The March for Science Terrorists.

Yet you title this thread
The March for Science Terrorists.
That is misleading hyperbole. I already got my hand spanked for calling that horse shit, so I won't do it again now, but you are exciting at least as much as the scientist you accuse of causing the incident, this is (....insert anything but horseshit here.......)

It was eco-terrorism when animal rights activists bust up labs and forest harvesting. It was right wing terrorism when abortion clinics get attacked, so I guess it would be climate terrorism when a University lab complex gets 7 focused bullets into one person's office.

I don't LIKE it. As a Civil Libertarian, because it demotes the word terrorism to relatively rare, DOMESTIC inspired events, but it's all gotta stop...

The abortion violence and climate violence was very predictable. BECAUSE it was stoked politically and in the media.

Abortion clinic violence received widespread support, but I haven't seen a bit of support for the incident you described. Have you? You're not even sure of what the motivation for those gunshots were. At this point, it could be nothing more than a divorcing couple, or a drug dealer who happened to be in the building, but you are quick to make up shit to support your unproven accusation.

The event was THAT SAME DAY as a march right past the building. I'd say your "alternate possibilities" are pretty damn slim.. And seven shots into a Senior Faculty office is a "drug deal"? Just admit it and move on.

There WAS inciteful rhetoric at the D.C. rally. And more Political slogans in the crowd than anything about science. Can't allow those reactionary deniers to KILL the PLANET -- can we???

Yet you still can;t say that is the only possible reason. I'll agree it could have been some fringe actor, but you don't know that, and your instigating hyperbolic thread title is way out of line.

Oh -- so a drive-by shooting into a "Climate Denier's" office on the NIGHT OF a protest march against the lab isn't one of the better guesses?

Good think you're not in R&D or detective work.. That's all I can say.. :happy-1:

It's still just a guess, and certainly not worthy of the title on this thread, even if it is as you claim.
It was eco-terrorism when animal rights activists bust up labs and forest harvesting. It was right wing terrorism when abortion clinics get attacked, so I guess it would be climate terrorism when a University lab complex gets 7 focused bullets into one person's office.

I don't LIKE it. As a Civil Libertarian, because it demotes the word terrorism to relatively rare, DOMESTIC inspired events, but it's all gotta stop...

The abortion violence and climate violence was very predictable. BECAUSE it was stoked politically and in the media.

Abortion clinic violence received widespread support, but I haven't seen a bit of support for the incident you described. Have you? You're not even sure of what the motivation for those gunshots were. At this point, it could be nothing more than a divorcing couple, or a drug dealer who happened to be in the building, but you are quick to make up shit to support your unproven accusation.

The event was THAT SAME DAY as a march right past the building. I'd say your "alternate possibilities" are pretty damn slim.. And seven shots into a Senior Faculty office is a "drug deal"? Just admit it and move on.

There WAS inciteful rhetoric at the D.C. rally. And more Political slogans in the crowd than anything about science. Can't allow those reactionary deniers to KILL the PLANET -- can we???

Yet you still can;t say that is the only possible reason. I'll agree it could have been some fringe actor, but you don't know that, and your instigating hyperbolic thread title is way out of line.

Oh -- so a drive-by shooting into a "Climate Denier's" office on the NIGHT OF a protest march against the lab isn't one of the better guesses?

Good think you're not in R&D or detective work.. That's all I can say.. :happy-1:

It's still just a guess, and certainly not worthy of the title on this thread, even if it is as you claim.

Ok but prominent AGW promoters have suggested that we should jail or penalize deniers...
So our rwnj's are not satisfied with labeling scientists as alarmists and communists, now they want to label them terrorists. I think it more likely that was done by some rwnj's to blame the scientists.

You think the morons associated with that "March" are a RWNJ problem. Hell no man --- these yahoos are YOUR PROBLEM -- YOU created them...
I am not a scientist, at least not yet. But it is you RWNJ's that created the present activist attitude in scientists. A few years ago, a poll was taken, and they found that only 6% of scientists were Republican. For obvious reasons. Rejecting reality is not something that scientists do, but is the theme song of the GOP. I think that this movement is going to have a far larger impact than you wingnuts can imagine.


