The middle-class American family saw the largest income boost on record last year

income boost from what? .Incomes have been stagnate for a long time. We also have almost 100 million working age adults out of the workforce.

Oh, I see. They've been effectively stagnant for some time, and now that they've actually gone up in a real way, you're dismayed by that too. Gotcha.
incomes have been stagnate for Obama's entire term. 4 months before he leaves office, they go up a little, and you cheer like the little sheep you are:slap:

Well, you and others may want an overnight solution. I can understand why one would. The reality is that these sorts of things take time to bear fruit.

Another reality is that Obama's budgets and policies will still be "doing their thing" for several years after he leaves office. That's the same thing that happens with every new Presidential term of office. They all have to deal for roughly two years with the "left overs" of the person who preceded them. We're now beginning to see his Administration's decisions work out to the benefit of the American people.

Whoever takes office after him will benefit or suffer from the progress Mr. Obama initiated. In this case, we are seeing the economy show real strength and recovery. That's going to continue through 2017 even though Obama will have left office. What will matter in measuring the next President is what happens in 2019 and beyond.
income boost from what? .Incomes have been stagnate for a long time. We also have almost 100 million working age adults out of the workforce.

Oh, I see. They've been effectively stagnant for some time, and now that they've actually gone up in a real way, you're dismayed by that too. Gotcha.
incomes have been stagnate for Obama's entire term. 4 months before he leaves office, they go up a little, and you cheer like the little sheep you are:slap:

Well, you and others may want an overnight solution. I can understand why one would. The reality is that these sorts of things take time to bear fruit.

Another reality is that Obama's budgets and policies will still be "doing their thing" for several years after he leaves office. That's the same thing that happens with every new Presidential term of office. They all have to deal for roughly two years with the "left overs" of the person who preceded them. We're now beginning to see his Administration's decisions work out to the benefit of the American people.

Whoever takes office after him will benefit or suffer from the progress Mr. Obama initiated. In this case, we are seeing the economy show real strength and recovery. That's going to continue through 2017 even though Obama will have left office. What will matter in measuring the next President is what happens in 2019 and beyond.

Trump can get rid of Obama's job killing executive orders immediately,:cool:
The middle-class American family saw the largest income boost on record last year

In 2015, the median household earned $56,500, adjusted for inflation, according to the US Census Bureau (pdf). In real terms, that’s equal to a $2,800 rise compared with 2014’s median household income—growth of more than 5%.

Of course, this likely won’t influence Donald Trump much given that the GOP nominee just said the information we get about the US economy is a sham. Plus, his supporters tend to feel more economic anxiety, even though they’re generally better off than non-supporters.

For everyone else, though, today’s data suggest that America isn’t quite the hellhole of drudgery that Trump insists it is.


See? It's not really the economy when Republicans, who are 90% white, are talking about when they say the country is dying. When they say "take our country back", it's really about "race"

Hold it right there, Princess. The loony left brigade has been whining about the plight of the poor, downtrodden middle class for years here. Now the same loony left boasts that the avg mid-classer is not only making strides (without union help) but is making over $56,000/yr?

WTF? So which is it? Are they just the slaves of the elite or a vibrant, productive, fairly-paid part of the American economic fabric?
Sigh. No one said "average".

Median vs. Average
The median of a set of numbers is that number where half the numbers are lower and half the numbers are higher. In the case of real estate, that means that the median is the price where half the homes sold that month were cheaper, and half were more expensive.

The average of a set of numbers is the total of those numbers divided by the number of items in that set. The median and the average might be close and they might not.

It all depends on the numbers.


Here are 11 fictional home prices.

  1. $100,000
  2. $101,000
  3. $102,000
  4. $103,000
  5. $104,000
  6. $105,000
  7. $106,000
  8. $107,000
  9. $650,000
  10. $1,000,000
  11. $3,000,000
The median price of these 11 homes is $105,000. Five homes were lower priced and five homes were higher priced.

The average price of these 11 homes is $498,000. That's what you get if you add up all those prices and divide by 11.

What a difference! When you are looking at home prices, make sure you know whether the numbers are averages or medians. Both numbers provide good information, but they have different implications.

Median and Average are the Same Things, Right?

Consider this a "teaching moment".

