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The majority of Palestinian Arabs were natives

Who owned the land before the Ottoman Empire took over and how did they get "ownership" of it?
The worst violation of the UN in its entire history is the multi-state Arab attacks on the UN re-restablished state of Israel.

The UN had nothing to do with the establishment of Israel.
The Palestinian constitution states that any Palestinian can live anywhere without restrictions based on religion.
Britain would not allow them to have an army. By the time Britain ended its occupation, Israel had already taken half the country.
Since the geographic entity, called palestine, never existed as a sovereign independent arab entity, let us dispense with that occupational palisturdian drivel.

So, that means that Israel can kick people out of their homes?
The 'Palestine Paper' that got away...

In another bombshell document that the Guardian and Al Jazeera did not believe is newsworthy, in 2008 the PLO wrote a paper describing the legal rights of Jews to lands that they owned prior to 1948.

The intent was to have a position ready in case Israel brought the issue up in negotiations. It was not presented to Israel.

Jews who owned land have the right to have their land restored to them or to be compensated, if restitution is not materially possible. Jews are entitled to compensation for other material and non-material losses, including lost profits, lost income, etc. caused by their displacement and dispossession.

Of course, they hold this position because they do not want to appear hypocritical with their demands from Israel. (The PLO also includes an annex to list legal arguments that Jews do not have any rights to the land anymore, in case they need to use those arguments publicly.)

Land located on Mount Scopus...was purchased from a British national in 1916. Boris Goldberg, a member of Lovers of Zion, paid for the land and took title in his name.

He gifted the land to the JNF, which gave a 999-year lease to Hebrew University.

Additional land was purchased on Mount Scopus from Raghib al-Nashashibi, Mayor of Jerusalem, and was used for the Hebrew University. Hadassah Hospital was also built on land purchased on Mount Scopus.

By 1946, the JNF acquired 72,300 dunums in the Gaza district, which encompassed more than present-day Gaza.

In 1930, a Jewish farmer from Rehovot, Tuvia Miller, bought 262 dunums of land in Dayr al-Balah in the Gaza sub-district. Miller eventually sold his land to the JNF in the early 1940s. The JNF then allowed settlers from the religious Ha-Poel ha-Mizrahi movement to build the kibbutz of Kfar Darom on the land in October 1946. They abandoned the kibbutz in June 1948

Stein reports a purchase of 4,048 dunums in Huj (Gaza sub-district) in 1935 but does not indicate the identity of the Jewish purchaser.60 Note, however, that the Palestine Partition Commission reported that, by 1938, only 3,300 dunums in Gaza were owned by Jews

In 1941, 6,373 dunums were purchased by the JNF around Gaza City, though it is unknown whether the purchase was permissible under the Land Transfer Regulations 1940.

The government of Palestine estimated a population of 3,540 Jews in the Gaza sub-district at the end of 1946. Information has not been found on the circumstances under which these Jews departed from Gaza in 1948.

There were Jewish settlements north of Jerusalem called Atarot and Neve Yaakov, which were evacuated in 1948.

A settlement called Bet Haarava, and Palestine Potash, Ltd., both located at the northern end of the Dead Sea, were situated on miri land leased by the government of Palestine and were evacuated in 1948.66

During the 1920s and 1930s, individual Jews and two Jewish-owned realty companies, Zikhron David and El Hahar, bought land in the hills around Hebron.

Notwithstanding (and, actually, because of) the Land Transfer Regulations, 1940, which placed nearly all of the West Bank in Zone A, the JNF began purchasing land around Hebron in 1940. It acquired about 8,400 dunums by 1947, some of which was purchased from individual Jews and from Zikhron David and El Hahar. The settlements established on this land were called Kfar Etzion, Masuot Yitzhak, Ein Tzurim and Revadim. The JNF circumvented the prohibition on acquisition of land by Jews by creating front companies. Most of the Jewish-owned land around Hebron was held, as of 1948, by the JNF rather than by individual Jewish owners.

Some 16,000 dunums of land were purchased by Jews before 1948 in the Etzion Bloc and Beit Hadassah.

Himnuta bought land near Jericho and present-day Ma’ale Adumim. The funding in urban areas usually came from state coffers, while the purchase of agricultural land was paid for by the JNF.

