The Manchester bombing and the Dad

Have you seen this clip from the bombing aftermath? I'll bet I've seen it a hundred times, especially the way they play these things in a loop.

I've never identified with someone more than with the guy in the blue sweater with his back to the camera. I keep thinking about him, and about what I would be thinking if one of my beautiful daughters had been at that show.

Where is she? Where is she? I need to step back a bit so I can see all the stairs in case she's there. Was that her voice? Where is she?

How can a person have a child and be willing to spin and deflect for the animal(s) who did this? Is ideology really that strong?

Nobody anywhere is spinning and deflecting for the animals who did this. You fucking puke.

Bull fucking shit. Did you miss the Mayor of Manchester's comments?
Not to mention a few dozen posts here on good ol' USMB.

The regressives don't want too much blame put on the jihadists.
Have you seen this clip from the bombing aftermath? I'll bet I've seen it a hundred times, especially the way they play these things in a loop.

I've never identified with someone more than with the guy in the blue sweater with his back to the camera. I keep thinking about him, and about what I would be thinking if one of my beautiful daughters had been at that show.

Where is she? Where is she? I need to step back a bit so I can see all the stairs in case she's there. Was that her voice? Where is she?

How can a person have a child and be willing to spin and deflect for the animal(s) who did this? Is ideology really that strong?

I am not going to defend the responses from some and will just say that if it were my child my first concern is to find my daughter and get her to safety and then the next thought is if the bastard that planted the bomb is dead and if not figure how I could kill him and his entire family with the News watching me!
Have you seen this clip from the bombing aftermath? I'll bet I've seen it a hundred times, especially the way they play these things in a loop.

I've never identified with someone more than with the guy in the blue sweater with his back to the camera. I keep thinking about him, and about what I would be thinking if one of my beautiful daughters had been at that show.

Where is she? Where is she? I need to step back a bit so I can see all the stairs in case she's there. Was that her voice? Where is she?

How can a person have a child and be willing to spin and deflect for the animal(s) who did this? Is ideology really that strong?

I am not going to defend the responses from some and will just say that if it were my child my first concern is to find my daughter and get her to safety and then the next thought is if the bastard that planted the bomb is dead and if not figure how I could kill him and his entire family with the News watching me!

Defend what responses?
Have you seen this clip from the bombing aftermath? I'll bet I've seen it a hundred times, especially the way they play these things in a loop.

I've never identified with someone more than with the guy in the blue sweater with his back to the camera. I keep thinking about him, and about what I would be thinking if one of my beautiful daughters had been at that show.

Where is she? Where is she? I need to step back a bit so I can see all the stairs in case she's there. Was that her voice? Where is she?

How can a person have a child and be willing to spin and deflect for the animal(s) who did this? Is ideology really that strong?

Nobody anywhere is spinning and deflecting for the animals who did this. You fucking puke.

Bull fucking shit. Did you miss the Mayor of Manchester's comments?

Yep. What did he say which defended the people who perpetrated this act? Got a transcript.
Have you seen this clip from the bombing aftermath? I'll bet I've seen it a hundred times, especially the way they play these things in a loop.

I've never identified with someone more than with the guy in the blue sweater with his back to the camera. I keep thinking about him, and about what I would be thinking if one of my beautiful daughters had been at that show.

Where is she? Where is she? I need to step back a bit so I can see all the stairs in case she's there. Was that her voice? Where is she?

How can a person have a child and be willing to spin and deflect for the animal(s) who did this? Is ideology really that strong?

I am not going to defend the responses from some and will just say that if it were my child my first concern is to find my daughter and get her to safety and then the next thought is if the bastard that planted the bomb is dead and if not figure how I could kill him and his entire family with the News watching me!

Defend what responses?

Go ahead and deny it because anything that is offer as evidence to you will be declare fake and then when proven not fake you will write about Tim McVeigh and the Christians that are so bad because Islamic Terrorists are innocent victims in your eyes!

I am sure you are more upset about those kids being at that Concert that was consider a sin to the Islamic God than being upset at what the terrorist did!

Why would I believe that?

Because of your denial that those like you try to find any excuse to excuse Islamic Terrorism and note I wrote Islamic and not Muslim and learn that I know that not all Muslims are terrorists but those like you have yet to learn not all Conservatives are close minded assholes like you!
Nobody anywhere is spinning and deflecting for the animals who did this. You fucking puke.
Oh yeah, I should have included the personal insults and name-calling.

They've been YUGE in these threads.

Yeah. Spin, deflection, personal insults and name-calling.

Thanks. And I don't know how you people can do this.

Please show one example of someone doing what you suggest after the facts were known.
Based on your denials, I already know there is absolutely nothing I can do or say to prove anything to you.