Well, if you really want to debate semantics, what you are calling "average" is actually only one type of average. :slap:

There are three types of averages: Mode, median, and mean. Your explanation is the "mean" average. A median average is that value which is falls in the middle of a data set. A mode average is the value which appears with greatest frequency in the data set.

Kindly PM me with your contact information so that I may invoice you for this tutoring session.
I'm not sure I care since I brought up median and you brought up average.
It's like saying "Rose and Flower". One is a specific flower and the other could mean anything. Even not special.
The middle-class American family saw the largest income boost on record last year

In 2015, the median household earned $56,500, adjusted for inflation, according to the US Census Bureau (pdf). In real terms, that’s equal to a $2,800 rise compared with 2014’s median household income—growth of more than 5%.

Of course, this likely won’t influence Donald Trump much given that the GOP nominee just said the information we get about the US economy is a sham. Plus, his supporters tend to feel more economic anxiety, even though they’re generally better off than non-supporters.

For everyone else, though, today’s data suggest that America isn’t quite the hellhole of drudgery that Trump insists it is.


See? It's not really the economy when Republicans, who are 90% white, are talking about when they say the country is dying. When they say "take our country back", it's really about "race"
How much more did YOU make in 2015 than in 2014?
About ten grand. A couple of months ago I retired. The company had orders to downsize. I was going to retire at the end of the year anyway so I asked to be one of the ones let go and they gave me 30 weeks of full salary and insurance. Hopefully I saved someone elses job. When HR told me I was going, I was so happy. I told her I wanted to dance. She was shocked. She said everyone else cried. That will take me into the end of February. I decided not to apply for unemployment. I got two calls for job offers. I was afraid if I went on any interviews I might get hired and it was only about four hundred a week. Not enough to bother with. I tell everyone I retired. If they talk to me more than a minute I mention it. I haven't used my alarm clock since July.

More downsizing in Obama's economy..Not good
Not really. The nature of the company I worked at. I don't want to say what I did because it's possible dangerous right wingers who also live in Chicago could figure out who I am.
The company does business that supports aerospace and the auto industry. When business is good, these companies tend to spend less on R&D but when business isn't doing as well, they spend more on R&D so when business picks up, they have newer and better products to sell. It's been that way for, oh, forever. So working at a company that goes through cycles, there are times they hire more and times when they lay people off. But when they lay off workers, it's usually during a time of low unemployment, which, of course, would be the best time to be laid off if it's going to happen.
Like I said, I had two job offers without even looking. Over the years, I've had a lot of job offers. That's what comes from working in a small but highly skilled profession.

America has near record 5.8 million job openings

Republicans want to fight immigrants over jobs requiring very little qualifications. To me, the obvious answer is to develop skills. To Republicans, it's fighting for the poorest paying jobs no one wants.
So you're comparing a niche industry to non-niche indiustries.
Dumb much?
Not really. Niche industries lead or lag industry. But it's not independent. Try to figure out why.
The middle-class American family saw the largest income boost on record last year

In 2015, the median household earned $56,500, adjusted for inflation, according to the US Census Bureau (pdf). In real terms, that’s equal to a $2,800 rise compared with 2014’s median household income—growth of more than 5%.

Of course, this likely won’t influence Donald Trump much given that the GOP nominee just said the information we get about the US economy is a sham. Plus, his supporters tend to feel more economic anxiety, even though they’re generally better off than non-supporters.

For everyone else, though, today’s data suggest that America isn’t quite the hellhole of drudgery that Trump insists it is.


See? It's not really the economy when Republicans, who are 90% white, are talking about when they say the country is dying. When they say "take our country back", it's really about "race"

Hold it right there, Princess. The loony left brigade has been whining about the plight of the poor, downtrodden middle class for years here. Now the same loony left boasts that the avg mid-classer is not only making strides (without union help) but is making over $56,000/yr?

WTF? So which is it? Are they just the slaves of the elite or a vibrant, productive, fairly-paid part of the American economic fabric?
Sigh. No one said "average".

Median vs. Average
The median of a set of numbers is that number where half the numbers are lower and half the numbers are higher. In the case of real estate, that means that the median is the price where half the homes sold that month were cheaper, and half were more expensive.

