The March for Science Terrorists.


there are plenty of people who can call themselves SCIENTISTS who have political agenda.
Of course----I am confident that NO ONE here in cyberspace would call little old jewish lady
ME-----biased.----------but----I do have educational credentials that define me as "scientist"

But obviously not in spelling, punctuation, vocabulary and literacy.

how interesting-----my university ASKED me to, PLEASE, attend as an instructor, ---the REMEDIATION room designed to help idiots like you learn to write a cogent sentence in English


link to what-----the REMEDIATION PROGRAM in my state university in the 1960s?

Copy of 'your' university begging you to be an instructor.

I would like to see the name of that university to make sure that I would not make the mistake of sending my kids or grand kids to a school that employs you as an instructor.

And to tell all my friends to act likewise.

I was not an instructor in my university-----I was a freshman----in freshman "COMP" I had no desire to be an "INSTRUCTOR" in my university------I went on to a doctorate in another university. I do not wish to name my university------I doubt it would accept your child as a student
Yet, it's only those climate scientists that are skeptics that got shot at.
Yes shooting at those who disagree are terrorists. They are leftists. That's whst they do.

This is a war. This is what happens in a war.
Give me a break. You would shoot people for disagreeing with you, if you could. Leftist :D
Hell yeah. I'd be right beside her.
Yet, it's only those climate scientists that are skeptics that got shot at.
Yes shooting at those who disagree are terrorists. They are leftists. That's whst they do.

This is a war. This is what happens in a war.

So scientific inquiry is now "a war"?? Howdafuck did THAT happen?

The whole GW issue has been misrepresented and severely overhyped. These know-nothings got all wound up by the hysteria and the media frenzy. They couldn't tell you what Dr Roy and Dr John had even said.

THIS is what happens when you politicize science.
Remember Lysenko?

This is why science and ideology must never mingle and today our scientific establishment is controlled by socialists.
Yes, asshole, I am very cognizant of the crimes committed under Lysenkoism. Millions starved at times, and Soviet agriculture was a disaster.

And it is the admin of the orange clown that is practicing that. The only people saying that GHGs are not warming the atmosphere are corporate whores and fakes like Monkton. There is not one Scientific Society on this planet that claims AGW is not real, not one National Academy of Sciences, and not one major University. In fact, most have policy statements that state AGW is real, and a clear and present danger.

And what do you mean, our scientific establishment is controlled by socialists?

Really? Science IS scepticism. Lysenkoism allowed NO DEBATE. "The science is settled" ........sounds like what to you?:eusa_whistle:
And the orange clown is allowing debate concerning climate change in the EPA? Looks to me as if he is defunding any kind of research on that subject. But he is already paying a price. 314

But obviously not in spelling, punctuation, vocabulary and literacy.

how interesting-----my university ASKED me to, PLEASE, attend as an instructor, ---the REMEDIATION room designed to help idiots like you learn to write a cogent sentence in English


link to what-----the REMEDIATION PROGRAM in my state university in the 1960s?

Copy of 'your' university begging you to be an instructor.

I would like to see the name of that university to make sure that I would not make the mistake of sending my kids or grand kids to a school that employs you as an instructor.

And to tell all my friends to act likewise.

I was not an instructor in my university-----I was a freshman----in freshman "COMP" I had no desire to be an "INSTRUCTOR" in my university------I went on to a doctorate in another university. I do not wish to name my university------I doubt it would accept your child as a student

Thanks for the chuckles.
And the orange clown is allowing debate concerning climate change in the EPA? Looks to me as if he is defunding any kind of research on that subject. But he is already paying a price. 314


I hate to break it to ya but "action on twitter" just isn't compelling to thinking people. Look how effective it was in getting those kidnapped girls back.....
THIS is the leftist activist version of "science". Apparently involves guns and drive-by shootings to ADVANCE scientific discourse and open inquiry.. This was NO coincidence. The march in huntsville went RIGHT BY the building earlier in the day. And the people involved in the drive-by -- targeted the Office of Dr. John Christy..

Shots fired over Earth Day weekend at campus building home to prominent climate skeptics

By Valerie Richardson - The Washington Times - Tuesday, April 25, 2017
Seven gunshots were fired over Earth Day weekend at a University of Alabama in Huntsville science center that holds the offices of two of the world’s most prominent climate skeptics.

A university spokesman described the incident as a “totally random shooting,” citing a report by campus police, but UAH principal research scientist Roy W. Spencer isn’t so sure.

“Given that this was Earth Day weekend, with a March for Science passing right past our building on Saturday afternoon, I think this is more than coincidence,” Mr. Spencersaid in a Monday post on his blog.
Police found seven bullets Belgian 5.7 mm bullet casings from shots that hit the National Space Science & Technology Center, which houses the offices of Mr. Spencer and John R. Christy.

“All bullets hit the 4th floor, which is where John Christy’s office is (my office is in another part of the building),” Mr. Spencer said.
The more things change, the more they stay the same. History tends to repeat itself. Many of the most oppressive and violent regimes and movements came in the name of "peace, freedom and equality", later bringing worldwide instability, genocide, and persecution. The fascists on left seemed determined to do just that.
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Remember this is the entire basis of the AGW cult:

Yet, it's only those climate scientists that are skeptics that got shot at.
Yes shooting at those who disagree are terrorists. They are leftists. That's whst they do.

This is a war. This is what happens in a war.

So scientific inquiry is now "a war"?? Howdafuck did THAT happen?

The whole GW issue has been misrepresented and severely overhyped. These know-nothings got all wound up by the hysteria and the media frenzy. They couldn't tell you what Dr Roy and Dr John had even said.

THIS is what happens when you politicize science.
Remember Lysenko?

This is why science and ideology must never mingle and today our scientific establishment is controlled by socialists.
Yes, asshole, I am very cognizant of the crimes committed under Lysenkoism. Millions starved at times, and Soviet agriculture was a disaster.

And it is the admin of the orange clown that is practicing that. The only people saying that GHGs are not warming the atmosphere are corporate whores and fakes like Monkton. There is not one Scientific Society on this planet that claims AGW is not real, not one National Academy of Sciences, and not one major University. In fact, most have policy statements that state AGW is real, and a clear and present danger.

And what do you mean, our scientific establishment is controlled by socialists?

Really? Science IS scepticism. Lysenkoism allowed NO DEBATE. "The science is settled" ........sounds like what to you?:eusa_whistle:

sorry if you consider my statement a 'diversion'-----but it might interest you to know that heated
debate about 'religion'-------is regarded with INTENSE DEPRECATION by muslims. It PROVES
the fallacy of all religions OTHER THAN ISLAM-----because true muslims have NOTHING TO DEBATE--
all truth is clearly revealed in the koran
And the orange clown is allowing debate concerning climate change in the EPA? Looks to me as if he is defunding any kind of research on that subject. But he is already paying a price. 314


Exactly what it appears to me...These people want to drag us into another dark age.

be not an alarmist, Matt. There are OTHER pressing problems with the USA economy.
Face facts. A personal anecdote-----one of my brothers is an astrophysicist. He is
actually a big shot in the field---(no---no names) He was HORRIFIED because the space program
lost some funding and was writing letters something like yours------to all sorts of other big shots. I do not
remember when this disaster took place-----something like 30 years ago. ------in any case----we all survived
And the orange clown is allowing debate concerning climate change in the EPA? Looks to me as if he is defunding any kind of research on that subject. But he is already paying a price. 314


Exactly what it appears to me...These people want to drag us into another dark age.

be not an alarmist, Matt. There are OTHER pressing problems with the USA economy

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