The Media Considers A Second Trump Term To Be A Threat.....Forget About Objectivity Folks....They Want To Use Fear To Steal Another Election

Are you kidding? McCarthy is under great pressure to impeach Biden but he knows that will cost Republicans if he tries it. He's a coward. RINO. Just like Lindsay Graham. Who tried to help Trump steal the election.

Huh. Even RINO's tried to rig the election and help Trump.
Trump isn't a Republican.
He's like Bernie Sanders who is an independent communist. He only runs in one of the parties that is closest to his ideology.
Maybe him inspiring these guys gave him the idea for January 6th.

The funny thing is he was mocking her, downplaying the severity of the crime and he was suggesting that it was HIS FBI that helped her out. Well isn't that interesting? He admitted he was in charge of the FBI back then. How did he lose control?
If Jan 6th was a real insurrection there would have been armed attackers, bloodshed by the bushel, and a burning Capital building. The body count of a real insurrection would have been a large part of congress going under the knife.
Most do not believe trump will win except Maga supporters.

Among non MAGA republicans he has little support.

IF he makes it to the top then they will stay home and without a strong showing by all republicans he will lose again

The survey of more than 1,300 adults also found that despite the love for him among Republicans, Trump remains highly disliked, continues to struggle mightily with independents — and 6 in 10 Americans don't want him to be president again.

Trump is correct that among his supporters he has very high support. In fact, every poll shows that voters with MAGA beliefs support the former president over 90 percent. It's the non-MAGA supporters that Trump doesn't appear to have been told about. Even the perception of MAGA isn't doing well.

Biden's - strategy go after the non supporting republicans well all he has to do is make them stay home. and don't vote.

There is a small group that dislike both men and they will probably stay home.

without a strong republican turn out , Trump has no chance.

Last week Trump supporters showed a poll that Trump leads among independents. I don't buy it but that's what a recent poll showed.

I don't care what polls say. No way Trump wins MI and he needs MI. Now he has to win 4 other swing states he lost because we're all sick of him..
Trump isn't a Republican.
He's like Bernie Sanders who is an independent communist. He only runs in one of the parties that is closest to his ideology.

So is Trump an "extreme" capitalist? I don't like those people either. Trickle down. No regulations. Corporations pay no taxes. Deny global warming exists because they want to maximize profits. Send jobs overseas for the cheap labor. Turn a blind eye to illegal employers. Anti union

Dude, you know Trump is an illegal employer right?

You've been so duped. He doesn't even pay his fair share of taxes. I'm not talking about loopholes. I'm talking about illegally evading taxes. Google it. His corporation was found guilty and like every other case, someone else takes the fall for Trump. On the tax evasion it was his CFO. On the campaign finance laws he broke Michael Cohen goes to jail for him.

Not this time.

Sorry but Trump appointed two FLAMING Republicans to the Supreme Court. So it's a joke to tell us he isn't one.

Dude, Lindsay Graham king of the RINO's tried to help him rig the election. There are good rino's. (Mitt Romney, Mike Pence, Nikki Haley and Liz Chaney) then there's bad RINOS like Lindsay.

You call anyone who doesn't go along with Trump a RINO. Now you say Trump isn't a real Republican. make up your mind.
If Jan 6th was a real insurrection there would have been armed attackers, bloodshed by the bushel, and a burning Capital building. The body count of a real insurrection would have been a large part of congress going under the knife.
That's simply not true. That wasn't the tactic they wanted to use. They wanted to stop the certification of the vote. They got as violent as they wanted. Actually, it went too far when that girl got shot.

Trump didn't know they were going to shit on nancy's desk or that they were going to chant hang mike pence. He didn't know exactly how it was going to go down. All he knew is he wanted to start a riot that would stop the count or certifying Biden's electoral votes. Pence didn't go along so it didn't work.

And many were armed. We don't know how many were armed. And many of the armed organizers never went in. The coordinated from the outside.

And remember, it wasn't an insurrection. Doesn't mean it wasn't illegal.
Maybe him inspiring these guys gave him the idea for January 6th.

The funny thing is he was mocking her, downplaying the severity of the crime and he was suggesting that it was HIS FBI that helped her out. Well isn't that interesting? He admitted he was in charge of the FBI back then. How did he lose control?
That's a question for the inquest. When ARE we holding the FBI leadership to account, anyway? I didn't get the memo.
If Jan 6th was a real insurrection there would have been armed attackers, bloodshed by the bushel, and a burning Capital building. The body count of a real insurrection would have been a large part of congress going under the knife.
the plan was to get Pence off the capitol property so Trump could declare martial law, but Pence just hid in the capitol instead of leaving.
Are you kidding? McCarthy is under great pressure to impeach Biden but he knows that will cost Republicans if he tries it. He's a coward. RINO. Just like Lindsay Graham. Who tried to help Trump steal the election.

Huh. Even RINO's tried to rig the election and help Trump.