That's fine with me. I have a strong and ever-growing respect for the power of partisan ideology on thought processes. That's why I have long since stopped trying to "prove" anything to hardcore partisan ideologues on either end of the spectrum.

If you were actually curious, all you would have to do is look at the following thread. But again, I know you "won't see" anything:

explosion at Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, UK

What have I denied other than the media didn't report it was an attack until that fact was verified? How is that partisan in any way?

This is a dopey premise for a thread.
Any excuse will do for another thread bashing all Muslims and pushing the agenda to get them out of the country. Don't matter what you say, it's just an auto reply. Muslims--BAD; anyone who doesn't believe ALL MUSLIMS are bad--WORSE. They're arm twisting bullies. Get out now.
My youngest daughter is 20. She isn't a fan of Grandes but she knows her music. I had never heard of her except that she's another idiot America-hating lefty.

My daughter says all her songs are about sex and wtf are 8-12 year old girls doing listening to that?

I have sympathy that they lost a kid but dammit, if you were a better parent, maybe your kid would be still alive.
Have you seen this clip from the bombing aftermath? I'll bet I've seen it a hundred times, especially the way they play these things in a loop.

I've never identified with someone more than with the guy in the blue sweater with his back to the camera. I keep thinking about him, and about what I would be thinking if one of my beautiful daughters had been at that show.

Where is she? Where is she? I need to step back a bit so I can see all the stairs in case she's there. Was that her voice? Where is she?

How can a person have a child and be willing to spin and deflect for the animal(s) who did this? Is ideology really that strong?

Nobody anywhere is spinning and deflecting for the animals who did this. You fucking puke.

Bull fucking shit. Did you miss the Mayor of Manchester's comments?

Yep. What did he say which defended the people who perpetrated this act? Got a transcript.

I responded to the original comment that referred to the spinning and the deflecting not defended.

The spinning and the deflection the Mayor took was to claim that the fucking evil asshole who did this was not Muslim. Link is to the transcript of his comments.

AND to a fabulous response by a welll respected liberal philosopher. I agree with his analysis.

"I find it interesting when world leaders (Hollande, Cameron, Obama) have said things like:
  • “This isn’t the real Islam”;
  • “Islam is a religion of peace… They are not Muslims, they are monsters”;
  • “This has nothing to do with Islam”.
I find this thoroughly problematic. Andy Burnham, a politician I like, was recently interviewed by LBC:"

AND this is where he just nails it.

"Who is Andy Burnham to dictate that a self-professed Muslim is not a Muslim? Does Burnham know Abedi’s theological pedigree? His beliefs?

Yes, he was a terrorist, but yes, he was also a Muslim. Burnham, like those leaders before, is not the arbiter of labels, is not the arbiter of who gets to qualify as a Muslim or not.

This is tricky ground because these are abstract labels applied to properties that are themselves often abstract concepts. But surely a person themself gets some degree of right to a label if they profess to being that label?

Especially if that person is arguably enacting some diktats from the core holy book.

Now, Burnham is right, potentially, in saying that Abedi does not represent the Muslim community, if that is calculated on proportions.

He will represent some aspect of the community, some members, some subgroup(s), no doubt, but not everybody, and not over 50%.

So, yes, we do not want to tar a community with the same brush, especially if it harms social cohesion and makes matters worse. But, on the other hand, we don’t want to shy away from difficult conversations that may be necessary to finding some solution to these issues.

Islam is having an existential crisis; or, if it’s not, it should be."

More at link. Fabulous read.

Mayor of Manchester, Burnham: Abedi "not a Muslim"
Nobody anywhere is spinning and deflecting for the animals who did this. You fucking puke.
Oh yeah, I should have included the personal insults and name-calling.

They've been YUGE in these threads.

Yeah. Spin, deflection, personal insults and name-calling.

Thanks. And I don't know how you people can do this.

Please show one example of someone doing what you suggest after the facts were known.
Based on your denials, I already know there is absolutely nothing I can do or say to prove anything to you.

That's fine with me. I have a strong and ever-growing respect for the power of partisan ideology on thought processes. That's why I have long since stopped trying to "prove" anything to hardcore partisan ideologues on either end of the spectrum.

If you were actually curious, all you would have to do is look at the following thread. But again, I know you "won't see" anything:

explosion at Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, UK

What have I denied other than the media didn't report it was an attack until that fact was verified? How is that partisan in any way?

This is a dopey premise for a thread.
Any excuse will do for another thread bashing all Muslims and pushing the agenda to get them out of the country. Don't matter what you say, it's just an auto reply. Muslims--BAD; anyone who doesn't believe ALL MUSLIMS are bad--WORSE. They're arm twisting bullies. Get out now.

