The liberal march towards EXTREME fascism

That isn't how you define "right wing." Virtually any ruler in history was motivated by greed and lust for power. You have simply contrived a definition that allows you to label any villain you like as right wing.

That has always been that way.
The right wing supported slavery because it made them profits.
The left wing was always against slavery because it was a legal an ethical contradiction that harmed society.
The right is always what is good for the wealthy elite, while the left is always what is best for the majority.

The most you can argue is that democrats are not really very left, in that they also supported illegal wars for profit, slavery, etc.
If you knew more about the history of the Nazis, you would know they came from a right wing veteran's organization of Ernst Roehm, called the SA, (Sturm Abteilung).
If you weren’t always trying to push pure bullshit propaganda for your fucked-up left-wing ideology, you would admit that Adolf Hitler did not believe in small, limited government, that you literally cannot have right-wing totalitarianism, and that Nazi was short for National Socialist.

But it’s ok, because like you, everyone else here already knows all of that.
Really? Where is the evidence?

Ernst Roehm was murdered Jul 01, 1934.
Hitler was appointed Chancellor on January 30, 1933, by Hindenburg.

So maybe I am wrong.
But it never seemed like Hitler wanted to kill him.
I still think it was greater forces as play?
If you weren’t always trying to push pure bullshit propaganda for your fucked-up left-wing ideology, you would admit that Adolf Hitler did not believe in small, limited government, that you literally cannot have right-wing totalitarianism, and that Nazi was short for National Socialist.

But it’s ok, because like you, everyone else here already knows all of that.

If I call my party the "Anti Socialist Party", is it socialist because it has the word "socialist" in it.
Every one knows the Nazis were as anti socialist as one could possibly get.

And it is the left that wants small and inexpensive government.
The majority of government is police, military, and IRS to support the police and military.
Those are all right wing functions.
Social welfare is a tiny sliver our current government, and until the Great Depression, did not exist at all.
I am not choosing "right wing" by size, but profit motive.
Well you don’t get to “choose”. That is not the definition of “right-wing”, nor has it ever been by any definition.

You’re literally just making shit up. Bill Gates and Warrent Buffet are exclusively driven by “profit motive” - are they “right-wing”? Had a friend that worked for Bill Gates and currently have a friend who works for Warren Buffet. Both cut products/business units/subsidiaries/etc. that lose money - without exception.

Yet both are very left-wing and everyone knows it. Stop spamming the board, clown. You’re achieving nothing. You’re just wasting space and time.
Ernst Roehm was murdered Jul 01, 1934.
Hitler was appointed Chancellor on January 30, 1933, by Hindenburg.

So maybe I am wrong.
“Maybe”? :lmao:

Spoiler Alert: you’re literally always wrong
Every one knows the Nazis were as anti socialist as one could possibly get.
So go on record right now that the Nazis lowered taxes, cut regulations, denationalized industry, and reduced the size of government.

Do it. I dare you.
Well you don’t get to “choose”. That is not the definition of “right-wing”, nor has it ever been by any definition.

You’re literally just making shit up. Bill Gates and Warrent Buffet are exclusively driven by “profit motive” - are they “right-wing”? Had a friend that worked for Bill Gates and currently have a friend who works for Warren Buffet. Both cut products/business units/subsidiaries/etc. that lose money - without exception.

Yet both are very left-wing and everyone knows it. Stop spamming the board, clown. You’re achieving nothing. You’re just wasting space and time.

No, there is nothing left wing about Gates or Buffet.
They are totally right wing.
The things Gates has done to destroy competition would be illegal and immoral in a left wing world.
But Gates was only motivated by profits instead.
So go on record right now that the Nazis lowered taxes, cut regulations, denationalized industry, and reduced the size of government.

Do it. I dare you.

Right wing never reduces the size of government.
To maximize profits, right wing always has to increase police, prisons, the military, wars, etc.

But Hitler did deregulate and denationalized.
The German government under Hitler owned no industries at all.
Social welfare is a tiny sliver our current government, and until the Great Depression, did not exist at all.
We spend over $1 trillion per year on “Social Welfare”. Literally double defense, and considerably more than anything else the federal government spends money on. You continue to push absurd propaganda.

No, there is nothing left wing about Gates or Buffet. They are totally right wing.
In case anyone had any doubt left whether or not Rigby5 was just trolling.

Both Gates and Buffet have supported Democrat candidates and donated heavily to the DNC.
Right wing never reduces the size of government.
Uh…the right always does. Always. Even as liberal as the Republican Party has become, they still heavily discussed how to privatize Social Security.

And you fascists lost your tiny fuck’n minds. Thanks for playing.
The things Gates has done to destroy competition would be illegal and immoral in a left wing world.
More indisputable proof that Rigby5 is just here to troll. There is no competition in the left-wing world. None.

Only capitalism has competition. Socialism has government-appointed jobs, production, resources, etc. Zero competition.

Riggy continues to defeat her own arguments.
We spend over $1 trillion per year on “Social Welfare”. Literally double defense, and considerably more than anything else the federal government spends money on. You continue to push absurd propaganda.

View attachment 537989

For example, Social Security is not federal spending at all, but is just our money we are putting away for later.

Here is closer to reality.

But this is not the full picture because in reality, pensions, interest, much of education, etc., is really military spending.
We are still paying off interest on previous wars and SDI, and the number of ex-military getting GI-Bill or pensions, is huge.
In case anyone had any doubt left whether or not Rigby5 was just trolling.

Both Gates and Buffet have supported Democrat candidates and donated heavily to the DNC.

And they also support republican candidates and donate to the RNC.
Beside, the DNC has not been left wing for over 30 years now.
Uh…the right always does. Always. Even as liberal as the Republican Party has become, they still heavily discussed how to privatize Social Security.

And you fascists lost your tiny fuck’n minds. Thanks for playing.

That is silly.
Privatizing social security would not reduce the size of the bureaucracy, but just increase the opportunity for more corruption.
You obviously do not get it.
Like public health care reduces the cost and size of health care, while increasing quality.
If you think privatization shrinks anything, you would have to be a fool.
That is silly.
Privatizing social security would not reduce the size of the bureaucracy, but just increase the opportunity for more corruption.
You obviously do not get it.
Like public health care reduces the cost and size of health care, while increasing quality.
If you think privatization shrinks anything, you would have to be a fool.

You only have to read the ratbag statements has made to realise how ignorant he is. He s just another brain dead Republican.
More indisputable proof that Rigby5 is just here to troll. There is no competition in the left-wing world. None.

Only capitalism has competition. Socialism has government-appointed jobs, production, resources, etc. Zero competition.

Riggy continues to defeat her own arguments.

Socialism is left wing, and all socialism requires is for the means of production to be REGULATED, not owned, by government.
Competition and socialism work together fine.
Ernst Roehm was murdered Jul 01, 1934.
Hitler was appointed Chancellor on January 30, 1933, by Hindenburg.

So maybe I am wrong.
But it never seemed like Hitler wanted to kill him.
I still think it was greater forces as play?
where is the evidence that the "ruling class" told Hitler to kill Roehm?

Your post hoc, ergo propter hoc logic doesn't prove a thing.

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