The list of murdered by Merkel and her gang Germans


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Sadistic satanists Merkel and her gang already longer as one year torture Germany by numerous lockdowns and forced vaccination. Hundreds of peoples are already death, tens of thousands have numerous severe side effects. Only local German medias ( very seldom, sometimes ) report about, MSM almost never.
You can read the list by usage of any online translator. Don't forget, deaths from now aren't calculated, the concept of mRNA 'vaccine' is it kills within 1 or 2 years.

Question: What sentence Merkel and another Corona criminals will get by the upcoming Nurnebrg 2.0?
Isn't it genocide?

Can you trust a governement which wanna kill you?

What an irreal bullshit. Why do you waste your time to try to attack Germany continously with totally absurde nonsense? Do you believe, if everyone believes in absurde nonsense then absurde nonsense becomes true?

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Sadistic satanists Merkel and her gang already longer as one year torture Germany by numerous lockdowns and forced vaccination. Hundreds of peoples are already death, tens of thousands have numerous severe side effects. Only local German medias ( very seldom, sometimes ) report about, MSM almost never.
You can read the list by usage of any online translator. Don't forget, deaths from now aren't calculated, the concept of mRNA 'vaccine' is it kills within 1 or 2 years.

Question: What sentence Merkel and another Corona criminals will get by the upcoming Nurnebrg 2.0?
Isn't it genocide?

Can you trust a governement which wanna kill you?

It must be by the post. Otherwise you wouldn't work so hard.
Sadistic satanists Merkel and her gang already longer as one year torture Germany by numerous lockdowns and forced vaccination. Hundreds of peoples are already death, tens of thousands have numerous severe side effects. Only local German medias ( very seldom, sometimes ) report about, MSM almost never.
You can read the list by usage of any online translator. Don't forget, deaths from now aren't calculated, the concept of mRNA 'vaccine' is it kills within 1 or 2 years.

Question: What sentence Merkel and another Corona criminals will get by the upcoming Nurnebrg 2.0?
Isn't it genocide?

Can you trust a governement which wanna kill you?

Interesting....the mRNA kills within one or two years. Hmm, the last I recall, the first person to receive the vaccine was in December of 2020, less than a year ago. Apparently, you are a prophet or seer.
What an irreal bullshit. Why do you waste your time to try to attack Germany continously with totally absurde nonsense? Do you believe, if everyone believes in absurde nonsense then absurde nonsense becomes true?

Merkel isn't Germany, she represents Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates and the Great Reset only.
Together with her good-for-nothing 'ministers' she is responsible for the biggest genocide on the German soil ever.
She is the evil poor, the epitome of wickedness, the coming Nurenberg 2.0 will decide about her guilt for murder of more as 5m Germans ( any vaccinated will die )

Sadistic satanists Merkel and her gang already longer as one year torture Germany by numerous lockdowns and forced vaccination. Hundreds of peoples are already death, tens of thousands have numerous severe side effects. Only local German medias ( very seldom, sometimes ) report about, MSM almost never.
You can read the list by usage of any online translator. Don't forget, deaths from now aren't calculated, the concept of mRNA 'vaccine' is it kills within 1 or 2 years.

Question: What sentence Merkel and another Corona criminals will get by the upcoming Nurnebrg 2.0?
Isn't it genocide?

Can you trust a governement which wanna kill you?

Interesting....the mRNA kills within one or two years. Hmm, the last I recall, the first person to receive the vaccine was in December of 2020, less than a year ago. Apparently, you are a prophet or seer.

It's not just only me, scientists say so

Professor Dolores Cahill: People Will Start Dying After COVID Vaccine

Dolores Cahill Dolores Cahill, a professor at University College Dublin and recognised international expert in this field, predicts deaths will occur around the world as a direct consequence of taking the COVID-19 vaccines.
In her latest video interview the influential professor, Dolores Cahill, makes this grim prediction based on what is known already about the vaccines, their rushed development and the entirely novel approach using mRNA instead of conventional antibodies.
As with almost every leading expert who speaks out against the official pandemic narrative Professor Cahill has suffered professional and personal retaliation. In her case Professor Cahill was forced to resign her position as vice chair of the Scientific Committee of the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI), a partnership between the European Commission and the drugs industry to promote new drugs.

