The Loss Of Government Jobs Is Holding Back The Economy

Nonsensical Bullshit. Big Government just keeps getting bigger. That's the reality.
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The salaries of government employees are paid by taxpayers. Government employees contribute nothing to the economy.
That is absolute bullshit!

I worked on a DOE contract when I was 22 and I had a paycheck every two weeks for the next 4 years. And for those 4 years, I spent my paychecks on rent, food, clothing, gas, entertainment, bitches and ho's, bought a car and even loaned my mother a couple of bucks.

Now, how is "that" not contributing to the economy? You got the balls to explain that?

Here is an example for you.

If a community of 100 people all make 1000 a month the total money available for the economy is 100K a month.

Now lets say a government is formed and 10 people are hired to do some administrative work.

So now we have 110 people all making 1000 a month but 10000 of that must be taken from the 100 members of the private sector.

So we have 100 people now left with 90K a month to spend and 10 people with 10 K to spend.

There is no net gain in money available to the community. The same money is spread over more people.

Let me continue with the example. 100 people are hired in a community making 1000/month. Their jobs consist of 90% production of goods and 10% administrative tasks. Total production = 100 (90%) = 90 Ten people are pulled from the community to work in government solely on administrative tasks. Now we have

90 people working at 1000/month solely on production = 90,000
10 people working at 1000/month solely on administration = 10,000

production 90 x 100% = 90

The idea is that government does the tasks that private industry cannot do.

Declaring that government produces nothing only insults those who work in government and provide a service to the community. One could say that government jobs are administrative in nature and naturally produce nothing. However if these jobs were done privately, then those in private employment doing the same job would also be producing nothing per your thinking.

There is an argument regarding the efficiency of government vs. the private sector and whether there are too many regulations that injure the efficiency of the economy. However, to say that public sector workers produce nothing is misleading.

Finally, some creature stated that liberals are bad at math. This same person would probably declare that higher education is full of liberals. Of course higher education is where advanced math courses are taken and taught by so-call liberal instructors.

The truth is that neither liberals or conservatives have a monopoly regarding mathematical skills. I happen to be a moderate who is matheatically inclined.
That is absolute bullshit!

I worked on a DOE contract when I was 22 and I had a paycheck every two weeks for the next 4 years. And for those 4 years, I spent my paychecks on rent, food, clothing, gas, entertainment, bitches and ho's, bought a car and even loaned my mother a couple of bucks.

Now, how is "that" not contributing to the economy? You got the balls to explain that?

Here is an example for you.

If a community of 100 people all make 1000 a month the total money available for the economy is 100K a month.

Now lets say a government is formed and 10 people are hired to do some administrative work.

So now we have 110 people all making 1000 a month but 10000 of that must be taken from the 100 members of the private sector.

So we have 100 people now left with 90K a month to spend and 10 people with 10 K to spend.

There is no net gain in money available to the community. The same money is spread over more people.

Let me continue with the example. 100 people are hired in a community making 1000/month. Their jobs consist of 90% production of goods and 10% administrative tasks. Total production = 100 (90%) = 90 Ten people are pulled from the community to work in government solely on administrative tasks. Now we have

90 people working at 1000/month solely on production = 90,000
10 people working at 1000/month solely on administration = 10,000

production 90 x 100% = 90

The idea is that government does the tasks that private industry cannot do.

Declaring that government produces nothing only insults those who work in government and provide a service to the community. One could say that government jobs are administrative in nature and naturally produce nothing. However if these jobs were done privately, then those in private employment doing the same job would also be producing nothing per your thinking.

There is an argument regarding the efficiency of government vs. the private sector and whether there are too many regulations that injure the efficiency of the economy. However, to say that public sector workers produce nothing is misleading.

Finally, some creature stated that liberals are bad at math. This same person would probably declare that higher education is full of liberals. Of course higher education is where advanced math courses are taken and taught by so-call liberal instructors.

The truth is that neither liberals or conservatives have a monopoly regarding mathematical skills. I happen to be a moderate who is matheatically inclined.

