The Mess in Portland...


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Portland mayor stands by decision to allow antifa to block traffic, hassle motorists

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler came under fire over a viral video showing antifa protesters blocking traffic and harassing drivers, but he says he supports the decision by police to watch from a distance without getting involved.

“I was appalled by what I saw in the video, but I support the Portland Police Bureau’s decision not to intervene,” he said at a press conference. “This whole incident will be investigated.”

The video posted by journalist Andy C. Ngo showed protesters, including members of antifa and Black Lives Matter, blocking an intersection and attempting to direct traffic at while officers on motorcycle watched from a block away.

At one point, the activists chased down 74-year-old Kent Houser after he made a right turn against their wishes, pounding on his silver Lexus and breaking a window. The car sustained thousands of dollars in damage, he told the Oregonian.

Even so, Mr. Wheeler insisted that “motorists should feel completely safe coming into downtown Portland.”

Demonstrators did not obtain a permit before holding the Oct. 6 march to protest the death of Patrick Kimmons, a 27-year-old black man who was shot and killed Sept. 30 by police. The shooting is under investigation.

The mayor has been accused of taking a kid-gloved approach to the protests that routinely roil the liberal enclave, such as the summer occupation of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement building, which saw Portland police refuse to assist the immigration-enforcement officers unless they were in physical danger.

“This is the kind of street anarchy that routinely happens where I live,” tweeted Mr. Ngo.

More rioting broke out Saturday night as antifa activists brawled with protesters who turned out for a “flash march for law and order,” organized Patriot Prayer, a right-wing group.

Portland police made no arrests during the bloody melee, even though “officers observed people in possession of hard-knuckled gloves, firearms, batons and knives. Officers also observed people use pepper spray,” according to a department statement.

“Officers responded to the scene and used less lethal munitions to break up the fight and prevent further violence,” said Portland Police Bureau Chief Danielle Outlaw. “We will continue to investigate this incident and ask that anyone who was the victim of a crime to come forward and file a report.”

According to TV station KGW, four people received medical attention, but authorities did not know whether anyone was hospitalized.

Mr. Wheeler, who also holds the title of police commissioner, took a swipe at recent unflattering news coverage, such as a Fox News story headlined, “Mob rule? Leftist protesters take over Portland street.”

Ted Wheeler, Portland mayor, stands by decision to allow Antifa to block traffic

Another Democrat enables law breakers to cause chaos in his city! Mobs came out to protest and the mayors held police back again. Cars are being blocked while other protesters hit the cars and caused thousands of dollars in damage.

There is a law that states protesters must get a permit to protest. Of course that was not and the chaos continued through another weekend. Terry Wheeler, the incredibly stupid mayor did nothing to protect the citizens in this city.

"Portland police made no arrests during the bloody melee, even though “officers observed people in possession of hard-knuckled gloves, firearms, batons and knives. Officers also observed people use pepper spray,” according to a department statement."

Can you imagine working in the city of Portland and having to go through this every day?

Portland mayor stands by decision to allow antifa to block traffic, hassle motorists

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler came under fire over a viral video showing antifa protesters blocking traffic and harassing drivers, but he says he supports the decision by police to watch from a distance without getting involved.

“I was appalled by what I saw in the video, but I support the Portland Police Bureau’s decision not to intervene,” he said at a press conference. “This whole incident will be investigated.”

The video posted by journalist Andy C. Ngo showed protesters, including members of antifa and Black Lives Matter, blocking an intersection and attempting to direct traffic at while officers on motorcycle watched from a block away.

At one point, the activists chased down 74-year-old Kent Houser after he made a right turn against their wishes, pounding on his silver Lexus and breaking a window. The car sustained thousands of dollars in damage, he told the Oregonian.

Even so, Mr. Wheeler insisted that “motorists should feel completely safe coming into downtown Portland.”

Demonstrators did not obtain a permit before holding the Oct. 6 march to protest the death of Patrick Kimmons, a 27-year-old black man who was shot and killed Sept. 30 by police. The shooting is under investigation.

The mayor has been accused of taking a kid-gloved approach to the protests that routinely roil the liberal enclave, such as the summer occupation of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement building, which saw Portland police refuse to assist the immigration-enforcement officers unless they were in physical danger.

“This is the kind of street anarchy that routinely happens where I live,” tweeted Mr. Ngo.

More rioting broke out Saturday night as antifa activists brawled with protesters who turned out for a “flash march for law and order,” organized Patriot Prayer, a right-wing group.

Portland police made no arrests during the bloody melee, even though “officers observed people in possession of hard-knuckled gloves, firearms, batons and knives. Officers also observed people use pepper spray,” according to a department statement.