In have no problem with global warming. If there had not one started about 12,000 years ago, the world would still be covered with ice,

I don't live one a coast. So i DON'T give a shit if the sea level rises a couple of inches long after I am dead.
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So our rwnj's are not satisfied with labeling scientists as alarmists and communists, now they want to label them terrorists. I think it more likely that was done by some rwnj's to blame the scientists.

there are plenty of people who can call themselves SCIENTISTS who have political agenda.
Of course----I am confident that NO ONE here in cyberspace would call little old jewish lady
ME-----biased.----------but----I do have educational credentials that define me as "scientist"

But obviously not in spelling, punctuation, vocabulary and literacy.
Yet, it's only those climate scientists that are skeptics that got shot at.
Yes shooting at those who disagree are terrorists. They are leftists. That's whst they do.

This is a war. This is what happens in a war.

So scientific inquiry is now "a war"?? Howdafuck did THAT happen?

The whole GW issue has been misrepresented and severely overhyped. These know-nothings got all wound up by the hysteria and the media frenzy. They couldn't tell you what Dr Roy and Dr John had even said.

THIS is what happens when you politicize science.
What Dr. Roy and Dr. John say;


UAH Global Temperature Update for March, 2017: +0.19 deg. C « Roy Spencer, PhD

Sure as hell looks like global warming to me.

Some where there are expanding polar bear populations shaking their heads.

"Some where there are expanding polar bear populations shaking their heads."


If you don't believe that take a trip to Churchill, Manitoba, Canada.
I don't have those credentials, at least, not yet. However, I have read scientific journals since I discovered them in high school. And, from
Fourier on, all the evidence says that we are the cause of a warming globe due to the emissions from burning fossil fuels.

Nor will you ever. That much is clear. However anyone claiming that RWNJ's are the cause of this attack is simply living in la la land. The facts are very clear that the politicians, and politically motivated scientists have been screaming that "deniers" need to be killed, that they need to be imprisoned. You assholes have just fired the first shots. Get ready for a very long ride that won't end well for you and your fellow terrorists.

That's a pretty broad accusation without any evidence to back it up. There are fringe crazies in every group who might turn to violence, but are you saying that the scientific community condones or encourages violence like the right did for that Bundy group?

No, it isn't. I did not claim anything that is not patently true. There will be an investigation and if the perps this time are not caught the attention that they have now drawn to the argument is going to focus even more critical exposure of the goals of the AGW pushers. Enjoy the ride silly girl. It's now going to get fun.

By your reasoning, every person who doesn't want abortion to be legal is actively encouraging the murder of doctors, and the burning of clinics.

Wrong. Only the loons. Like those who call sceptics "deniers" and wish for them to be killed. Like I said, that is a hallmark of the progressives. Not the RWNJ's. They just want to be left alone. You progressives though, you want to kill anyone who doesn't agree with you.
Yet, it's only those climate scientists that are skeptics that got shot at.
Yes shooting at those who disagree are terrorists. They are leftists. That's whst they do.

This is a war. This is what happens in a war.

So scientific inquiry is now "a war"?? Howdafuck did THAT happen?

The whole GW issue has been misrepresented and severely overhyped. These know-nothings got all wound up by the hysteria and the media frenzy. They couldn't tell you what Dr Roy and Dr John had even said.

THIS is what happens when you politicize science.

Science IS political.

Look at the sources of big money, buying "scientists" to say we should go back to crapping in our own yard.

Big oil, big pharma, bug business.

You don't see Monsanto siding with the bees and it's no accident that the CEO of Exxon is in drumpfs Admin.

