The many many wrong claims about climate made by the media

Careful ... hurricanes spin both direction at the same time ...
And per your theory, what causes that?
People also ask

Why do hurricanes turn counterclockwise?

As the air moves toward the low pressure region in the center, the Coriolis force causes a rightward deflection—leading to the counter- clockwise rotation of the hurricane.

Why do hurricanes go counterclockwise in the northern ...​

Little Shop of Physics › sites › 2014/10
And per your theory, what causes that?
People also ask

Why do hurricanes turn counterclockwise?

As the air moves toward the low pressure region in the center, the Coriolis force causes a rightward deflection—leading to the counter- clockwise rotation of the hurricane.

Why do hurricanes go counterclockwise in the northern ...

View attachment 827908
Little Shop of Physics › sites › 2014/10

What low pressure system? ... gravity won't do that ... and in an inertial frame-of-reference, there is no Coriolis force ...

Some basic meteorology here, hurricanes only spin counter-clockwise at the surface low pressure ... aloft they spin clockwise because we find high pressure there ... this is the basic structure of a tropical cyclone, low pressure at the surface gathering moist air, rising in the air column condensing water, and then high pressure aloft exhausting the spent air ... a heat engine ... thus my crack about hurricane spinning both directions all the time ... or it's not a hurricane ...

Perhaps your question involves cyclonic motion (= counter-clockwise around low pressure systems, clockwise around high pressure systems in the Northern Hemisphere, the opposite in the Southern Hemisphere) ... and that involves into modeling torque as a second-order tensor in a fluid medium ... uncross that product and we might be a little over my head ... are you familiar with the convective forces in our atmosphere? ...
What low pressure system? ... gravity won't do that ... and in an inertial frame-of-reference, there is no Coriolis force ...

Some basic meteorology here, hurricanes only spin counter-clockwise at the surface low pressure ... aloft they spin clockwise because we find high pressure there ... this is the basic structure of a tropical cyclone, low pressure at the surface gathering moist air, rising in the air column condensing water, and then high pressure aloft exhausting the spent air ... a heat engine ... thus my crack about hurricane spinning both directions all the time ... or it's not a hurricane ...

Perhaps your question involves cyclonic motion (= counter-clockwise around low pressure systems, clockwise around high pressure systems in the Northern Hemisphere, the opposite in the Southern Hemisphere) ... and that involves into modeling torque as a second-order tensor in a fluid medium ... uncross that product and we might be a little over my head ... are you familiar with the convective forces in our atmosphere? ...
The concern over Hurricanes is that they damage physical property on the surface of Earth. What happens aloft does not matter at all.
My claim is two sources about climate get it wrong daily. Politicians and the media.

I studied the coriolis effect to get my pilot's license.

Climate can't be comprehended absent the knowledge of the coriolis effect.
Climate can't be comprehended absent the knowledge of the coriolis effect.
Given that the basics of the coriolis effect are covered in the tenth grade, I strongly suspect that climate scientists are more familiar with it than are you or I.
Given that the basics of the coriolis effect are covered in the tenth grade, I strongly suspect that climate scientists are more familiar with it than are you or I.
I believe if you asked all the 10th graders what it is, 99 percent do not know what it is.
I put a lot of trust in the esteemed climate scientist Richard Lindzen but far more than just him are on top of this topic.
How reliable is was created in 2004 as a blog to promote the scientific opinions of the website owners. It is currently run by five scientists: Dr. Gavin Schmidt, Prof. Michael Mann, Dr. Rasmus Benestad, Prof. Stefan Rahmstorf and Prof. Eric Steig.

Anybody with scientific training (or even just a careful reader) who actually reads our paper will be able to see that each of the claims in Dr. Schmidt’s recent blog-post are either false, misleading or already clearly addressed by our paper. Therefore, scientifically speaking, his post doesn’t contribute in any productive or meaningful way.

Instead, unfortunately, the goal of his post seems to be to try and stop inquiring minds from reading our paper.

If people were only to read his blog-post then they might be discouraged from even looking at our paper – and therefore wouldn’t find out that Dr. Schmidt’s alleged “criticisms” are without merit.