What an irreal bullshit. Why do you waste your time to try to attack Germany continously with totally absurde nonsense? Do you believe, if everyone believes in absurde nonsense then absurde nonsense becomes true?

Merkel isn't Germany,

Angela Merkel is currently the chancellor of the federal republic of Germany. You are an idiot from a foreign nation without any real idea about Germans and Germany.

she represents Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates and the Great Reset only.

As far as I can see is the "Great Reset" the very simple idea to do normal economy and to start now to do so. "Nachhaltig wirtschaften" (sustainable production and management) is a totally normal thing since centuries in Germany. Simple example: To plant now trees, which will be felled from future generations in 100, 200 or more years. An economy which is not sustainable is no economy at all. You have "to sew" what others will eat in the future - you "eat" what others did sew in the past. Who takes more fish out of a sea, than is able to be renewed from mother nature and/or human beings, kills future. But we - all mankind - is responsible for this planet in the eyes of god. What do you like to tell him finally 'in the end of time': "Sorry father, I killed your creation!" ?

And I fear your psychological problem, to tell everyone totally stupid unrealistic nonsense without any form of reality and logic, is a problem, which you are not able to solve with discussions about politics, while you try to multiply your personal problems.

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What an irreal bullshit. Why do you waste your time to try to attack Germany continously with totally absurde nonsense? Do you believe, if everyone believes in absurde nonsense then absurde nonsense becomes true?

Merkel isn't Germany,

Angela Merkel is currently the chancellor of the federal republic of Germany. You are an idiot from a foreign nation without any real idea about Germans and Germany.

she represents Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates and the Great Reset only.

As far as I can see is the "Great Reset" the very simple idea to do normal economy and to start now to do so. "Nachhaltig wirtschaften" (sustainable production and management) is a totally normal thing since centuries in Germany. Simple example: To plant now trees, which will be felled from future generations in 100, 200 or more years. An economy which is not sustainable is no economy at all. You have "to sew" what others will eat in the future - you "eat" what others did sew in the past. Who takes more fish out of a sea, than is able to be renewed from mother nature and/or human beings, kills future. But we - all mankind - is responsible for this planet in the eyes of god. What do you like to tell him finally 'in the end of time': "Sorry father, I killed your creation!" ?

And I fear your psychological problem, to tell everyone totally stupid unrealistic nonsense without any form of reality and logic, is a problem, which you are not able to solve with discussions about politics, while you try to multiply your personal problems.

In the next week Germany will lose its federal system and the entirely power belongs to Merkel.
Merkel teaches the entirely world 'democracy' and shall accept the same from another side.

Why Merkel loves Great Reset?
Because she is The Great Reset and can continue her war against Germany and its people
What she did before, below are her 'achievements'.

Corona genocide against German people

Abolishment of constitution

Annihilation of more as 200,000 companies through schizophrenic lockdown

Financial support of Antifa terrorists

State persecution of AFD

Transformation of all old parties in the united communist block CSUCDUFDPSPDGreensLefts

Rebirth of Gestapo through Corona 'measures'

No punishment for political corruption policy

Support of WWIII in Donbass

The Great Reset

Eikonal scandal

Dieselgate - government involvement in diesel scandal, coverup

Fight against the midwives (and babies)

Several NSA scandals

Real declining pensions

More and more erosion of data protection

Cum-Ex deals and their cover-up

Drone assassinations via Ramstein

Arms deliveries to terrorists via Ramstein

Fight against single mothers

Catastrophic social policy

Inheritance tax reform

The fight against science (in favor of communist propaganda)

No opposition media worth mentioning - in what other country is there such a thing?

NSU scandal - secret services and CDU politicians involved - secret service agent Temme according to his own statement present at murder, does not want to have noticed it - report locked away for 120 years

Highway robbery - Billions given to corporations through highway privatization

Redistribution from bottom, middle, "not quite top" to "quite, quite top"

Worst network and price performance ratio for telephone/internet in all of Europe, cartel

"Afghanistan is safe"

LSR - law bought by media corporations "Leistungsschutzrecht" (ancillary copyright)

Consumer protection?




