The list of people Nick Sandmann's lawyer is suing


James O'Keefe



CNN settled a defamation lawsuit today brought by one of the Covington Kids.

Number of defamation lawsuits settled by
ever: 0

Number of defamation lawsuits your company CNN settled this week: 1

Stop virtue signaling on journalism ethics. You sold your soul.
When you lie about what was reported, why can't the media sue YOU for slander and libel. Or you twist what was reported into something completely different, and then say "Well that's what they meant".

Not one media outlet claimed that was what Trump said. What Trump said was that in Charlottesville, there were "good people on both sides".

Yes, that's exactly what he said, but much of the MSM didn't report it that way. Need links, I'll be happy to find them for ya.
Provide them.

Trump's Charlottesville comments twisted by Joe Biden and the media

As RealClearPolitics’ Steve Cortes argued, “Despite the clear evidence of Trump’s statements regarding Charlottesville, major media figures insist on spreading the calumny that Trump called neo-Nazis ‘fine people.’”

But here’s the thing: He did.

Trump’s new defense of his Charlottesville comments is incredibly false

Guy Who Dubbed Neo-Nazis “Very Fine People” Suddenly Concerned About Anti-Semitism

Trump, Who Said Neo-Nazis Are “Very Fine People,” Has a New Talking Point: “Democrats Hate Jewish People”

Trump Can’t Escape Having Called Nazis “Very Fine People” by SOTU Spectacle

Lol, perfect timing. Baghdad Coyote asked for details, you provided them and she ran away. That's Bob's go-to escape when inconvenient facts get in the way.

You don't provide facts. You are frothing at the mouth over Dem corruption, and drooling on the other side excusing Trump corruption. Really? Ya...inconvenient.

Reminds me of....hmm....

hmmm you know Trump settled a lot suits too...and so did Fox....

lying scum?
What Trump corruption? All you have is fake news, nothing real.
No there isn't. Sandman is culpable for nothing.

When you're being condescending and a smartarse, you are culpable. How culpable? Who knows.
He grinned. Only a fool would claim that makes him responsible for anything.

He was a rude ass.

But he was a KID.

He should never have gotten the media attention he did. Welcome to the world of social media and instant news.

And don't pretend you care...becaue you only care when it's a rightwing kid attacked.
Wrong. He wasn't rude at all. He simply smiled because he felt uncomfortable because some crazy drunken Indian was banging a drum in his face. If anyone was rude, it was the drunken Indian. It amazes me how you TDS douchebags put all the blame on Sandman and ignore the behavior of the drunken Indian.
He was a rude ass. But he was a KID.

He was standing there, minding his own business while waiting for a bus. Phillips went and got in his face while chanting incoherently. I would laughed in his face. Nick didn't say or do anything, only smirked.

I think it's debatable - and both sides have "video" to "prove" their claim.

I think he was probably being an obnoxious teen male.

But everyone rushed to politicize it. Shame on the media for taking up that torch.

It's not debatable at all. Sandman has the full unedited video on his side. CNN has only doctored video deliberately edited to paint the picture they wanted.
Looks like everybody was acting like arseholes. Including those shithead kids.

You need to get your head checked out bro, those kids did NOTHING wrong.

Singing school fighting songs and taking the piss out of Phillips isn't stirring shit and being condescending? You obviously don't have kids.
What does "taking the piss out of Phillips" mean? They did nothing to phillips, moron. And, no, singing school fighting songs isn't being condescending or "stirring shit."
Nick Sandmann was Suing CNN to the Tune of $275 Million....

so ........give or take do your math of how much he was awarded! :04:

:muahaha: will C*** News Media learn its lesson? we don't know.....but we like it when fake media pays! :113:
What does "taking the piss out of Phillips" mean? They did nothing to phillips, moron. And, no, singing school fighting songs isn't being condescending or "stirring shit."

Taking the piss is a colloquial term down here for being smart arses. So you didn't see those kids behind Sandmann chanting and laughing at Phillips in the video?
Of course singing fighting songs was stirring shit. As were the Israelites. Only a dumb arse, deplorable, retarded fuckwit wouldn't see that.....oh, that's right, you are.
What does "taking the piss out of Phillips" mean? They did nothing to phillips, moron. And, no, singing school fighting songs isn't being condescending or "stirring shit."

Taking the piss is a colloquial term down here for being smart arses. So you didn't see those kids behind Sandmann chanting and laughing at Phillips in the video?
Of course singing fighting songs was stirring shit. As were the Israelites. Only a dumb arse, deplorable, retarded fuckwit wouldn't see that.....oh, that's right, you are.
How do you know they were laughing at Phillips. Kids laugh and horse around whenever they are together. Your assumptions are baseless.

Of course, there's nothing about singing fight songs that means you are "stirring shit." They are school approved fight songs, moron. I believe the school staff was even conducting the performances.

You're just another stupid TDS bigot.
What does "taking the piss out of Phillips" mean? They did nothing to phillips, moron. And, no, singing school fighting songs isn't being condescending or "stirring shit."

Taking the piss is a colloquial term down here for being smart arses. So you didn't see those kids behind Sandmann chanting and laughing at Phillips in the video?
Of course singing fighting songs was stirring shit. As were the Israelites. Only a dumb arse, deplorable, retarded fuckwit wouldn't see that.....oh, that's right, you are.
How do you know they were laughing at Phillips. Kids laugh and horse around whenever they are together. Your assumptions are baseless.

Of course, there's nothing about singing fight songs that means you are "stirring shit." They are school approved fight songs, moron. I believe the school staff was even conducting the performances.

You're just another stupid TDS bigot.

God, you are so dumb. You really are.
Just go look at the video - the full video. Fuck, I just.....

What does "taking the piss out of Phillips" mean? They did nothing to phillips, moron. And, no, singing school fighting songs isn't being condescending or "stirring shit."

Taking the piss is a colloquial term down here for being smart arses. So you didn't see those kids behind Sandmann chanting and laughing at Phillips in the video?
Of course singing fighting songs was stirring shit. As were the Israelites. Only a dumb arse, deplorable, retarded fuckwit wouldn't see that.....oh, that's right, you are.
How do you know they were laughing at Phillips. Kids laugh and horse around whenever they are together. Your assumptions are baseless.

Of course, there's nothing about singing fight songs that means you are "stirring shit." They are school approved fight songs, moron. I believe the school staff was even conducting the performances.

You're just another stupid TDS bigot.

God, you are so dumb. You really are.
Just go look at the video - the full video. Fuck, I just.....

I have looked at the video over and over and over. What I learned from that is that people like you are brain damaged TDS retards.
He was a rude ass. But he was a KID.

He was standing there, minding his own business while waiting for a bus. Phillips went and got in his face while chanting incoherently. I would laughed in his face. Nick didn't say or do anything, only smirked.

I think it's debatable - and both sides have "video" to "prove" their claim.

I think he was probably being an obnoxious teen male.

But everyone rushed to politicize it. Shame on the media for taking up that torch.
Bullshit. Both sides do not have a video that supports them - only one side does. The other has cut the video up to give the opposite impression of what actually happened.

It is colossally asinine to demand that the person who was approached by an adult so that he could be HARASSED is the one that needs to show 'respect' or retreat.

Shame on the media my ass. Shame on the person that refused to acknowledge the obvious because it does not fit nicely into the narrative they want.

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