The Manufactured Crisis of Police Racism


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
What should really concern people is the criminality in the black population.


Every year, American police officers have about 370 million contacts with civilians. Most of the time nothing happens, but 12 to 13 million times a year, the police make an arrest. How often does this lead to the death of an unarmed black person? We know the number thanks to a detailed Washington Post database of every killing by the police. What is your guess as to the number of unarmed blacks killed by the police every year? One hundred? Three hundred? Last year, the figure was nine.

That number is going down, not up. In 2015, police killed 38 unarmed blacks. In 2017, 21. What about white people? Last year, police killed 19 unarmed whites, in addition to the 9 unarmed blacks. We know the number of black and white people arrested every year, so it is possible to make an interesting calculation. The chances of being unarmed, arrested, and then killed by the police are higher for whites than for blacks. For both races, it’s very rare: One out of 292,000 arrests for blacks, and out of 283,000 arrests for whites. This is hardly what we would expect from the way the media report these deaths.

What about the people the police kill who are armed?

Since 2015, when the Post began tracking these numbers, the police have killed about 1,000 people a year. Every year, about one quarter of them are black. This is about twice their share of the population, which is 13 percent. Is this proof of police racism? No. The more likely explanation is that blacks are more likely than whites to act in violent, aggressive ways that give the police no choice but to shoot them. In 2018, the most recent year for which we have statistics, blacks accounted for 37 percent of all arrests for violent crimes, 54 percent of all arrests for robbery, and 53 percent of arrests for murder. With so many blacks involved in this kind of violent crime, that blacks should account for 25 percent of the people killed by the police seem like a surprisingly low figure.



Roland Fryer is a black economist, and the youngest person ever to get tenure at Harvard. He was angry after the deaths of Michael Brown and Freddie Gray, so he did his own research on the use of deadly force by police in 10 big-city police departments police killing. His detailed study of 1,332 police shootings — in which he carefully compared the circumstances of each killing — found no evidence of police bias. If anything, police were more likely to shoot at non-threatening whites than at non-threatening blacks. He said, this was “the most surprising research result of my career.”


What should really concern people is the criminality in the black population.


Every year, American police officers have about 370 million contacts with civilians. Most of the time nothing happens, but 12 to 13 million times a year, the police make an arrest. How often does this lead to the death of an unarmed black person? We know the number thanks to a detailed Washington Post database of every killing by the police. What is your guess as to the number of unarmed blacks killed by the police every year? One hundred? Three hundred? Last year, the figure was nine.

That number is going down, not up. In 2015, police killed 38 unarmed blacks. In 2017, 21. What about white people? Last year, police killed 19 unarmed whites, in addition to the 9 unarmed blacks. We know the number of black and white people arrested every year, so it is possible to make an interesting calculation. The chances of being unarmed, arrested, and then killed by the police are higher for whites than for blacks. For both races, it’s very rare: One out of 292,000 arrests for blacks, and out of 283,000 arrests for whites. This is hardly what we would expect from the way the media report these deaths.

What about the people the police kill who are armed?

Since 2015, when the Post began tracking these numbers, the police have killed about 1,000 people a year. Every year, about one quarter of them are black. This is about twice their share of the population, which is 13 percent. Is this proof of police racism? No. The more likely explanation is that blacks are more likely than whites to act in violent, aggressive ways that give the police no choice but to shoot them. In 2018, the most recent year for which we have statistics, blacks accounted for 37 percent of all arrests for violent crimes, 54 percent of all arrests for robbery, and 53 percent of arrests for murder. With so many blacks involved in this kind of violent crime, that blacks should account for 25 percent of the people killed by the police seem like a surprisingly low figure.



Roland Fryer is a black economist, and the youngest person ever to get tenure at Harvard. He was angry after the deaths of Michael Brown and Freddie Gray, so he did his own research on the use of deadly force by police in 10 big-city police departments police killing. His detailed study of 1,332 police shootings — in which he carefully compared the circumstances of each killing — found no evidence of police bias. If anything, police were more likely to shoot at non-threatening whites than at non-threatening blacks. He said, this was “the most surprising research result of my career.”


the real problem with the police is militarization not racism,,,
What should really concern people is the criminality in the black population.


