The main reason letting men into women's restrooms, locker rooms etc. is a bad idea

I'm a man.
But if I announce that I feel like a woman, or wish I were a woman, now I can go into women's bathrooms with them, any time I like?
And I can take showers with other women in a women's locker room?
If any of those women don't like it, what recourse do they have?
BTW, if I merely want to get into a room with a lot of naked women (whether they like it or not), what's to prevent me from lying as described?
And how could anyone ever prove that I don't really feel like a woman, and don't really want to be a woman? It's my word against theirs, right?
The thread premise fails as a red herring fallacy – this ‘bathroom’ nonsense is a non-issue and ridiculous contrivance of the right.
Another lie. This ‘bathroom’ idiocy is in fact a contrivance of the right,
The most ironic part of all this paranoid nonsense is a good percentage of the right are themselves gay and transgender.
It's clear from their posts in this thread, that liberals don't want to even try to answer any of the questions I've asked.

Nothing but insults, namecalling, smears against conservatives, and pretending I said something else.

In other words, they're giving the same "replies" they give to every issue where they can't answer what the conservative says. While adding nothing coherent to the debate.

The regularity of this pattern by liberals, to every subject that is brought up, is very revealing.

That's all liberal scum does is lie cheat and insult. So I take great pleasure in doing the same thing to them.
LIberals are biggest fucking liars on Earth, or elsewhere.
"Liberals" didn't enact a law in North Carolina that discriminates against transgender Americans, that was done by rightwing nitwits and bigots.

And that is both a fact and the truth.
I am obsessed with ridding the country of lib trash like you. Put your butt plug back in your mouth and shut up.
I'm a man.

But if I announce that I feel like a woman, or wish I were a woman, now I can go into women's bathrooms with them, any time I like?


And I can take showers with other women in a women's locker room?


If any of those women don't like it, what recourse do they have?

Kicking your fucking ass

BTW, if I merely want to get into a room with a lot of naked women (whether they like it or not), what's to prevent me from lying as described?

The ass whipping previously noted

And how could anyone ever prove that I don't really feel like a woman, and don't really want to be a woman? It's my word against theirs, right?

How can you prove I dont have a bridge to sell if I tell you that I do?
Dress up as woman and give that a try?

The courts will not be fooled.

View attachment 75538
This one isn't pretending, and she needs protection to be who she is.
No dressing up required.

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