During the British mandate, the government of Palestine leased miri land on a long-term basis (50 or 100 years) to Jewish settlement organisations.

By 1948, the concentrations of lands owned by Jews were in the old Jewish quarters of Jerusalem and Hebron, on the periphery of Jerusalem, and in the Tul-Karem region and the Gaza Strip.

* Apparently, 80% of Har Homa’s [Jabal Abu Ghneim’s] land is Jewish land purchased in the forties and before.

The JNF lost land in the Dheisheh refugee camp in the West Bank as well, and this matter has been postponed for the eventual [peace] talks for over a decade.

Now, why wouldn't The Guardian or its partner Al Jazeera want to write about a paper that details Jewish legal rights to lands in the territories?

Could it be that these "news" organizations are more interested in manipulating the news rather than reporting it?

This paper doesn't merely hurt the PLO, as most of the papers that made The Guardian's pages were intended to do, but the entire Palestinian Arab national movement - and that's a big taboo in the newsroom of The Guardian. (Not to mention the inconvenient fact that Great Britain made laws specifically banning land sales to people based merely on their religion. Slightly embarrassing, no?)

This is one of the Palestine Papers stories they wanted to remain buried.

The worst violation of the UN in its entire history is the multi-state Arab attacks on the UN re-restablished state of Israel.

Why was there no UN Resolution on these Arab attacks, perpetrated with a declared goal of genocide - even after the attacking states VOTED in the UN Motion? Guess why the attacks continue!

Because they want peace? Look at what our Saudi poster says. Not peace. Destruction of Israel.

its existence will not last forever. soon you will attend its funeral.

you know what Hezbollah said about israel " it is weaker than a spider's web"
The propagandistic idea of Palestinian Arabs being "forced out" is not the case. Much land was still empty or underutilized. Many Jews bought the land or dwelling they moved to. When public land was involved, Israeli settlements were established only after an exhaustive investigation process, under the supervision of the Supreme Court of Israel, designed to ensure that no communities were established on private Arab land.

Jewish settlements in Palestine - Background
The propagandistic idea of Palestinian Arabs being "forced out" is not the case. Much land was still empty or underutilized. Many Jews bought the land or dwelling they moved to. When public land was involved, Israeli settlements were established only after an exhaustive investigation process, under the supervision of the Supreme Court of Israel, designed to ensure that no communities were established on private Arab land.

Jewish settlements in Palestine - Background

MEfacts.com - The Primary Search Engine for information about the Middle East - Home is an Israeli propaganda site.
See what I mean HG.

It's not a discussion. This is simply posts of a malevolent troll who will automatically gainsay anything others post against his own bias.

Feeding trolls is useless.

I've learned that finally.
When Jews began to immigrate to Israel in large numbers in 1882, few Arabs lived there, and the majority of them had arrived in recent decades. Israel was never an exclusively Arab country, although Arabic gradually became the language of most the population after the Muslim invasions of the seventh century. No independent Arab or Palestinian state ever existed in the Land of Israel. When the distinguished Arab-American historian, Princeton University Prof. Philip Hitti, testified against partition before the Anglo-American Committee in 1946, he said: "There is no such thing as 'Palestine' in history, absolutely not." In fact, Palestine is never explicitly mentioned in the Koran, rather it is called "The Holy Land" (al-Arad al-Muqaddash).

Prior to partition, "Palestinian" Arabs did not view themselves as having a separate identity. When the First Congress of Muslim-Christian Associations met in Jerusalem in February 1919 to choose "Palestinian" representatives for the Paris Peace Conference, the following resolution was adopted:

We consider "Palestine" as part of Arab Syria, as it has never been separated from it at any time. We are connected with it by national, religious, linguistic, natural, economic, and geographical bonds.
In 1937, a local Arab leader, Auni Bey Abdul-Hadi, told the Peel Commission, which ultimately suggested the partition of Israel: "There is no such country [as Palestine]! 'Palestine' is a term the Zionists invented! There is no Palestine in the Bible. Our country was for centuries part of Syria."