Campaign journalism

Corruption almost everywhere

Use of glyphosate

Use of genetic engineering

Social security funds massively burdened with non-insurance benefits

Selling out of industry/medium-sized businesses to locusts

Establishment of a comprehensive campaign "Nazis or me", in order to become "alternative-free

Promotion of slanderous NGOs (cross-front slander against leftist critics, etc.) against government critics

German pension level far below that of other countries, compare Austria

Incitement of the people against critics of propaganda - "All media critics are Nazis" - slander of the lying press

Incitement of the people against government critics - "All government critics are Nazis" - cross-front slander

Having children as a risk of poverty

Agitation and propaganda against the Russian

Agitation and propaganda against the Syrians

The fight against the unions

The fight against the unemployed

Syrian Al-Bakr "found hanged in cell

Various secret service scandals and "regrettable mistakes

Energy turnaround: several billions given to energy companies

Fake terrorist attacks in Hannover (international match), Munich (New Year's Eve), Düsseldorf and Rock am Ring

Passport fraud attack in Berlin, Breitscheidplatz - witnesses chase Pakistani, later another perpetrator (Anis Amri) is presented and shot in Italy. Allegedly several mishaps of several authorities. It "failed" according to Merkel government in series: Federal Criminal Police Office, State Criminal Police Office North Rhine-Westphalia, State Criminal Police Office Berlin, Federal Intelligence Service, District Court Ravensburg and Federal Office for "Protection of the Constitution".

Abuse of police and other security agencies

Verfassungschutz transformed to Merkelschutz

Wanted and covered police violence against demonstrators, media agitation

Dismantling/abolition of basic rights such as inviolability of the home

Total surveillance

Destruction of the rule of law

Denial of political asylum for whistleblower Edward Snowden

Dividing the population on the issue of asylum/refugees and turning them against each other

Allowing three days of asylum riots in Heidenau and then letting arriving anti-right-wing demonstrators get beaten up by police

Created causes of flight and did nothing to improve - "measure": Tighten asylum law

Dirty refugee deal with Erdogan, who then also threatens to "open floodgates"

Refugee concentration camps in Libya (previously assassination of the previous head of government on camera)

Participation in (illegal under international law) coup in Ukraine

Support of Nazi fighters in Ukraine (Battalion Azov, Aidar and co)

Cooperation with Ukrainian Nazis such as Andrij Parubij

NATO maneuvers with Bundeswehr AND Ukrainian Nazi battalions (the ones with swastika tattoos)

Participation in the war of aggression against Syria (which is against international law)

Syria: Bundeswehr support of Al-Qaeda fighters and other terrorist groups, financially (7 million for White Helmets), etc.

Support of the war of aggression against Libya

Support for the war of aggression against Yemen (according to the Federal Academy for Security Policy, "bombing training" for Saudi pilots)

"Commodity defense in Mali" plus support of the world's largest slaveholding state Mauritania (20% of the population)

Several foreign missions of the Bundeswehr

Weapons exports to war zones respectively to fight the own population (in foreign countries)

Forcible enforcement of an alternative propaganda "reality" by politics and media. Falsification of history

Plundering of Greece, agitation against Greeks

Almost slavish Erdogan support

Infinite imprisonment in Bavaria

Germany at No. 5 in the world for tax havens (not for ordinary citizens, of course)

Anti-corruption laws blocked, lobbying flourishes. Corruption and nepotism (or do they say networking nowadays?)

Bank regulation is virtually non-existent

Financial crisis: losses are paid by the taxpayer - profits stay with the owners

Astroturfing projects and NGOs to glorify the rulers - for fun, replace "EU" or "Europe" by "German Reich" at Pulse of Europe ...