You're example is bogus. The 10% administrative tasks that you say private industry cannot do, do not exist. Any properly run business can handle its own administrative functions better than government does.

In reality, your math would just add a 10% parasite burden, and private industry would handle their own business.

And your claim that you are mathematically inclined is self delusion.
Public sector workers provide services such as teaching our children, protecting our citizens, maintaining our roads, and fighting fires. They pay taxes. With their paychecks they buy goods and services which fuel our economy.

Sure, not everyone can work for the government. We need a private sector. However i grow tired of the mantra that government workers produce nothing.

I used to work in a laboratory at a wastewater treatment plant for a pretty large city in GA. I guess I was one of these shiftless government leeches, huh? Clean water released back into the river after proper sewage treatment (for a population of 100K+) is SO not worth it. RW'ers every day prove what colossal, unthinking morons they are.
Spending more this year than was spent last year isn't "austerity", dimwit.
Public sector workers provide services such as teaching our children, protecting our citizens, maintaining our roads, and fighting fires. They pay taxes. With their paychecks they buy goods and services which fuel our economy.

Sure, not everyone can work for the government. We need a private sector. However i grow tired of the mantra that government workers produce nothing.
I used to work in a laboratory at a wastewater treatment plant for a pretty large city in GA. I guess I was one of these shiftless government leeches, huh? Clean water released back into the river after proper sewage treatment (for a population of 100K+) is SO not worth it. RW'ers every day prove what colossal, unthinking morons they are.

A privately owned company could do the same job more efficiently`
Public sector workers provide services such as teaching our children, protecting our citizens, maintaining our roads, and fighting fires. They pay taxes. With their paychecks they buy goods and services which fuel our economy.

Sure, not everyone can work for the government. We need a private sector. However i grow tired of the mantra that government workers produce nothing.
I used to work in a laboratory at a wastewater treatment plant for a pretty large city in GA. I guess I was one of these shiftless government leeches, huh? Clean water released back into the river after proper sewage treatment (for a population of 100K+) is SO not worth it. RW'ers every day prove what colossal, unthinking morons they are.

A privately owned company could do the same job more efficiently`

In part because they wouldnt be saddled with gov't unionized assholes who can't be fired for gross incompetence.
Here is an example for you.

If a community of 100 people all make 1000 a month the total money available for the economy is 100K a month.

Now lets say a government is formed and 10 people are hired to do some administrative work.

So now we have 110 people all making 1000 a month but 10000 of that must be taken from the 100 members of the private sector.

So we have 100 people now left with 90K a month to spend and 10 people with 10 K to spend.

There is no net gain in money available to the community. The same money is spread over more people.

Let me continue with the example. 100 people are hired in a community making 1000/month. Their jobs consist of 90% production of goods and 10% administrative tasks. Total production = 100 (90%) = 90 Ten people are pulled from the community to work in government solely on administrative tasks. Now we have

90 people working at 1000/month solely on production = 90,000
10 people working at 1000/month solely on administration = 10,000

production 90 x 100% = 90

The idea is that government does the tasks that private industry cannot do.

Declaring that government produces nothing only insults those who work in government and provide a service to the community. One could say that government jobs are administrative in nature and naturally produce nothing. However if these jobs were done privately, then those in private employment doing the same job would also be producing nothing per your thinking.

There is an argument regarding the efficiency of government vs. the private sector and whether there are too many regulations that injure the efficiency of the economy. However, to say that public sector workers produce nothing is misleading.

Finally, some creature stated that liberals are bad at math. This same person would probably declare that higher education is full of liberals. Of course higher education is where advanced math courses are taken and taught by so-call liberal instructors.

The truth is that neither liberals or conservatives have a monopoly regarding mathematical skills. I happen to be a moderate who is matheatically inclined.

You're example is bogus. The 10% administrative tasks that you say private industry cannot do, do not exist. Any properly run business can handle its own administrative functions better than government does.