Not all Muslims are bad and many are hardworking caring families that I would break bread with, but there are those that make you wish you could genocide their family tree off the face of the Earth and I will never deny that feeling!
It strikes me that what the terrorists want most is a world wide religious war. They want the non-Islamic world to declare war on the Islamic world and to force all Muslims to their side.

So, if that's true, anyone who proposes the condemnation of all Muslims is supporting the terrorists.
Have you seen this clip from the bombing aftermath? I'll bet I've seen it a hundred times, especially the way they play these things in a loop.

I've never identified with someone more than with the guy in the blue sweater with his back to the camera. I keep thinking about him, and about what I would be thinking if one of my beautiful daughters had been at that show.

Where is she? Where is she? I need to step back a bit so I can see all the stairs in case she's there. Was that her voice? Where is she?

How can a person have a child and be willing to spin and deflect for the animal(s) who did this? Is ideology really that strong?

I am not going to defend the responses from some and will just say that if it were my child my first concern is to find my daughter and get her to safety and then the next thought is if the bastard that planted the bomb is dead and if not figure how I could kill him and his entire family with the News watching me!

Defend what responses?

Go ahead and deny it because anything that is offer as evidence to you will be declare fake and then when proven not fake you will write about Tim McVeigh and the Christians that are so bad because Islamic Terrorists are innocent victims in your eyes!

I am sure you are more upset about those kids being at that Concert that was consider a sin to the Islamic God than being upset at what the terrorist did!

Why would I believe that?

Because of your denial that those like you try to find any excuse to excuse Islamic Terrorism and note I wrote Islamic and not Muslim and learn that I know that not all Muslims are terrorists but those like you have yet to learn not all Conservatives are close minded assholes like you!

Say what?

You are making that accusation as well? You REALLY believe that I am a person who defends Islamic terrorist pigs?

What is wrong with some of you?
Oh yeah, I should have included the personal insults and name-calling.

They've been YUGE in these threads.

Yeah. Spin, deflection, personal insults and name-calling.

Thanks. And I don't know how you people can do this.

Please show one example of someone doing what you suggest after the facts were known.
Based on your denials, I already know there is absolutely nothing I can do or say to prove anything to you.

That's fine with me. I have a strong and ever-growing respect for the power of partisan ideology on thought processes. That's why I have long since stopped trying to "prove" anything to hardcore partisan ideologues on either end of the spectrum.

If you were actually curious, all you would have to do is look at the following thread. But again, I know you "won't see" anything:

explosion at Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, UK

What have I denied other than the media didn't report it was an attack until that fact was verified? How is that partisan in any way?

This is a dopey premise for a thread.
Any excuse will do for another thread bashing all Muslims and pushing the agenda to get them out of the country. Don't matter what you say, it's just an auto reply. Muslims--BAD; anyone who doesn't believe ALL MUSLIMS are bad--WORSE. They're arm twisting bullies. Get out now.

Not all Muslims are bad and many are hardworking caring families that I would break bread with, but there are those that make you wish you could genocide their family tree off the face of the Earth and I will never deny that feeling!
I'm with ya. Sounds like the Manchester bomber's family may have been just such a one.
My youngest daughter is 20. She isn't a fan of Grandes but she knows her music. I had never heard of her except that she's another idiot America-hating lefty.

My daughter says all her songs are about sex and wtf are 8-12 year old girls doing listening to that?

I have sympathy that they lost a kid but dammit, if you were a better parent, maybe your kid would be still alive.

How about that! Awesome!
Have you seen this clip from the bombing aftermath? I'll bet I've seen it a hundred times, especially the way they play these things in a loop.

I've never identified with someone more than with the guy in the blue sweater with his back to the camera. I keep thinking about him, and about what I would be thinking if one of my beautiful daughters had been at that show.

Where is she? Where is she? I need to step back a bit so I can see all the stairs in case she's there. Was that her voice? Where is she?

How can a person have a child and be willing to spin and deflect for the animal(s) who did this? Is ideology really that strong?

Nobody anywhere is spinning and deflecting for the animals who did this. You fucking puke.

Bull fucking shit. Did you miss the Mayor of Manchester's comments?

Yep. What did he say which defended the people who perpetrated this act? Got a transcript.

I responded to the original comment that referred to the spinning and the deflecting not defended.

The spinning and the deflection the Mayor took was to claim that the fucking evil asshole who did this was not Muslim. Link is to the transcript of his comments.

AND to a fabulous response by a welll respected liberal philosopher. I agree with his analysis.

