The media propaganda surrounding Tim Walz is instructive


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Here is yet another hit piece against the GOP, only, it is a hit piece that is defending one Tim Walz.

It begins by pointing out the untruths spoken of by Tim Walz. Sure, he MISPOKE about being in Tianamen Square in China when it happened. I mean, who could ever remember if they were at such a historic breaking event in human history. Anyone could forget that, right? Then they admit he MISPOKE about serving in the armed forces at war time. But the same could be said for misspeaking about this. Who would properly remember whether they were being shot at as they saw people dying all around them? I know I would forget about that the next day, how about you? Then they admit he MISPOKE about his wife using in vitro fertilization (IVF) to conceive their children. I guess this is the most believable. Just say that his wife got him drunk and can't remember how she got that sperm from him. About half of American men across the nation could probably even relate to that MISSPEAKING.

Then they switch gears and lay into the deliberate LIES of the GOP. Here is what they write

Let’s be clear: There is absolutely no equivalence between Walz’s small-scale false statements and Donald Trump, JD Vance and their allies’ gigantic fascistic fabrications about issues such as election results and the dietary habits of immigrants in Ohio. But “not Donald Trump” is not an acceptable standard for any politician. Walz ought to get his story straight and speak clearly to the American people. This is all the more important because embellishment about his personal life seems to be something of a habit for him. That the Republican presidential ticket is made up of agents of mass deception does not relieve Walz of his burden to speak honestly — it only makes it more significant.

Is it even possible for democrats to lie? No, apparently they just mispeak. And is it a lie to bring up the fact that the citizens of Springfield said they saw Haitians eating wildlife? Would that not be the citizens lying and not Trump, or are our political leaders expected to judge them liars as they simply dismiss the story as fabrication because they did not take any pictures of the event? And is it a lie to say you think the election results were fabricated when you don't have proof? If so, then democrats are all liars for saying Putin got Trump elected in 2016, as Hillary and company called Trump illegitimate.

The kicker was the very end when the article states that the American people simply love Tim and hate JD.

Walz has strikingly high favorability with the American public so far, in no small part because his persona is that of the genuine, salt-of-the-earth kind of politician. But if he keeps up with these embellishments he will squander what may be his most valuable asset.

Is this a lie? I do think that the majority of the public has their views shaped by the Left-wing media with stories such as this. I say this because I've met people who absolutely hate JD Vance, probably more than Trump himself or anyone else on the planet, yet when questioned, they know next to nothing about JD when I ask them questions about him. Inevitably, they simply cite he is against abortion, and then go off on a rant about how JD has sold his soul to MAGA. That is the extent of their hatred, which I can see in their facial expression. It is a genuine hatred. Meanwhile, Tim can lie about removing any restrictions regarding abortion in his own state, including partial birth abortion, and the media says nothing about it.

Just tired of this clown show.
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Why does no one ever ask Tim what his preoccupation with China is? Why do democrats, like Bernie who spent his honeymoon in Moscow, have such an obsession with spending time in communist countries?

What really troubled me was his comment on learning a lot about government governing the populace after Tiananmen Square. Did he learn that using tanks to squash any more public dissent, like on January 6th, is preferable?

Again, no one ever asks him these questions.
Why does no one ever ask Tim what his preoccupation with China is? Why do democrats, like Bernie who spent his honeymoon in Moscow, have such an obsession with spending time in communist countries?

What really troubled me was his comment on learning a lot about government governing the populace after Tiananmen Square. Did he learn that using tanks to squash any more public dissent, like on January 6th, is preferable?

Again, no one ever asks him these questions.
Tim seems like a cool dude. Why are you trying so hard to demean him? You can disagree with a persons politics and still be friends. They aren't automatically the enemy.

Politicians traveling to other countries is not a mysterious thing... What do you want explained to you? People travel all the time. People interested in history and politics and cultures and societies even more so.
Tim seems like a cool dude. Why are you trying so hard to demean him? You can disagree with a persons politics and still be friends. They aren't automatically the enemy.

Politicians traveling to other countries is not a mysterious thing... What do you want explained to you? People travel all the time. People interested in history and politics and cultures and societies even more so.
He seems like a cool dude to you?

That is your retort?

I guess when asked during the debate while he lied about being in Tiananmen Square, you liked the part where he said, "I used to ride my bicycle in town with my middle-class peeps, and I'm proud of my service.

The fact the moderator, who was on his side, had to ask him a second time to answer the question because he did not answer it the first time, was Tim just being down to earth once again.

Was the fact he called himself a knucklehead endearing to you as well?

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Anybody else notice the timing of the dimocrap scum goobermint coming out with the latest BULLSHIT Job numbers??

After Walz' disastrous debate and the aftermath of Helene, the Politburo in DC sez we have wunderbar job numbers. Right. Sure. Betcha.

And the usual idiots will suck it up like it's mothers milk.....

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics on Wednesday revised down its estimate of total employment in March 2024 by 818,000, the largest such downgrade in 15 years. That effectively means there were 818,000 fewer job gains than first believed from April 2023 through March 2024.

Jobs report revision: US added 818,000 fewer jobs than believed - …

Anybody else notice the timing of the dimocrap scum goobermint coming out with the latest BULLSHIT Job numbers??

After Walz' disastrous debate and the aftermath of Helene, the Politburo in DC sez we have wunderbar job numbers. Right. Sure. Betcha.

And the usual idiots will suck it up like it's mothers milk.....

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics on Wednesday revised down its estimate of total employment in March 2024 by 818,000, the largest such downgrade in 15 years. That effectively means there were 818,000 fewer job gains than first believed from April 2023 through March 2024.

Jobs report revision: US added 818,000 fewer jobs than believed - …

Those numbers will probably be corrected downward with no fanfare later.
He seems like a cool dude to you?

That is your retort?

I guess when asked during the debate while he lied about being in Tiananmen Square, you liked the part where he said, "I used to ride my bicycle in town with my middle-class peeps, and I'm proud of my service.

The fact the moderator, who was on his side, had to ask him a second time to answer the question because he did not answer it the first time, was Tim just being down to earth once again.

Was the fact he called himself a knucklehead endearing to you as well?

Yes, he seems like a cool dude to me. And yes calling himself a knucklehead and owning up to his mistakes is respectable.

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