The Lincoln Project Conservative Group Endorses “Status Quo Joe”


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
The Lincoln Project Conservative Group Endorses “Status Quo Joe”

On Friday, two conservative organizations opposing the reelection of the impeached president trump posted online ads condemning the incompetence of the impeached president trump’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Republicans for the Rule of Law (a moniker that is self-contradicting these days) and The Lincoln Project (named after a Republican president who was killed over fifty years before conservatives hijacked what had been a progressive GOP), both represent a tiny percentage of conservatives whose desire is to return to the basic values of the GOP. Yes, just like the impeached president trump, these two groups’ goal is to turn the United States into a plutocracy where the government is controlled by the 0.1%. But unlike the impeached president trump, these organizations understand care must be taken so as not to kill the “Golden Goose” (aka the United States’ ability to borrow trillion-of-dollars more to give to the 0.1%).

For this same reason, the DNC leaders worked tirelessly to make billionaire-friendly “Status Quo Joe” their 2020 nominee. Which is also why The Lincoln Project’s leaders endorsed good ol’ “Status Quo Joe”

“Status Quo Joe” endeared himself to the billionaire class during his five decades in D.C. And, he reaffirmed their faith in his loyalty when he promised them, "Nothing would fundamentally change" if he's elected, and that, "no one's standard of living will change" (especially for the families of the working poor). Biden’s praise for the "civility" of racists sealed the deal.

Given the state of the economy, for the billionaire class, “Status Quo Joe” as POTUS will be an improvement. History proves he will protect their interests over those of average Americans. However, if Moscow Mitch is removed from the senate, progressives might see reason return to federal judiciary appointees.

Since nothing will fundamentally change if “Status Quo Joe” is elected in November, we can expect continuing environmental decay, climate change to grow worse, increasing wealth inequality, and a return to, business as usual. Except for the grip COVID-19 now has on the U.S. economy and its people, which is fully attributable to the incompetence and greed of the impeached president trump and his swamp rats. This means the effects of the pandemic will remain a wild card.

Republican Group Asks Americans A Critical Question In Scathing Anti-Trump Ad


Who? Never heard of them.

But I do recall the conservatives who did not conserve anything. If conservatives who actually want to conserve things want proof that president Trump is the candidate - well here is the evidence.
And guess who is one of the leaders of The Lincoln Project, which exists to defeat Trump ?

Yep, George Conway, Kellyanne's husband.
Kellyanne Conway as we all know is one of Trump's closest advisers, and she's married to this back-stabbing scumbag !
This is the piece of shit right here. I've been screaming about this asshole ever since Trump took the White House.

It's got to be unbelievably humiliating to her, to have this backstabber in bed beside of her.


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