The Melting Pot


Said every Know Nothing ever.
Just sticking your tongue out and making ugly faces is not an adult argument

The migrant invasion is bad for America because it introduces millions of unneeded poor people that drain government welfare from poor Americans

The Melting Pot​

The American immigrant experience of assimilation over time and generations is still functioning as it always has. It is an honor to watch it unfold again and again.
Who on earth quarrels with planned assimilation ?
Nobody is talking about that .
For you to confuse planned and unconsidered immigration and assimilation is either tragically dumb or deliberate misinformation .
They haven't yet.

Look around you? We live in a Police state. We are in danger of getting locked up if we stop a Black from beating a white lady to death. 7-11 clerks are shot daily by Brown street vermin or white junkies on Mexican black tar heroin.
Squatters can take you home thru the Libstain courts. They vote for it as they are promised the free stuff will keep rolling in. Until they get caught up in the Police state of course.

**Read your own BS link someday. Plenty of loopholes, hidden payments and agencie granted huge lump sums per Border jumper refugee lol! Don't forget the $5500 EBT card given at the Border per AZ Sheriff.

The U.S. Department of State also provides local resettlement agencies with a one-time payment of $2,375 per refugee — $1,275 of that amount can be used for critical needs such as rent, food and clothing, while the rest is earmarked to fund access to services such as cultural orientation, locating housing and legal help.

Refugees, people granted asylum and certain other groups may also be eligible for supplemental security income if, for example, they are aged 65 or older, blind or disabled. The maximum monthly SSI payment is $914 for an individual and $1,371 for a couple.

The Refugee Cash Assistance program provides people who do not have minor children with financial help to meet basic needs such as food, shelter and transportation, for up to 12 months. The amounts vary by location, but according to Gelatt, “seem to be under $1,000 for a couple, less for a single person.” In Washington state, for example, one person could receive $363 per month, while a married couple could receive $459.

Similarly, the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program provides financial support to families with minor children. These benefits, including the length of time they are available, also vary by state and family size, but Gelatt wrote that they “don’t reach $2,000/month, even for a very large family in a more-generous state.” For instance, a household with three children in New York could receive $698 per month for up to 60 months.

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