The math doesn't support more then 1.5-2c of warming


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
I don't think there's a chance in hell that we warm above 1.5c-2c by 2100. .9c is about as much warmer as we have had since 1880...I seriously doubt we do better then 120% of it in 85 years.

We'd have to warm .235c per decade to reach 2c and .35c/decade to reach 3c....This decade isn't going to warm more then .1 to .12c so it will need to warm even faster then that later on to make up for it.

We can agree that global warming is happening and not believe that the extreme 3+ of warming is likely.
What's your prediction for SLR under your new clawed back scenario?
MSM talk has now shifted to a coming "Mini Ice Age".

So if you missed out being conned the first time...
If the left would cease with all the hot air about "global warming", we'd all be wearing mukluks and sealskin parkas by now.
Climate sensitivity to CO2 is zero degrees....or less. Look to something else for the reason behind warming or cooling. It ain't a whiff of a trace gas in the atmosphere.
Seeing how close to shore most of the population of humanity lives...I'd think that this discussion was kind of important.
You do know that Sea level calculations have been added to by 2mm per year to meet IPCC predictions. IN reality land we have had less than 1.4 mm per year, not over 3mm as has been touted. there are a lot of concerns about many made up fear-mongering numbers of the IPCC and EPA.

When Gore and the Clinton bought their mansions just a foot or two above sea level they didn't seam to be concerned either. their actions tell us this is a lie/hoax.
AGW cult math has never really existed outside the AGW bubble..

In real math (which hard to do when the real numbers are hidden), predicts at most .4 C above now in 2100.

That is using real math, not AGW cult math..
SeaLRise is an interesting bet. Because another 1degC probably would kick in some acceleration.

Also depends on WHICH measurement is correct. The old tide gauge network -- or the satellite readings. They both show a linear rise, but disagree by 1mm/yr or more.. And this still is not resolved. But I've seen papers suggesting that salinity content may account for 25% of the rise. Thermal expansion already accounts for another 25% or more. Don't know how so much land-based ice can be melting and the salinity is increasing. But that's what these PHuDs say.. Forgot -- I don't do ice...
So precisely who says salinity is increasing?

And satellites vs. gauges. Gauges show more sea level rise.

Sea Level Climate Change US EPA

Why isn't Frank in this thread. It's the thread of his dreams. It's got a number.

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