In reality, your math would just add a 10% parasite burden, and private industry would handle their own business.

And your claim that you are mathematically inclined is self delusion.

Part of my job includes performing actuarial calculations. I minored in mathematics. In high school I scored 800 on the math portion of the SAT. I can multiply two digit numbers in my head (a rather worthless skill with the advent of calculators). All those who know me would consider my to be mathematically inclined. Of course, since you do not know me from Adam, you may call me deluded. Typical conservative ad hominem attack.

Some regulatory/administrative functions must be handled by government. I will list some:

1) Regulation of our water and food.

2) The judicial system

3) Workmens Compensation

4) Workplace Saftey

5) The Internal Revenue Service

6) The Security and Exchange Commission

The debate is not to insult all those who work for the government labeling their work as non-productive, but rather to determine what functions of government are essential and efficient. Useless administrative functions would of course be a drag on our system.

Of course this debate differs from the mantra that many conservatives have been brainwashed with: Private industry good, all government bad, unfettered capitalism good, all regulations bad.
Let me continue with the example. 100 people are hired in a community making 1000/month. Their jobs consist of 90% production of goods and 10% administrative tasks. Total production = 100 (90%) = 90 Ten people are pulled from the community to work in government solely on administrative tasks. Now we have

90 people working at 1000/month solely on production = 90,000
10 people working at 1000/month solely on administration = 10,000

production 90 x 100% = 90

The idea is that government does the tasks that private industry cannot do.

Declaring that government produces nothing only insults those who work in government and provide a service to the community. One could say that government jobs are administrative in nature and naturally produce nothing. However if these jobs were done privately, then those in private employment doing the same job would also be producing nothing per your thinking.

There is an argument regarding the efficiency of government vs. the private sector and whether there are too many regulations that injure the efficiency of the economy. However, to say that public sector workers produce nothing is misleading.

Finally, some creature stated that liberals are bad at math. This same person would probably declare that higher education is full of liberals. Of course higher education is where advanced math courses are taken and taught by so-call liberal instructors.

The truth is that neither liberals or conservatives have a monopoly regarding mathematical skills. I happen to be a moderate who is matheatically inclined.

You're example is bogus. The 10% administrative tasks that you say private industry cannot do, do not exist. Any properly run business can handle its own administrative functions better than government does.

In reality, your math would just add a 10% parasite burden, and private industry would handle their own business.

And your claim that you are mathematically inclined is self delusion.

Part of my job includes performing actuarial calculations. I minored in mathematics. In high school I scored 800 on the math portion of the SAT. I can multiply two digit numbers in my head (a rather worthless skill with the advent of calculators). All those who know me would consider my to be mathematically inclined. Of course, since you do not know me from Adam, you may call me deluded. Typical conservative ad hominem attack.

Some regulatory/administrative functions must be handled by government. I will list some:

1) Regulation of our water and food.

2) The judicial system

3) Workmens Compensation

4) Workplace Saftey

5) The Internal Revenue Service

6) The Security and Exchange Commission

The debate is not to insult all those who work for the government labeling their work as non-productive, but rather to determine what functions of government are essential and efficient. Useless administrative functions would of course be a drag on our system.

A debatable list, if there ever was one.

Of course this debate differs from the mantra that many conservatives have been brainwashed with: Private industry good, all government bad, unfettered capitalism good, all regulations bad.
Setting aside the straw man argument rife with ridiculous universal qualifiers, that's not nearly as daffy as the lolberal assertion that if gubmint didn't do X, nobody would.
Part of my job includes performing actuarial calculations. I minored in mathematics. In high school I scored 800 on the math portion of the SAT. I can multiply two digit numbers in my head (a rather worthless skill with the advent of calculators). All those who know me would consider my to be mathematically inclined. Of course, since you do not know me from Adam, you may call me deluded. Typical conservative ad hominem attack.

Some regulatory/administrative functions must be handled by government. I will list some:

1) Regulation of our water and food.