“Officers responded to the scene and used less lethal munitions to break up the fight and prevent further violence,” said Portland Police Bureau Chief Danielle Outlaw. “We will continue to investigate this incident and ask that anyone who was the victim of a crime to come forward and file a report.”

According to TV station KGW, four people received medical attention, but authorities did not know whether anyone was hospitalized.

Mr. Wheeler, who also holds the title of police commissioner, took a swipe at recent unflattering news coverage, such as a Fox News story headlined, “Mob rule? Leftist protesters take over Portland street.”

Ted Wheeler, Portland mayor, stands by decision to allow Antifa to block traffic

Another Democrat enables law breakers to cause chaos in his city! Mobs came out to protest and the mayors held police back again. Cars are being blocked while other protesters hit the cars and caused thousands of dollars in damage.

There is a law that states protesters must get a permit to protest. Of course that was not and the chaos continued through another weekend. Terry Wheeler, the incredibly stupid mayor did nothing to protect the citizens in this city.

"Portland police made no arrests during the bloody melee, even though “officers observed people in possession of hard-knuckled gloves, firearms, batons and knives. Officers also observed people use pepper spray,” according to a department statement."

Can you imagine working in the city of Portland and having to go through this every day?

You people are such pains in the ass, picking at this like a kid with a scab. Let it go, would you? It was not a big deal. Quit obsessing over it.
Simple recall is ineffective.
If my car was damaged during this melee, I would sue the city (OR THE mayor) for damage to my car, suffering an attack while he told the police not to intervene and encouraged lawlessness. I would also go on TV and encourage others to do the same!
Portland mayor stands by decision to allow antifa to block traffic, hassle motorists

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler came under fire over a viral video showing antifa protesters blocking traffic and harassing drivers, but he says he supports the decision by police to watch from a distance without getting involved.

“I was appalled by what I saw in the video, but I support the Portland Police Bureau’s decision not to intervene,” he said at a press conference. “This whole incident will be investigated.”

The video posted by journalist Andy C. Ngo showed protesters, including members of antifa and Black Lives Matter, blocking an intersection and attempting to direct traffic at while officers on motorcycle watched from a block away.

At one point, the activists chased down 74-year-old Kent Houser after he made a right turn against their wishes, pounding on his silver Lexus and breaking a window. The car sustained thousands of dollars in damage, he told the Oregonian.

Even so, Mr. Wheeler insisted that “motorists should feel completely safe coming into downtown Portland.”

Demonstrators did not obtain a permit before holding the Oct. 6 march to protest the death of Patrick Kimmons, a 27-year-old black man who was shot and killed Sept. 30 by police. The shooting is under investigation.

The mayor has been accused of taking a kid-gloved approach to the protests that routinely roil the liberal enclave, such as the summer occupation of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement building, which saw Portland police refuse to assist the immigration-enforcement officers unless they were in physical danger.

“This is the kind of street anarchy that routinely happens where I live,” tweeted Mr. Ngo.

More rioting broke out Saturday night as antifa activists brawled with protesters who turned out for a “flash march for law and order,” organized Patriot Prayer, a right-wing group.

Portland police made no arrests during the bloody melee, even though “officers observed people in possession of hard-knuckled gloves, firearms, batons and knives. Officers also observed people use pepper spray,” according to a department statement.

“Officers responded to the scene and used less lethal munitions to break up the fight and prevent further violence,” said Portland Police Bureau Chief Danielle Outlaw. “We will continue to investigate this incident and ask that anyone who was the victim of a crime to come forward and file a report.”

According to TV station KGW, four people received medical attention, but authorities did not know whether anyone was hospitalized.

Mr. Wheeler, who also holds the title of police commissioner, took a swipe at recent unflattering news coverage, such as a Fox News story headlined, “Mob rule? Leftist protesters take over Portland street.”

Ted Wheeler, Portland mayor, stands by decision to allow Antifa to block traffic

Another Democrat enables law breakers to cause chaos in his city! Mobs came out to protest and the mayors held police back again. Cars are being blocked while other protesters hit the cars and caused thousands of dollars in damage.

There is a law that states protesters must get a permit to protest. Of course that was not and the chaos continued through another weekend. Terry Wheeler, the incredibly stupid mayor did nothing to protect the citizens in this city.

"Portland police made no arrests during the bloody melee, even though “officers observed people in possession of hard-knuckled gloves, firearms, batons and knives. Officers also observed people use pepper spray,” according to a department statement."

Can you imagine working in the city of Portland and having to go through this every day?

