The list of people Nick Sandmann's lawyer is suing

Doubt they would. No, don't want to smear him. But he was lapping it up.

He was standing there minding his own business. The dishonorably charged professional activist came and got in his face. The kid stood there and smirked because, frankly, it was funny. You're an asshole for what you're doing to this poor kid.
Not true. They could countersue for costs if Sandman's lawyers' lose. Nothing do with being frivolous or not.

A minute ago you said the cases were dismissed. Now you're dismissed.
Sandmann is a charming bastard!

He probably never thought that he'd be so hated by the loving-left for doing nothing more than standing quietly while waiting for a bus. Then again, the abortionist party is capable and extreme hatred for any or no reason at all.
The kid did nothing wrong. What's your problem?

He was being a smart arse. However, I save most criticism for his classmates. They were absolutely aping it up in the back ground and being arseholes. You're right, him not so much. But he had the shit-eating grin on his face. It was condescending and he loved every minute of it. Not so much the aftermath, but at the time, he was lapping it up. I have little sympathy for him.
That kid did extremely well under the circumstances. I don’t see many adults that would have put up with that toothless drunk Indian banging that piece of shit drum in their face.

The Indian was the asshole. The kid was just fine.
In any event, CNN's settlement is a concession that they lied about Sandman, as they lie about everything else.
He doesn't need Harvard. In fact, when his lawsuits are concluded, he might be able to buy Harvard. Lol.

Where have you been? most of his suits are being by one...

Which one? Link?

Washington Post. It has been amended and reinstated by the same judge, but it will be dismissed again. The only people making money here are the lawyers.
Bullshit. WaPo published accusations that Sandmann blocked Phillips and would not allow him to retreat. WaPo knew that the allegations were false because they had the video. And like the fake news outlet it is, the Washington 'Jimmy's World' Post purposefully defamed Sandmann by publishing the knowingly false allegation anyways.

Why did they choose to defame Sandmann? I guess they'll have to answer that at trial. But we all know that it was because of the MAGA hat. If they try to say otherwise the jury simply isn't going buy it and will nail WaPo with increased punitive damages for insulting their intelligence.
Bullshit. WaPo published accusations that Sandmann blocked Phillips and would not allow him to retreat. WaPo knew that the allegations were false because they had the video. And like the fake news outlet it is, the Washington 'Jimmy's World' Post purposefully defamed Sandmann by publishing the knowingly false allegation anyways.

Why did they choose to defame Sandmann? I guess they'll have to answer that at trial. But we all know that it was because of the MAGA hat. If they try to say otherwise the jury simply isn't going buy it and will nail WaPo with increased punitive damages for insulting their intelligence.

Possibly. We'll see how it plays out.
It's a long list of mostly wealthy people and companies. Sandmann is going to be a rich boy when this is all over:

Lawyers for Catholic Student Nick Sandmann Prepare to Sue for Libel

According to the Enquirer, the long list of people and outlets targeted includes:

  • The Washington Post
  • The New York Times
  • Cable News Network, Inc. (CNN)
  • The Guardian
  • National Public Radio
  • TMZ
  • Atlantic Media Inc.
  • Capitol Hill Publishing Corp.
  • Diocese of Covington
  • Diocese of Lexington
  • Archdiocese of Louisville
  • Diocese of Baltimore
  • Ana Cabrera
  • Sara Sidner
  • Erin Burnett
  • S.E. Cupp
  • Elliot C. McLaughlin
  • Amanda Watts
  • Emanuella Grinberg
  • Michelle Boorstein
  • Cleve R. Wootson Jr.
  • Antonio Olivo
  • Joe Heim
  • Michael E. Miller
  • Eli Rosenberg
  • Isaac Stanley-Becker
  • Kristine Phillips
  • Sarah Mervosh
  • Emily S. Rueb
  • Maggie Haberman
  • David Brooks
  • Shannon Doyne
  • Kurt Eichenwald
  • Andrea Mitchell
  • Savannah Guthrie
  • Joy Reid
  • Chuck Todd
  • Noah Berlatsky
  • Elisha Fieldstadt
  • Eun Kyung Kim
  • HBO
  • Bill Maher
  • Warner Media
  • Conde Nast
  • GQ
  • The Hill
  • The Atlantic
  • Ilhan Omar
  • Elizabeth Warren
  • Kathy Griffin
  • Alyssa Milano
  • Jim Carrey
Kid is going to be hiring Bill Gates to mow his lawn before it’s over.
No there isn't. Sandman is culpable for nothing.

When you're being condescending and a smartarse, you are culpable. How culpable? Who knows.
Could you explain how you came to the ridiculous conclusion that Sandmann was being condescending and a smartass?

Seriously, WTF is wrong with you? Is your TDS really so bad that you are fucking hallucinating?
The kid did nothing wrong. What's your problem?

He was being a smart arse. However, I save most criticism for his classmates. They were absolutely aping it up in the back ground and being arseholes. You're right, him not so much. But he had the shit-eating grin on his face. It was condescending and he loved every minute of it. Not so much the aftermath, but at the time, he was lapping it up. I have little sympathy for him.
This really requires you to utterly ignore everything that we know about what happened.

It is telling that anyone would be willing to sacrifice this kid with known false bullshit just to force it to fit a preferred narrative.
More like when they report the President said all white supremacists are good people.

When you lie about what was reported, why can't the media sue YOU for slander and libel. Or you twist what was reported into something completely different, and then say "Well that's what they meant".

Not one media outlet claimed that was what Trump said. What Trump said was that in Charlottesville, there were "good people on both sides".

Yes, that's exactly what he said, but much of the MSM didn't report it that way. Need links, I'll be happy to find them for ya.
Provide them.

Trump's Charlottesville comments twisted by Joe Biden and the media

As RealClearPolitics’ Steve Cortes argued, “Despite the clear evidence of Trump’s statements regarding Charlottesville, major media figures insist on spreading the calumny that Trump called neo-Nazis ‘fine people.’”

But here’s the thing: He did.

Trump’s new defense of his Charlottesville comments is incredibly false

Guy Who Dubbed Neo-Nazis “Very Fine People” Suddenly Concerned About Anti-Semitism

Trump, Who Said Neo-Nazis Are “Very Fine People,” Has a New Talking Point: “Democrats Hate Jewish People”

Trump Can’t Escape Having Called Nazis “Very Fine People” by SOTU Spectacle

Lol, perfect timing. Baghdad Coyote asked for details, you provided them and she ran away. That's Bob's go-to escape when inconvenient facts get in the way.

You don't provide facts. You are frothing at the mouth over Dem corruption, and drooling on the other side excusing Trump corruption. Really? Ya...inconvenient.

Reminds me of....hmm....

hmmm you know Trump settled a lot suits too...and so did Fox....

lying scum?

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