The Media’s COVID Origin Coverup Campaign Has Begun


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
The Media’s COVID Origin Coverup Campaign Has Begun
David Frum is the first prominent journalist to fictionalize the debate over the origins of COVID, but he won’t be the last.
20 May 2021 ~~ By John Daniel Davidson
The Atlantic’s David Frum appears to be first out of the gate in what will likely become a coordinated, aggressive media campaign to defend the people and institutions that got the COVID-19 origin story wrong — and absolve them of all responsibility, however complicit they might be — and instead blame it all on Trump and his supporters.
It sounds stupid, I know, but it’s true. Frum thinks Trump and his tens of millions of supporters “are not interested in weighing the evidence” of the virus’s origins, and only want “payback for the political and cultural injuries inflicted on them by the scientists.” The whole thing, for them, is just “a weapon in a culture war here at home.”
If Trump and his supporters turn out to be right, then they’re right for the wrong reasons, says Frum. As Bret Weinstein noted, this is an attempt to “fictionalize the history” of the debate about COVID’s origins and “immunize” the corrupt people and institutions that were on the wrong side of that debate. (Frum, you have to admit, is the perfect person to lead the charge on this.)
The COVID Origin Debate Isn’t Going Away
The need for such a campaign has become apparent in recent days because the question of COVID’s origins isn’t going away. There are two main theories: either the virus naturally jumped from animal to humans, or it was being studied — and perhaps manipulated or enhanced — in a lab and accidentally escaped.
Who’s Afraid Of the Truth?
So why did the entire corporate media dismiss the lab leak theory as some crazy conspiracy theory last year? Well, because Trump and his supporters suggested it. When Sen. Tom Cotton last February had the temerity to note on Fox News that the virus emerged not far from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, The New York Times ran with the headline: “Senator Tom Cotton Repeats Fringe Theory of Coronavirus Origins.”

Now that prominent scientists like Redfield and others are saying such things, prominent journalists like Frum are scrambling to re-write the history of how their entire industry dismissed and demonized anyone who suggested COVID might have escaped from a lab.
Their hatred of Trump and his supporters made it impossible for them not to politicize the pandemic, to insist that COVID couldn’t have escaped from a lab, because that would benefit Trump and validate his supporters. And now it will prevent them from telling the truth when the truth eventually comes out. Just watch.

The Chinese Covid-19 hoax will go down as the greatest Biological warfare attack and hoax in history, designed to shut down the western world’s economy and usher in an evil socialist agenda...” Build back Better”, the much discussed and admitted “ Great Reset”, a very sinister and evil agenda, the worst part, Americans were scared right into it, they were played.....all for a virus that has a 99.8 percent survival rate.
Indeed, the coverup began when Chyna Joey Xi Bai Din did what the Chinese communists ordered him to do and change the name from Wuhan virus to covid-19 and to block all postings and posters of where it comes from.
All studies so far indicated that the Covid-19 Virus DID NOT COME from the wet meat market.
The fact remains that the Lab in Wuhan is and has been a Biological Warfare center run by the CCP military.

Even the CDC now admits that Covid could have come from a lab:

"Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky on Wednesday did not discount that Covid-19 could have originated in a laboratory, saying it “certainly” was “one possibility.”"

It is a good thread until one gets to your commentary and sees you engage in exactly the conspiratorial nonsense Frum is talking about. I'm open minded to the fact that COVID came from a Wuhan lab, but there is no evidence that it was purposely released to shutter the western world and usher in an "evil socialist agenda." That just makes you sound paranoid and stupid and takes away any credibility you may have had.
It is a good thread until one gets to your commentary and sees you engage in exactly the conspiratorial nonsense Frum is talking about. I'm open minded to the fact that COVID came from a Wuhan lab, but there is no evidence that it was purposely released to shutter the western world and usher in an "evil socialist agenda." That just makes you sound paranoid and stupid and takes away any credibility you may have had.
not even with the millions that barrag-o gave to that lab?
must be all legit
Just now? Hell, they've been promoting it since it occured to the District of Criminals inhabitants they could use it add another tool for keeping citizens divided to their bags full of lies that already tell-
It is a good thread until one gets to your commentary and sees you engage in exactly the conspiratorial nonsense Frum is talking about. I'm open minded to the fact that COVID came from a Wuhan lab, but there is no evidence that it was purposely released to shutter the western world and usher in an "evil socialist agenda." That just makes you sound paranoid and stupid and takes away any credibility you may have had.
Yet it is puzzling as to why the CCP halted all travel from Wuhan to other parts of China while not impeding international flights to other countries. It appears that they knew full well of the that the virus was created in Wuhan and that it was a deadly, transmissible virus.