"I find it interesting when world leaders (Hollande, Cameron, Obama) have said things like:
  • “This isn’t the real Islam”;
  • “Islam is a religion of peace… They are not Muslims, they are monsters”;
  • “This has nothing to do with Islam”.
I find this thoroughly problematic. Andy Burnham, a politician I like, was recently interviewed by LBC:"

AND this is where he just nails it.

"Who is Andy Burnham to dictate that a self-professed Muslim is not a Muslim? Does Burnham know Abedi’s theological pedigree? His beliefs?

Yes, he was a terrorist, but yes, he was also a Muslim. Burnham, like those leaders before, is not the arbiter of labels, is not the arbiter of who gets to qualify as a Muslim or not.

This is tricky ground because these are abstract labels applied to properties that are themselves often abstract concepts. But surely a person themself gets some degree of right to a label if they profess to being that label?

Especially if that person is arguably enacting some diktats from the core holy book.

Now, Burnham is right, potentially, in saying that Abedi does not represent the Muslim community, if that is calculated on proportions.

He will represent some aspect of the community, some members, some subgroup(s), no doubt, but not everybody, and not over 50%.

So, yes, we do not want to tar a community with the same brush, especially if it harms social cohesion and makes matters worse. But, on the other hand, we don’t want to shy away from difficult conversations that may be necessary to finding some solution to these issues.

Islam is having an existential crisis; or, if it’s not, it should be."

More at link. Fabulous read.

Mayor of Manchester, Burnham: Abedi "not a Muslim"

It's a complex subject. Not your strong suit.
My youngest daughter is 20. She isn't a fan of Grandes but she knows her music. I had never heard of her except that she's another idiot America-hating lefty.

My daughter says all her songs are about sex and wtf are 8-12 year old girls doing listening to that?

I have sympathy that they lost a kid but dammit, if you were a better parent, maybe your kid would be still alive.
My granddaughter, now 16, has grown up with that shit, too, and I just about had a fit over Beyonce's first Super Bowl concert, although I knew the young people today see a lot worse. Great role models, huh? It's the world they live in, though.
Oh yeah, I should have included the personal insults and name-calling.

They've been YUGE in these threads.

Yeah. Spin, deflection, personal insults and name-calling.

Thanks. And I don't know how you people can do this.

Please show one example of someone doing what you suggest after the facts were known.
Based on your denials, I already know there is absolutely nothing I can do or say to prove anything to you.

That's fine with me. I have a strong and ever-growing respect for the power of partisan ideology on thought processes. That's why I have long since stopped trying to "prove" anything to hardcore partisan ideologues on either end of the spectrum.

If you were actually curious, all you would have to do is look at the following thread. But again, I know you "won't see" anything:

explosion at Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, UK

What have I denied other than the media didn't report it was an attack until that fact was verified? How is that partisan in any way?

This is a dopey premise for a thread.
Any excuse will do for another thread bashing all Muslims and pushing the agenda to get them out of the country. Don't matter what you say, it's just an auto reply. Muslims--BAD; anyone who doesn't believe ALL MUSLIMS are bad--WORSE. They're arm twisting bullies. Get out now.

Not all Muslims are bad and many are hardworking caring families that I would break bread with, but there are those that make you wish you could genocide their family tree off the face of the Earth and I will never deny that feeling!

Oh! You feel that? Cool. If you don't act on that feeling, are you an Islamic terrorist apologist? Mmmm?
It's this: The Regressive Left doesn't want an Islamic Reformation. There are issues and goals they share with the jihadists, and they're willing to tolerate this chaos and intense anti-liberalism for now. Presumably, they assume they'll deal with the jihadists (somehow) later, maybe pushing for a Reformation once some goals are accomplished, later.

That's it. Bottom line, eight words.

NO guy, we just don't think it's our place to reform Islam. It's really not any of our business.

And frankly, since the NeoCons only want to reform Islam in Islamic Countries that are sitting on top of a lot of oil or natural gas, it's kind of silly for anyone to think that you are suddenly concerned for their well-being. In fact, the NeoCons have no problem with the Saudis, who probably run the most repressive regime in the region, but do what the oil companies want.

We have a "Jihadist" problem because of our own stupid policies... not because their belief in a Magic Sky Fairy is any worse than anyone else's belief in a Magic Sky Fairy.
My granddaughter, now 16, has grown up with that shit, too, and I just about had a fit over Beyonce's first Super Bowl concert, although I knew the young people today see a lot worse. Great role models, huh? It's the world they live in, though.

You know what, though.. every parent has been horrified by their kid's music. Probably all the way back to Mozart.

Heck, my favorite Album growing up was Pink Floyd's "The Wall". I don't think my parents who went through WWII found the fascist patomines on Side 4 very funny.

The secret is that the human brain only really becomes enammored to music at a certain age. After 30, you know what you like or don't like.

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