2) The judicial system

3) Workmens Compensation

4) Workplace Saftey

5) The Internal Revenue Service

6) The Security and Exchange Commission

The debate is not to insult all those who work for the government labeling their work as non-productive, but rather to determine what functions of government are essential and efficient. Useless administrative functions would of course be a drag on our system.

Of course this debate differs from the mantra that many conservatives have been brainwashed with: Private industry good, all government bad, unfettered capitalism good, all regulations bad.

No conservative says all govt is bad. ALl of us agree there is some legitimate function of gov't. Unfortunately about 85% or more of what gov't actually does today is not a legitimate function of gov't.

Still remember your SAT score? Pathetic.
Let me continue with the example. 100 people are hired in a community making 1000/month. Their jobs consist of 90% production of goods and 10% administrative tasks. Total production = 100 (90%) = 90 Ten people are pulled from the community to work in government solely on administrative tasks. Now we have

90 people working at 1000/month solely on production = 90,000
10 people working at 1000/month solely on administration = 10,000

production 90 x 100% = 90

The idea is that government does the tasks that private industry cannot do.

Declaring that government produces nothing only insults those who work in government and provide a service to the community. One could say that government jobs are administrative in nature and naturally produce nothing. However if these jobs were done privately, then those in private employment doing the same job would also be producing nothing per your thinking.

There is an argument regarding the efficiency of government vs. the private sector and whether there are too many regulations that injure the efficiency of the economy. However, to say that public sector workers produce nothing is misleading.

Finally, some creature stated that liberals are bad at math. This same person would probably declare that higher education is full of liberals. Of course higher education is where advanced math courses are taken and taught by so-call liberal instructors.

The truth is that neither liberals or conservatives have a monopoly regarding mathematical skills. I happen to be a moderate who is matheatically inclined.

You're example is bogus. The 10% administrative tasks that you say private industry cannot do, do not exist. Any properly run business can handle its own administrative functions better than government does.

In reality, your math would just add a 10% parasite burden, and private industry would handle their own business.

And your claim that you are mathematically inclined is self delusion.

Part of my job includes performing actuarial calculations. I minored in mathematics. In high school I scored 800 on the math portion of the SAT. I can multiply two digit numbers in my head (a rather worthless skill with the advent of calculators). All those who know me would consider my to be mathematically inclined. Of course, since you do not know me from Adam, you may call me deluded. Typical conservative ad hominem attack.

Some regulatory/administrative functions must be handled by government. I will list some:

1) Regulation of our water and food.

2) The judicial system

3) Workmens Compensation

4) Workplace Saftey

5) The Internal Revenue Service

6) The Security and Exchange Commission

The debate is not to insult all those who work for the government labeling their work as non-productive, but rather to determine what functions of government are essential and efficient. Useless administrative functions would of course be a drag on our system.

Of course this debate differs from the mantra that many conservatives have been brainwashed with: Private industry good, all government bad, unfettered capitalism good, all regulations bad.

That list is hysterically funny. For example:

A business NEEDS the IRS? Oh.mi.gawd. The economy would function so much better if we had a flat once a year tax we paid with a post card sized form. All the IRS does is micromanage social engineering and transfer payments for the most cumbersome and Byzantine tax regime ever enacted on the face of the earth.

Fo shizzle.
Public sector workers provide services such as teaching our children, protecting our citizens, maintaining our roads, and fighting fires. They pay taxes. With their paychecks they buy goods and services which fuel our economy.

Sure, not everyone can work for the government. We need a private sector. However i grow tired of the mantra that government workers produce nothing.

I used to work in a laboratory at a wastewater treatment plant for a pretty large city in GA. I guess I was one of these shiftless government leeches, huh? Clean water released back into the river after proper sewage treatment (for a population of 100K+) is SO not worth it. RW'ers every day prove what colossal, unthinking morons they are.

