The Media Intifata

You really need to use the quote function
otherwise people may think them is your words
plagiarism is not an issue with her...

Although it would limit you severely, you should try to stick to words you understand.

Clearly, 'plagiarism' isn't one of them.

Seems 'honesty' isn't either.

Although it would limit you severely, you should try to stick to words you understand.

Clearly, 'plagiarism' isn't one of them.

Seems 'honesty' isn't either
German Foreign Minister meets with German funded NGOs that slander the Jewish State.
July 17, 2017

Joseph Puder


Nazi Germany murdered Six million Jews and a majority of German Jews. Angela Merkel’s Germany has now imported over a million Muslim immigrants, most of them harboring anti-Semitic prejudice they absorbed from their families, governments, mosques and school systems. These immigrants seek to make Germany and Europe part of the Islamic domain. Many of these political and economic migrants carry the anti-Semitic virus and Jihadist sympathies, if not outright terrorist inclinations. The influence of about 6 million Muslims in Germany contribute to what Professor Manfred Gerstenfeld described as “Tens of millions of contemporary Germans demonize Israel.”

The Nazi propaganda media characterized the Jews as an inferior race. In today’s Germany the media similarly demonizes the Jewish state, portraying Israelis as Nazis in its alleged treatment of the Palestinian-Arabs. It appears as though the moratorium over Germany guilt and shame over its role in carrying out the Holocaust is over. German politicians and media have adopted aggressive and offensive anti-Israel positions as a strategy to assuage their guilt over the greatest crime in memorable history. They do it by using perverted moral equivalency.

The moral equivalence German politicians and media often use is equating German Nazis murder of innocent Jewish civilians including 1.5 million Jewish children, throughout Europe, with Palestinian-Arab “victims,” who imbibed their murderous Jew hatred from Nazi Germany’s anti-Semitic propaganda, and whose champion was Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Mufti of Jerusalem, Hitler’s friend and ally. It is especially outrageous when such moral equivalence comes from Germans. Moreover, Yasser Arafat, the leader of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) and renowned murderous terrorist, was trained by Hitler’s favorite Nazi commander, Otto Skorzeny, the Austrian born SS-Obersturmbannfurer (Major) in the Waffen-SS. Skorzeny was also the conceiver of “werewolf warfare,” roving bands of guerilla fighters sporadically attacking different priority targets and then disappearing into the background. He was the grandfather to today’s Palestinian-Arabs, Al Qaida, and ISIS terrorist cells and tactics.


German Politicians and Media Demonize Israel

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