The Liberal War on Women?


Gold Member
Jul 3, 2009
I just saw this ad and, conisdering the data in it is all backed up on, it does appear that the policies of the Obama administration actually have disproportionatly hurt working women in the USA

[ame=]American Crossroads: "Obama's War on Women" - YouTube[/ame]

All the complaints about the "republican war on women", in light of those facts, has me thinking "Doth Protest Too Much"

Women at Work: BLS Spotlight on Statistics
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it's propaganda....

and what exactly would you have done or republicans have done to help this situation? Huh?

Take their welfare away? Take what assistance is given to the single mothers away? make them more poor? How come the wealthiest... with the huge tax breaks that they maintain due to them needing to "hire" during this recession done nothing? have these people hired these women with the tax break money, or banks who received TARP money?

There's a thread on this already P P.
poverty has increased for many, why do just women get the spotlight?
The recession that put more people in poverty was well under way before Obama took office.
Please try some new ad homina topped hyperbole.
More people went into poverty over the last 6 years than the previous and that would be under bush and the repubs.
I just saw this ad and, conisdering the data in it is all backed up on, it does appear that the policies of the Obama administration actually have disproportionatly hurt working women in the USA

American Crossroads: "Obama's War on Women" - YouTube

All the complaints about the "republican war on women", in light of those facts, has me thinking "Doth Protest Too Much"

conisdering the data in it is all backed up on


When you say, "it is all backed up on" you really mean that ONLY the stat about 780,000 women being umeployed "... is all backed up on" right?

That is literally the only stat backed up by, think you got in a hurry or something lol.
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LOL, really? What a total fluff piece of propaganda. You are smart enough to see this, right?

What figures in the ad are innaccurate? BLS.GOV backs up the numbers in the ad.

I'm not sure if it constitutes a "liberal war on women", hence the question mark in my title, but the actual facts seem to make the democrat talking point that "the republicans are bad for women" seem a bit, well, hypocritical.

I'm not really sure where I'm looking for the discussion about the video to go but I did want to talk about it I am.
Since there is already a thread on this and stats were provided to prove you wrong, I will not repost it.
it's propaganda....

and what exactly would you have done or republicans have done to help this situation? Huh?

Take their welfare away? Take what assistance is given to the single mothers away? make them more poor? How come the wealthiest... with the huge tax breaks that they maintain due to them needing to "hire" during this recession done nothing? have these people hired these women with the tax break money, or banks who received TARP money?

There's a thread on this already P P.

:lol: talk about propoganda, nice dishonest portrayal of the repubs there.

I think the republican's would not have tried to rely on govt spending through borrowing to prop up the economy, which would have resulted in a stronger economy and more jobs for working women.
Since there is already a thread on this and stats were provided to prove you wrong, I will not repost it.

can you at least provide a link to the thread or are you just making a baseless post? notice the question mark in the title, that is me asking to discuss if it is accurate for the reps to claim this in light of what the dems have used to claim there is a republican war on women.
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I just saw this ad and, conisdering the data in it is all backed up on, it does appear that the policies of the Obama administration actually have disproportionatly hurt working women in the USA

American Crossroads: "Obama's War on Women" - YouTube

All the complaints about the "republican war on women", in light of those facts, has me thinking "Doth Protest Too Much"

This ad is technically correct and I support it to counter Obama's lies. However, the simple reality is that Obama has f'd us all over. It's not a war on women. It's a war on American exceptionalism. But like I say, if ads like this have to be made refute Obama's childish claims then so be it.
Since there is already a thread on this and stats were provided to prove you wrong, I will not repost it.

can you at least provide a link to the thread or are you just making a baseless post? notice the question mark in the title, that is me asking to discuss if it is accurate for the reps to claim this in light of what the dems have used to claim there is a republican war on women.

I just saw this ad and, conisdering the data in it is all backed up on, it does appear that the policies of the Obama administration actually have disproportionatly hurt working women in the USA

American Crossroads: "Obama's War on Women" - YouTube

All the complaints about the "republican war on women", in light of those facts, has me thinking "Doth Protest Too Much"

conisdering the data in it is all backed up on


When you say, "it is all backed up on" you really mean that ONLY the stat about 780,000 women being umeployed "... is all backed up on" right?

That is literally the only stat backed up by, think you got in a hurry or something lol.

Women at Work: BLS Spotlight on Statistics
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LOL, really? What a total fluff piece of propaganda. You are smart enough to see this, right?

What figures in the ad are innaccurate? BLS.GOV backs up the numbers in the ad.

I'm not sure if it constitutes a "liberal war on women", hence the question mark in my title, but the actual facts seem to make the democrat talking point that "the republicans are bad for women" seem a bit, well, hypocritical.

I'm not really sure where I'm looking for the discussion about the video to go but I did want to talk about it I am.

The point is that everyone is hurting in this economy (except the rich), but this video tries to paint a picture that women have been targeted by Obama in some way, even though they don't specify how. It's a scare piece that could have easily been created to scare any group of voters, women, hispanics, elderly, veterans, etc...

That's why it's propaganda and nothing more.
I just saw this ad and, conisdering the data in it is all backed up on, it does appear that the policies of the Obama administration actually have disproportionatly hurt working women in the USA

American Crossroads: "Obama's War on Women" - YouTube

All the complaints about the "republican war on women", in light of those facts, has me thinking "Doth Protest Too Much"

This ad is technically correct and I support it to counter Obama's lies. However, the simple reality is that Obama has f'd us all over. It's not a war on women. It's a war on American exceptionalism. But like I say, if ads like this have to be made refute Obama's childish claims then so be it.

I understand that.
The only info in that ad from is the fact that 780,000 women are enemployed. Every single other thing that is said is either from a different website completely, or not true.
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This is another example of what has become standard for the rightwing propaganda machine. It's a propaganda tactic... take an issue that you're getting beat up on, and you concoct an attack against the Democrats accusing them of doing the same thing you're getting beat up on. No matter how absurd it may be.

The idea behind it is to so confuse the issue, so muddy the waters so to speak, that what was once a legitimate attack on your side gets turned into what looks like one more us vs. them partisan squabble,

that you hope people get sick of and start to tune out.
No he's out for blood today, neg reps anybody that does not agree, guess he's having a toddler flash back.

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