This type of pseudoscientific “take-down” of any studies that disagree with the RealClimate team’s scientific opinions seems to be a common pattern. For example, in November, they posted a similar “take-down” of our 2021 study that they disdainfully titled “Serious mistakes found in recent paper by Connolly et al.” That post summarized their attempted “rebuttal” of our Connolly et al. (2021) paper by Richardson & Benestad (2022).

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The concern over Hurricanes is that they damage physical property on the surface of Earth. What happens aloft does not matter at all.
My claim is two sources about climate get it wrong daily. Politicians and the media.

I studied the coriolis effect to get my pilot's license.

Climate can't be comprehended absent the knowledge of the coriolis effect.

Why aloft matters is in forecasting ... if we didn't know about the upper level ridging in the Eastern Atlantic, Miami maybe would have ordered a billion dollar evactuation needlessly ...

As a pilot, you are far better qualified to discuss climate as any of these other yahoos ... simply because of your better understanding of basic meteorology ... [giggle] ... like where ice can be found, these flat-landing city-slickers don't know there's ice up there ...
Hurricane Lee goes from a 40 kt tropical storm to a 180 kt Cat 5 hurricane in 24 hours and you all claim everything is normal

Sounds serious!

I'll bet you can show that has never happened in the last 100,000 years.

In the conclusion of the paper you've referenced:

"Due to the relatively short period with reliable TC intensity estimates [e.g. the satellite era (since 1979)], it is difficult to determine whether the increasing RI magnitude of WNP TCs is caused by the transition between PDO phases, anthropogenic global warming, or a combination of these factors."

Yeah ... looks inconclusive to me ... you should read the papers you cite, otherwise you ruin your own point ... Lee never did reach 140 knots, did she? ...
In the conclusion of the paper you've referenced:

"Due to the relatively short period with reliable TC intensity estimates [e.g. the satellite era (since 1979)], it is difficult to determine whether the increasing RI magnitude of WNP TCs is caused by the transition between PDO phases, anthropogenic global warming, or a combination of these factors."

Yeah ... looks inconclusive to me ... you should read the papers you cite, otherwise you ruin your own point ... Lee never did reach 140 knots, did she? ...
My point was that rapid intensification was not commonplace and that it's frequency was increasing. Both papers support that point.

Lee was knocked down by strong wind shear - a frequent effect in strong El Nino periods. But her highest sustained winds reached 165 mph (143.4 kts)*. The lower limit of Cat 5 is 158 mph (137 kts) or greater 10 metres (32.8 ft) above the surface.

* - These are the strongest hurricane winds ever recorded in the Atlantic basin
My point was that rapid intensification was not commonplace and that it's frequency was increasing. Both papers support that point.

Lee was knocked down by strong wind shear - a frequent effect in strong El Nino periods. But her highest sustained winds reached 165 mph (143.4 kts)*. The lower limit of Cat 5 is 158 mph (137 kts) or greater 10 metres (32.8 ft) above the surface.

* - These are the strongest hurricane winds ever recorded in the Atlantic basin
Normal weather events. Say it with me.
How reliable is was created in 2004 as a blog to promote the scientific opinions of the website owners. It is currently run by five scientists: Dr. Gavin Schmidt, Prof. Michael Mann, Dr. Rasmus Benestad, Prof. Stefan Rahmstorf and Prof. Eric Steig.

Anybody with scientific training (or even just a careful reader) who actually reads our paper will be able to see that each of the claims in Dr. Schmidt’s recent blog-post are either false, misleading or already clearly addressed by our paper. Therefore, scientifically speaking, his post doesn’t contribute in any productive or meaningful way.

Instead, unfortunately, the goal of his post seems to be to try and stop inquiring minds from reading our paper.

If people were only to read his blog-post then they might be discouraged from even looking at our paper – and therefore wouldn’t find out that Dr. Schmidt’s alleged “criticisms” are without merit.

This type of pseudoscientific “take-down” of any studies that disagree with the RealClimate team’s scientific opinions seems to be a common pattern. For example, in November, they posted a similar “take-down” of our 2021 study that they disdainfully titled “Serious mistakes found in recent paper by Connolly et al.” That post summarized their attempted “rebuttal” of our Connolly et al. (2021) paper by Richardson & Benestad (2022).

The SUN is another faux "cause" of climate CHANGE. The SUN is a constant. What does change?


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