Which has what to do with the subject? McCarthy is swamp. He has ALWAYS been swamp.

He is protecting the SWAMP.

the plan was to get Pence off the capitol property so Trump could declare martial law, but Pence just hid in the capitol instead of leaving.

And let's remember that it wasn't a insurrection.

NEW YORK (AP) — Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Friday downplayed the deadly Jan. 6, 2021, attack at the U.S. Capitol, saying it was not an insurrection but rather a “protest” that “ended up devolving, you know, in a way that was unfortunate, of course.”

DeSantis, speaking in an interview said the idea that Jan. 6 “was a plan to somehow overthrow the government of the United States is not true, and it’s something that the media had spun up.”

The violent attack by a mob of supporters loyal to then-President Donald Trump was fueled by lies that the 2020 election was stolen. Rioters stormed the building in an attempt to stop Congress from certifying Joe Biden’s election victory, breaking windows, fighting police officers and forcing lawmakers and former Vice President Mike Pence to flee for their lives. Nine deaths were linked to the attack, including four officers who later died by suicide.
We have to wait for yours to end first.

I can't wait to see a court charge Democrats for nothing. And to see the indictments/charges.

It will be hillarious. It certainly won't look like this

Four criminal indictments against Donald Trump, former president of the United States, were filed in 2023. Two indictments are on state charges (one in New York and one in Georgia) and two indictments (as well as one superseding indictment) are on federal charges. These indictments amount to a total of 91 felony counts.

Yea dummy. We made all 91 counts up. If that were true, you'd easily win next year. But you know no one is buying your spin. You'll see. Next year November.
We have to wait for yours to end first.
Breaking news. One of Hunter's business' sold something to China 1 time back when Biden was VP. Hunter called Joe that night to say hello. GUILTY!!!

Meanwhile, Trump has broken this law 500 times. Should we add that to the charges?
I can't wait to see a court charge Democrats for nothing. And to see the indictments/charges.

It will be hillarious. It certainly won't look like this

Four criminal indictments against Donald Trump, former president of the United States, were filed in 2023. Two indictments are on state charges (one in New York and one in Georgia) and two indictments (as well as one superseding indictment) are on federal charges. These indictments amount to a total of 91 felony counts.

Yea dummy. We made all 91 counts up. If that were true, you'd easily win next year. But you know no one is buying your spin. You'll see. Next year November.

Sure thing, skippy. We have verified crimes committed by dems, and you fascists ignore all of them.
And let's remember that it wasn't a insurrection.

NEW YORK (AP) — Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Friday downplayed the deadly Jan. 6, 2021, attack at the U.S. Capitol, saying it was not an insurrection but rather a “protest” that “ended up devolving, you know, in a way that was unfortunate, of course.”

DeSantis, speaking in an interview said the idea that Jan. 6 “was a plan to somehow overthrow the government of the United States is not true, and it’s something that the media had spun up.”

The violent attack by a mob of supporters loyal to then-President Donald Trump was fueled by lies that the 2020 election was stolen. Rioters stormed the building in an attempt to stop Congress from certifying Joe Biden’s election victory, breaking windows, fighting police officers and forcing lawmakers and former Vice President Mike Pence to flee for their lives. Nine deaths were linked to the attack, including four officers who later died by suicide.
We had violent attacks on the Senate while they were confirming Justice Kavanaugh, attempts to stop or disrupt their work. Where were wails then about trying to "overthrow the government"?
Sure thing, skippy. We have verified crimes committed by dems, and you fascists ignore all of them.
Give me a break. I love how you want to lock us up for minor crimes and you won't even admit it after your leader has been fucking formally charged 4 times with 100's of indictments.

Remember the argument "maybe we shouldn't impeach Trump because it will look like we are picking on him". HA! We decided to impeach him anyways and he lost because he's a fucking criminal.

Now you want to run him again, so we have to charge him with all these crimes. We would have been nice if he would have just went away but he's leaving us no choice.

Worst president ever. most infamous. If Al Capone and Hilter had a chid. Or if Lex Luthor had a brother. And you love him. Doesn't surprise me though. You liked Dick Chaney and GW too
Give me a break. I love how you want to lock us up for minor crimes and you won't even admit it after your leader has been fucking formally charged 4 times with 100's of indictments.

Remember the argument "maybe we shouldn't impeach Trump because it will look like we are picking on him". HA! We decided to impeach him anyways and he lost because he's a fucking criminal.

Now you want to run him again, so we have to charge him with all these crimes. We would have been nice if he would have just went away but he's leaving us no choice.

Worst president ever. most infamous. If Al Capone and Hilter had a chid. Or if Lex Luthor had a brother. And you love him. Doesn't surprise me though. You liked Dick Chaney and GW too

You want to lock up for NO crimes.

Go fuck yourself, fascist swine.
Go ahead and defend all 4 indictments and the 100 counts. It’s impossible

No, it is impossible to justify them you fucking retard.

The prosecutors are literally throwing shit at the wall praying something sticks

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