The representative of the Arab Higher Committee to the United Nations submitted a statement to the General Assembly in May 1947 that said "'Palestine' was part of the Province of Syria" and that, "politically, the Arabs of Palestine were not independent in the sense of forming a separate political entity." A few years later, Ahmed Shuqeiri, later the chairman of the PLO, told the Security Council: "It is common knowledge that 'Palestine' is nothing but southern Syria."

"Palestinian" Arab nationalism is largely a post-World War I phenomenon that did not become a significant political movement until after the 1967 Six-Day War and Israel's capture of the West Bank.

The arabs in Israel
The universally recognized right to self determination grants the permanent population of a place the right to declare statehood within defined borders and to create their own government.

Palestine has a permanent population.
Palestine has defined borders.
Palestine has a popularly elected government.

Israel's government was self declared by a group of foreigners against the wishes of the majority of the people.

Israel's population was virtually all recent immigrants.

Israel has no defined borders.
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The universally recognized right to self determination grants the permanent population of a place the right to declare statehood within defined borders and to create their own government.

Palestine has a permanent population.
Palestine has defined borders.
Palestine has a popularly elected government.

Israel's government was self declared by a group of foreigners against the wishes of the majority of the people.

Israel's population was virtually all recent immigrants.

Israel has no defined borders.

Gee, Ropey, you gave me a negative rep on this post yet you did not dispute anything I said.
Must have missed it. It's for your desire to remove Israel and install a single state. It's for your desire to end the life of Israel rather than start a life called Palestine.

Must have missed it. It's for your desire to remove Israel and install a single state. It's for your desire to end the life of Israel rather than start a life called Palestine.


The problem with what you say is that Israel is IN Palestine.
According to the British text of population changes published in 1930 Jewish population growth in Palestine was about 48,000 people annually; 8,000 from natural growth and 40,000 due to immigration, while Palestinian Arab population growth was about 30,000 person annually; 22,000 from natural growth and 8,000 due to immigration. This indicates that the majority of Jews in Palestine were foreigners, and majority of Palestinian Arabs were natives.

"From analyses of rates of increase of the Muslim population of the three Palestinian sanjaks, one can say with certainty that Muslim immigration after the 1870s was small. Had there been a large group of Muslim immigrants their numbers would have caused an unusual increase in the population and this would have appeared in the calculated rate of increase from one registration list to another... Such an increase would have been easily noticed; it was not there"

(McCarthy, 1990, p. 16).

Demographics of Israel IN 1947 ? - Yahoo! Answers
Couldn't you get a better source then yahooanswers ? and what claim do the Palestinians have to that land ? And did not the U.N. have and the U.S. have anything to say about the creation of a Jewish state ? It was more like this, Jews wanted a Jewish state. They bought and were granted some shitty land that no one wanted until it was worked into good healthy land. Then the Palestinians decided that it was there land when in actuality they are nothing more then freeloaders. They could be compared to the illegal aliens in this country.
According to the British text of population changes published in 1930 Jewish population growth in Palestine was about 48,000 people annually; 8,000 from natural growth and 40,000 due to immigration, while Palestinian Arab population growth was about 30,000 person annually; 22,000 from natural growth and 8,000 due to immigration. This indicates that the majority of Jews in Palestine were foreigners, and majority of Palestinian Arabs were natives.

"From analyses of rates of increase of the Muslim population of the three Palestinian sanjaks, one can say with certainty that Muslim immigration after the 1870s was small. Had there been a large group of Muslim immigrants their numbers would have caused an unusual increase in the population and this would have appeared in the calculated rate of increase from one registration list to another... Such an increase would have been easily noticed; it was not there"

(McCarthy, 1990, p. 16).

Demographics of Israel IN 1947 ? - Yahoo! Answers
Couldn't you get a better source then yahooanswers ? and what claim do the Palestinians have to that land ? And did not the U.N. have and the U.S. have anything to say about the creation of a Jewish state ? It was more like this, Jews wanted a Jewish state. They bought and were granted some shitty land that no one wanted until it was worked into good healthy land. Then the Palestinians decided that it was there land when in actuality they are nothing more then freeloaders. They could be compared to the illegal aliens in this country.

Palestine produced a large surplus of food that was exported to other Arab countries and Europe.

