The Liberal NY Times has just hung Hillary Clinton

So much for the NYT being liberal huh
You miss the point, the NY Times considers Hillary Clinton a criminal, and they will not endorse her, this is their right as a liberal paper. Hillary Clinton is the most corrupt candidate in history, that even liberals will not vote for. Sanders is functionally retarded, and everyone knows this, he is getting all the votes of liberals that can not stand Clinton.
Well, this is sort of like how the Clintons being the ones that pushed the birth certificate issue and the democrats propagating WMDs in Iraq before Boooooooosh took office.

The morons on the left will blame the "vast right wing conspiracy" on this.


I know it is hard, but we have to realize how utterly ridiculous the left wing voting base is.
Read the fucking thing next time moron...


At the time Mrs. Clinton became secretary of state, in January 2009, the State Department’s written policy was that email generally be conducted on an “authorized” computer with adequate security measures. But because of perennial problems with the email system, many State Department employees found they had to use their private email accounts to get work done in a timely manner, especially while traveling. Critics of Mrs. Clinton have said that she did not follow the department’s rules and regulations governing email. The Clinton campaign disputes that contention.
Well, this is sort of like how the Clintons being the ones that pushed the birth certificate issue and the democrats propagating WMDs in Iraq before Boooooooosh took office.

The morons on the left will blame the "vast right wing conspiracy" on this.


I know it is hard, but we have to realize how utterly ridiculous the left wing voting base is.
It's easy, just add or remove a chromosome..................
Read the fucking thing next time moron...


At the time Mrs. Clinton became secretary of state, in January 2009, the State Department’s written policy was that email generally be conducted on an “authorized” computer with adequate security measures. But because of perennial problems with the email system, many State Department employees found they had to use their private email accounts to get work done in a timely manner, especially while traveling. Critics of Mrs. Clinton have said that she did not follow the department’s rules and regulations governing email. The Clinton campaign disputes that contention.
The State Dept computer network is available while traveling kid. Grow up
Read the fucking thing next time moron...


At the time Mrs. Clinton became secretary of state, in January 2009, the State Department’s written policy was that email generally be conducted on an “authorized” computer with adequate security measures. But because of perennial problems with the email system, many State Department employees found they had to use their private email accounts to get work done in a timely manner, especially while traveling. Critics of Mrs. Clinton have said that she did not follow the department’s rules and regulations governing email. The Clinton campaign disputes that contention.
The State Dept computer network is available while traveling kid. Grow up

I have worked in organisations where they didn't allow the email server to be accessed outside the building. Go work in a Swiss bank for a few months...

The Government servers are under constant attack, so maybe a few years ago they didn't offer remote access or VPN access...
Read the fucking thing next time moron...


At the time Mrs. Clinton became secretary of state, in January 2009, the State Department’s written policy was that email generally be conducted on an “authorized” computer with adequate security measures. But because of perennial problems with the email system, many State Department employees found they had to use their private email accounts to get work done in a timely manner, especially while traveling. Critics of Mrs. Clinton have said that she did not follow the department’s rules and regulations governing email. The Clinton campaign disputes that contention.

she didnt even have a government email account apparently. and she didnt just have a private email account you mindless moron. SHE HAD A WHOLE PRIVATE SERVER SET UP. BIG DIFFERENCE; HUGE

but ACTUAL facts dont matter to you left-wing losers; because there are none so blind as those who dont want to see
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This does not mean that the Times is not a liberal paper anymore, it just means that they are reporting the news that really happened and are choosing any candidate except Hillary Clinton, as this is their collective right as Americans.

Go NY Times.........................
Being a liberal means thinking the same as all other liberals and anyone who doesn't go along is worthy of what gives????

I thought that liberals can't think for themselves.

Huh.......stranger things happen.....*shrugs*
The fact is.......the slightest bit of objectivity and insider knowledge would completely expose these liars........but somehow either Obama's people get to them, or Hillary's people get to them....and either threaten them or bribe them into silence.

You doesn't have to always be this way folks. We don't have to put a Clinton or a Bush back in the White House and continue this constant Kabuki Dance of lies, stonewalling, and denials. Best thing I know is elect someone outside of this cabal and end this part of our history for good.
Read the fucking thing next time moron...


At the time Mrs. Clinton became secretary of state, in January 2009, the State Department’s written policy was that email generally be conducted on an “authorized” computer with adequate security measures. But because of perennial problems with the email system, many State Department employees found they had to use their private email accounts to get work done in a timely manner, especially while traveling. Critics of Mrs. Clinton have said that she did not follow the department’s rules and regulations governing email. The Clinton campaign disputes that contention.
The State Dept computer network is available while traveling kid. Grow up

I have worked in organisations where they didn't allow the email server to be accessed outside the building. Go work in a Swiss bank for a few months...

The Government servers are under constant attack, so maybe a few years ago they didn't offer remote access or VPN access...
Yea they did offer this access, the people who had Hillary's job before her are proof of this. Now grow up kid.

To even suggest that a server stored in a bathroom, set up by mongoloid hoodlums who have pleaded the fifth, because they were not certified by the U.S. government to store classified data, is comical, but prison is waiting, and has open spots.
Why endorse Hillary when Dems are finally running a genuine Socialist and not a dry humping wanna-be "Progressive"?
Everyone knows hillary put classified info on her very hackable private server because she wanted it stolen by russia and china. And they paid her millions for doing so.
That's what gets me..
If she didn't do anything, why continually fuckin LIE about it? What rational person wouldn't start thinking you did something wrong? Notice I said RATIONAL.
Like Benghazi.. shiot happens but WHY FUCKIN LIE?

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