The average of a set of numbers is the total of those numbers divided by the number of items in that set. The median and the average might be close and they might not.

It all depends on the numbers.


Here are 11 fictional home prices.

  1. $100,000
  2. $101,000
  3. $102,000
  4. $103,000
  5. $104,000
  6. $105,000
  7. $106,000
  8. $107,000
  9. $650,000
  10. $1,000,000
  11. $3,000,000
The median price of these 11 homes is $105,000. Five homes were lower priced and five homes were higher priced.

The average price of these 11 homes is $498,000. That's what you get if you add up all those prices and divide by 11.

What a difference! When you are looking at home prices, make sure you know whether the numbers are averages or medians. Both numbers provide good information, but they have different implications.

Median and Average are the Same Things, Right?

Consider this a "teaching moment".

Well, if you really want to debate semantics, what you are calling "average" is actually only one type of average. :slap:

There are three types of averages: Mode, median, and mean. Your explanation is the "mean" average. A median average is that value which is falls in the middle of a data set. A mode average is the value which appears with greatest frequency in the data set.

Kindly PM me with your contact information so that I may invoice you for this tutoring session.
I'm not sure I care since I brought up median and you brought up average.
It's like saying "Rose and Flower". One is a specific flower and the other could mean anything. Even not special.
I believe I asked you if you made more in 2015 than 2014 and you haven't yet replied.
How much more did YOU make in 2015 than in 2014?
About ten grand. A couple of months ago I retired. The company had orders to downsize. I was going to retire at the end of the year anyway so I asked to be one of the ones let go and they gave me 30 weeks of full salary and insurance. Hopefully I saved someone elses job. When HR told me I was going, I was so happy. I told her I wanted to dance. She was shocked. She said everyone else cried. That will take me into the end of February. I decided not to apply for unemployment. I got two calls for job offers. I was afraid if I went on any interviews I might get hired and it was only about four hundred a week. Not enough to bother with. I tell everyone I retired. If they talk to me more than a minute I mention it. I haven't used my alarm clock since July.

More downsizing in Obama's economy..Not good
Not really. The nature of the company I worked at. I don't want to say what I did because it's possible dangerous right wingers who also live in Chicago could figure out who I am.
The company does business that supports aerospace and the auto industry. When business is good, these companies tend to spend less on R&D but when business isn't doing as well, they spend more on R&D so when business picks up, they have newer and better products to sell. It's been that way for, oh, forever. So working at a company that goes through cycles, there are times they hire more and times when they lay people off. But when they lay off workers, it's usually during a time of low unemployment, which, of course, would be the best time to be laid off if it's going to happen.
Like I said, I had two job offers without even looking. Over the years, I've had a lot of job offers. That's what comes from working in a small but highly skilled profession.

America has near record 5.8 million job openings

Republicans want to fight immigrants over jobs requiring very little qualifications. To me, the obvious answer is to develop skills. To Republicans, it's fighting for the poorest paying jobs no one wants.
So you're comparing a niche industry to non-niche indiustries.
Dumb much?
Not really. Niche industries lead or lag industry. But it's not independent. Try to figure out why.
You can't compare career opportunities but it IS true that a niche can collapse overnight.
income boost from what? .Incomes have been stagnate for a long time. We also have almost 100 million working age adults out of the workforce.

Oh, I see. They've been effectively stagnant for some time, and now that they've actually gone up in a real way, you're dismayed by that too. Gotcha.
incomes have been stagnate for Obama's entire term. 4 months before he leaves office, they go up a little, and you cheer like the little sheep you are:slap:

Well, you and others may want an overnight solution. I can understand why one would. The reality is that these sorts of things take time to bear fruit.

Another reality is that Obama's budgets and policies will still be "doing their thing" for several years after he leaves office. That's the same thing that happens with every new Presidential term of office. They all have to deal for roughly two years with the "left overs" of the person who preceded them. We're now beginning to see his Administration's decisions work out to the benefit of the American people.

Whoever takes office after him will benefit or suffer from the progress Mr. Obama initiated. In this case, we are seeing the economy show real strength and recovery. That's going to continue through 2017 even though Obama will have left office. What will matter in measuring the next President is what happens in 2019 and beyond.

