The man behind “Build the Wall” PLEADS GUILTY to defrauding investors

While we are at it, let's sue those in the entire GOP who ran on building the wall and refused to do so. That is why voters voted for them. They had 2 years under Trump and Congressional control to get it done.

But corruption and lies rules the US of A, with judicial consent.
Uh, WTF are you yammering about? The wall was being built but Quid Pro Joe stopped it and wouldn't even let Texas finish it!
Poster PinkFloyd88, the OP, has offered us what is, I suppose, a somewhat entertaining coverage on the sad fact that the TDS'rs (Trump's Duped & Snookered) have too often been used simply as a piggy-bank by grifters. A walking talking ATM machine to use to buy boats, planes, Rolex's and girlfriends.

From the OP's link:
(note the item on "Trump pardoned Bannon". Or, we'd see 'Sloppy Steve' tried for this grift too.)

"Brian Kolfage, founder of the private "We Build the Wall" fundraiser, meant to help former President Donald Trump with his plans for a U.S.-Mexico border wall, has agreed to plead guilty to wire fraud conspiracy and three tax-related charges, a new federal court filing shows.

Kolfage was indicted in 2020, along with former Trump adviser Steve Bannon and others, for allegedly misusing funds donated to the campaign, which began in 2018. Bannon was pardoned by Trump in the final days of his presidency, but others involved in the fundraiser still faced charges.

The 2020 federal indictment alleged that Kolfage, Bannon, Andrew Badolato and Timothy Shea, among others, misled investors by consistently claiming they would "not take a penny" from the donations. But in reality they allegedly took hundreds of thousands of dollars for personal use, routing the money through shell corporations and at least one nonprofit operated by Bannon to conceal the payments.
"Only the best people"

They may be "best".....but not as responsible human beings and fellow citizens.

I hope the TDS'rs get their money back from these grifters. And even though Bannon got a pardon for this sh* with the plea, and maybe further convictions can the TDS'rs sue Bannon in civil court? Not individually, of course, their donations are likely too small....however, as a 'class action' suit?

I'd like to think that would happen.

What's the matter? You don't know what TDS means?
"Russian money launderers who hung out at Mira Lago."

Only too glad to help you out Tory. It is Mar-A-Lardo

What's the matter? You don't know what TDS means?

Only too well.

TDS = Trump's Duped & Snookered.

Michael Cohen & Geoge Conway covered that thoroughly in their TED Talk to DOJ prosecutors.

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