You people are such pains in the ass, picking at this like a kid with a scab. Let it go, would you? It was not a big deal. Quit obsessing over it.
WHA???!!! Believing in protecting citizens from being asssaulted by mobs??? Are you serious? Let it go?!!!
We have laws for a reason. Honestly, what do you have in your brain? Nothing but worms?
Mayor gets recalled, and the idjits in Portland just put another moonbat freak in there..A waste of time.
The governor should step in. Watch their economy go down the drain, real estate will be a nightmare.
Portland as well as the whole state of Oregon are a lost cause. We might as well sell them off to China, along with California. That would eliminate some of our debt, and we could go back using all those 48-star flags stored away in the attics.
Mayor gets recalled, and the idjits in Portland just put another moonbat freak in there..A waste of time.
The governor should step in. Watch their economy go down the drain, real estate will be a nightmare.

Seriously, Trump should send in the federalies.

When you have LE looking on and pissing their pants over a group of beta cucks with sticks, it’s time for the varsity team to step in.

Portland police are absolute fucking cowards.
Seriously, Trump should send in the federalies.

When you have LE looking on and pissing their pants over a group of beta cucks with sticks, it’s time for the varsity team to step in.

Portland police are absolute fucking cowards.
Large formations of any troopers don't all stand down unless they're under orders to do so.

All the more reason to federalize, but I get your point, maybe they aren’t cowards, maybe they were told to act like cowards.

Try that shit in downtown would not go well for the cowards wearing bandannas.
Mayor gets recalled, and the idjits in Portland just put another moonbat freak in there..A waste of time.
The governor should step in. Watch their economy go down the drain, real estate will be a nightmare.

Seriously, Trump should send in the federalies.

When you have LE looking on and pissing their pants over a group of beta cucks with sticks, it’s time for the varsity team to step in.

Portland police are absolute fucking cowards.
The mayor is also the Police Commmissioner! The police don't have a say. What a crock of shit! I agree that Trump should take over.
Mayor gets recalled, and the idjits in Portland just put another moonbat freak in there..A waste of time.
The governor should step in. Watch their economy go down the drain, real estate will be a nightmare.

Seriously, Trump should send in the federalies.

When you have LE looking on and pissing their pants over a group of beta cucks with sticks, it’s time for the varsity team to step in.

Portland police are absolute fucking cowards.
The mayor is also the Police Commmissioner! The police don't have a say. What a crock of shit! I agree that Trump should take over.

When local LE has lost control, the Feds step in. It needs to happen in Portland.

Absolutely ridiculous that MOBS are harassing motorists in downtown Portland.

This isn’t fucking mad max fury road.
You people are such pains in the ass, picking at this like a kid with a scab. Let it go, would you? It was not a big deal. Quit obsessing over it.

That's sure telling them, Oldlady!!

Portland mayor stands by decision to allow antifa to block traffic, hassle motorists

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler came under fire over a viral video showing antifa protesters blocking traffic and harassing drivers, but he says he supports the decision by police to watch from a distance without getting involved.

“I was appalled by what I saw in the video, but I support the Portland Police Bureau’s decision not to intervene,” he said at a press conference. “This whole incident will be investigated.”

The video posted by journalist Andy C. Ngo showed protesters, including members of antifa and Black Lives Matter, blocking an intersection and attempting to direct traffic at while officers on motorcycle watched from a block away.

At one point, the activists chased down 74-year-old Kent Houser after he made a right turn against their wishes, pounding on his silver Lexus and breaking a window. The car sustained thousands of dollars in damage, he told the Oregonian.

Even so, Mr. Wheeler insisted that “motorists should feel completely safe coming into downtown Portland.”

Demonstrators did not obtain a permit before holding the Oct. 6 march to protest the death of Patrick Kimmons, a 27-year-old black man who was shot and killed Sept. 30 by police. The shooting is under investigation.

The mayor has been accused of taking a kid-gloved approach to the protests that routinely roil the liberal enclave, such as the summer occupation of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement building, which saw Portland police refuse to assist the immigration-enforcement officers unless they were in physical danger.

“This is the kind of street anarchy that routinely happens where I live,” tweeted Mr. Ngo.

More rioting broke out Saturday night as antifa activists brawled with protesters who turned out for a “flash march for law and order,” organized Patriot Prayer, a right-wing group.

Portland police made no arrests during the bloody melee, even though “officers observed people in possession of hard-knuckled gloves, firearms, batons and knives. Officers also observed people use pepper spray,” according to a department statement.

“Officers responded to the scene and used less lethal munitions to break up the fight and prevent further violence,” said Portland Police Bureau Chief Danielle Outlaw. “We will continue to investigate this incident and ask that anyone who was the victim of a crime to come forward and file a report.”

According to TV station KGW, four people received medical attention, but authorities did not know whether anyone was hospitalized.