Trump can get rid of Obama's job killing executive orders immediately,:cool:
Can you give us some examples? Are they the same ones that have given us 78 straight months of economic growth?
income boost from what? .Incomes have been stagnate for a long time. We also have almost 100 million working age adults out of the workforce.

Oh, I see. They've been effectively stagnant for some time, and now that they've actually gone up in a real way, you're dismayed by that too. Gotcha.
incomes have been stagnate for Obama's entire term. 4 months before he leaves office, they go up a little, and you cheer like the little sheep you are:slap:

Well, you and others may want an overnight solution. I can understand why one would. The reality is that these sorts of things take time to bear fruit.

Another reality is that Obama's budgets and policies will still be "doing their thing" for several years after he leaves office. That's the same thing that happens with every new Presidential term of office. They all have to deal for roughly two years with the "left overs" of the person who preceded them. We're now beginning to see his Administration's decisions work out to the benefit of the American people.

Whoever takes office after him will benefit or suffer from the progress Mr. Obama initiated. In this case, we are seeing the economy show real strength and recovery. That's going to continue through 2017 even though Obama will have left office. What will matter in measuring the next President is what happens in 2019 and beyond.

Trump can get rid of Obama's job killing executive orders immediately,:cool:
Can you give us some examples? Are they the same ones that have given us 78 straight months of economic growth?
under 2% growth isn't growth, it's pathetic. Obama's economy is a joke, propped up by the fed
Oh, I see. They've been effectively stagnant for some time, and now that they've actually gone up in a real way, you're dismayed by that too. Gotcha.
incomes have been stagnate for Obama's entire term. 4 months before he leaves office, they go up a little, and you cheer like the little sheep you are:slap:

Well, you and others may want an overnight solution. I can understand why one would. The reality is that these sorts of things take time to bear fruit.

Another reality is that Obama's budgets and policies will still be "doing their thing" for several years after he leaves office. That's the same thing that happens with every new Presidential term of office. They all have to deal for roughly two years with the "left overs" of the person who preceded them. We're now beginning to see his Administration's decisions work out to the benefit of the American people.

Whoever takes office after him will benefit or suffer from the progress Mr. Obama initiated. In this case, we are seeing the economy show real strength and recovery. That's going to continue through 2017 even though Obama will have left office. What will matter in measuring the next President is what happens in 2019 and beyond.

Trump can get rid of Obama's job killing executive orders immediately,:cool:
Can you give us some examples? Are they the same ones that have given us 78 straight months of economic growth?
under 2% growth isn't growth, it's pathetic. Obama's economy is a joke, propped up by the fed
Unless it goes on and on and on and on over many years. Then it becomes consistent and safe.
incomes have been stagnate for Obama's entire term. 4 months before he leaves office, they go up a little, and you cheer like the little sheep you are:slap:

Well, you and others may want an overnight solution. I can understand why one would. The reality is that these sorts of things take time to bear fruit.

Another reality is that Obama's budgets and policies will still be "doing their thing" for several years after he leaves office. That's the same thing that happens with every new Presidential term of office. They all have to deal for roughly two years with the "left overs" of the person who preceded them. We're now beginning to see his Administration's decisions work out to the benefit of the American people.

Whoever takes office after him will benefit or suffer from the progress Mr. Obama initiated. In this case, we are seeing the economy show real strength and recovery. That's going to continue through 2017 even though Obama will have left office. What will matter in measuring the next President is what happens in 2019 and beyond.

Trump can get rid of Obama's job killing executive orders immediately,:cool:
Can you give us some examples? Are they the same ones that have given us 78 straight months of economic growth?
under 2% growth isn't growth, it's pathetic. Obama's economy is a joke, propped up by the fed
Unless it goes on and on and on and on over many years. Then it becomes consistent and safe.
And when has THAT ever happened.
There WILL be a crash and the Middle Class will finally be gone.
About ten grand. A couple of months ago I retired. The company had orders to downsize. I was going to retire at the end of the year anyway so I asked to be one of the ones let go and they gave me 30 weeks of full salary and insurance. Hopefully I saved someone elses job. When HR told me I was going, I was so happy. I told her I wanted to dance. She was shocked. She said everyone else cried. That will take me into the end of February. I decided not to apply for unemployment. I got two calls for job offers. I was afraid if I went on any interviews I might get hired and it was only about four hundred a week. Not enough to bother with. I tell everyone I retired. If they talk to me more than a minute I mention it. I haven't used my alarm clock since July.

