The Live Ukrainian Invasion Thread

in southern Ukraine Kherson has fallen and Mariupol is surrounded. It is reported Russian paratroopers are in Kharkov in the north but have not captured the city.
Twitter is usually a sewer. Just like this place! But it has been a fantastic source of information on the war in Ukraine. Below are some feeds that following the war live in Ukraine.

FYI Most posters here know I’m a #NeverTrumper. But right now, I don’t give a shit if you are a Trump supporter if you’re supporting Ukraine and condemning this illegal invasion by Putin. The liberal world order implemented and led by America since WWII that has kept the peace and created unprecedented global economic prosperity is under attack by a revanchist who wants to take the world back to the 19th century. Unity, not division, matters now.
The problem is that Trump supporters and most conservatives want to take the world back to the 19th Century – hence their support for Putin.

Conservatives’ illiberal, anti-democratic policies consistent with the likes of Trump, Orban, Bolsonaro, and Putin represent a fundamental threat to both peace and liberty in the United States and the West.
There is no evidence that Russia is failing or giving up they are doing what has been planned all along as this Retired Army Colonel states:

The Last Refuge

Col Douglas Macgregor Talks Common Sense With Tucker Carlson About the Russia-Ukraine Conflict, Video

March 1, 2022 | Sundance


Col Douglas Macgregor appeared for a sit-down interview with Tucker Carlson tonight to discuss the latest developments in the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

So far, Macgregor is the one who has been the most accurate in his assessments when compared to the results on the ground in Ukraine. If what Macgregor outlines in this interview is correct, and there’s no reason to believe it isn’t, then President Putin has been planning this operation for a long time.

As the multinational corporations, multinational banks, collective corporate and political west along with the EU, NATO and media, tell Ukraine to keep fighting, it appears Russia is moving through a methodical plan they have no hope of stopping. This would explain why the Russian convoys are pausing before going hardcore on the cities and population centers. WATCH:

LINK to 7:42 Video worth watching


It appears that he is confining most of his military objective to EAST of the Dnieper river.

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