The list of people Nick Sandmann's lawyer is suing

The kid did nothing wrong. What's your problem?

He was being a smart arse. However, I save most criticism for his classmates. They were absolutely aping it up in the back ground and being arseholes. You're right, him not so much. But he had the shit-eating grin on his face. It was condescending and he loved every minute of it. Not so much the aftermath, but at the time, he was lapping it up. I have little sympathy for him.
The kid did nothing wrong. What's your problem?

He was being a smart arse. However, I save most criticism for his classmates. They were absolutely aping it up in the back ground and being arseholes. You're right, him not so much. But he had the shit-eating grin on his face. It was condescending and he loved every minute of it. Not so much the aftermath, but at the time, he was lapping it up. I have little sympathy for him.

Do you have kids?
Do you think his lawyers would invest vast amounts of their own time and money on cases they didn't think would pay?

Happens all the time. What they hope for is a settlement. I'm hoping, unlike CNN, the WashPo doesn't fold. If Ben Bradlee and Graham were still in charge, they wouldn't.
The kid did nothing wrong. What's your problem?

He was being a smart arse. However, I save most criticism for his classmates. They were absolutely aping it up in the back ground and being arseholes. You're right, him not so much. But he had the shit-eating grin on his face. It was condescending and he loved every minute of it. Not so much the aftermath, but at the time, he was lapping it up. I have little sympathy for him.

Do you have kids?

Two sons. 17 and 19.
Do you think his lawyers would invest vast amounts of their own time and money on cases they didn't think would pay?

Happens all the time. What they hope for is a settlement. I'm hoping, unlike CNN, the WashPo doesn't fold. If Ben Bradlee and Graham were still in charge, they wouldn't.

Yup, fight the lawsuit to make sure they pay the full amount, that makes sense.
The scumbag corporate Dimm media only proves over and over and over that they lie. They 100% lied about Sandman.

Just unconscionable.
Do you think his lawyers would invest vast amounts of their own time and money on cases they didn't think would pay?

Happens all the time. What they hope for is a settlement. I'm hoping, unlike CNN, the WashPo doesn't fold. If Ben Bradlee and Graham were still in charge, they wouldn't.
No, it doesn't happen all the time. Lawyers sometimes lose, but they always investigate a case very carefully to determine whether the odds of a big payoff are good.
Two sons. 17 and 19.

I'll take a guess that your sons, or anyone's sons, would have reacted in the same way as the Covington boys if they were standing someplace waiting for a bus and a group of people, chanting incoherently while banging on drums, approached them.

You wanna smear the kid because he smirked? Give me a break.
Happens all the time. What they hope for is a settlement.

The point is, if the lawyers thought that the suits were frivolous, they certainly wouldn't be investing their significant time and money. Those who claim Sandman and his lawyers aren't collecting anything are likely full of shit.

I guarantee. You go and talk to a personal injury attorney and the second they think you're case is going nowhere, they tell you to get the fuck out. LOL. They don't waste their time on frivolous cases.
The scumbag corporate Dimm media only proves over and over and over that they lie. They 100% lied about Sandman.

They lie about everything. Trump hiring prostitutes to piss on the bed. Trump consipred with Putin. They lied when they misrepresented what happened with the Covington boys. Then they refuse to cover factual cases of gross Democratic crime and corruption. The Democratic Party owns most of the media.
Two sons. 17 and 19.

I'll take a guess that your sons, or anyone's sons, would have reacted in the same way as the Covington boys if they were standing someplace waiting for a bus and a group of people, chanting incoherently while banging on drums, approached them.

You wanna smear the kid because he smirked? Give me a break.
Really. Several of the TDS morons in here claimed those kids deserved a beating simply because they had smiles on their faces.
Yup, fight the lawsuit to make sure they pay the full amount, that makes sense.

Settling is a way for both sides to hedge their bets. Both give up something for the assurance of getting something. The LAST thing CNN wants is to LOSE in court and get crushed in public, not to mention the payout to Sandman. The LAST thing the Sandman attorneys want is to go to court, lose, and collect NOTHING.
I'll take a guess that your sons, or anyone's sons, would have reacted in the same way as the Covington boys if they were standing someplace waiting for a bus and a group of people, chanting incoherently while banging on drums, approached them.

You wanna smear the kid because he smirked? Give me a break.

Doubt they would. No, don't want to smear him. But he was lapping it up.
I guarantee. You go and talk to a personal injury attorney and the second they think you're case is going nowhere, they tell you to get the fuck out. LOL. They don't waste their time on frivolous cases.

What they do waste their time with a massive, publicity induced cases where they're hoping that the amount of shit being spouted will cause those being sued to fold.

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