Every year, American police officers have about 370 million contacts with civilians. Most of the time nothing happens, but 12 to 13 million times a year, the police make an arrest. How often does this lead to the death of an unarmed black person? We know the number thanks to a detailed Washington Post database of every killing by the police. What is your guess as to the number of unarmed blacks killed by the police every year? One hundred? Three hundred? Last year, the figure was nine.

That number is going down, not up. In 2015, police killed 38 unarmed blacks. In 2017, 21. What about white people? Last year, police killed 19 unarmed whites, in addition to the 9 unarmed blacks. We know the number of black and white people arrested every year, so it is possible to make an interesting calculation. The chances of being unarmed, arrested, and then killed by the police are higher for whites than for blacks. For both races, it’s very rare: One out of 292,000 arrests for blacks, and out of 283,000 arrests for whites. This is hardly what we would expect from the way the media report these deaths.

What about the people the police kill who are armed?

Since 2015, when the Post began tracking these numbers, the police have killed about 1,000 people a year. Every year, about one quarter of them are black. This is about twice their share of the population, which is 13 percent. Is this proof of police racism? No. The more likely explanation is that blacks are more likely than whites to act in violent, aggressive ways that give the police no choice but to shoot them. In 2018, the most recent year for which we have statistics, blacks accounted for 37 percent of all arrests for violent crimes, 54 percent of all arrests for robbery, and 53 percent of arrests for murder. With so many blacks involved in this kind of violent crime, that blacks should account for 25 percent of the people killed by the police seem like a surprisingly low figure.



Roland Fryer is a black economist, and the youngest person ever to get tenure at Harvard. He was angry after the deaths of Michael Brown and Freddie Gray, so he did his own research on the use of deadly force by police in 10 big-city police departments police killing. His detailed study of 1,332 police shootings — in which he carefully compared the circumstances of each killing — found no evidence of police bias. If anything, police were more likely to shoot at non-threatening whites than at non-threatening blacks. He said, this was “the most surprising research result of my career.”


the real problem with the police is militarization not racism,,,

I don't buy that either. If you engage in a physical confrontation with police, you have a even chance of being killed.

The number of police caused deaths, is directly in proportion to the number of violent criminals they confront. All the research shows this.

And it is not super hard to understand. If you as a police officer, believe you are coming up on someone potentially violent, you are more likely to respond with violence.
What should really concern people is the criminality in the black population.


Every year, American police officers have about 370 million contacts with civilians. Most of the time nothing happens, but 12 to 13 million times a year, the police make an arrest. How often does this lead to the death of an unarmed black person? We know the number thanks to a detailed Washington Post database of every killing by the police. What is your guess as to the number of unarmed blacks killed by the police every year? One hundred? Three hundred? Last year, the figure was nine.

That number is going down, not up. In 2015, police killed 38 unarmed blacks. In 2017, 21. What about white people? Last year, police killed 19 unarmed whites, in addition to the 9 unarmed blacks. We know the number of black and white people arrested every year, so it is possible to make an interesting calculation. The chances of being unarmed, arrested, and then killed by the police are higher for whites than for blacks. For both races, it’s very rare: One out of 292,000 arrests for blacks, and out of 283,000 arrests for whites. This is hardly what we would expect from the way the media report these deaths.

What about the people the police kill who are armed?

Since 2015, when the Post began tracking these numbers, the police have killed about 1,000 people a year. Every year, about one quarter of them are black. This is about twice their share of the population, which is 13 percent. Is this proof of police racism? No. The more likely explanation is that blacks are more likely than whites to act in violent, aggressive ways that give the police no choice but to shoot them. In 2018, the most recent year for which we have statistics, blacks accounted for 37 percent of all arrests for violent crimes, 54 percent of all arrests for robbery, and 53 percent of arrests for murder. With so many blacks involved in this kind of violent crime, that blacks should account for 25 percent of the people killed by the police seem like a surprisingly low figure.