Follow the money and that is the fault of the willfully ignorant RWNJs"

Sent from my iPad using

But it SOULDN'T be. That's the point. When science is politicized morons use bad studies to push political solutions. Solutions that ultimately end in mass murder.
I don't have those credentials, at least, not yet. However, I have read scientific journals since I discovered them in high school. And, from
Fourier on, all the evidence says that we are the cause of a warming globe due to the emissions from burning fossil fuels.

Nor will you ever. That much is clear. However anyone claiming that RWNJ's are the cause of this attack is simply living in la la land. The facts are very clear that the politicians, and politically motivated scientists have been screaming that "deniers" need to be killed, that they need to be imprisoned. You assholes have just fired the first shots. Get ready for a very long ride that won't end well for you and your fellow terrorists.

That's a pretty broad accusation without any evidence to back it up. There are fringe crazies in every group who might turn to violence, but are you saying that the scientific community condones or encourages violence like the right did for that Bundy group?

No, it isn't. I did not claim anything that is not patently true. There will be an investigation and if the perps this time are not caught the attention that they have now drawn to the argument is going to focus even more critical exposure of the goals of the AGW pushers. Enjoy the ride silly girl. It's now going to get fun.

By your reasoning, every person who doesn't want abortion to be legal is actively encouraging the murder of doctors, and the burning of clinics.

Wrong. Only the loons. Like those who call sceptics "deniers" and wish for them to be killed. Like I said, that is a hallmark of the progressives. Not the RWNJ's. They just want to be left alone. You progressives though, you want to kill anyone who doesn't agree with you.

So how long do you think I have wanted to kill someone? I wasn't aware of that/
I don't have those credentials, at least, not yet. However, I have read scientific journals since I discovered them in high school. And, from
Fourier on, all the evidence says that we are the cause of a warming globe due to the emissions from burning fossil fuels.

Nor will you ever. That much is clear. However anyone claiming that RWNJ's are the cause of this attack is simply living in la la land. The facts are very clear that the politicians, and politically motivated scientists have been screaming that "deniers" need to be killed, that they need to be imprisoned. You assholes have just fired the first shots. Get ready for a very long ride that won't end well for you and your fellow terrorists.
First, I happen to agree, that the person and accomplices that fired those shots should spend considerable time in the slammer. But it is still something that a RWNJ would do. I haven't seen many scientists threatening people, but on this very board, I have seen innumerable RWNJ's stating how much they would like to shoot 'Liberals'.
So our rwnj's are not satisfied with labeling scientists as alarmists and communists, now they want to label them terrorists. I think it more likely that was done by some rwnj's to blame the scientists.

there are plenty of people who can call themselves SCIENTISTS who have political agenda.
Of course----I am confident that NO ONE here in cyberspace would call little old jewish lady
ME-----biased.----------but----I do have educational credentials that define me as "scientist"

But obviously not in spelling, punctuation, vocabulary and literacy.

how interesting-----my university ASKED me to, PLEASE, attend as an instructor, ---the REMEDIATION room designed to help idiots like you learn to write a cogent sentence in English
Yet, it's only those climate scientists that are skeptics that got shot at.
Yes shooting at those who disagree are terrorists. They are leftists. That's whst they do.

This is a war. This is what happens in a war.

So scientific inquiry is now "a war"?? Howdafuck did THAT happen?

The whole GW issue has been misrepresented and severely overhyped. These know-nothings got all wound up by the hysteria and the media frenzy. They couldn't tell you what Dr Roy and Dr John had even said.

THIS is what happens when you politicize science.

If the building was shot at, obviously, whoever did it needs to be caught and punished, but blaming pro science people as a group is stupid. Sounds like something Alex Jones would do

Or anyone of those morons carrying banners with POLITICAL slogans who wouldn't have a CLUE who the IPCC is or what the current temperature anomaly is..

LYING about GW science -- as the media and politicians have done -- is the INCITEMENT for this violence. That and just a hatred of losing power to a jerk like Trump.. It's simple -- a small MINORITY of that mob march that preceded the shooting are science literate. But they HAVE been incited for about 2 decades now with propaganda and hype.. That's CLEARLY the burden of the Left...
And they are all more intelligent than you. I really don't think that they are into using violence to achieve goals. After all, it has been shown to be counter productive too many times.

