The Long Game.


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City
Having defeated the Republicans at almost every turn, there is still many parts of Obama's agenda that are constantly being obstructed. Namely a sane immigration policy and infrastructure funding. Lately, due to a plethora of mass murders and massacres, gun regulation is also on the plate. Republicans are still obstructing, as the Hagel hearings have shown.

It basically looks as if Obama's given up on trying to work with them. And it looks as if the "long game" is to chase them out of congress.

There really isn't much that need be done. Republicans have taken a course which is terribly unpopular with the American Public at large. 2014 looks like it's going to be a big win for Democrats..and another huge loss for Republicans. Which sets up Hillary nicely for a 2016 run.

This will be a first. A Democratic hat trick.

There already IS a "sane" Immigration Policy in place, it just gets ignored. I wish I could ignore Federal Law, I'd stop paying Income Tax.

And tell us Sallow, what was that Stimulus all about if not for "infrastructure"?
Having defeated the Republicans at almost every turn, there is still many parts of Obama's agenda that are constantly being obstructed. Namely a sane immigration policy and infrastructure funding. Lately, due to a plethora of mass murders and massacres, gun regulation is also on the plate. Republicans are still obstructing, as the Hagel hearings have shown.

It basically looks as if Obama's given up on trying to work with them. And it looks as if the "long game" is to chase them out of congress.

There really isn't much that need be done. Republicans have taken a course which is terribly unpopular with the American Public at large. 2014 looks like it's going to be a big win for Democrats..and another huge loss for Republicans. Which sets up Hillary nicely for a 2016 run.

This will be a first. A Democratic hat trick.


I sincerely hope the republicans continue to "obstruct" as you call it. Hagel was the wrong person for the job, gun regulation is retarded, and Obama couldn't even let Congress work on their immigration bills before he threw a wrench in the works. Typical Obama being a dumbass. And Hillary as a big a piece of shit as Obama, except she has balls.
Having defeated the Republicans at almost every turn, there is still many parts of Obama's agenda that are constantly being obstructed. Namely a sane immigration policy and infrastructure funding. Lately, due to a plethora of mass murders and massacres, gun regulation is also on the plate. Republicans are still obstructing, as the Hagel hearings have shown.

It basically looks as if Obama's given up on trying to work with them. And it looks as if the "long game" is to chase them out of congress.

There really isn't much that need be done. Republicans have taken a course which is terribly unpopular with the American Public at large. 2014 looks like it's going to be a big win for Democrats..and another huge loss for Republicans. Which sets up Hillary nicely for a 2016 run.

This will be a first. A Democratic hat trick.


Without abundant stimulus funds to pay-off Democrat special interest groups, you may be in for a surprise come 2014. btw .it's highly unlikely the economy will improve.
There already IS a "sane" Immigration Policy in place, it just gets ignored. I wish I could ignore Federal Law, I'd stop paying Income Tax.

And tell us Sallow, what was that Stimulus all about if not for "infrastructure"?

No there isn't Mad. It's not that it gets's that it's impossible to figure out.

For example..if you are Cuban and reach American shores? You are an American. That's not so if you are Mexican.

Having defeated the Republicans at almost every turn, there is still many parts of Obama's agenda that are constantly being obstructed. Namely a sane immigration policy and infrastructure funding. Lately, due to a plethora of mass murders and massacres, gun regulation is also on the plate. Republicans are still obstructing, as the Hagel hearings have shown.

It basically looks as if Obama's given up on trying to work with them. And it looks as if the "long game" is to chase them out of congress.

There really isn't much that need be done. Republicans have taken a course which is terribly unpopular with the American Public at large. 2014 looks like it's going to be a big win for Democrats..and another huge loss for Republicans. Which sets up Hillary nicely for a 2016 run.

This will be a first. A Democratic hat trick.


Without abundant stimulus funds to pay-off Democrat special interest groups, you may be in for a surprise come 2014. btw .it's highly unlikely the economy will improve.

Isn't this the meme you folks put out there about the 2012 elections? The economy would sink Obama?

Yeah..well nobody is buying that the economy is Obama's fault except the folks in your echo chamber. Obstuction is just that..obstruction, not an alternative.

That's going to cost.

You watch.
Having defeated the Republicans at almost every turn, there is still many parts of Obama's agenda that are constantly being obstructed. Namely a sane immigration policy and infrastructure funding. Lately, due to a plethora of mass murders and massacres, gun regulation is also on the plate. Republicans are still obstructing, as the Hagel hearings have shown.

It basically looks as if Obama's given up on trying to work with them. And it looks as if the "long game" is to chase them out of congress.

There really isn't much that need be done. Republicans have taken a course which is terribly unpopular with the American Public at large. 2014 looks like it's going to be a big win for Democrats..and another huge loss for Republicans. Which sets up Hillary nicely for a 2016 run.

This will be a first. A Democratic hat trick.


I sincerely hope the republicans continue to "obstruct" as you call it. Hagel was the wrong person for the job, gun regulation is retarded, and Obama couldn't even let Congress work on their immigration bills before he threw a wrench in the works. Typical Obama being a dumbass. And Hillary as a big a piece of shit as Obama, except she has balls.

Well this is one of the first times in history that obstuction has been carried out this extensively. Generally when one party wins, the other party allows their policy to drive the nation. Then come election time, they debate the results.