Roland Fryer is a black economist, and the youngest person ever to get tenure at Harvard. He was angry after the deaths of Michael Brown and Freddie Gray, so he did his own research on the use of deadly force by police in 10 big-city police departments police killing. His detailed study of 1,332 police shootings — in which he carefully compared the circumstances of each killing — found no evidence of police bias. If anything, police were more likely to shoot at non-threatening whites than at non-threatening blacks. He said, this was “the most surprising research result of my career.”


the real problem with the police is militarization not racism,,,

I don't buy that either. If you engage in a physical confrontation with police, you have a even chance of being killed.

The number of police caused deaths, is directly in proportion to the number of violent criminals they confront. All the research shows this.

And it is not super hard to understand. If you as a police officer, believe you are coming up on someone potentially violent, you are more likely to respond with violence.
thats all true,,,but the militarization exists beyond whats needed to get the job done,,,not to mention they are more likely to shoot at the drop of a hat when it isnt needed,,,I can post dozens of videos of them killing people instead of helping them which was why they were called out there,,,and entering the wrong house and killing the occupants,,,

in floyds case there was no reason to pull him from the car and 4 people hold him down for 9 mins 3 of which he was dead,,,,
and also I think race had nothing to do with what or why they did it,,,
The one issue that I disagree on is the tendency of police to randomly stop minorities. I have quite a few Black and Hispanic friends and EVERY ONE has told me they have been randomly stopped over something like "illegal lane change" or speeding 4 or 5 miles per hour over or some other flimsy reason. One friend is a big Hispanic dude and he said he has been stopped over 20 times! He also happens to be an engineering manager with 200 people working for him.

I don't know about you guys but In over 40 years of driving I have never been randomly stopped. That can't be coincidence. So I can see some changes in training and procedures and getting bad cops behind a desk and off the street.

But for real, give Cops a break! They are just being crucified in the Media and we are setting ourselves up for some real bad times if we have mass resignations. Nobody wants to be a cop now, how will they backfill? Do you want to see chaos reign in these big Democrat cities? Just keep up the attacks and this ridiculous "Defund Police" bullshit. Be careful what you wish for because you just might get it.
I don't know about you guys but In over 40 years of driving I have never been randomly stopped. That can't be coincidence. So I can see some changes in training and procedures and getting bad cops behind a desk and off the street.
I have criminals in my family, and back home the cops would occasionally pull me over and ask me to ID myself and explain what I was doing there.

But I understand they are trying to keep the community safe from crime, not targeting me as a person.
thats all true,,,but the militarization exists beyond whats needed to get the job done,,,not to mention they are more likely to shoot at the drop of a hat when it isnt needed,,,I can post dozens of videos of them killing people instead of helping them which was why they were called out there,,,and entering the wrong house and killing the occupants,,,

in floyds case there was no reason to pull him from the car and 4 people hold him down for 9 mins 3 of which he was dead,,,,
and also I think race had nothing to do with what or why they did it,,,

I agree with you on the militarization. But I also believe it was also Racism. I will say why:

Racism in our society in America plays a major role in just It's an unfortunate case but we deal with Racism in everyday society. Most are never reported. And usually, when they are - they are mostly shoved in the back pages of the news. Or the MSM doesn't want to "report" on them. Because it goes against their "ideology".

How Structural Racism is Linked to Higher Rates of Police Violence
thats all true,,,but the militarization exists beyond whats needed to get the job done,,,not to mention they are more likely to shoot at the drop of a hat when it isnt needed,,,I can post dozens of videos of them killing people instead of helping them which was why they were called out there,,,and entering the wrong house and killing the occupants,,,

in floyds case there was no reason to pull him from the car and 4 people hold him down for 9 mins 3 of which he was dead,,,,
and also I think race had nothing to do with what or why they did it,,,

I agree with you on the militarization. But I also believe it was also Racism. I will say why:

Racism in our society in America plays a major role in just It's an unfortunate case but we deal with Racism in everyday society. Most are never reported. And usually, when they are - they are mostly shoved in the back pages of the news. Or the MSM doesn't want to "report" on them. Because it goes against their "ideology".