More downsizing in Obama's economy..Not good
Not really. The nature of the company I worked at. I don't want to say what I did because it's possible dangerous right wingers who also live in Chicago could figure out who I am.
The company does business that supports aerospace and the auto industry. When business is good, these companies tend to spend less on R&D but when business isn't doing as well, they spend more on R&D so when business picks up, they have newer and better products to sell. It's been that way for, oh, forever. So working at a company that goes through cycles, there are times they hire more and times when they lay people off. But when they lay off workers, it's usually during a time of low unemployment, which, of course, would be the best time to be laid off if it's going to happen.
Like I said, I had two job offers without even looking. Over the years, I've had a lot of job offers. That's what comes from working in a small but highly skilled profession.

America has near record 5.8 million job openings

Republicans want to fight immigrants over jobs requiring very little qualifications. To me, the obvious answer is to develop skills. To Republicans, it's fighting for the poorest paying jobs no one wants.
So you're comparing a niche industry to non-niche indiustries.
Dumb much?
Not really. Niche industries lead or lag industry. But it's not independent. Try to figure out why.
You can't compare career opportunities but it IS true that a niche can collapse overnight.
Any company, depending on the circumstances can collapse overnight.

Say you sell a printer (this is only an example, it's not about printers) that only uses special paper and special ink. The paper and the ink are patented and no one else can make them. The printer can print 5 thousand pages in 5 seconds. The ink never smears and only runs out once a year. These printers are so good that everyone wants them. Every business owns one.

The printer becomes much more than a product. It has become a revenue stream. So even if the economy goes south and the printers are no longer being bought for a while, the revenue stream from every printer that's being used keeps the company afloat. So the company downsizes. But they do it carefully. Like I said, they develop new products so that means Engineering is probably untouched, unless, like me, an engineer announces he is retiring in a few months. Otherwise, they unload redundant jobs so they don't get rid of the skills they are going to need to pass on to new workers when the market improves. I've already been though this a half dozen times, at least, over 37 years.
If business is really, really slow, like what the GOP did to the economy at the end of Bush's term, they might even have technicians and other skilled workers painting the walls and the floors of the factory. And doing landscaping. But that was only one time.
More downsizing in Obama's economy..Not good
Not really. The nature of the company I worked at. I don't want to say what I did because it's possible dangerous right wingers who also live in Chicago could figure out who I am.
The company does business that supports aerospace and the auto industry. When business is good, these companies tend to spend less on R&D but when business isn't doing as well, they spend more on R&D so when business picks up, they have newer and better products to sell. It's been that way for, oh, forever. So working at a company that goes through cycles, there are times they hire more and times when they lay people off. But when they lay off workers, it's usually during a time of low unemployment, which, of course, would be the best time to be laid off if it's going to happen.
Like I said, I had two job offers without even looking. Over the years, I've had a lot of job offers. That's what comes from working in a small but highly skilled profession.

America has near record 5.8 million job openings

Republicans want to fight immigrants over jobs requiring very little qualifications. To me, the obvious answer is to develop skills. To Republicans, it's fighting for the poorest paying jobs no one wants.
So you're comparing a niche industry to non-niche indiustries.
Dumb much?
Not really. Niche industries lead or lag industry. But it's not independent. Try to figure out why.
You can't compare career opportunities but it IS true that a niche can collapse overnight.
Any company, depending on the circumstances can collapse overnight.

Say you sell a printer (this is only an example, it's not about printers) that only uses special paper and special ink. The paper and the ink are patented and no one else can make them. The printer can print 5 thousand pages in 5 seconds. The ink never smears and only runs out once a year. These printers are so good that everyone wants them. Every business owns one.

The printer becomes much more than a product. It has become a revenue stream. So even if the economy goes south and the printers are no longer being bought for a while, the revenue stream from every printer that's being used keeps the company afloat. So the company downsizes. But they do it carefully. Like I said, they develop new products so that means Engineering is probably untouched, unless, like me, an engineer announces he is retiring in a few months. Otherwise, they unload redundant jobs so they don't get rid of the skills they are going to need to pass on to new workers when the market improves. I've already been though this a half dozen times, at least, over 37 years.
If business is really, really slow, like what the GOP did to the economy at the end of Bush's term, they might even have technicians and other skilled workers painting the walls and the floors of the factory. And doing landscaping. But that was only one time.

