, yes, if you lose your phone, you contact the provider and shut service down, the same way you do with credit cards. More people have been killed during muggings for money and cards than phones. Many thieves have actually been caught because they use the phone or even the camera feature. GPS has already helped locate stolen phones and the criminals.

While phone theft is just as rampant as any other, at least the phone provides the means to track the thief.

We've had credit card and identity theft a lot longer and yet government is more concerned over theft that allows communication.

I doubt they'd stop at phones that were reported stolen. They would have the ability to control all of the internet and phones and I would submit that having the ability to cut off communications is the real goal.

It's always telling which issues they choose to address. There is a far greater chance that your identity will be stolen by illegals than being harmed by a stolen phone, yet liberals focus on the problem that has to do with the free flow of information. They've done nothing about the illegals using stolen social security numbers and people's identities because that helps their effort to bring in more potential voters. They just don't like people talking to each other when the conversation goes against what the liberal media wants us to think.

Bingo! And yet people like Joseph pretend like it's not happening and attempts to demonize anyone who asks why it is happening.

What are the Democrats so afraid of? The fact that they won't be able to manipulate their useful idiots anymore? :eusa_whistle:

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