That "made the desert bloom" thing is just propaganda.
According to the British text of population changes published in 1930 Jewish population growth in Palestine was about 48,000 people annually; 8,000 from natural growth and 40,000 due to immigration, while Palestinian Arab population growth was about 30,000 person annually; 22,000 from natural growth and 8,000 due to immigration. This indicates that the majority of Jews in Palestine were foreigners, and majority of Palestinian Arabs were natives.

"From analyses of rates of increase of the Muslim population of the three Palestinian sanjaks, one can say with certainty that Muslim immigration after the 1870s was small. Had there been a large group of Muslim immigrants their numbers would have caused an unusual increase in the population and this would have appeared in the calculated rate of increase from one registration list to another... Such an increase would have been easily noticed; it was not there"

(McCarthy, 1990, p. 16).

Demographics of Israel IN 1947 ? - Yahoo! Answers
Couldn't you get a better source then yahooanswers ? and what claim do the Palestinians have to that land ? And did not the U.N. have and the U.S. have anything to say about the creation of a Jewish state ? It was more like this, Jews wanted a Jewish state. They bought and were granted some shitty land that no one wanted until it was worked into good healthy land. Then the Palestinians decided that it was there land when in actuality they are nothing more then freeloaders. They could be compared to the illegal aliens in this country.

Palestine produced a large surplus of food that was exported to other Arab countries and Europe.

That "made the desert bloom" thing is just propaganda.

Gee, Mr. Fitnah, why did you give me a negative rep for posting the truth?

In 1615 the English traveler George Sandys described Palestine as "a land that flows with milk and honey; in the midst as it were of the habitable world, and under a temperate clime; adorned with beautiful mountains and luxurious valleys; the rocks producing excellent waters; and no part empty of delight or profit."(4)

A British missionary who lived in Beirut and visited Palestine in 1859 described the southern coastal area as "a very ocean of wheat," and the British Consul in Jerusalem, James Finn, reported that "the fields would do credit to British farming."(5)

The German geographer Alexander Scholch concluded that between 1856 and 1882 "Palestine produced a relatively large agricultural surplus which was marketed in neighboring countries, such as Egypt and Lebanon, and increasingly exported to Europe. These exports included wheat, barley, dura, maise, sesame, olive oil, soap, oranges, vegetables and cotton. Among the European importers of Palestinian produce were France, England, Turkey, Greece, Italy and Malta."(6)

Lawrence Oliphant, who visited Palestine in 1887, wrote that Palestine's Valley of Esdraelon was "a huge green lake of waving wheat, with its village-crowned mounds rising from it like islands; and it presents one of the most striking pictures of luxuriant fertility which it is possible to conceive."(7) This Palestinian wheat had historically played an important part in international commerce. According to Paul Masson, a French economic historian, "wheat shipments from the Palestinian port of Acre had helped to save southern France from famine on numerous occasions in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries."(8)

Agricultural techniques in Palestine, especially in citriculture, were among the most advanced in the world long before the first Zionist settlers came to its shores. In 1856, the American consul in Jerusalem, Henry Gillman, "outlined reasons why orange growers in Florida would find it advantageous to adopt Palestinian techniques of grafting directly onto lemon trees."^ In 1893, the British Consul advised his government of the value of importing "young trees procured from Jaffa" to improve production in Australia and South Africa.(10)

All of this historical evidence from unimpeachable eyewitnesses destroys Israel's contention that it developed Palestine through its colonization. The legend that the Zionists have created, that they made "the desert bloom with roses," is totally without foundation.

Chapter 2: Encyclopedia of the Palestine Problem
The universally recognized right to self determination grants the permanent population of a place the right to declare statehood within defined borders and to create their own government.
That's why kurds still don't have a state, which means "self-determination" is one of the UN jokes and an excuse for arab supremacist aspirations.
Palestine has a permanent population.
Palestine has defined borders.
Palestine has a popularly elected government.
One small problem - "palestine" ist kaput since 1948.
Israel's government was self declared by a group of foreigners against the wishes of the majority of the people.
Arab settlers could've had their own state, of course, too, but dreams of murdering joos and plundering their property won.
Israel's population was virtually all recent immigrants.
"So far from being persecuted, the Arabs have crowded into the country and multiplied till their population has increased more than even all world Jewry could lift up the Jewish population." Good man, Churchill.
Israel has no defined borders.
Funny drivel.

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