The Lincoln Project - How Interesting

LOL..and how many tens of millions of taxpayer dollars have flowed into the Trump Organization for all the times that Trump has went golfing and stayed at his resorts. The LIncoln project has used none of my money. Trump certainly has squandered and stolen mine.
Just stop paying your taxes, fool.
Catchy name..."Lincoln". It seems to be a club founded by republican swamp rats and RINO's and (mostly) funded by democrats. Ho. Hum
Maybe it's because people wish Rick Wilson, Mitt Romney, Brill Krystal etc. would take a slug in the back of the head. You Lincoln did.
Only if you squint just right and try and replace logic. Squinting my eyes and throwing out logic, Hey, Now I see it.

Ahh yes, when presented with facts that counter your narrative simply claim that some kind of disability prevents you from seeing them. Brilliant!!
So the "Confederate flag" isn't wwwaaaaaayyyycccciiiisssttt when it's on a cooler? Why not?

BTW, you've had your ass handed to you about this before. Did you forget your own thread already?
Every time you praise this grifting fraud I'm going to drag this back out and remind you how much of an idiot you are.
WTF does that have to do with the Lincoln Project?

Is that really the best you got?
A stupid cooler
WTF does that have to do with the Lincoln Project?

Is that really the best you got?
A stupid cooler


He's playing you dipshits for the goddamn fools that you are.
But I don’t get all worked up over an ice chest

It has nothing to do with an "ice chest" and everything to do with what's printed on it. And you know it. But in typical leftist fashion you play dumb when called out on your blatant hypocrisy.
It has nothing to do with an "ice chest" and everything to do with what's printed on it. And you know it. But in typical leftist fashion you play dumb when called out on your blatant hypocrisy.

Actually, he's deep south and just about everything at one time had Confederate things on them. And I still have not been shown that they were actually his. Give me solid Proof.
Actually, he's deep south and just about everything at one time had Confederate things on them. And I still have not been shown that they were actually his. Give me solid Proof.

I already told you the context of everything you need is in the screenshots. Your refusal to acknowledge it is not my problem. Keep moving those goalposts, hypocrite.
Ahh yes, when presented with facts that counter your narrative simply claim that some kind of disability prevents you from seeing them. Brilliant!!

If I were to buy that I would have to have some sort of disability. Or I can squint my eyes, turn my head to the right and imagine things. That is what you party of the rumpers demand we all do.
The Lincoln Project ads are getting better...

I an attempt to take the public's mind off of this, Rump sent his Brown Shirts to various Cities. He has threatened to keep sending them in. One problem, this is from the Mussolini Playbook of 1926. The Cities, at some point, are going to have to start rounding up those Brown Shirts and try and convict them on State Laws which Rump has zero pardon powers on. Look for it to start happening. The Local and State Cops arresting Federal Agents. You can't make this crap up.

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