I have an acquaintance who went through that EXACT scenario with Xerox.
Well, you and others may want an overnight solution. I can understand why one would. The reality is that these sorts of things take time to bear fruit.

Another reality is that Obama's budgets and policies will still be "doing their thing" for several years after he leaves office. That's the same thing that happens with every new Presidential term of office. They all have to deal for roughly two years with the "left overs" of the person who preceded them. We're now beginning to see his Administration's decisions work out to the benefit of the American people.

Whoever takes office after him will benefit or suffer from the progress Mr. Obama initiated. In this case, we are seeing the economy show real strength and recovery. That's going to continue through 2017 even though Obama will have left office. What will matter in measuring the next President is what happens in 2019 and beyond.

Trump can get rid of Obama's job killing executive orders immediately,:cool:
Can you give us some examples? Are they the same ones that have given us 78 straight months of economic growth?
under 2% growth isn't growth, it's pathetic. Obama's economy is a joke, propped up by the fed
Unless it goes on and on and on and on over many years. Then it becomes consistent and safe.
And when has THAT ever happened.
There WILL be a crash and the Middle Class will finally be gone.
Well, it's happened over the last 78 months. That's over 6 years. That's a long time of sustained growth.

But the middle class won't "be gone". It will adjust. Technicians will become the new middle class. Think about it. When you take your car in to be serviced, now a days, the car is hooked up to a computer system for the tune up.
If you work at a dairy farm, much of it is automated. And I mean really automated.

It's not coming. It's already happened.
More downsizing in Obama's economy..Not good
Not really. The nature of the company I worked at. I don't want to say what I did because it's possible dangerous right wingers who also live in Chicago could figure out who I am.
The company does business that supports aerospace and the auto industry. When business is good, these companies tend to spend less on R&D but when business isn't doing as well, they spend more on R&D so when business picks up, they have newer and better products to sell. It's been that way for, oh, forever. So working at a company that goes through cycles, there are times they hire more and times when they lay people off. But when they lay off workers, it's usually during a time of low unemployment, which, of course, would be the best time to be laid off if it's going to happen.
Like I said, I had two job offers without even looking. Over the years, I've had a lot of job offers. That's what comes from working in a small but highly skilled profession.

America has near record 5.8 million job openings

Republicans want to fight immigrants over jobs requiring very little qualifications. To me, the obvious answer is to develop skills. To Republicans, it's fighting for the poorest paying jobs no one wants.
So you're comparing a niche industry to non-niche indiustries.
Dumb much?
Not really. Niche industries lead or lag industry. But it's not independent. Try to figure out why.
You can't compare career opportunities but it IS true that a niche can collapse overnight.
Any company, depending on the circumstances can collapse overnight.

Say you sell a printer (this is only an example, it's not about printers) that only uses special paper and special ink. The paper and the ink are patented and no one else can make them. The printer can print 5 thousand pages in 5 seconds. The ink never smears and only runs out once a year. These printers are so good that everyone wants them. Every business owns one.

The printer becomes much more than a product. It has become a revenue stream. So even if the economy goes south and the printers are no longer being bought for a while, the revenue stream from every printer that's being used keeps the company afloat. So the company downsizes. But they do it carefully. Like I said, they develop new products so that means Engineering is probably untouched, unless, like me, an engineer announces he is retiring in a few months. Otherwise, they unload redundant jobs so they don't get rid of the skills they are going to need to pass on to new workers when the market improves. I've already been though this a half dozen times, at least, over 37 years.
If business is really, really slow, like what the GOP did to the economy at the end of Bush's term, they might even have technicians and other skilled workers painting the walls and the floors of the factory. And doing landscaping. But that was only one time.

if you have crony government funding failing companies, your scenario doesn't work. Solyndra got 500 million dollars, then went belly up, and the crony executives still got paid

Trump can get rid of Obama's job killing executive orders immediately,:cool:
Can you give us some examples? Are they the same ones that have given us 78 straight months of economic growth?
under 2% growth isn't growth, it's pathetic. Obama's economy is a joke, propped up by the fed
Unless it goes on and on and on and on over many years. Then it becomes consistent and safe.
And when has THAT ever happened.
There WILL be a crash and the Middle Class will finally be gone.
Well, it's happened over the last 78 months. That's over 6 years. That's a long time of sustained growth.