That stopped with Clinton. Bush II got most of his policy through with devastating consequences. Then the same party that obstucted Clinton and was responsible for the cataclysm of Bush..doubled down on Obama.

So's given him 2 terms. Come 2014 it might very well give him a fully Democratic Congress.
Having defeated the Republicans at almost every turn, there is still many parts of Obama's agenda that are constantly being obstructed. Namely a sane immigration policy and infrastructure funding. Lately, due to a plethora of mass murders and massacres, gun regulation is also on the plate. Republicans are still obstructing, as the Hagel hearings have shown.

It basically looks as if Obama's given up on trying to work with them. And it looks as if the "long game" is to chase them out of congress.

There really isn't much that need be done. Republicans have taken a course which is terribly unpopular with the American Public at large. 2014 looks like it's going to be a big win for Democrats..and another huge loss for Republicans. Which sets up Hillary nicely for a 2016 run.

This will be a first. A Democratic hat trick.



Obama said that border security would not be a part of his plan. How is that sane?

Before you can deal with the illegals that are already here we must secure the border.

Only an idiot would think otherwise.
There already IS a "sane" Immigration Policy in place, it just gets ignored. I wish I could ignore Federal Law, I'd stop paying Income Tax.

And tell us Sallow, what was that Stimulus all about if not for "infrastructure"?

No there isn't Mad. It's not that it gets's that it's impossible to figure out.

For example..if you are Cuban and reach American shores? You are an American. That's not so if you are Mexican.


That's a lie!!
Having defeated the Republicans at almost every turn, there is still many parts of Obama's agenda that are constantly being obstructed. Namely a sane immigration policy and infrastructure funding. Lately, due to a plethora of mass murders and massacres, gun regulation is also on the plate. Republicans are still obstructing, as the Hagel hearings have shown.

It basically looks as if Obama's given up on trying to work with them. And it looks as if the "long game" is to chase them out of congress.

There really isn't much that need be done. Republicans have taken a course which is terribly unpopular with the American Public at large. 2014 looks like it's going to be a big win for Democrats..and another huge loss for Republicans. Which sets up Hillary nicely for a 2016 run.

This will be a first. A Democratic hat trick.

Still waiting on Obama to do something on the Sequester crisis. Republicans are willing to negotiate, but Obama's busy playing golf with Tiger Woods.
Having defeated the Republicans at almost every turn, there is still many parts of Obama's agenda that are constantly being obstructed. Namely a sane immigration policy and infrastructure funding. Lately, due to a plethora of mass murders and massacres, gun regulation is also on the plate. Republicans are still obstructing, as the Hagel hearings have shown.

It basically looks as if Obama's given up on trying to work with them. And it looks as if the "long game" is to chase them out of congress.

There really isn't much that need be done. Republicans have taken a course which is terribly unpopular with the American Public at large. 2014 looks like it's going to be a big win for Democrats..and another huge loss for Republicans. Which sets up Hillary nicely for a 2016 run.

This will be a first. A Democratic hat trick.


The key is make them vote, make them vote.....make them vote

Burying issues by filibuster gets them off the hook
Having defeated the Republicans at almost every turn, there is still many parts of Obama's agenda that are constantly being obstructed. Namely a sane immigration policy and infrastructure funding. Lately, due to a plethora of mass murders and massacres, gun regulation is also on the plate. Republicans are still obstructing, as the Hagel hearings have shown.

It basically looks as if Obama's given up on trying to work with them. And it looks as if the "long game" is to chase them out of congress.

There really isn't much that need be done. Republicans have taken a course which is terribly unpopular with the American Public at large. 2014 looks like it's going to be a big win for Democrats..and another huge loss for Republicans. Which sets up Hillary nicely for a 2016 run.

This will be a first. A Democratic hat trick.


I sincerely hope the republicans continue to "obstruct" as you call it. Hagel was the wrong person for the job, gun regulation is retarded, and Obama couldn't even let Congress work on their immigration bills before he threw a wrench in the works. Typical Obama being a dumbass. And Hillary as a big a piece of shit as Obama, except she has balls.

Well this is one of the first times in history that obstuction has been carried out this extensively. Generally when one party wins, the other party allows their policy to drive the nation. Then come election time, they debate the results.

That stopped with Clinton. Bush II got most of his policy through with devastating consequences. Then the same party that obstucted Clinton and was responsible for the cataclysm of Bush..doubled down on Obama.

So's given him 2 terms. Come 2014 it might very well give him a fully Democratic Congress.

Come back and post when you remove your head from your ass.
Having defeated the Republicans at almost every turn, there is still many parts of Obama's agenda that are constantly being obstructed. Namely a sane immigration policy and infrastructure funding. Lately, due to a plethora of mass murders and massacres, gun regulation is also on the plate. Republicans are still obstructing, as the Hagel hearings have shown.

It basically looks as if Obama's given up on trying to work with them. And it looks as if the "long game" is to chase them out of congress.

There really isn't much that need be done. Republicans have taken a course which is terribly unpopular with the American Public at large. 2014 looks like it's going to be a big win for Democrats..and another huge loss for Republicans. Which sets up Hillary nicely for a 2016 run.

This will be a first. A Democratic hat trick.


There were a bunch of people here taking victory laps before the last election, celebrating Obama's defeat. I had a lot of fun re-posting their smug comments in the days following the election.

Keep it up, and you, too, can enjoy having your premature exaltations come back to haunt you.

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