What I am seeing is the formation of groups like 314. And that is their right, as it is their right to march and demonstrate their displeasure with the present admin's anti-science attitude.

I don't have those credentials, at least, not yet. However, I have read scientific journals since I discovered them in high school. And, from
Fourier on, all the evidence says that we are the cause of a warming globe due to the emissions from burning fossil fuels.

Nor will you ever. That much is clear. However anyone claiming that RWNJ's are the cause of this attack is simply living in la la land. The facts are very clear that the politicians, and politically motivated scientists have been screaming that "deniers" need to be killed, that they need to be imprisoned. You assholes have just fired the first shots. Get ready for a very long ride that won't end well for you and your fellow terrorists.

That's a pretty broad accusation without any evidence to back it up. There are fringe crazies in every group who might turn to violence, but are you saying that the scientific community condones or encourages violence like the right did for that Bundy group?

Some in the Climate Science community DO seem to excite radicalization of the movement. Like James Hansen with his "coal trains of death" or "Then the oceans boil" comments. MOST don't. They WANT to be left alone to do their work. There's about a dozen "activists in lab coats" that have PURPOSELY been hyping the science and misrepresenting it. The rest are just fine.

But it's not the scientists inciting this. It's POLITICAL leadership, the UN with their global redistribution agendas, and ESPECIALLY the leftist controlled media that have been given cover by the activist scientists and the politicians.
Really? Now why does the phrase "outside agitators' come the mind. LOL
So our rwnj's are not satisfied with labeling scientists as alarmists and communists, now they want to label them terrorists. I think it more likely that was done by some rwnj's to blame the scientists.

there are plenty of people who can call themselves SCIENTISTS who have political agenda.
Of course----I am confident that NO ONE here in cyberspace would call little old jewish lady
ME-----biased.----------but----I do have educational credentials that define me as "scientist"

But obviously not in spelling, punctuation, vocabulary and literacy.

how interesting-----my university ASKED me to, PLEASE, attend as an instructor, ---the REMEDIATION room designed to help idiots like you learn to write a cogent sentence in English

So our rwnj's are not satisfied with labeling scientists as alarmists and communists, now they want to label them terrorists. I think it more likely that was done by some rwnj's to blame the scientists.
In this day and age, that is certainly a solid possibility! :eek:
I don't have those credentials, at least, not yet. However, I have read scientific journals since I discovered them in high school. And, from
Fourier on, all the evidence says that we are the cause of a warming globe due to the emissions from burning fossil fuels.

Nor will you ever. That much is clear. However anyone claiming that RWNJ's are the cause of this attack is simply living in la la land. The facts are very clear that the politicians, and politically motivated scientists have been screaming that "deniers" need to be killed, that they need to be imprisoned. You assholes have just fired the first shots. Get ready for a very long ride that won't end well for you and your fellow terrorists.

That's a pretty broad accusation without any evidence to back it up. There are fringe crazies in every group who might turn to violence, but are you saying that the scientific community condones or encourages violence like the right did for that Bundy group?

No, it isn't. I did not claim anything that is not patently true. There will be an investigation and if the perps this time are not caught the attention that they have now drawn to the argument is going to focus even more critical exposure of the goals of the AGW pushers. Enjoy the ride silly girl. It's now going to get fun.

By your reasoning, every person who doesn't want abortion to be legal is actively encouraging the murder of doctors, and the burning of clinics.