Infiltration of the health department by the pharmaceutical lobbyists

Infiltration of the ministry of defense by lobbyists of the armament companies

Creation or rather forcing of a new East-West conflict

Federal government voted against ban on nuclear weapons

Hartz IV recipients are pushed below the subsistence level. It is called MINIMUM

(Illegal under international law) regime change in other countries went from crime to humanitarian concern. "War is Peace"

Media lies, falsification of news, cover-up, fight against skeptics

Expansion of fiber optic networks is overslept

More and more restriction of civil rights

More and more homelessness

Sit-out of scandals - mistakes are covered up - media completely uncritical

Modernization of nuclear bombs in Germany - Leading US scientists warn of ambitions for nuclear war of aggression against Russia by US government

Division of society into rich and poor (super rich and the rest)

Low taxes for (capital) income of billionaires

Squandering of public assets (privatization of schools, water supply, highways, etc.)

Infrastructure deterioration due to lack of investment

Promotion of large-scale projects worth billions of euros, such as Stuttgart 21 and BER Airport.

Nature: drastic decline of biodiversity in Germany

No idea of economic policy


Refusal to work until a (supposed) lack of alternatives arises

Constant enactment of laws that are clearly unconstitutional from the outset and (after years) will be conceded by the Federal Constitutional Court.

Manipulation of unemployment statistics

Promotion of precarious employment

State Trojan and persecution of opposition
What an irreal bullshit. Why do you waste your time to try to attack Germany continously with totally absurde nonsense? Do you believe, if everyone believes in absurde nonsense then absurde nonsense becomes true?

Well,..... i guess, you have to ask somebody, who lives in Germany and can give up Real statement, what's going on in Germany....

The Constitution in Germany is messed up or it's going to be messed up

Right now, they are fixing a Rule, were only vaccinated people can be visting stores and theaters and Discos! And can go on vacation.....

And it will be controlled via " digitalem Impfpass " ( Digital passport for vaccination)
What an irreal bullshit. Why do you waste your time to try to attack Germany continously with totally absurde nonsense? Do you believe, if everyone believes in absurde nonsense then absurde nonsense becomes true?

Well,..... i guess, you have to ask somebody, who lives in Germany and can give up Real statement, what's going on in Germany....

I am a German and I live in Germany.

The Constitution in Germany is messed up or it's going to be messed up

Our constitution is what? Nothing changed in our constitution because of the current fight and the worldwide war against covid-19.

Right now, they are fixing a Rule, were only vaccinated people can be visting stores and theaters and Discos!

We use the 3G's = "Getested, Genesen, Geimpft" what means "tested, convalesced or vaccinated" - what's the same right for such mass-events. A quick test for 24 hours needs meanwhile only some minutes. Costs nothing.

And can go on vacation.....

And it will be controlled via " digitalem Impfpass " ( Digital passport for vaccination)

We have the problem - nearly not believable, but really true - that some people are making wrong vaccination certificates. We use such certificates normally only as an information for health care. A wrong information is totally stupid in such a context and easily to realize. A digital vaccination certificate means in principle that you get an entry in a database and you are able to show to others with your handy that you own an entry in this database. I guess before this system is able to start it will be obsolete, because nearly everyone will be vaccinated, who is in danger to get covid-19.
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Sadistic satanists Merkel and her gang already longer as one year torture Germany by numerous lockdowns and forced vaccination. Hundreds of peoples are already death, tens of thousands have numerous severe side effects. Only local German medias ( very seldom, sometimes ) report about, MSM almost never.
You can read the list by usage of any online translator. Don't forget, deaths from now aren't calculated, the concept of mRNA 'vaccine' is it kills within 1 or 2 years.

Question: What sentence Merkel and another Corona criminals will get by the upcoming Nurnebrg 2.0?
Isn't it genocide?

Can you trust a governement which wanna kill you?

Interesting....the mRNA kills within one or two years. Hmm, the last I recall, the first person to receive the vaccine was in December of 2020, less than a year ago. Apparently, you are a prophet or seer.
yeah and the first vaccinated in public has died...


Seems to me you lost totally the contact to reality. Everything what you say is nonsense. Angela Merkel for example is not a candidate in the current elections. She likes not to be any longer the chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany.

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What an irreal bullshit. Why do you waste your time to try to attack Germany continously with totally absurde nonsense? Do you believe, if everyone believes in absurde nonsense then absurde nonsense becomes true?