If the knew of its deadliness, their releasing it into the rest of the world could definitely be construed as a deliberate act of biological warfare.
It is a good thread until one gets to your commentary and sees you engage in exactly the conspiratorial nonsense Frum is talking about. I'm open minded to the fact that COVID came from a Wuhan lab, but there is no evidence that it was purposely released to shutter the western world and usher in an "evil socialist agenda." That just makes you sound paranoid and stupid and takes away any credibility you may have had.
Yet it is puzzling as to why the CCP halted all travel from Wuhan to other parts of China while not impeding international flights to other countries. It appears that they knew full well of the that the virus was created in Wuhan and that it was a deadly, transmissible virus.

If the knew of its deadliness, their releasing it into the rest of the world could definitely be construed as a deliberate act of biological warfare.
I agree. Their reaction illustrates there was premeditation on their part. They intentionally infected the world and they should be held morally and financially responsible. .
it was a deadly, transmissible virus.

If the knew of its deadliness, their releasing it into the rest of the world could definitely be construed as a deliberate act of biological warfare.
It's no more deadly than any flu- that's the hoax- and the deadliness of a flu is dependent on the individual it effects- where it came from is important, but kind of not important- it is important to exacerbate the known enemy needs of gov't's- gov't's need enemies to grow their power and increase citizen dependence on the almighty, omnipotent, godvernment as the only defense to a fragile life- made more fragile by threats (real or perceived) by those susceptible to whatever the new enemy is who believe the elders in the many churches of godvernement- or old, in the case of blaming another gov't for all that is wrong with the locally governed-

Citizens are easily led to a slaughter, as are cattle (and sheep) because- they're susceptible to lies believed based on undeserved trust-

Gov't's start wars (not citizens), but, citizens fight wars- not gov't's- citizens are led to believe (through lies) that they are fighting for their Country, when, in reality they are fighting because their gov't's tell them they have an enemy- yet that enemy has done nothing to them, personally, but may have retaliated against a provocation by the citizens gov't-

Citizens forget, if they ever even knew, that when a finger is pointed, three are pointing back-
Incorrect, OP. The fictionalization began several years ago when commie Bat Lady Zhengli began to lie to the diplomats about trained personnel at the Wuhan lab. There are two important viral populations of COVID-19: one that made it into the lab, and one that is still at large in nature. COVID-19 has not been found in bats.
President Trump was right, and a lot of reporters look very funny with egg on their faces for saying Trump was racist and crazy. Reporters are supposed to have open minds and investigate. When you allow your political bias to influence your reporting, you're no longer a journalist. You're a political propaganda parrot.
It is a good thread until one gets to your commentary and sees you engage in exactly the conspiratorial nonsense Frum is talking about. I'm open minded to the fact that COVID came from a Wuhan lab, but there is no evidence that it was purposely released to shutter the western world and usher in an "evil socialist agenda." That just makes you sound paranoid and stupid and takes away any credibility you may have had.

For a year the left and their minions lied that the Wuhan Designer Virus® was "natural origin". Now we know that Dr. Mengele was promoting "gain of function" weaponizing of the virus. It makes not one fuck whether this was an escape, or if China deployed it against Hong Kong to end the pro-freedom protests (well, fucking DUH) or if the democrat Reich and China deployed a biological attack against America. China manufactured this bug - the Obama Reich and Mengele specifically funded the weaponizing of this bug. How it got in the wild is irrelevant to that point.

Your attempt to deflect and dismiss is flaccid.

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