The message in all this carnage......Leave the Muslim community to themselves!!

"The message in all this carnage......Leave the Muslim community to themselves!!"

No, the message is: don't blame an entire religion for the criminal acts of the few.

The Paris attacks were not carried out by a 'religion,' they were committed by terrorists who misappropriated and misrepresent Islam.

Sounds like the Democratic Party platform for 2016.

Go with that. Please, go with that. :)
Comments like yours reveal why sane Americans laugh at the far right.

A Hawk doesn't concern itself with the opinions of snakes.
I recommend this video as response:

Her video agrees with me - 75% of the Muslim people are peaceful. Yes, the other 25% being dedicated to our destruction is significant - I agree, Lipush. It still doesn't negate the fact that the Jesuit run U.N. is driving the agenda. Why are they driving it? The Roman Empire is being resurrected. Right before your very eyes. While your eyes are on their front organization (Islamist terrorists and the religion of Islam) you fail to realize that Rome has precedent of having used Muslims from the very beginning. Furthermore, the Jesuits had their own agents involved in the politics of Israel from the day it was reborn. Why do think Moshe Dayan gave the Temple Mount back to the Arabs? Why did your own leader - a Jesuit named Shimone Perez - tell the world he wanted Pope Francis to become the spiritual leader (with unquestioned authority) of the United Nations? This is all going somewhere and you should realize that the Vatican never gave up their dream of taking Jerusalem for their headquarters. Their using the Muslims to get it for them. Just as they did centuries ago. What the Jesuits failed to do with their League of Nations (which they also founded) they have accomplished through renaming it "The United Nations". Welcome to reality. Rome is not your friend. They are your very worst enemy.
"They" are a small faction of crazy Sunni extremists, who do not represent Islam, any more than our small faction of crazy social conservatives religionists represent Christianity.
"The message in all this carnage......Leave the Muslim community to themselves!!"

No, the message is: don't blame an entire religion for the criminal acts of the few.

The Paris attacks were not carried out by a 'religion,' they were committed by terrorists who misappropriated and misrepresent Islam.

Sounds like the Democratic Party platform for 2016.

Go with that. Please, go with that. :)
Comments like yours reveal why sane Americans laugh at the far right.

A Hawk doesn't concern itself with the opinions of snakes.
You are a chicken hawk and a poor one at that.
No, the message is: Develop an actual winning strategy! I say recede from the region and take all our foreign aid with us, forcing the Middle East countries in the surrounding area to have some skin in the game. Tie any aid to the involvement of their boots on the ground in Iraq & Syria, not ours. Pretty simple. Or do we honestly want to send 200,000 soldiers back over there just to lose another guerrilla war our military was never designed to defeat?

We've doubled our oil & gas production the last 6 years. We rely less and less on ME oil every day.

In the time of the American Civil War, if a 3rd party asshole had started bombing everyone from the sky, they'd have become the north and south's common target.

This is a fight they need to be having, but we just keep getting in the way. We need to focus on our own security and counter-terrorism efforts at home and how to best promote our values abroad, which would mean a more covert approach, imho. Don't use 200,000 soldiers when it only takes a couple of undercover agents take out bad guys on the down low all over the world.
By all means, don't send 200,000 Americans to the middle east. Instead bring 2,000,000 fighters from the middle east here. There, problem solved.
You can not win a war, when people have nothing to lose. It didn't work in Vietnam and it won't work now!! You can not fight ideology...its in the brain and you can't erase it with a drone, war ships or guns.

Color me surprised. Another statement of surrender by a progressive multiculturalist.
So you`re heading for France to join the battle? Don`t forget to write!

Already in the area and in the business.

Carry on, asshole.

LOLOLOL...sure your in the area, Paris, Arkansas....LOLOLOLOL
"The message in all this carnage......Leave the Muslim community to themselves!!"

No, the message is: don't blame an entire religion for the criminal acts of the few.

The Paris attacks were not carried out by a 'religion,' they were committed by terrorists who misappropriated and misrepresent Islam.

Ya ever hear of a thing, called Life? Its okay to clump all blacks together when thugs get a bad rap. It was okay back in 1942 to imprison American Japanese. Its okay to do this....but God forbid you find fear and loathing for a group that abandon their women to flee oppression, treat their women like shit, who have no problem blowing themselves up for a cause, who can turn on dime to an extreme nut...No, lets not clump them all together...gotcha!!

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