Mr. Wheeler, who also holds the title of police commissioner, took a swipe at recent unflattering news coverage, such as a Fox News story headlined, “Mob rule? Leftist protesters take over Portland street.”

Ted Wheeler, Portland mayor, stands by decision to allow Antifa to block traffic

Another Democrat enables law breakers to cause chaos in his city! Mobs came out to protest and the mayors held police back again. Cars are being blocked while other protesters hit the cars and caused thousands of dollars in damage.

There is a law that states protesters must get a permit to protest. Of course that was not and the chaos continued through another weekend. Terry Wheeler, the incredibly stupid mayor did nothing to protect the citizens in this city.

"Portland police made no arrests during the bloody melee, even though “officers observed people in possession of hard-knuckled gloves, firearms, batons and knives. Officers also observed people use pepper spray,” according to a department statement."

Can you imagine working in the city of Portland and having to go through this every day?

You people are such pains in the ass, picking at this like a kid with a scab. Let it go, would you? It was not a big deal. Quit obsessing over it.
WHA???!!! Believing in protecting citizens from being asssaulted by mobs??? Are you serious? Let it go?!!!
We have laws for a reason. Honestly, what do you have in your brain? Nothing but worms?
There is no reason for a week of you folks being on your fainting couch over it. There was some minor inconvenience and minor damage. Leave it to hell alone.
Portland mayor stands by decision to allow antifa to block traffic, hassle motorists

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler came under fire over a viral video showing antifa protesters blocking traffic and harassing drivers, but he says he supports the decision by police to watch from a distance without getting involved.

“I was appalled by what I saw in the video, but I support the Portland Police Bureau’s decision not to intervene,” he said at a press conference. “This whole incident will be investigated.”

The video posted by journalist Andy C. Ngo showed protesters, including members of antifa and Black Lives Matter, blocking an intersection and attempting to direct traffic at while officers on motorcycle watched from a block away.

At one point, the activists chased down 74-year-old Kent Houser after he made a right turn against their wishes, pounding on his silver Lexus and breaking a window. The car sustained thousands of dollars in damage, he told the Oregonian.

Even so, Mr. Wheeler insisted that “motorists should feel completely safe coming into downtown Portland.”

Demonstrators did not obtain a permit before holding the Oct. 6 march to protest the death of Patrick Kimmons, a 27-year-old black man who was shot and killed Sept. 30 by police. The shooting is under investigation.

The mayor has been accused of taking a kid-gloved approach to the protests that routinely roil the liberal enclave, such as the summer occupation of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement building, which saw Portland police refuse to assist the immigration-enforcement officers unless they were in physical danger.

“This is the kind of street anarchy that routinely happens where I live,” tweeted Mr. Ngo.

More rioting broke out Saturday night as antifa activists brawled with protesters who turned out for a “flash march for law and order,” organized Patriot Prayer, a right-wing group.

Portland police made no arrests during the bloody melee, even though “officers observed people in possession of hard-knuckled gloves, firearms, batons and knives. Officers also observed people use pepper spray,” according to a department statement.

“Officers responded to the scene and used less lethal munitions to break up the fight and prevent further violence,” said Portland Police Bureau Chief Danielle Outlaw. “We will continue to investigate this incident and ask that anyone who was the victim of a crime to come forward and file a report.”

According to TV station KGW, four people received medical attention, but authorities did not know whether anyone was hospitalized.

Mr. Wheeler, who also holds the title of police commissioner, took a swipe at recent unflattering news coverage, such as a Fox News story headlined, “Mob rule? Leftist protesters take over Portland street.”

Ted Wheeler, Portland mayor, stands by decision to allow Antifa to block traffic

Another Democrat enables law breakers to cause chaos in his city! Mobs came out to protest and the mayors held police back again. Cars are being blocked while other protesters hit the cars and caused thousands of dollars in damage.

There is a law that states protesters must get a permit to protest. Of course that was not and the chaos continued through another weekend. Terry Wheeler, the incredibly stupid mayor did nothing to protect the citizens in this city.

"Portland police made no arrests during the bloody melee, even though “officers observed people in possession of hard-knuckled gloves, firearms, batons and knives. Officers also observed people use pepper spray,” according to a department statement."

Can you imagine working in the city of Portland and having to go through this every day?

You people are such pains in the ass, picking at this like a kid with a scab. Let it go, would you? It was not a big deal. Quit obsessing over it.
WHA???!!! Believing in protecting citizens from being asssaulted by mobs??? Are you serious? Let it go?!!!
We have laws for a reason. Honestly, what do you have in your brain? Nothing but worms?
There is no reason for a week of you folks being on your fainting couch over it. There was some minor inconvenience and minor damage. Leave it to hell alone.

Ignore the cancer and let it grow.

Bad strategy.

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