The Market Will Set You Free

Did you not watch the video

Yeah i did.....

Free market cheerleaders lauding 'the hidden hand' as Smith's remedy for all things economic , using canned stats encompassing the entire human existence for the last millennium.

Any globalists would agree.

And they're hanging hat on a 17th century sheep farmer's macroeconomics , back when this rocks economy had little to nothing compared to the globalists and globalization of today's world

makes as much sense as a chicken with a kickstand, but we're all just slightly to the right of Che Guevara if we point it out


You should get the book now before the left burns it and removes any statues or painting of him from college campus ....he was white after all

We know you rubes and "deep thinkers "have a glorious new and improved western european like 3rd way to go...we've heard

like my last sentence implied, you will resort to this^^^ due to your inability to comprehend a response short of 'cheerleading'

But i'll play non the less, you want a libertopian market that magically cures all it's ills ,to the benefit of any given populace's prosperity

Ok, no more FDA,
i can feed my pigs dynamite , and sell it

No more EPA
choke on my smoke

No more Professional licensure
the landscape guy can do brain surgery

No trade agreements
sorry Trump

No vetting of any kind, no biz bureaucracy ,oversight , regulations , anti trust, anti monopolizing any thing zip zero nada

You're left with 'buyer beware'

A Rush byword...Buyer beware!

I have a feeling you listen to Rush.
It's not real capitalism then

what constitutes 'real'....?

We could debate any economic stance you'd like, any model you'd like, any given iconic economist, any countries particular machination of it all

but you're gonna have to clean it up for any takers

If you dont have rules and regulations how do you enforce or complete contracts

Still capitalism retards

If you give me a 2 million yd order well just a hand shake which is nice ain't gonna cut it
Did you not watch the video

Yeah i did.....

Free market cheerleaders lauding 'the hidden hand' as Smith's remedy for all things economic , using canned stats encompassing the entire human existence for the last millennium.

Any globalists would agree.

And they're hanging hat on a 17th century sheep farmer's macroeconomics , back when this rocks economy had little to nothing compared to the globalists and globalization of today's world

makes as much sense as a chicken with a kickstand, but we're all just slightly to the right of Che Guevara if we point it out


You should get the book now before the left burns it and removes any statues or painting of him from college campus ....he was white after all

We know you rubes and "deep thinkers "have a glorious new and improved western european like 3rd way to go...we've heard

like my last sentence implied, you will resort to this^^^ due to your inability to comprehend a response short of 'cheerleading'

But i'll play non the less, you want a libertopian market that magically cures all it's ills ,to the benefit of any given populace's prosperity

Ok, no more FDA,
i can feed my pigs dynamite , and sell it

No more EPA
choke on my smoke

No more Professional licensure
the landscape guy can do brain surgery

No trade agreements
sorry Trump

No vetting of any kind, no biz bureaucracy ,oversight , regulations , anti trust, anti monopolizing any thing zip zero nada

You're left with 'buyer beware'

A Rush byword...Buyer beware!

I have a feeling you listen to Rush.

Admittedly i have , given enough gin .....

It's not real capitalism then

what constitutes 'real'....?

We could debate any economic stance you'd like, any model you'd like, any given iconic economist, any countries particular machination of it all

but you're gonna have to clean it up for any takers


It's just a joke at left wingers and fake centrist expense and how they believe socialism will solve all our problems ....which you tried to project onto me and white Adam

Send your mother over then for a rim job she can clean me up real nice :113:

And I thought we already covered this
It's the commies that has some explaining to do...just like the presenter in the video stated
I'll say it again you're always going to always have rules and regulations

Much like the free marketeers will always capitulate......~S~
Are you in favor of regulated capitalism?

Yes, but the devil is in the details of that.

Like lenders Rubber Stamping loans?

yes , but far more

if you're up on fractional banking and glass steagal's history juxtaposed to it's near century long legislative influence , it's by far and large more an epiphany to realize how valuation is created not only from thin air, but with increasing levels of risk

Granted, more risk ,more profit.

But failure is the market's problem, not the players involved

So much for self correctivity when Smith's hidden hand is up to it's elbow in our treasury, helping 'correct' itself @ tax payers expense.....

Deplorable Yankee, post: 23997661, member: 71823"

send your mother over then for a rim job she can clean me up real nice :113:

welcome to my ignore list jackass

I'll say it again you're always going to always have rules and regulations

Much like the free marketeers will always capitulate......~S~
Are you in favor of regulated capitalism?

Yes, but the devil is in the details of that.

Like lenders Rubber Stamping loans?

yes , but far more

if you're up on fractional banking and glass steagal's history juxtaposed to it's near century long legislative influence , it's by far and large more an epiphany to realize how valuation is created not only from thin air, but with increasing levels of risk

Granted, more risk ,more profit.

But failure is the market's problem, not the players involved

So much for self correctivity when Smith's hidden hand is up to it's elbow in our treasury, helping 'correct' itself @ tax payers expense.....


The banks lost trillions. They didn't get repaid from the Treasury.
The banks lost trillions

so much for cheerleading free market capitalism then....

They didn't get repaid from the Treasury.


there is a grand misunderstanding of this in today's American economy

fact is, most don't realize the federal reserve is neither federal or a reserve.

So you may choose your fiscal gibberish from the bowels of the net, and further engage in semantical revisionism to fit whatever political stripe desired, while the our bumbling billionaire potus who's ilk are the cause of it continue to cheer it as a 'win'

This is private industry creating valuation , from our treasury, for their gain in a failing economy.....

Quantitative easing is an unconventional monetary policy in which a central bank purchases government securities or other securities from the market in order to increase the money supply and encourage lending and investment.

