The many many wrong claims about climate made by the media

Robert W

Platinum Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 9, 2022
We can start when the media said scientists predicted we are in an ice age and the earth will chill very fast. Then we end with the bogus claims that oppose the earlier scientists claims.

Analysis of Dr. Koonin's findings!

Analysis of Earth climate data

Hurricane Lee goes from a 40 kt tropical storm to a 180 kt Cat 5 hurricane in 24 hours and you all claim everything is normal
Hurricane Lee goes from a 40 kt tropical storm to a 180 kt Cat 5 hurricane in 24 hours and you all claim everything is normal

Is there a "normal".

I think the BIGGEST problem with "the media" and those pushing the narratives is there's climate change, and there's man made climate change.

Most people seem to think they're one and the same.

They think if the climate is changing, it must be changing because of man, and man alone. Which is totally ridiculous because the climate has been changing since... since... since the first climate every existed around the Earth
Hurricane Lee goes from a 40 kt tropical storm to a 180 kt Cat 5 hurricane in 24 hours and you all claim everything is normal

It must be the first Cat 5 ever....
first Category 5 hurricane since Ian in 2022. Prior to Lee, only 39 other Atlantic hurricanes have reached Category 5 intensity over the past 100 years

and prior to the late 1970s, we never observed Cat 5s that were Cat 5s just at sea... because the satellites were not yet up...

"Cat 5's have been increasing since the late 1970s" because we see all of them, but we didn't prior to the satellites...
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first Category 5 hurricane since Ian in 2022. Prior to Lee, only 39 other Atlantic hurricanes have reached Category 5 intensity over the past 100 years

and prior to the late 1970s, we never observed Cat 5s that were Cat 5s just at sea... because the satellites were not yet up...

"Cat 5's have been increasing since the late 1970s" because we see all of them, but we didn't prior to the satellites...

Dude...Crick routinely tends to the hysterical. Of all members in the ENVIRONMENT forum, he's the most easily bamboozled by the Reality Manufacturing Co.

Meanwhile, since Katrina, US mainland hurricane hits down significantly from prior decades.

More chances for our side to do THIS....

oppps, Lee down to Cat 4 again, amazing how the warmest ever ocean water can't hold a Cat 5 for a full day...

Pressure over 940 too, not typically Cat 5....

But I will say this, 15 hours ago, Lee was an absolutely magnificently organized cane, beautiful from space...
Hurricane Lee goes from a 40 kt tropical storm to a 180 kt Cat 5 hurricane in 24 hours and you all claim everything is normal

Not unprecedented. Impressive, and evidence what it just passed over was warm, but your side says warmest "ever," and its failure to hold Cat 5 for a full day makes that claim .... .... like most of the others your side makes.... BULLSHIT.

Will it get to New Jersey as a Cat 5?

When one does, let us know, that would JUST EQUAL the 1938 cane, not even qualify for a BREAKOUT...
Hurricane Lee goes from a 40 kt tropical storm to a 180 kt Cat 5 hurricane in 24 hours and you all claim everything is normal
Is this your first time hearing about hurricanes?
Hurricane Lee goes from a 40 kt tropical storm to a 180 kt Cat 5 hurricane in 24 hours and you all claim everything is normal

The Hurricane Hunter aircraft reported only 87 knots this morning ... forecast to become 115 knots in a couple days ... THAT'S normal ... down from 100 knots yesterday ...

Did some little girl believe the news report over NOAA? ...
first Category 5 hurricane since Ian in 2022. Prior to Lee, only 39 other Atlantic hurricanes have reached Category 5 intensity over the past 100 years

and prior to the late 1970s, we never observed Cat 5s that were Cat 5s just at sea... because the satellites were not yet up...

"Cat 5's have been increasing since the late 1970s" because we see all of them, but we didn't prior to the satellites...

This is something we measure from space ... any of the satellite bands will show this ... will commercial media ever admit that? ...
Hurricane Lee goes from a 40 kt tropical storm to a 180 kt Cat 5 hurricane in 24 hours and you all claim everything is normal
To help your case, describe the physics involved in the spinning in a particular direction of the hurricane. Tell us what causes the spinning to expand plus increase in speeds.
To help your case, describe the physics involved in the spinning in a particular direction of the hurricane. Tell us what causes the spinning to expand plus increase in speeds.

Careful ... hurricanes spin both direction at the same time ...

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