My brother works as a manager of the laboratory/environment inspectors for a medium sized city. If business were allowed to regulate itself there is no telling what would be poured back into the water supply. Remember, the motive for business is profit, and the calculation would be whether the additional cost of not dumping the stuff would outweigh the liability of spewing hazzardess material.The process of processing wastewater back to clean water is a large operation. The city where my brother works is investing 160 million in updating facilities. That is a big investment for private industry. In fact the laboratory portion has been privatized, but my brother still oversees the operation. The low salaried, poor benefits guys who work in the private lab just do not do as good a job as the decently paid guys who were laid off from the city wastewater lab.
State governments could handle all those you have listed. We don't need the Federal government for anything but to handle foreign affairs.
Obviously. Thanks for the talk radio bumper sticker.

I'll ask again: do you think there is a difference between government spending on the legal infrastructure associated with say the patent system (which corporations want) and government spending on welfare for the poor? Or... what about the legal system as whole, which enforces contracts and protects private property and supplies the needed predictability to market transactions? Rather than spewing tired anti-government rhetoric which we've all heard before, have you ever attempted to draw distinctions between different forms of government behavior? For instance, do you think government subsidies to Boeing and commercial aviation were better spent than spending on poverty programs?

Talk Radio Republican versus Eisenhower - A one act play

Eisenhower (father of Interstate): "Sound transportation investments lowers the costs of moving people and goods. This increases economic productivity."

TRR: "Fucking Gubmint."

Eisenhower: "When money is spent on any public works project, the people who are paid to construct that project use the money they receive to buy services and goods from others. The money spent in any jurisdiction thus recirculates there and elsewhere, with the initial expenditure priming the pump of economic activity. Construction workers spend their income to buy hamburgers, television sets, and automobile insurance, so a given dollar of construction expenditure ends up having more than a dollar's worth of impact, thus "multiplying" the effect of the expenditure. This multiplier also shows up in the balance sheet of corporations, who can now ship their goods much cheaper. This is why Republicans have traditionally been in favor of infrastructure spending over welfare spending - because they see a more obvious benefit. The spending on the Hoover Dam, national Interstate and Brooklyn Bridge will have a positive commercial effect for untold decades, whereas when government spends your money protecting the dung beetle...."

TRR: "Fucking Gubmint."

"Sound transportation investments lowers the costs of moving people and goods. This increases economic productivity."

How much of any Obama budget was used for something useful that "... lowers the costs of moving people and goods....(or) increases economic productivity."?

And how much was payoffs to crony supporters, like Solyndra?

Here's the breakdown of the 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act....note the largest bubble....that fucking Marxist bastard.

I know, letting people keep more of their own money, outrageous!!

Is he ever going to allow the Keystone pipeline?
Or is sucking up to the watermelons more important than infrastructure and jobs?
You're example is bogus. The 10% administrative tasks that you say private industry cannot do, do not exist. Any properly run business can handle its own administrative functions better than government does.

In reality, your math would just add a 10% parasite burden, and private industry would handle their own business.

And your claim that you are mathematically inclined is self delusion.

Part of my job includes performing actuarial calculations. I minored in mathematics. In high school I scored 800 on the math portion of the SAT. I can multiply two digit numbers in my head (a rather worthless skill with the advent of calculators). All those who know me would consider my to be mathematically inclined. Of course, since you do not know me from Adam, you may call me deluded. Typical conservative ad hominem attack.

Some regulatory/administrative functions must be handled by government. I will list some:

1) Regulation of our water and food.

2) The judicial system

3) Workmens Compensation

4) Workplace Saftey

5) The Internal Revenue Service

6) The Security and Exchange Commission

The debate is not to insult all those who work for the government labeling their work as non-productive, but rather to determine what functions of government are essential and efficient. Useless administrative functions would of course be a drag on our system.

Of course this debate differs from the mantra that many conservatives have been brainwashed with: Private industry good, all government bad, unfettered capitalism good, all regulations bad.

That list is hysterically funny. For example:

A business NEEDS the IRS? Oh.mi.gawd. The economy would function so much better if we had a flat once a year tax we paid with a post card sized form. All the IRS does is micromanage social engineering and transfer payments for the most cumbersome and Byzantine tax regime ever enacted on the face of the earth.