How Structural Racism is Linked to Higher Rates of Police Violence
possibly,,,but if you take away the authoritarian aspect and let people be people racism ends up to be more of a way to complain about nonsense and not about true human behavior,,,on both sides,,
but if you take away the authoritarian aspect and let people be people racism ends up to be more of a way to complain about nonsense and not about true human behavior,,,on both sides,,
True! But you and I know, that will never happen. Not here in the United States of America. At least, not anymore. Time has changed dramatically now.
but if you take away the authoritarian aspect and let people be people racism ends up to be more of a way to complain about nonsense and not about true human behavior,,,on both sides,,
True! But you and I know, that will never happen. Not here in the United States of America. At least, not anymore. Time has changed dramatically now.
doesnt mean I/we should remain silent about it,,
and face it if we dont do something things are guaranteed to get worse not better,,
The suspension of reality marches on. This one is emotion over fact.
9 deaths of unarmed black males in millions of encounters in last year.
Covid is a greater killer and that’s condemnation by faint praise.
I don't know about you guys but In over 40 years of driving I have never been randomly stopped. That can't be coincidence. So I can see some changes in training and procedures and getting bad cops behind a desk and off the street.
I have criminals in my family, and back home the cops would occasionally pull me over and ask me to ID myself and explain what I was doing there.

But I understand they are trying to keep the community safe from crime, not targeting me as a person.
Maturity and thought over emotion.
Black males need to remember WHO it is that is bringing the cops to them !

So that as many people understand how this works, I will create a simple equation:

Steal stuff = law broken = police arrive
What should really concern people is the criminality in the black population.


Every year, American police officers have about 370 million contacts with civilians. Most of the time nothing happens, but 12 to 13 million times a year, the police make an arrest. How often does this lead to the death of an unarmed black person? We know the number thanks to a detailed Washington Post database of every killing by the police. What is your guess as to the number of unarmed blacks killed by the police every year? One hundred? Three hundred? Last year, the figure was nine.

That number is going down, not up. In 2015, police killed 38 unarmed blacks. In 2017, 21. What about white people? Last year, police killed 19 unarmed whites, in addition to the 9 unarmed blacks. We know the number of black and white people arrested every year, so it is possible to make an interesting calculation. The chances of being unarmed, arrested, and then killed by the police are higher for whites than for blacks. For both races, it’s very rare: One out of 292,000 arrests for blacks, and out of 283,000 arrests for whites. This is hardly what we would expect from the way the media report these deaths.

What about the people the police kill who are armed?

Since 2015, when the Post began tracking these numbers, the police have killed about 1,000 people a year. Every year, about one quarter of them are black. This is about twice their share of the population, which is 13 percent. Is this proof of police racism? No. The more likely explanation is that blacks are more likely than whites to act in violent, aggressive ways that give the police no choice but to shoot them. In 2018, the most recent year for which we have statistics, blacks accounted for 37 percent of all arrests for violent crimes, 54 percent of all arrests for robbery, and 53 percent of arrests for murder. With so many blacks involved in this kind of violent crime, that blacks should account for 25 percent of the people killed by the police seem like a surprisingly low figure.



Roland Fryer is a black economist, and the youngest person ever to get tenure at Harvard. He was angry after the deaths of Michael Brown and Freddie Gray, so he did his own research on the use of deadly force by police in 10 big-city police departments police killing. His detailed study of 1,332 police shootings — in which he carefully compared the circumstances of each killing — found no evidence of police bias. If anything, police were more likely to shoot at non-threatening whites than at non-threatening blacks. He said, this was “the most surprising research result of my career.”


the real problem with the police is militarization not racism,,,
No, the real problem with police is mostly imagined by democrat race demagogues.

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