The Media Considers A Second Trump Term To Be A Threat.....Forget About Objectivity Folks....They Want To Use Fear To Steal Another Election

We are amazed you would run a criminal,, again. If you would do that, then we need to prosecute him for his crimes. And if he can still run after that, it's the voters decision.

BUT, if MI can use something that's in their constitution to keep Trump off our ballot, of course we will consider that option.

Don't forget Trump is probably involved in the failed plot to kidnap my governor Gretchen Whitmer. Same as Trump is responsible for the guy who attacked Paul Pelosi. We are dealing with NAZI's. They've successfully convinced poor dumb whites that we are under attack. It's a joke but that nationalistic bulls hit really works.
Tho liberal! You suck, Silly Boo Boo.

You're a Nazi retard.
No, it is impossible to justify them you fucking retard.

The prosecutors are literally throwing shit at the wall praying something sticks
That’s how many crimes he has committed. You’ll see. Fortunately this doesn’t have to b speculation it’ll come out in court. Your a Nazi lawyer.
Its Interesting how the system worked when he won in 2016, but is rigged when he lost.

Care to explain?
Its Interesting how the system worked when he won in 2016, but is rigged when he lost.

Care to explain?
It’s crazy that trump, Rudy,Sidney Powell, proud boys and Roger stone clearly broke at least 4 crimes. More possibly coming. Mountains of evidence.

But trump is OJ Simpson. Even oj knew he could no longer get acting gigs or b on tv. Trump wants to go back to before he was a private criminal who’s been caught breaking all kinds of laws
Last week Trump supporters showed a poll that Trump leads among independents. I don't buy it but that's what a recent poll showed.

I don't care what polls say. No way Trump wins MI and he needs MI. Now he has to win 4 other swing states he lost because we're all sick of him..
Well sometimes you do have to look at the source. Also how many people were sampled. Polls are usually just sampling a small pool of people. So yeah I really do not like polls. I prefer statistics of previous elections.



99% counted

Against Clinton he had only 46.1% of the vote. As president he improved that number by .7% in 4 years.

I really can see him breaking out of the 46% number of votes with all the negativity surrounding the upcoming election.

That is why Trump is trying to get more of the black vote. Yet he still has the same problem with Hispanic vote, Asian vote and other minorities. . He has to syphon off these vote from the democrats.
That’s how many crimes he has committed. You’ll see. Fortunately this doesn’t have to b speculation it’ll come out in court. Your a Nazi lawyer.

He has committed no crimes. We KNOW this to be true.

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