The Media Considers A Second Trump Term To Be A Threat.....Forget About Objectivity Folks....They Want To Use Fear To Steal Another Election

The VP seems to think that they need to put back in place the protections preventing people from stopping them from killing babies and using their bodies for their sick rituals and for their sick experiments.

Notice how they shifted from the weather to abortion.

Well, that's pretty much all they have.

They support massive crime and the murder of the unborn......never mentioning that the same protections they had before Roe v Wade are still in place. Abortion is still legal. Nobody has been prevented from having one.

Here's the real threat to America:

Oh NO!!!!!! :eek:

Not another Trump presidency!:eek:

We must do everything we can to prevent another Trump presidency.....even if it means breaking the law.:oops-28:

We are amazed you would run a criminal,, again. If you would do that, then we need to prosecute him for his crimes. And if he can still run after that, it's the voters decision.

BUT, if MI can use something that's in their constitution to keep Trump off our ballot, of course we will consider that option.

Don't forget Trump is probably involved in the failed plot to kidnap my governor Gretchen Whitmer. Same as Trump is responsible for the guy who attacked Paul Pelosi. We are dealing with NAZI's. They've successfully convinced poor dumb whites that we are under attack. It's a joke but that nationalistic bulls hit really works.
The VP seems to think that they need to put back in place the protections preventing people from stopping them from killing babies and using their bodies for their sick rituals and for their sick experiments.

Notice how they shifted from the weather to abortion.

Well, that's pretty much all they have.

They support massive crime and the murder of the unborn......never mentioning that the same protects they had before Roe v Wade are still in place. Abortion is still legal. Nobody has been prevented from having one.

Here's the real threat to America:

I love Stem Cell Research. Experimenting on fetus'. We'll learn a lot more this way than we will experimenting on rats and mice.
Oh NO!!!!!! :eek:

Not another Trump presidency!:eek:

We must do everything we can to prevent another Trump presidency.....even if it means breaking the law.:oops-28:

The only thing the DemoFascists care about is their power. That is what they mean by "threat". Trump is the number one threat to their power. That is why they have turned all the guns on him and never stop firing.
We are amazed you would run a criminal,, again. If you would do that, then we need to prosecute him for his crimes. And if he can still run after that, it's the voters decision.

BUT, if MI can use something that's in their constitution to keep Trump off our ballot, of course we will consider that option.

Don't forget Trump is probably involved in the failed plot to kidnap my governor Gretchen Whitmer. Same as Trump is responsible for the guy who attacked Paul Pelosi. We are dealing with NAZI's. They've successfully convinced poor dumb whites that we are under attack. It's a joke but that nationalistic bulls hit really works.
You forgot sunspots. TRUMP!'s responsible for those too.
We are amazed you would run a criminal,, again. If you would do that, then we need to prosecute him for his crimes. And if he can still run after that, it's the voters decision.

BUT, if MI can use something that's in their constitution to keep Trump off our ballot, of course we will consider that option.

Don't forget Trump is probably involved in the failed plot to kidnap my governor Gretchen Whitmer. Same as Trump is responsible for the guy who attacked Paul Pelosi. We are dealing with NAZI's. They've successfully convinced poor dumb whites that we are under attack. It's a joke but that nationalistic bulls hit really works.
Has any aspect of America gotten better for the American people since Biden took office? If so, tell us.
The VP seems to think that they need to put back in place the protections preventing people from stopping them from killing babies and using their bodies for their sick rituals and for their sick experiments.

Notice how they shifted from the weather to abortion.

Well, that's pretty much all they have.

They support massive crime and the murder of the unborn......never mentioning that the same protections they had before Roe v Wade are still in place. Abortion is still legal. Nobody has been prevented from having one.

Here's the real threat to America:

They can't run on a good economy because too many people are seeing their paychecks get them less and less. They can't run on peace because Putin is being aggressive, and Quid Pro is not even trying to end the conflict. They can't run on health, because they've already staked out their position of fear, fear, fear, the disease is gonna getcha. All they have left is fear and abortion.
I love Stem Cell Research. Experimenting on fetus'. We'll learn a lot more this way than we will experimenting on rats and mice.
Please explain what benefit has been derived from these experiments.