Wrong. Only the loons. Like those who call sceptics "deniers" and wish for them to be killed. Like I said, that is a hallmark of the progressives. Not the RWNJ's. They just want to be left alone. You progressives though, you want to kill anyone who doesn't agree with you.
So our rwnj's are not satisfied with labeling scientists as alarmists and communists, now they want to label them terrorists. I think it more likely that was done by some rwnj's to blame the scientists.

there are plenty of people who can call themselves SCIENTISTS who have political agenda.
Of course----I am confident that NO ONE here in cyberspace would call little old jewish lady
ME-----biased.----------but----I do have educational credentials that define me as "scientist"

But obviously not in spelling, punctuation, vocabulary and literacy.

how interesting-----my university ASKED me to, PLEASE, attend as an instructor, ---the REMEDIATION room designed to help idiots like you learn to write a cogent sentence in English


link to what-----the REMEDIATION PROGRAM in my state university in the 1960s?
Yet, it's only those climate scientists that are skeptics that got shot at.
Yes shooting at those who disagree are terrorists. They are leftists. That's whst they do.

This is a war. This is what happens in a war.

So scientific inquiry is now "a war"?? Howdafuck did THAT happen?

The whole GW issue has been misrepresented and severely overhyped. These know-nothings got all wound up by the hysteria and the media frenzy. They couldn't tell you what Dr Roy and Dr John had even said.

THIS is what happens when you politicize science.
Remember Lysenko?

This is why science and ideology must never mingle and today our scientific establishment is controlled by socialists.
Yes, asshole, I am very cognizant of the crimes committed under Lysenkoism. Millions starved at times, and Soviet agriculture was a disaster.

And it is the admin of the orange clown that is practicing that. The only people saying that GHGs are not warming the atmosphere are corporate whores and fakes like Monkton. There is not one Scientific Society on this planet that claims AGW is not real, not one National Academy of Sciences, and not one major University. In fact, most have policy statements that state AGW is real, and a clear and present danger.

And what do you mean, our scientific establishment is controlled by socialists?
Abortion clinic violence received widespread support, but I haven't seen a bit of support for the incident you described. Have you? You're not even sure of what the motivation for those gunshots were. At this point, it could be nothing more than a divorcing couple, or a drug dealer who happened to be in the building, but you are quick to make up shit to support your unproven accusation.

The event was THAT SAME DAY as a march right past the building. I'd say your "alternate possibilities" are pretty damn slim.. And seven shots into a Senior Faculty office is a "drug deal"? Just admit it and move on.

There WAS inciteful rhetoric at the D.C. rally. And more Political slogans in the crowd than anything about science. Can't allow those reactionary deniers to KILL the PLANET -- can we???

Yet you still can;t say that is the only possible reason. I'll agree it could have been some fringe actor, but you don't know that, and your instigating hyperbolic thread title is way out of line.

Oh -- so a drive-by shooting into a "Climate Denier's" office on the NIGHT OF a protest march against the lab isn't one of the better guesses?

Good think you're not in R&D or detective work.. That's all I can say.. :happy-1:

It's still just a guess, and certainly not worthy of the title on this thread, even if it is as you claim.

Ok but prominent AGW promoters have suggested that we should jail or penalize deniers...
Suggested. And why don't you name those 'prominent' scientists. But a Republican attorney general in Virginia tried to get to prosecute a scientist in Pennsylvania for writing a paper.
So our rwnj's are not satisfied with labeling scientists as alarmists and communists, now they want to label them terrorists. I think it more likely that was done by some rwnj's to blame the scientists.

there are plenty of people who can call themselves SCIENTISTS who have political agenda.
Of course----I am confident that NO ONE here in cyberspace would call little old jewish lady
ME-----biased.----------but----I do have educational credentials that define me as "scientist"

But obviously not in spelling, punctuation, vocabulary and literacy.

how interesting-----my university ASKED me to, PLEASE, attend as an instructor, ---the REMEDIATION room designed to help idiots like you learn to write a cogent sentence in English


link to what-----the REMEDIATION PROGRAM in my state university in the 1960s?

Copy of 'your' university begging you to be an instructor.

I would like to see the name of that university to make sure that I would not make the mistake of sending my kids or grand kids to a school that employs you as an instructor.

And to tell all my friends to act likewise.

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