Merkel isn't Germany,

Angela Merkel is currently the chancellor of the federal republic of Germany. You are an idiot from a foreign nation without any real idea about Germans and Germany.

she represents Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates and the Great Reset only.

As far as I can see is the "Great Reset" the very simple idea to do normal economy and to start now to do so. "Nachhaltig wirtschaften" (sustainable production and management) is a totally normal thing since centuries in Germany. Simple example: To plant now trees, which will be felled from future generations in 100, 200 or more years. An economy which is not sustainable is no economy at all. You have "to sew" what others will eat in the future - you "eat" what others did sew in the past. Who takes more fish out of a sea, than is able to be renewed from mother nature and/or human beings, kills future. But we - all mankind - is responsible for this planet in the eyes of god. What do you like to tell him finally 'in the end of time': "Sorry father, I killed your creation!" ?

And I fear your psychological problem, to tell everyone totally stupid unrealistic nonsense without any form of reality and logic, is a problem, which you are not able to solve with discussions about politics, while you try to multiply your personal problems.

In the next week Germany will lose its federal system and the entirely power belongs to Merkel.
Merkel teaches the entirely world 'democracy' and shall accept the same from another side.

Why Merkel loves Great Reset?
Because she is The Great Reset and can continue her war against Germany and its people
What she did before, below are her 'achievements'.

Corona genocide against German people

Abolishment of constitution

Annihilation of more as 200,000 companies through schizophrenic lockdown

Financial support of Antifa terrorists

State persecution of AFD

Transformation of all old parties in the united communist block CSUCDUFDPSPDGreensLefts

Rebirth of Gestapo through Corona 'measures'

No punishment for political corruption policy

Support of WWIII in Donbass

The Great Reset

Eikonal scandal

Dieselgate - government involvement in diesel scandal, coverup

Fight against the midwives (and babies)

Several NSA scandals

Real declining pensions

More and more erosion of data protection

Cum-Ex deals and their cover-up

Drone assassinations via Ramstein

Arms deliveries to terrorists via Ramstein

Fight against single mothers

Catastrophic social policy

Inheritance tax reform

The fight against science (in favor of communist propaganda)

No opposition media worth mentioning - in what other country is there such a thing?

NSU scandal - secret services and CDU politicians involved - secret service agent Temme according to his own statement present at murder, does not want to have noticed it - report locked away for 120 years

Highway robbery - Billions given to corporations through highway privatization

Redistribution from bottom, middle, "not quite top" to "quite, quite top"

Worst network and price performance ratio for telephone/internet in all of Europe, cartel

"Afghanistan is safe"

LSR - law bought by media corporations "Leistungsschutzrecht" (ancillary copyright)

Consumer protection?




Campaign journalism

Corruption almost everywhere

Use of glyphosate

Use of genetic engineering

Social security funds massively burdened with non-insurance benefits

Selling out of industry/medium-sized businesses to locusts

Establishment of a comprehensive campaign "Nazis or me", in order to become "alternative-free

Promotion of slanderous NGOs (cross-front slander against leftist critics, etc.) against government critics

German pension level far below that of other countries, compare Austria

Incitement of the people against critics of propaganda - "All media critics are Nazis" - slander of the lying press

Incitement of the people against government critics - "All government critics are Nazis" - cross-front slander

Having children as a risk of poverty

Agitation and propaganda against the Russian

Agitation and propaganda against the Syrians

The fight against the unions

The fight against the unemployed

Syrian Al-Bakr "found hanged in cell

Various secret service scandals and "regrettable mistakes

Energy turnaround: several billions given to energy companies

Fake terrorist attacks in Hannover (international match), Munich (New Year's Eve), Düsseldorf and Rock am Ring

Passport fraud attack in Berlin, Breitscheidplatz - witnesses chase Pakistani, later another perpetrator (Anis Amri) is presented and shot in Italy. Allegedly several mishaps of several authorities. It "failed" according to Merkel government in series: Federal Criminal Police Office, State Criminal Police Office North Rhine-Westphalia, State Criminal Police Office Berlin, Federal Intelligence Service, District Court Ravensburg and Federal Office for "Protection of the Constitution".

