The list of people Nick Sandmann's lawyer is suing

No there isn't. Sandman is culpable for nothing.

When you're being condescending and a smartarse, you are culpable. How culpable? Who knows.
He grinned. Only a fool would claim that makes him responsible for anything.

He was a rude ass.

But he was a KID.

He should never have gotten the media attention he did. Welcome to the world of social media and instant news.

And don't pretend you care...becaue you only care when it's a rightwing kid attacked.
He was a rude ass. But he was a KID.

He was standing there, minding his own business while waiting for a bus. Phillips went and got in his face while chanting incoherently. I would laughed in his face. Nick didn't say or do anything, only smirked.
He was a rude ass. But he was a KID.

He was standing there, minding his own business while waiting for a bus. Phillips went and got in his face while chanting incoherently. I would laughed in his face. Nick didn't say or do anything, only smirked.

I think it's debatable - and both sides have "video" to "prove" their claim.

I think he was probably being an obnoxious teen male.

But everyone rushed to politicize it. Shame on the media for taking up that torch.
I think it's debatable - and both sides have "video" to "prove" their claim.

I think he was probably being an obnoxious teen male.

But everyone rushed to politicize it. Shame on the media for taking up that torch.

I would have unceremoniously told Phillips to get the **** out of my face and then the media could have excoriated me. I would have embraced it. If I'm standing somewhere minding my own business and some nutcase comes and gets in my face, then they can expect to be treated rudely.
I think it's debatable - and both sides have "video" to "prove" their claim.

I think he was probably being an obnoxious teen male.

But everyone rushed to politicize it. Shame on the media for taking up that torch.

I would have unceremoniously told Phillips to get the **** out of my face and then the media could have excoriated me. I would have embraced it. If I'm standing somewhere minding my own business and some nutcase comes and gets in my face, then they can expect to be treated rudely.

I think it was not that simple but, if it were as is played out, being a product of my generation - I respect my elders, and if I felt he were being rude I would have backed off, gotten out of the space.

I'm not sure he was minding his own business.

But I do think it was not a news story. And the media should be ashamed for making it one.
...both sides have "video" to "prove" their claim.

The videos I've seen show Sandman standing there doing absolutely nothing. When Phillips picked him out for confrontation, Sandman stood there quietly and smirked.

What should have Sandman have done differently? And what should his punishment be for not kissing Phillips' ass?
What did he have 4 big ones ?

Lost one
CNN sacks of despicable shit and laughing stocks caved probably set for life ...good for him . I'm all for having fun pissing away money and even helping others with some I'll say a lil prayer for the catlick hilbilly ...that his dad and god give him wisdom

2 to go
...both sides have "video" to "prove" their claim.

The videos I've seen show Sandman standing there doing absolutely nothing. When Phillips picked him out for confrontation, Sandman stood there quietly and smirked.

What should have Sandman have done differently? And what should his punishment be for not kissing Phillips' ass?

Differently? Just backed off. Again - there are two different accounts. My point is - it wasn't news. Never should have been.

But we live in an hour of trial by social media.
Most lawsuits like this are settled - it's just easier and less costly for wealthy corporations, and has little to do with actual culpability.
I'm not sure he was minding his own business.

Coyote, he was minding his own business. Him and his classmates were at a rendezvous point waiting for their bus. While they were standing there, a group of "Black Israel Hebrews" (same folks implicated in recent terror attacks on Jews in New York) began chanting all sorts of insults and hate speech towards them. The kids responded by singing school fight songs. Then, Phillips marched over and got into Phillips' face. Here's the full video, in case you care to see for yourself. It's 36 minutes long.

Most lawsuits like this are settled - it's just easier and less costly for wealthy corporations, and has little to do with actual culpability.

They settled because ALL of the evidence demonstrates that Sandman did nothing wrong and was undeserving of CNN's smears of his reputation and character. The only real question was going to be the amount of the settlement, which they obviously resolved.

Look for Sandman to be driving a new car shortly.
My point is - it wasn't news. Never should have been.

On that we agree. But certain media outlets characterized what occurred in a false light and that was damaging to Sandman and he HAS been damaged. Just look at all of the leftists that have threatened him and who hate the poor kid. How many leftist colleges will refuse to accept him into college or refuse him a job? And for what? For NOTHING.
My point is - it wasn't news. Never should have been.

On that we agree. But certain media outlets characterized what occurred in a false light and that was damaging to Sandman and he HAS been damaged. Just look at all of the leftists that have threatened him and who hate the poor kid. How many leftist colleges will refuse to accept him into college or refuse him a job? And for what? For NOTHING.

Damages like that are really hard to quantify.

I do not think kids should be news subjects in that way - whether it's him or the kids that took up a gun control banner after Parkland.

We seem to forget two things - one, they are kids....two, a sense of mutual respect. The ability to disagree without a scorched earth tactical response.

I don't like seeing kids in the media in this way because we DO forget they are kids and we DO then treat them like adults.

What is so hard with pausing, if they are under 18 and giving them the benefit of doubt and youth? I think these days it's a million times harder to be a kid then when we were growing up. Everything can become public and distorted in an instant.

I felt bad for this boy - I do think he may have been a bit of an ass...but he did not deserve to be treated the way he was.

Let's leave kids off the media execution block. And SHAME on the media!
My point is - it wasn't news. Never should have been.

On that we agree. But certain media outlets characterized what occurred in a false light and that was damaging to Sandman and he HAS been damaged. Just look at all of the leftists that have threatened him and who hate the poor kid. How many leftist colleges will refuse to accept him into college or refuse him a job? And for what? For NOTHING.

But I should add - the kids who advocated after Parkland were also grossly slandered and mistreated and that was damaging.

That should not have happened either.
But I should add - the kids who advocated after Parkland were also grossly slandered and mistreated and that was damaging. That should not have happened either.

I don't disagree, but it's one thing for some yahoo on this site to bash one of the Parkland kids and an entirely different thing for a major media outlet, who has a reach of tens of MILLIONS, to splash their images all over the vast network and paint an inaccurate picture of what occurred and which casts them in a negative light. Big difference.
But I should add - the kids who advocated after Parkland were also grossly slandered and mistreated and that was damaging. That should not have happened either.

I don't disagree, but it's one thing for some yahoo on this site to bash one of the Parkland kids and an entirely different thing for a major media outlet, who has a reach of tens of MILLIONS, to splash their images all over the vast network and paint an inaccurate picture of what occurred and which casts them in a negative light. Big difference.

Which media outlet has the reach of 10s of millions?
Also, from what I've read, Phillips went over there to split up the Israelites and the kids.
More than a yahoo bashed the Parkland kids and you know it.
More than a yahoo bashed the Parkland kids and you know it.

Show me the unfair criticism that a major outlet made against the Parkland kids and I'll take a look at it, fair enough?
Also, from what I've read, Phillips went over there to split up the Israelites and the kids.

I just provided a video that shows exactly what happened. What you read is bullshit. Watch the video and get back to me. Otherwise, fuck off.

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