Do you think it's okay for abortion clinics to sell aborted fetuses for Satanic Rituals?

Do you think it's okay for an abortion clinic director to be able to buy a Lamborgini with the money they get for these sales?
One of them admitted on camera to doing this.
We are amazed you would run a criminal,, again. If you would do that, then we need to prosecute him for his crimes. And if he can still run after that, it's the voters decision.

BUT, if MI can use something that's in their constitution to keep Trump off our ballot, of course we will consider that option.

Don't forget Trump is probably involved in the failed plot to kidnap my governor Gretchen Whitmer. Same as Trump is responsible for the guy who attacked Paul Pelosi. We are dealing with NAZI's. They've successfully convinced poor dumb whites that we are under attack. It's a joke but that nationalistic bulls hit really works.
Jesus.....Trump sure gets around.

Bet you think he's the Boogieman.

You really need to do your research.
The CIA planned that ridiculous kidnapping plot.
Who would want to kidnap that stupid bitch in the first place?
If anything, they'd want to assassinate her, not kidnap her and hold her for ransom.
Her state hates her lying ass.
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We are amazed you would run a criminal,, again. If you would do that, then we need to prosecute him for his crimes. And if he can still run after that, it's the voters decision.

BUT, if MI can use something that's in their constitution to keep Trump off our ballot, of course we will consider that option.

Don't forget Trump is probably involved in the failed plot to kidnap my governor Gretchen Whitmer. Same as Trump is responsible for the guy who attacked Paul Pelosi. We are dealing with NAZI's. They've successfully convinced poor dumb whites that we are under attack. It's a joke but that nationalistic bulls hit really works.
Please explain what benefit has been derived from these experiments.

Do you think it's okay for abortion clinics to sell aborted fetuses for Satanic Rituals?

Do you think it's okay for an abortion clinic director to be able to buy a Lamborgini with the money they get for these sales?
One of them admitted on camera to doing this.
And for an unborn baby to be worth experimenting on, he/she would have to be fairly well advanced, certainly NOT a "clump of cells", and they try to make you believe.
When any subject becomes too uncomfortable, the lefty trolls try to change the subject. Don't feed them.
Oh NO!!!!!! :eek:

Not another Trump presidency!:eek:

We must do everything we can to prevent another Trump presidency.....even if it means breaking the law.:oops-28:

Trump is the only thing they have to frighten Democrat voters. They don't have COVID this time, they're oblivious to the threat of nuclear wear with Russia, they don't have abortion or "women's health" to run on, they know Biden's economic policies have been a disaster, and there are no country-wide riots to get their blood boiling.

The boogieman of Trump is all they have to scare people. If you don't believe me, just look at sealybobo's response above...

"... criminal...need to prosecute him for his crime...keep Trump off our ballot...failed plot to kidnap my governor Gretchen Whitmer...Trump is responsible for the guy who attacked Paul Pelosi....We are dealing with NAZI's...poor dumb whites... under attack...nationalistic bulls hit...

I can literally smell his fear and fearmongering from here.
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We are amazed you would run a criminal,, again. If you would do that, then we need to prosecute him for his crimes. And if he can still run after that, it's the voters decision.

BUT, if MI can use something that's in their constitution to keep Trump off our ballot, of course we will consider that option.

Don't forget Trump is probably involved in the failed plot to kidnap my governor Gretchen Whitmer. Same as Trump is responsible for the guy who attacked Paul Pelosi. We are dealing with NAZI's. They've successfully convinced poor dumb whites that we are under attack. It's a joke but that nationalistic bulls hit really works.
Talk about conspiracy theories. The FBI entrapped the people that are charged. The trial is another fascist plot that does nothing but undermine our trust in anything our corrupt FBI does. In fact the FBI will never be trusted again until they are purged of political lap dogs.
Trump is the only thing they have to frighten Democrat voters. They don't have COVID this time, they're oblivious to the threat of nuclear wear with Russia, they don't have abortion or "women's health" to run on, they know Biden's economic policies have been a disaster, and there are no country-wide riots to get their blood boiling.

The boogieman of Trump is all they have to scare people.
For now. They'll come up with something for everybody to be afraid of if they dare to elect Republicans. Dogs and cats living together, maybe.

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