Fo shizzle.

What about the other five on the list? Even a simplified tax system would still require an IRS, although reduced in size. Business does best in a stable government. A stable government requires money to run. The money must be collected. Do you follow?
Public sector workers provide services such as teaching our children, protecting our citizens, maintaining our roads, and fighting fires. They pay taxes. With their paychecks they buy goods and services which fuel our economy.

Sure, not everyone can work for the government. We need a private sector. However i grow tired of the mantra that government workers produce nothing.

I used to work in a laboratory at a wastewater treatment plant for a pretty large city in GA. I guess I was one of these shiftless government leeches, huh? Clean water released back into the river after proper sewage treatment (for a population of 100K+) is SO not worth it. RW'ers every day prove what colossal, unthinking morons they are.

My brother works as a manager of the laboratory/environment inspectors for a medium sized city. If business were allowed to regulate itself there is no telling what would be poured back into the water supply. Remember, the motive for business is profit, and the calculation would be whether the additional cost of not dumping the stuff would outweigh the liability of spewing hazzardess material.The process of processing wastewater back to clean water is a large operation. The city where my brother works is investing 160 million in updating facilities. That is a big investment for private industry. In fact the laboratory portion has been privatized, but my brother still oversees the operation. The low salaried, poor benefits guys who work in the private lab just do not do as good a job as the decently paid guys who were laid off from the city wastewater lab.
There are no profits to be had in lawsuits that could well put you out of business.
Part of my job includes performing actuarial calculations. I minored in mathematics. In high school I scored 800 on the math portion of the SAT. I can multiply two digit numbers in my head (a rather worthless skill with the advent of calculators). All those who know me would consider my to be mathematically inclined. Of course, since you do not know me from Adam, you may call me deluded. Typical conservative ad hominem attack.

Some regulatory/administrative functions must be handled by government. I will list some:

1) Regulation of our water and food.

2) The judicial system

3) Workmens Compensation

4) Workplace Saftey

5) The Internal Revenue Service

6) The Security and Exchange Commission

The debate is not to insult all those who work for the government labeling their work as non-productive, but rather to determine what functions of government are essential and efficient. Useless administrative functions would of course be a drag on our system.

Of course this debate differs from the mantra that many conservatives have been brainwashed with: Private industry good, all government bad, unfettered capitalism good, all regulations bad.

No conservative says all govt is bad. ALl of us agree there is some legitimate function of gov't. Unfortunately about 85% or more of what gov't actually does today is not a legitimate function of gov't.

Still remember your SAT score? Pathetic.

It was only a couple years ago
Public sector workers provide services such as teaching our children, protecting our citizens, maintaining our roads, and fighting fires. They pay taxes. With their paychecks they buy goods and services which fuel our economy.

Sure, not everyone can work for the government. We need a private sector. However i grow tired of the mantra that government workers produce nothing.
I used to work in a laboratory at a wastewater treatment plant for a pretty large city in GA. I guess I was one of these shiftless government leeches, huh? Clean water released back into the river after proper sewage treatment (for a population of 100K+) is SO not worth it. RW'ers every day prove what colossal, unthinking morons they are.

A privately owned company could do the same job more efficiently`

as long as they have the same people checking on what goes on maybe.....but i would not trust the owners of that plant to keep that water clean.....especially if it means they might lose a few bucks....
I used to work in a laboratory at a wastewater treatment plant for a pretty large city in GA. I guess I was one of these shiftless government leeches, huh? Clean water released back into the river after proper sewage treatment (for a population of 100K+) is SO not worth it. RW'ers every day prove what colossal, unthinking morons they are.

A privately owned company could do the same job more efficiently`

as long as they have the same people checking on what goes on maybe.....but i would not trust the owners of that plant to keep that water clean.....especially if it means they might lose a few bucks....

You trust the government to do the work but don;t trust the EPA to regulate the ever-living fuck out of them?

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