The man behind “Build the Wall” PLEADS GUILTY to defrauding investors

Because everything that comes out of your mouth is either a lie or a cheap personal attack.
You mean like your smear of BLM? Let's go laughing boy, name those "leaders" of BLM that you want to jail.
Perhaps, but the thieves who run BLM are still walking around free.

This thread isn't about BLM. People who defraud Medicare, charities, university students are thieves and belong in prison... Like Bernie Madoff.

The king of Whataboutism speaks again
It's not deflection of "whataboutism," if the topic is scamming and corrupt donations of charities, and setting up fake charities for personal gain.

The point is well made. . . . both partisan sides are corrupt, and they will both use these issues to profit off of the public, because, in the end, the elites are more selfish than they are concerned about the issues.
Everyone who has been on this message board more than a week knows you are liberal piece of crap. You bash Trump over everything but can never point out exactly what he did wrong just like a liberal with severe TDS.
First of all, being a never Trumper is sort of my thing. Always have been - always will be. Get the fuck over it. I have zero respect for a non-veteran, grifting, soft, elitist piece of shit. Not a fan. The problem you slow, binary thinking magaturds have is that doesn't make me a raving, regressive left leaning winger. It makes me a very annoyed, rural living, gun owning, states rights advocating, fiscal responsibility advocating voter who rejects the attempts to gaslight the whole country with conspiracy bullshit.
First of all, being a never Trumper is sort of my thing. Always have been - always will be. Get the fuck over it. I have zero respect for a non-veteran, grifting, soft, elitist piece of shit. Not a fan. The problem you slow, binary thinking magaturds have is that doesn't make me a raving, regressive left leaning winger. It makes me a very annoyed, rural living, gun owning, states rights advocating, fiscal responsibility advocating voter who rejects the attempts to gaslight the whole country with conspiracy bullshit.
So you voted for Biden because you're fiscally responsible?
Everyone who has been on this message board more than a week knows you are liberal piece of crap. You bash Trump over everything but can never point out exactly what he did wrong just like a liberal with severe TDS.
According to Tumbleweed, Trump's crimes include being a non-veteran and being soft.
While we are at it, let's sue those in the entire GOP who ran on building the wall and refused to do so. That is why voters voted for them. They had 2 years under Trump and Congressional control to get it done.

But corruption and lies rules the US of A, with judicial consent.
They were stopped cold for 3 years by the courts.
Conservatism is basically a euphemism for greed and self interest. So it is hardly a shock that they fill their boots at every opportunity.
Their piritual leader stole froma childrens cancer charity and bought a painting of himself. No shocks here.
No it isn't. It's a philosophy based on the idea of gov't being limited only to those things specified in The Constitution, low taxation, and the gov't staying out of our business to the greatest extent possible.

Conservatives are always way ahead in terms of charitable giving vs Democrats.

Gov't handout are not charity, they are the forced redistribution of wealth at gun point.

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