QE4 was the fourth round of quantitative easing established by the Federal Reserve. ... Through QE4, the Fed bought long-term U.S. Treasury notes using credit it created. The Fed used its Trading Desk at the New York Federal Reserve Bank, buying $85 billion in Treasurys from member banks each month.

Quantitative easing (QE) is an unconventional monetary policy used by central banks to stimulate the national economy when conventional monetary policy has become ineffective. ... Quantitative easing increases the excess reserves of the banks, and raises the prices of the financial assets bought, which lowers their yield


In the process, they dropped the interest rates of their country to zero. Quantitative easing occurs when the central bank purchases government Treasury bonds or other financial securities. ... In 2007, the Fed began quantitative easing to help banks regain their solvency.

The banks lost trillions

so much for cheerleading free market capitalism then....

They didn't get repaid from the Treasury.


there is a grand misunderstanding of this in today's American economy

fact is, most don't realize the federal reserve is neither federal or a reserve.

So you may choose your fiscal gibberish from the bowels of the net, and further engage in semantical revisionism to fit whatever political stripe desired, while the our bumbling billionaire potus who's ilk are the cause of it continue to cheer it as a 'win'

This is private industry creating valuation , from our treasury, for their gain in a failing economy.....

Quantitative easing is an unconventional monetary policy in which a central bank purchases government securities or other securities from the market in order to increase the money supply and encourage lending and investment.

QE4 was the fourth round of quantitative easing established by the Federal Reserve. ... Through QE4, the Fed bought long-term U.S. Treasury notes using credit it created. The Fed used its Trading Desk at the New York Federal Reserve Bank, buying $85 billion in Treasurys from member banks each month.

Quantitative easing (QE) is an unconventional monetary policy used by central banks to stimulate the national economy when conventional monetary policy has become ineffective. ... Quantitative easing increases the excess reserves of the banks, and raises the prices of the financial assets bought, which lowers their yield


In the process, they dropped the interest rates of their country to zero. Quantitative easing occurs when the central bank purchases government Treasury bonds or other financial securities. ... In 2007, the Fed began quantitative easing to help banks regain their solvency.


so much for cheerleading free market capitalism then....

Please explain further.

fact is, most don't realize the federal reserve is neither federal or a reserve.

Okay. DURR.

This is private industry creating valuation , from our treasury, for their gain in a failing economy.....

If you're complaining about short term loans from the Fed in 2008-2009, those were long ago repaid.
And they didn't come from our Treasury.

In 2007, the Fed began quantitative easing to help banks regain their solvency.



In 2007, the Fed dropped the Fed Funds rate from 5.25% to 4.5%.
That's easing, that's not quantitative easing.
Regulated Capitalism works when out borders are not inundated with trespassers or business visas.

Regulated Capitalism works when out borders are not inundated with trespassers or business visas.

Probably one of the easiest national issues to solve
Illegal immigration

But the destructive uniparty is hell bent on doing whatever it wants ...voters and taxpayers be damned
Trump was so screwed he really had no other choice but to put the screws to Mexico
Which has been somewhat successful
For starters you could easily fine companies for hiring illegals , cut benefits and medical services right off .
I'd bet money illegals would start self deporting
Socialism does not work; neither does unfettered capitalism.

Ya think...point
You're always going to have rules and regulations
And protectionism and what not

When it comes to our nation shouldnt those rules and regulations be sensible and shouldnt they put the American population/workers /tax payers and our nation first before everyone else

Tramp inherited a momentum on the stock market.

They say about the top 10% own 80% of stocks , the rest are in 401K, Roth and traditional Iras.

Half of the tax payers in the US do not own any stock.

Tramp with all his cuts was able to maintain the momentum and increase it. What goes up fast comes down just as fast.

The turtle wins the race not the hare.
He put me on ignore and ran over to my profile page and left a fuck you
Cause I struck a nerve

The only people who dont know the fed is a private institution are leftist.....with college educations lol

If you believe that it's not capitalism because you dont ridgedly follow wealth of nations word for word you're retarded

If you also automatically apply that capitalist pigs dont realize it's not 1776 anymore you're extra specially retarded and disingenuous
Regulated Capitalism works when out borders are not inundated with trespassers or business visas.

Regulated Capitalism works when out borders are not inundated with trespassers or business visas.

Probably one of the easiest national issues to solve
Illegal immigration

But the destructive uniparty is hell bent on doing whatever it wants ...voters and taxpayers be damned
Trump was so screwed he really had no other choice but to put the screws to Mexico
Which has been somewhat successful
For starters you could easily fine companies for hiring illegals , cut benefits and medical services right off .
I'd bet money illegals would start self deporting
Socialism does not work; neither does unfettered capitalism.

Ya think...point
You're always going to have rules and regulations
And protectionism and what not

When it comes to our nation shouldnt those rules and regulations be sensible and shouldnt they put the American population/workers /tax payers and our nation first before everyone else

Tramp inherited a momentum on the stock market.

They say about the top 10% own 80% of stocks , the rest are in 401K, Roth and traditional Iras.

Half of the tax payers in the US do not own any stock.

Tramp with all his cuts was able to maintain the momentum and increase it. What goes up fast comes down just as fast.

The turtle wins the race not the hare.

Sweetie sugar pie they can deny it all they want
Main street and wall st have always been connected at the hip
With the internet millions more were able to much more easily invest by themselves .
He put me on ignore and ran over to my profile page and left a fuck you
Cause I struck a nerve

The only people who dont know the fed is a private institution are leftist.....with college educations lol

If you believe that it's not capitalism because you dont ridgedly follow wealth of nations word for word you're retarded

If you also automatically apply that capitalist pigs dont realize it's not 1776 anymore you're extra specially retarded and disingenuous

The only people who dont know the fed is a private institution are leftist.

I'm a right-winger and I'll happily tell you the Fed is part of the federal government.

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