Abuse of police and other security agencies

Verfassungschutz transformed to Merkelschutz

Wanted and covered police violence against demonstrators, media agitation

Dismantling/abolition of basic rights such as inviolability of the home

Total surveillance

Destruction of the rule of law

Denial of political asylum for whistleblower Edward Snowden

Dividing the population on the issue of asylum/refugees and turning them against each other

Allowing three days of asylum riots in Heidenau and then letting arriving anti-right-wing demonstrators get beaten up by police

Created causes of flight and did nothing to improve - "measure": Tighten asylum law

Dirty refugee deal with Erdogan, who then also threatens to "open floodgates"

Refugee concentration camps in Libya (previously assassination of the previous head of government on camera)

Participation in (illegal under international law) coup in Ukraine

Support of Nazi fighters in Ukraine (Battalion Azov, Aidar and co)

Cooperation with Ukrainian Nazis such as Andrij Parubij

NATO maneuvers with Bundeswehr AND Ukrainian Nazi battalions (the ones with swastika tattoos)

Participation in the war of aggression against Syria (which is against international law)

Syria: Bundeswehr support of Al-Qaeda fighters and other terrorist groups, financially (7 million for White Helmets), etc.

Support of the war of aggression against Libya

Support for the war of aggression against Yemen (according to the Federal Academy for Security Policy, "bombing training" for Saudi pilots)

"Commodity defense in Mali" plus support of the world's largest slaveholding state Mauritania (20% of the population)

Several foreign missions of the Bundeswehr

Weapons exports to war zones respectively to fight the own population (in foreign countries)

Forcible enforcement of an alternative propaganda "reality" by politics and media. Falsification of history

Plundering of Greece, agitation against Greeks

Almost slavish Erdogan support

Infinite imprisonment in Bavaria

Germany at No. 5 in the world for tax havens (not for ordinary citizens, of course)

Anti-corruption laws blocked, lobbying flourishes. Corruption and nepotism (or do they say networking nowadays?)

Bank regulation is virtually non-existent

Financial crisis: losses are paid by the taxpayer - profits stay with the owners

Astroturfing projects and NGOs to glorify the rulers - for fun, replace "EU" or "Europe" by "German Reich" at Pulse of Europe ...

Infiltration of the health department by the pharmaceutical lobbyists

Infiltration of the ministry of defense by lobbyists of the armament companies

Creation or rather forcing of a new East-West conflict

Federal government voted against ban on nuclear weapons

Hartz IV recipients are pushed below the subsistence level. It is called MINIMUM

(Illegal under international law) regime change in other countries went from crime to humanitarian concern. "War is Peace"

Media lies, falsification of news, cover-up, fight against skeptics

Expansion of fiber optic networks is overslept

More and more restriction of civil rights

More and more homelessness

Sit-out of scandals - mistakes are covered up - media completely uncritical

Modernization of nuclear bombs in Germany - Leading US scientists warn of ambitions for nuclear war of aggression against Russia by US government

Division of society into rich and poor (super rich and the rest)

Low taxes for (capital) income of billionaires

Squandering of public assets (privatization of schools, water supply, highways, etc.)

Infrastructure deterioration due to lack of investment

Promotion of large-scale projects worth billions of euros, such as Stuttgart 21 and BER Airport.

Nature: drastic decline of biodiversity in Germany

No idea of economic policy


Refusal to work until a (supposed) lack of alternatives arises

Constant enactment of laws that are clearly unconstitutional from the outset and (after years) will be conceded by the Federal Constitutional Court.

Manipulation of unemployment statistics

Promotion of precarious employment

State Trojan and persecution of opposition

Sadistic satanists Merkel and her gang already longer as one year torture Germany by numerous lockdowns and forced vaccination. Hundreds of peoples are already death, tens of thousands have numerous severe side effects. Only local German medias ( very seldom, sometimes ) report about, MSM almost never.
You can read the list by usage of any online translator. Don't forget, deaths from now aren't calculated, the concept of mRNA 'vaccine' is it kills within 1 or 2 years.

Question: What sentence Merkel and another Corona criminals will get by the upcoming Nurnebrg 2.0?
Isn't it genocide?

Can you trust a governement which wanna kill you?


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