But the middle class won't "be gone". It will adjust. Technicians will become the new middle class. Think about it. When you take your car in to be serviced, now a days, the car is hooked up to a computer system for the tune up.
If you work at a dairy farm, much of it is automated. And I mean really automated.

It's not coming. It's already happened.

I'm all for automation.
Technicians will be Business Visas from India...count on it.
income boost from what? .Incomes have been stagnate for a long time. We also have almost 100 million working age adults out of the workforce.

Oh, I see. They've been effectively stagnant for some time, and now that they've actually gone up in a real way, you're dismayed by that too. Gotcha.
incomes have been stagnate for Obama's entire term. 4 months before he leaves office, they go up a little, and you cheer like the little sheep you are:slap:

Well, you and others may want an overnight solution. I can understand why one would. The reality is that these sorts of things take time to bear fruit.

Another reality is that Obama's budgets and policies will still be "doing their thing" for several years after he leaves office. That's the same thing that happens with every new Presidential term of office. They all have to deal for roughly two years with the "left overs" of the person who preceded them. We're now beginning to see his Administration's decisions work out to the benefit of the American people.

Whoever takes office after him will benefit or suffer from the progress Mr. Obama initiated. In this case, we are seeing the economy show real strength and recovery. That's going to continue through 2017 even though Obama will have left office. What will matter in measuring the next President is what happens in 2019 and beyond.
The Obama fail will end in under 24 hours of Trump.....:lol:
income boost from what? .Incomes have been stagnate for a long time. We also have almost 100 million working age adults out of the workforce.

Oh, I see. They've been effectively stagnant for some time, and now that they've actually gone up in a real way, you're dismayed by that too. Gotcha.
incomes have been stagnate for Obama's entire term. 4 months before he leaves office, they go up a little, and you cheer like the little sheep you are:slap:

Well, you and others may want an overnight solution. I can understand why one would. The reality is that these sorts of things take time to bear fruit.

Another reality is that Obama's budgets and policies will still be "doing their thing" for several years after he leaves office. That's the same thing that happens with every new Presidential term of office. They all have to deal for roughly two years with the "left overs" of the person who preceded them. We're now beginning to see his Administration's decisions work out to the benefit of the American people.

Whoever takes office after him will benefit or suffer from the progress Mr. Obama initiated. In this case, we are seeing the economy show real strength and recovery. That's going to continue through 2017 even though Obama will have left office. What will matter in measuring the next President is what happens in 2019 and beyond.
The Obama fail will end in under 24 hours of Trump.....:lol:
You pay attention to 320?
I use him to catch a nap.
income boost from what? .Incomes have been stagnate for a long time. We also have almost 100 million working age adults out of the workforce.

Oh, I see. They've been effectively stagnant for some time, and now that they've actually gone up in a real way, you're dismayed by that too. Gotcha.
incomes have been stagnate for Obama's entire term. 4 months before he leaves office, they go up a little, and you cheer like the little sheep you are:slap:

Well, you and others may want an overnight solution. I can understand why one would. The reality is that these sorts of things take time to bear fruit.

Another reality is that Obama's budgets and policies will still be "doing their thing" for several years after he leaves office. That's the same thing that happens with every new Presidential term of office. They all have to deal for roughly two years with the "left overs" of the person who preceded them. We're now beginning to see his Administration's decisions work out to the benefit of the American people.

Whoever takes office after him will benefit or suffer from the progress Mr. Obama initiated. In this case, we are seeing the economy show real strength and recovery. That's going to continue through 2017 even though Obama will have left office. What will matter in measuring the next President is what happens in 2019 and beyond.
The Obama fail will end in under 24 hours of Trump.....:lol:
You pay attention to 320?
I use him to catch a nap.

He's like a little cat toy full of catnip to me.....useless, but endless entertainment....:lol:

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